

Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. The Chronicles of Daisy: Episode One
  2. By
  3. Sunflower-Kun
  4. I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form
  6. The gunge tank belonging to the Celadon Gym occupied a place of honor in the minds and heart of all of her students. Most of whom had seen countless defeated trainers being lead down the flag stoned paved path and with shaking legs motioning the white washed steps and with a baited breath being lead into the clear four plastic walls. A loud click would then seal there fate and with gloved hand upon the level and a smile upon her face the mistress of the hall a middle age raven head named Erika will release a soaking rain of sakura pinkish gunge.
  8. A loud cheer will arise from the gathered trainer and specters. Now having been totally defeated and humiliated, the trainer will have to brave the long, walk to the showers if that mercy had been granted before hand and if not it was a good mile and a half walk at best to the nearest Pokemon center. If one was skilled in navigating the maze like layout of the crowed city.
  10. Daisy took a deep, deep breath as she peered toward the fable gung tank. Part of her was cursing her own charitable heart that had allowed her to offer her service for this little fund raiser of Mistress Erika. The goal was simple and the objective clear, the goal was to raise money for group trip in the Orange Islands and the objective was to spread the word as far as Pewter City.
  12. A small table had been laided before odd look contraption, upon the table rested several large jars, the jars where a good four feet in height and a good inch and a half around the mouth. Seven of these such containers could be seen sitting upon the table. If one was to take a closer look one would find a collection of silver, copper and gold coins with wads of half folded larger bills stuck half hazard around. The snow pile of coins.
  14. These where donations, donations that soon will be pooled together.
  16. A small lump formed in her throat as she started up the white washed steps, a ghost of the smile formed upon her lips as she noticed somebody had taken the creative haste of writing her name upon the surface in a bright orange and yellow color.
  18. “Your quite popular with the votes it seems,” Said a voice from behind her. The voice had a soft melody tone about it, the tempo was soft and each word seemed to have been measured and weighed. But despite its soft angelic quality there was a firm sense of commandership to it.
  20. Quickly Daisy spun upon the heel of her shoes as quickly turned around to face the source of the sudden voice. As soon as she fully turned around the picture of Erika’s face came into view, quickly she locked eyes with her and a sudden chill passed over her body as she peered into her light brown eyes. Long locks of sapphire blue hair framed the shape of her face and soft sakura pink headband added a girlish touch to a otherwise perfectly mature look.
  22. “Yes, I knew you would be a little afraid, maybe scared but its for a good cause, your showing your true colors and your true loyalty to the gym. I think maybe you should be reward for your efforts, yes we’ll have to fine something to reward you with.” She said titling her head to the side and offering a soft smile toward Daisy.
  24. The young student was taken back by the kind words that poured from her mentors mouth, slowly she felt her lips twisting and bending into a pleasant smile that would match the one given to her. A few minutes of silence then passed and only sound to be heard was the whooshing of blades of the fan as it turned the air.
  28. “Reward?” Daisy said a few seconds passed before she felt the heat rise in her high cheekbones coloring them from a ghostly white to a warm pink color. Her heart felt warm and a comforting feeling seemed to spread from the tips of her toes the end of her fingernails.
  30. “Yes, something to make up for your forth coming public humiliation.” Whispered Erika as she strolled toward the stage, the bottom half of her kimono swished back and forth the only sound to be heard was the clapping of her flat part of her tradition sandals.
  32. “Hey!” Cried Daisy peering toward her mentor as she quickly dashed toward her, “I have a question to ask you before the show gets started.”
  34. It took a few minutes for the message to travel through the air and for the vibrating words to reach Erika’s ears. Quickly she paused and with a quick twirl she was standing before her young student. She gave the young women a puzzled look before she took a few steps toward her to close the distances a bit.
  36. “When did gym leaders first start using the gunge as a form of punishment for defeated trainers?” She said peering toward the mistress of the halls with her deep coco brown eyes. There was a air of commandership about her and it filled every word whispered from her voice.
