
The Caesar Chronicles Part 4: Caesar is not Smashable

Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. Sept WK4 1061
  3. It's here, The Official Rank A Cup! There's plenty of media coverage here as people pack themselves into the arena to watch the event. Me and Milliam walk to the arena as the crowd applaud us, it's been a good year for me and her as we did pretty well in the Rank B Circuit and won that Cup. Rank A is much, MUCH harder with the like of Dio's Shiva(Dragon/Dragon) and Kamui's Goatrek(Zilla/Zilla) here, As well as Charlotte and Hailfall who improved a lot from Rank D to now...At the moment, I was looking around for a certain duo, Charlotte seem to have noticed and walk up to me.
  5. "Soleil, what's wrong?"
  6. "I think they're coming here...."
  7. "Who?"
  9. Before I can answered, I feel his Alpha Aura directed at me and smell him coming before I see him, I had to make sure I didn't fall right there as Jalen and Rhiannon with Caesar finally enter the ring as the final entrants. I heard a scoff from Dio behind me....My old Ex seem to hold great distain for them as he come to me and Charlotte.
  11. "Look at these fools, they think they can just rest in Rank A all year long and make the Official Rank A Cup their 1st cup in Rank A? I'll show them to learn their place with Shiva..."
  12. "Geez Dio, you haven't changed one bit over the years..."~~Charlotte if you couldn't tell by the context~~
  13. "..."
  14. "Why are you sweating, woman? Are you missing my presence in your life? Maybe if you kneel and beg for forgiveness, I'll think about taking you back!"
  15. "1st of all, you broke up with me for some floozy on the street when I wouldn't have sex with you on that night, nevermind me being fucking tired from my ranching! 2nd off, you're a fucking dumb piece of shit like your brother, Siegbert! Who, btw, had his Chariot injured by that Hare as well!"
  16. "I know that, woman! Which is why I shall crush them here!! No one tarnish the Brando name and get away with it!!!
  18. I scoff as I look over to where the siblings are, Rhiannon have mitts on and have Caesar punch them while Jalen look over, he glances my way and wave. I suddenly feel the need to speak to him...All the while Dio is calling out to me.
  21. I didn't answered as I found myself walking towards them,but before I could speak to them.. Dio grab my arm and sniff me...he soon have a look of rage and accusation.
  23. "Who the hell did you slept with!?!"
  25. At this Charlotte have a raised eyebrow as I yank my hand from him and smirk as I point to Jalen who wasn't looking at me no more
  27. "I didn't slept with anyone, but I DID found a cooler Alpha than you...."
  28. The look on his face as he connected the dots made it all the more cooler as he snarls with a face of rage.
  30. "Tch! Whatever, No one will never satisfied you like Dio did...Even with this news, My rage towards that bastard grows...."
  32. He walks away to his dragon and prepare for the tourney as does Charlotte and me.
  34. We are all in our own dugouts now going through the usual introductions as The jumbotron comes on and show the 1st match...and of all things, my match is with them! As Rhiannon stays in the dugout and cheer Jalen and Caesar, Jalen walks to the arena as he look out to me and nod...I nod back slowly as I Walk out there as well.
  36. "Hmph, Don't lose to scum like them!"
  37. "Shut it Dio!....You got this, Soleil. All of Milliam's training led to this moment since Rank D, you got this!"
  38. "Yeah...Yeah I can do this!"
  40. I nod to myself as me and Milliam get on the field with Milliam on the arena with Caesar before her...Jalen on the sidelines as well with Rhiannon cheering her brother on as Charlotte does the same for me...I hear my name from the crowd and look up, there's my brother cheering me on as well! I don't know whether it's for me to win or cause he dislike Jalen...but it's nice of him I suppose.
  42. The bell is about to ring out as Milliam cracks her knuckles...lightning crackles between her hands as she gear up for a quick attack while Caesar get into a stance...
  44. ^BEGIN!^
  45. "LIGHTNING!"
  46. "Dodge and Rolling Blow!"
  48. It all happened so fast and sudden....As Milliam charges up a wide spread of lightning and shoot it towards Caesar, he dodged every zap of bolt with crazy speed and agility and then leap with a speed and threw out a back blow with such force that when she got hit, Milliam stood in place as the fist hit her stomach...she slowly lay down on the floor KO'ED....once again, as usual....the crowd was silent...They wanted to see a tight and close battle...instead as the winner was announced in 2 seconds with Milliam being carried off the stage to my dugout to get healed up(Thankfully she wasn't injured) they saw a match befitting of Caesar....This time, I wasn't even too mad as I saw this coming and even if I tried to get the 1st blow in...Caesar literally beat Milliam to the punch.
  50. I went to the dugout and sat next to a healing Milliam eating a Max Tomato to get ready...I heard Dio call out "PATHETIC" to my performance and Charlotte defending me, I didn't care as I look at the ground...My thoughts revolved around my conversation with him from a year hands rest on my face and breath hard..I didn't even look at the matches with Shiva beating Hailfall and Goatrek bodyslamming Sharkin(Naga/Gali) and Lamsweet(Mocchi/Mocchi) barely beating Caplan(Ducken/Ducken)
  52. The next round is between Shiva and Caesar...Immediately Dio began to volley every insult towards Caesar and his breeders with Shiva taunting the rabbit, Rhiannon grits her teeth and curse him back as Jalen stand there with his arms crossed...The TV crew have a time covering every bad word..
