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Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. 21.56.01| <lover_boy> you woant me back thats wa it is
  2. 21.56.09| <lover_boy> dont lie tisha
  3. 21.56.29| <lover_boy> ?????????????
  4. 21.57.06| <04KittyKat> Nope.
  5. 21.57.18| <lover_boy> yer right
  6. 21.57.28| <lover_boy> dont lie
  7. 21.57.32| <04KittyKat> I want my other Aussie back.
  8. 21.57.38| <lover_boy> dont ya dear lie
  9. 21.57.42| <lover_boy> i no him
  10. 21.57.49| <04KittyKat> Lmao. What's his name?
  11. 21.57.52| <lover_boy> hes he with me
  12. 21.57.59| <04KittyKat> Lmao. What's his name?
  13. 21.58.19| <lover_boy> i dont no he said he wonted to met me
  14. 21.58.21| <lover_boy> true
  15. 21.58.26| <lover_boy> as god
  16. 21.58.37| <04KittyKat> Lmao. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  17. 21.58.42| <04KittyKat> Where abouts are you?
  18. 21.58.48| <lover_boy> home
  19. 21.58.50| <lover_boy> why
  20. 21.58.57| <lover_boy> hes comeing over
  21. 21.58.59| <04KittyKat> Which is in Austrailia?
  22. 21.59.04| <lover_boy> yeep
  23. 21.59.06| <04KittyKat> And when is he coming?
  24. 21.59.20| <lover_boy> hes not hes on the fone to me
  25. 21.59.31| <lover_boy> he dosant like you
  26. 21.59.36| <lover_boy> trust me
  27. 21.59.43| <lover_boy> i swer to god
  28. 22.00.05| <04KittyKat> Right. Where is he?
  29. 22.00.17| <lover_boy> not telling you
  30. 22.00.27| <04KittyKat> Because you're lying.
  31. 22.00.34| <lover_boy> watever
  32. 22.00.38| <lover_boy> hes at home
  33. 22.00.49| <lover_boy> trust me he works with me
  34. 22.00.59| <04KittyKat> Considering he lives in Canada, and is currently in FLORIDA
  35. 22.01.17| <lover_boy> lol watever
  36. 22.01.20| <lover_boy> you say
  37. 22.01.28| <lover_boy> he moved back hear
  38. 22.01.41| <04KittyKat> Nope.
  39. 22.01.57| <lover_boy> watever tisha
  40. 22.02.04| <lover_boy> i swear to god
  41. 22.02.13| <lover_boy> he over hear
  42. 22.02.26| <04KittyKat> God must not be that important to you. Because my ex and I are super close.
  43. 22.02.43| <lover_boy> watever
  44. 22.02.48| <lover_boy> bra
  45. 22.04.13| <lover_boy> i no in my hear you woant be together so get over it looser
  46. 22.04.17| <lover_boy> lollol
  47. 22.04.53| <lover_boy> i no ya lieing
  48. 22.04.58| <04KittyKat> I'm not.
  49. 22.05.14| <lover_boy> watever pigs ass
  50. 22.06.46| <lover_boy> you may go to church but i no ya lieing
  51. 22.07.00| <04KittyKat> I don't go to church. And I don't lie, either.
  52. 22.07.22| <lover_boy> watever we all lie dickhead
  53. 22.07.37| <lover_boy> get a life low life
  54. 22.08.45| <lover_boy> its true wat iam saying
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