
FE:AR Mercury [GiglameshDespair]

Jun 22nd, 2016
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  1. Name: Mercury
  2. Class: Knight
  3. Affinity: Anvil
  4. Character Specific Skill: Charisma
  5. Class Skill: Hold the Line, Armoured
  7. Personal Fault: Exchange of Ills: Poison lasts 2 more turns when applied to this character.
  8. Personal Skill: Grit thy Teeth: When an enemy in combat has more STR than MAG, +2 DEF
  9. Personal Skill: Steel thy Soul: When an enemy in combat has more MAG than STR, +2 RES
  10. \ Personal Skill: ???
  12. Preferred stats: DEF, HP
  13. Proficiency: Thrust (C), Swords (D)
  14. Progression spent: 330%/330%
  16. HP: 22 (45%)
  17. STR: 5 (50%)
  18. MAG: 0 (00%)
  19. SKL: 3 (50%)
  20. LUK: 1 (20%)
  21. DEF: 9 (45%)
  22. RES: 0 (60%) +2
  23. SPD: 2 (60%) +2
  25. CON: 9
  26. AID: 8
  27. MOV: 4
  29. Levels:
  31. Current Stats:
  33. HP: 22 (45%)
  34. STR: 5 (50%)
  35. MAG: 0 (00%)
  36. SKL: 3 (50%)
  37. LUK: 1 (20%)
  38. DEF: 9 (45%)
  39. RES: 2 (60%)
  40. SPD: 4 (60%)
  42. CON: 9
  43. AID: 8
  44. MOV: 4
  46. Supports:
  48. Inventory:
  49. Name Type (-) RNG WT MT HIT CR QL
  50. Iron Blade Crsh (E) 1 8 9 70 0 45
  51. Iron Knife Side (E) 1-2 5 4 90 0 40
  52. Vulnerary (3/3) Heals 10 HP for 3 Rounds, 1/2 Healed each Round
  53. -
  54. -
  56. Battle Stats (Iron Blade)
  57. AT: 14
  58. Hit: 76
  59. AS: 4
  60. Eva: 9
  61. Crt: 1
  62. DG: 1
  64. Battle Stats (Iron Knife)
  65. AT: 9
  66. Hit: 96
  67. AS: 4
  68. Eva: 9
  69. Crt: 1
  70. DG: 1
  72. Backstory (3):
  73. - Mercury was born to an esteemed family (and a different name) in Uxanin, but she was a strange child, knowing things she shouldn't, learning things she wasn't taught. Being blind was no hindrance. She disturbed her mother terribly, and eventually she was sent away to live with others. She spent almost all of her time being read ancient story-books in the library of the mansion there.
  74. - She lived (and was studied) briefly in Gregnar as a child, with distant family in-laws, where her talents as a seer were recognised and she learned a way to focus magic inwards. She'd never cast a spell, but her flesh would be strong as iron.
  75. - She came back to live in her home nation, Uxanin, and made her talents available. Unfortunately, this may have caught the wrong attention...
  77. Beliefs (3):
  78. - Uxanin must end up united if it is to prosper as a nation.
  79. - That while she sees the future, it can be changed for good or worse.
  80. - The idea that one weapon is always superior is a silly, outdated notion, and demonstrably false.
  82. Goals (3):
  83. - Unite Uxanin.
  84. - Gain safety and security for herself.
  85. - To discover the reason why she is a seer.
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