
Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. #
  2. # Ssh agent initialisation script
  3. #
  4. # Description:
  5. #   If there is running an ssh-agent already with your username then $SSH_AGENT_PID en $SSH_AUTH_SOCK will be set to the correct variables.
  6. #   Otherwise this script will run a new ssh-agent and add your id_rsa file to it. And again set the variables needed.
  7. #
  8. # Version:  1.0
  9. # Author:   Dieter Castel
  10. # License:  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
  11. #           See: for more info.
  13. # Variables:
  14. #   You can change this paths as you wish but they must remain absolute for ssh-agent.
  15. #   WARNING: before changing the paths consider the remove lines: rm -f "$scriptpath" and rm -f -r "$socket".
  16. #
  17. #   Location of the script that is created when this script first runs.
  18. scriptpath=~/.ssh/
  19. #   Socket you want the agent to run on.
  20. socket=~/.ssh-sock
  21. #   Location of the keyfile. Change if you want to use an other keyfile.
  22. keyfile=~/.ssh/id_rsa
  25. echo "Will initialize ssh-agent for following user: $USER"
  27. # Function that will initialize a new ssh agent.
  28. function init_new_ssh_agent {
  29.     echo "No running ssh-agent for your login."
  30.     #No running ssh-agent.
  31.     #Remove old files and directories.
  32.     rm -f "$scriptpath"
  33.     rm -f -r "$socket"
  34.     #Make ssh-agent on the socket and create the script.
  35.     ssh-agent -a "$socket" > "$scriptpath"
  36.     #Run the script to set the environmental variables
  37.     source "$scriptpath"
  38.     #Add the keyfile
  39.     ssh-add "$keyfile"
  40.     #Write protect the file so you don't accidentely remove/change it.
  41.     chmod u-w "$scriptpath"
  42.     echo "ssh-agent (PID = $SSH_AGENT_PID) is ready for use."
  43. }
  45. # Get a list of process ids of ssh-agents.
  46. pidList=`pidof ssh-agent`
  47. # Test if there is one running already.
  48. if pidof ssh-agent; then
  49. #Some agent is already running
  50.     if ssh-add -l | grep "$USER"; then
  51.         #Agent with given login is already up and running.
  52.         echo "ssh-agent (PID = $SSH_AGENT_PID) with your login is already running on socket $SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
  53.         return;
  54.     fi
  55.     #Test if the running ssh-agent has the same PID as our script.
  56.     if [ -e "$scriptpath" ] && [ -e "$socket" ] && source "$scriptpath"; then
  57.         echo "Succesfully ran $scriptpath"
  58.         if ssh-add -l; then
  59.             #Succes the ssh-agent running is functional.
  60.             if ssh-add -l | grep "$USER"; then
  61.                 #The key for $login is already added to the ssh-agent.
  62.                 echo "ssh-agent (PID = $SSH_AGENT_PID) is ready for use";
  63.             else
  64.                 #Adding the keyfile to the agent (prompt for passphrase will show up).
  65.                 ssh-add "$keyfile"
  66.                 echo "ssh-agent (PID = $SSH_AGENT_PID) is ready for use";
  67.             fi
  68.         fi;
  69.     else
  70.         echo "Failed running $scriptpath ."
  71.         init_new_ssh_agent;
  72.     fi;
  73. else
  74.     init_new_ssh_agent;
  75. fi
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