
Axis' Rasp

Jul 20th, 2013
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  1. >You are Axis
  2. >The most beta bat pony who ever lived
  3. >Would that make you a. . . Bata pony?
  4. >Fuck it, never mind, that was horrid
  5. >Anyway, you are not beta--bata?--because of looks (although you aren't really a stunner in that department either)
  6. >No, you're beta because you can't screech
  7. >It's not your fault, you were just born with poor vocal cords
  8. >So while all the other alpha batponies are screeching their heads off getting all the chicks, all you're emitting is a pathetic rasp
  9. >Like a dying old man
  10. >Really, it's sad
  11. >You're in the prime of you're life and you've never gotten laid, and unfortunately, it doesn't look like that's gonna change
  13. >You're walking through the woods one moonlit night, thinking about that delicious unattainable bat poon(y, lel get it)
  14. >When suddenly a chorus of screeching breaks out deeper in the forest
  15. >Someone who didn't know any better would think there was a battalion of obnoxious cats brutally slaughtering each other out there
  16. >But you're not that someone, and you know those to be the screeches of lusty batponies
  17. >Why must they torture you like this? Always flaunting their superior, non-deformed vocal chords
  18. >You heave a brooding sigh
  19. >You reach the origin of the screeches, and see a dozen males competing in a clearing
  20. >That's more than usual, there must be an orgy imminent
  21. >From where you are, you'd guess there are about thirty females hanging back in the trees, evaluating the competitors
  22. >One comes up to you, a really cute one
  24. >"Why aren't you out there?" she asks. "Who knows, you might get some." She winks
  25. "N-no, I can't screech," you respond, head lowered, avoiding eye contact
  26. >"Oh." She sounds disappointed.
  27. >You bet she'd do you, if only you had stronger pipes
  28. >She turns and retreats back into the trees
  29. >You look at her as she goes away
  30. >Damn that's a nice ass
  31. >If only your parent's hadn't passed inferior genes onto you
  32. >They always had regretted it as well, preferring your siblings over you, up until the day you left
  33. >Descending more and more into depression, you look out at the clearing.
  34. >And then it happens
  36. >A circle of flame bursts up at random in the center of the clearing, and in the center of the circle, a star
  37. >All the males cease screeching and leap back from it
  38. >And then a lump rises from the ground in the middle of the star, slowly
  39. >It rises higher, and it is revealed that the lump is a head, though smaller than a ponies
  40. >The head rises, and a neck is revealed, and then shoulders
  41. >It is now obvious this figure is much different from a pony
  42. >Its forelegs, if they can be called that, are placed directly at it's side, and its posture is straight
  43. >It keeps on ascending, it is very tall
  44. >When it stops, it stands at over six feet on two legs
  45. >The flames dim--though the symbol remains burned onto the ground--and the creatures features become apparent
  46. >It wears clothes, strangely
  47. >It has long, thick hair, coming down over two piercing green eyes
  48. >And a full, glorious beard that goes down past its chest
  49. >A deathly silence falls over the wood
  51. >The thing raises its arms to the sky, opens its mouth and. . .
  52. >Let's out the loudest, most powerful, most terrific growl ever heard in Equestria
  53. >The leaves rustle audibly at the might of it, and the ground seems to shake
  54. >And the roar keeps pouring forth, only becoming louder, more powerful
  55. >It is obvious that this creature has vocal cords, diaphragm and lungs made of some sort of flexible steel
  56. >There is no other explanation for this oh so BRUTAL growl
  57. >And just when you think it's reached its peak, it gets even louder
  58. >The male batponies' ears start to bleed, they writhe on the ground in pain
  59. >The ones that manage to gather their bearings fly away, the rest slink back into woods with hooves pressed against their ears
  60. >And it has a much different effect on the females
  61. >Their genitals are soaked, dripping in juices
  62. >They lick their lips, pupils dilated at the sight of this strange being, that screeches (technically growls) like no other
  64. >The effect on you isn't the same as that on the other males, and certainly not on the females
  65. >You are terrified, but don't fly away
  66. >You are paralyzed with fear
  67. >So you open your mouth
  68. >And scream
  69. >Not a normal scream. Your vocal chords have not magically repaired themselves
  70. >No, the rasp is still there, just with more volume
  71. >You cannot scream as loud as the creature, but you're fearful yell comes very close
  72. >The result is something that is similar to the growl, but is at a much higher pitch
  73. >And so the thing's growl and your rasp echo throughout the forest in harmony
  74. >Shit was SO brutal, yo
  75. >It continues for what seems like minutes, and then you run out of breath
  76. >The creature stops not long after you
  78. >It stares at you for a while
  79. >And then steps out of the circle towards you
  80. >It walks right up to you and kneels down
  81. >And now you're gazing into those cold green eyes, they're just inches away
  82. "W-What are you?" you squeak
  83. >The thing emits a series of short growls, much quieter this time
  84. >They vary in pitch and are broken by interruptions of the tongue, which you figure to be consenants
  85. >Those are words! It is trying to communicate with you!
  86. "I-I'm sorry, I can't understand."
  87. >The thing looks away for a moment and coughs several times. When it speaks again, it is clearly
  88. >"My name is Johan Hegg," it says in a deep baritone
  89. >There is silence, until it speaks again
  90. >"Those are quite the pipes you got their. Very impressive. You could be a metal vocalist. Maybe not death metal, it's not deep enough. But black-metal for sure."
  91. >You nod and say thank you, though you have no idea what he is talking about
  93. >You hear a slight rustling. You look towards the source, and see the girl who came up to you before walking timidly out into the clearing
  94. >She's looking right at you
  95. >"I-I really liked your screech," she says. "Maybe you could come back to my place? O-Or I could go to yours, whatever you want."
  96. >And then another female bursts from the trees
  97. >"Hey back off, he's mine!" she yells
  98. >"No way whore!" yet another screams
  99. >And then one screeches, and the shit hits the fan
  100. >Suddenly there's three dozen female batponies in the clearing screeching their heads off hoping to impress you
  101. >Johan Hegg stands up and laughs a laugh that can somehow be heard over all the screeching
  102. >His eye twinkles, he smiles warmly
  103. >The fire rises again, but this time none of the competitors notice
  104. >Johan moves towards it
  105. >Before stepping into the flames, he turns towards you and winks
  106. >He enters the circle, and descends back to whence he came
  107. >Leaving all these chicks fighting over you
  108. >Fucking Johan
  110. Le fin.
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