  54. "You 3 are the (CENSORED) pack of (CENSORED) I've ever seen! Shiva will gladly (CENSORED) your (CENSORED) Hare up!"
  57. Soon the match begins and Shiva open up with a Flying Combo, flying towards Caesar and struggling to hit a monster that's far faster than he is...he back off and use Fire Breath to cover the area where Caesar dodge them flames by running to the back of Shiva! Shocking Dio as he wasn't prepare for that speed, Shiva turn around and seems to be out of guts judging by his hard breathing...
  59. "SHIVA, USE BITE!"
  61. As Shiva runs towards Caesar with his mouth open...Jalen issued an order
  63. "Now! Bang!"
  65. Caesar stomps the ground and I shit you not, You can watch the vids again after this, but it was like he was moving towards Shiva while standing still with afterimages behind him with a odd sound behind him as well....he then press his palm on Shiva's stomach and then walk away...Shiva was confused as Dio who shake it off and commanded for an attack
  69. But as Shiva took a step...he was blown back by an explosion to the walls!!!! The smoke clear from the impact to the wall and clear up to reveal Shiva KO'ED....Dio practically foams at the mouth from salt at this
  72. "No, your dragon is shit and you're shit as well"
  74. There's that attitude again whenever someone accuse him of cheating, Seems Drugs are a soft spot for both Jalen and Rhiannon who's being held back by Jalen from assaulting Dio(Can't help but notice his hands on her tits there). Regardless, Shiva is taken care of as Milliam beats Hailfall in a close battle and the other matches goes on with me not caring
  76. The next couple of rounds go by fast...Caesar OHKOing Sharkin with a Rolling Blow to the stomach(Blood shot up from that poor Naga's mouth...and he was deemed too injured to go on for the rest of the tourney) Shiva loses to Goatrek which is odd cause Shiva have a big record against the Zilla...Apparently Caesar did a number on him as well, Milliam beats Lamsweet and Hailfall beats Caplan(Who seems pre-occupied with Caesar and is scared shitless...)
  79. The next match is Caesar vs Goatrek...I would say this was a David vs Goliath match(a legendary battle where a Hopper overcame big odds to beat a Golem), but much to no one's surprise, Caesar is the heavy favorite in this, which upset Goatrek's breeder, Kamui who stomp her barefeet(HOW DOES SHE DO IT IN AUTUMN!!?!?)
  81. "I'll prove to you all that no one shall look down on me!"
  83. Meanwhile, Rhiannon is whispering to Jalen as she gestures towards Kamui with a wanting look?...He nods and turn back to the match as the bell sounds off...Right after that, Goatrek tried to Roll Assault to Caesar to crush him.....but Caesar stops him with ONE FUCKING HAND WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!? EVERYONE IS SHOCKED AT THIS(EXCEPT OFC HIS BREEDERS)
  85. "what"~~Kamui~~
  86. "Impossible..."~~Dio~~
  87. "Oh fuck, this is gonna be brutal is it?"~~Charlotte~~
  88. "(God has cursed us foolish mortals with his angel of death and war, Caesar.....)"~~Caplan speaking in monster language~~
  90. I felt my pussy getting wet as Caesar push Goatrek back to uncurl him from his ball and then press his palm to his...
  92. "Oh god pussy can't take this"~~Soleil~~
  93. "NOT LIKE THIS! NOT! LIKE! THIS!"~~Charlotte~~
  94. "That Hare isn't normal...~~Dio~~
  95. "WAIT, WHAT THE FU-"~~Kamui~~
  97. THANKFULLY, Caesar didn't do what we thought he was gonna do and blow that Zilla's nuts off with Bang...he did aim it to his belly and activated it, severely hurting the Zilla who was struggling to stand up tall, but then one Hard-Straight to his FUCKING NUTS, THAT EVIL HARE DID IT!!! Goatrek had a face pf pure agony as he fall on his back holding his nuts...crying...
  101. Kamui falls on her knees in anger before getting up and heading to the medical staff with her Zilla being carried off(By a truck, no less..As Rhiannon walk over to Kamui and give her a card...she look at it and pocket it with a scowl as Rhiannon fistpumps)Meanwhile, the matches goes on...Milliam beats Shiva, Hailfall beats Lamsweet, and Caplan just take the W from Sharkin who's out...Next Round starts with Lamsweet being Smashed(NOT IN THAT WAY, YOU FUCKING PERVS!) by Caesar in her stomach, not even her soft body could cushion the blow as she too is injured...blood leaking out of her mouth, at this point, the crowd is in awe, fear, and even respect for Caesar's power....Their breeders are spoken with the same respect and fear....Charlotte comes to me with a calm look
  103. "I'm not having Hailfall fight him"
  104. "Huh?"
  105. "Look at him"
  107. I turn my head to see Hailfall chugging Water after Water like he did years ago in the Rank D cup, shaking his head in fear as he doesn't want to relive that moment with Caesar....I look over and see Caplan squawking uncontrollably as well...seems his breeders will give up as well...meaning
  109. "Another win for Caesar..."
  110. "Yeah....That hare....those breeders..."
  111. "....They're amazing"
  113. My face slowly flushes as I come to terms with my feelings for Jalen...all this time of me wanting to speak to him was just to be at his side....As the tourney winds down with Caesar taking the gold...I knew one thing...
  115. "I have to go wash my panties...they're soaking wet"
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