  38. “Fourteen years ago, though the practice is found more in Kanto and the Orange Islands than say Johto, or Hoenn. Though last time I checked there where a gyms that used it.” She said in a very serene tone of voice. And with that she vanished from Daisy’s sight.
  40. ***
  42. The stadium was filled to the rafters with people from all walks of life, many of them where mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, fathers, uncles, aunts and cousins of students of the gym. The main event of the night would be counting of the money and the chosen trainer being lead toward the gunge tank. It was clear from the large amount of overflowing coins that Daisy had been chosen. Many of the other ones had withdrawn there offer and had offered there collected money to the younger ones cause. This in turn had caused a vast increase in the support being shown for Daisy.
  44. “Well welcome, welcome all.” Echoed a females voices as she strolled onto stage, she was dressed in a very flashy and show worthy outfit you could say, it was clear by the mature look about her face and the way her body fitted every curve of the short black dress she wore with matching pumps she was a just pass those crazy teenage years, old enough to be a teacher and yet still young enough to be considered a member of the gang as the old phase would go.
  46. A rolling thunder of clapping hands filled the air as the young women danced across the stage, many of the onlookers where pleased not only with her upbeat personality but stunning show dress she wore. The novice performer smiled and soaked in the cheer rising from the on looking crowd.
  48. “Yes, yes, yes, we love you too.” She said smiling softy as she peered toward the many smiling faces, “Anyway I’m pleased to say we ascended are goal, and soon we the girls of the Celadon Gym will heading toward the Oregon Islands.” She hollowware in to the microphone
  50. The gathered crowds jumped to there feet and clapped and whistled and openly displayed signs of glee and jubilee. The thunders applause last for a good two minutes before finally dying down.
  52. “Now, without further adue, please welcome are young star of the show, the rising star of the gym, Miss. Daisy Jeanette Bell! Come on girl and get your pigtail wearing self up on stage and take a bow.” Cried the spokes women as she pointed toward the gathered crowed.
  56. Daisy could only blink as the round orbs of light cast by the stage lights fell upon her, lighting up the space around, curios onlookers stood there with looks of puzzlement sketched clearly upon there face. Other had there hands lifted as if to conceal there giggling and smirks from the young women.
  58. “Well come on up sweet pea,” Cried the spokes women as she offered Daisy a good natured smile as she made a beaconing jester toward her. Slowly she drew in a deep breath as she smoothed out the wrinkles in her light cotton summers dress, and with a sense of doom she started toward the center of stage, as she walked she felt a deep blush cross her face as she felt the eyes of what seemed like a million people all zooming onto her. The faint whispers of young teenage boys sizing her up like a piece of beef at the marked severed only to increase her blushing and made her wish she could haul off and give a bloody noise the lewd minded fellow.
  60. “Now, sweet pea,” She the spokes women walking over to Daisy and wrapping her arm around her shoulder and bringing her toward the center of the stage, “I think you why we called you up here for,” She said hopping to increase the blush that now colored her face.
  62. “Yes,” Spoke Daisy into the microphone, “I have a pretty good idea,” She said smiling softy as she peered sea of faces.
  64. “Well, we’ve wasted enough time,” She said walking over to the clear phone booth like structure that sat in the center of the stage. Slowly she stepped inside and took a seat under the dripping hopper that was placed over her head, a few tiny droplets of gunge seeped through the cracks in the container and gave her a foreshadowing of the things to come.
  66. With tension mounting, the show women walked over to the level that would released the torrent of pink slime from the hopper onto Daisy’s head. “Now on a count of three!” She called out as she tuned her ears to the loud count down that was sure to follow.
  68. “One!” Came the defining cry, “Two!” Was the chant that followed it up and finally a eardrum splitting, “Three!” Ushered from the voices as the lever was thrown and the waterfall of gooey mess rain downed from above and soaked her through and through. For a second thirty seconds Daisy could only see pink as her shoulders and hair took the blunt of the assault.
  70. “Come on guys give her a round of applause,”
  72. And so it was to the tune of a thousand clapping hands that one of the most humiliating nights of Daisy’s life drew to a close. Little did she know this would not be only encounter she would have with this stable of children’s Saturday morning programs.
  74. The End.
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