
Hunter or Hunted

Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. Hunter or Hunted.
  3. “Don't be afraid...”
  4. The words filled Marcus' head, the soft, delicate voice echoing in his ears. His body grew heavy as the woman crooned, all thoughts of escape dissipating from his mind. The rifle slipped from his fingers and dropped into a pool of blood. The heavyset man managed to force a few steps backwards, but when he came up against a wall he knew that his fate was sealed.
  5. “What... what are you?” he gasped as the slender woman stalked closer. Stepping over a shredded body, she smiled sweetly at him, revealing a mouth decorated with a pair of gleaming fangs. Running her tongue over her sharp, inhuman teeth, the vampire fluttered her eyelashes.
  6. “Me? I'm just a harmless little lady,” her voice resonated through the room, sapping Marcus' will. “After all, I was minding my business when you big, burly men broke in and started shooting,” she brushed her loose, silk robe aside, revealing a naked body marred by a cluster of ugly bullet holes. The mere sight of her naked body – smooth and as pale as milk – took Marcus' breath away.
  7. “We... tracked you here,” Marcus forced himself to concentrate. It wasn't a woman standing before him – it was a monster. Even knowing what he was confronted with, it was difficult to see the woman as a threat. She was significantly shorter than the man, perhaps coming up to the nape of his neck, and her face was disarmingly innocent. “We had to put a stop to you. To the killings.”
  8. “So you thought you'd come in here and dispense a little vigilante justice?” the woman snapped, her face twisting in sudden anger. She lashed out, smashing a tiny fist into Marcus' side, sending the large man crumpling to the ground. Standing over him, the woman swiped her hair back into place, jet black locks shining like spilt oil in the dim light. “Do you know who I am?”
  9. “It doesn't matter,” Marcus closed his eyes, resigning himself to death, “We won't be the last. More hunters will come for you, and you'll get the death you deserve!” the outburst took all of his remaining will, but it was worth it. Marcus had long since resolved to face death with a curse on his lips.
  10. “I am Reznofae, born of the darkest forests and the places that men fear to tread! I have lived for hundreds of years, and I shall live for countless more,” she grabbed Marcus' jaw, her grip as tight as steel, and forced him to look at her, “And tonight, I will be your queen!” She kissed the large man savagely, forcing her bloody tasting tongue into his mouth.
  11. Coughing and gagging on the metallic taste of blood, Marcus immediately felt his mind quiver. The blood he had swallowed had been that of the vampire, and it's insidious effects were unmistakable. The tattered remains of his will faded away, replaced by an overwhelming adoration for the woman before him.
  12. “You're brave though,” Reznofae whispered, her every word sending a shiver of joy down Marcus' spine, “I like that in a man.” Casting the damaged robe aside, the vampire straddled Marcus, slowly tearing his shirt apart with her nails. A faint flush rose in her cheeks, stolen blood filling her body, and Marcus felt a slight warmth coming from her.
  13. Rubbing his bare chest with one hand, Reznofae fumbled for his zipper, eventually finding the slippery metal tag and pulling it down. A little searching later, and his erection was free. She took a lustful – and entirely unnecessary – breath and began to lower herself down onto his manhood. Marcus groaned as she swallowed him up, all thought of resistance lost.
  14. Reznofae was cold inside, but every inch of her was like velvet. She laughed aloud as the defeated man squirmed under her, ample breast shaking with every motion she made. Without any delay, she began to ride him, hips swaying in a practised dance.
  15. “You submitted so easily!” she gloated, grabbing Marcus' jaw again and twisting his head up, exposing his neck. “What would your friends think, seeing you like this?” she chuckled, lowering her head and running her tongue across his neck, “Or perhaps you don't care?”
  16. Marcus gasped as she bit him lightly, not quite breaking the skin. “You don't care, do you? Forget about those weaklings and worship me instead,” she murmured, breath tickling against his neck. The grinding motion of her hips slowed, teasing the man until he answered.
  17. “I...” Marcus hesitated, some trace of loyalty battling with Reznofae's compulsion.
  18. “I can give you pleasures unlimited!” the vampire cried, digging her nails into his chest, “What can they give you? Worthless sacks of blood and bone! Now surrender yourself to me and forget them!”
  19. “My queen!” Marcus gasped, his will breaking under the mixed attacks on his mind and body. “I submit to you!”
  20. “Good...” the vampire grinned, her malicious expression ripe with centuries of evil, “Now, give your body to me.” Exposing his neck again, Reznofae buried her head in his neck, teeth sinking into the tender flesh. Hot blood flooded into her mouth, strong and vibrant with the man's stolen lifeforce.
  21. Marcus moaned as she drained the blood from his body, limbs hanging limply by his side as the pleasure of the Kiss washed over him. He could feel himself weaken as the blood left him, but he couldn't bring himself to care. It was a wondrous feeling, as if he was joining his body with hers, not in the crude physical sense of their sex, but as if their spirits were merging together.
  22. Reznofae knew well the ecstasy that the man would be experiencing, having known it several times when she herself was mortal. He was a fool, to believe that the experience was somehow spiritual. She would consume him, draining his body dry and crushing the man's feeble spirit. All that mattered was her pleasure, and that grew with each drop of his blood that she swallowed.
  23. She pulled her head from his neck, a weak spurt of blood jumping from the twin holes as she took her jaws away. The man was alive – barely – but Reznofae was still in the mood to toy with the man. Jaded by centuries of life, the vampire was always looking for new acts of depravity to amuse herself with. Breaking men's spirits was perhaps her favourite game.
  24. Staining her hands with the blood spilled from Marcus' friends, she ran her fingers across her chest, leaving great bloody smears behind. “Lick it off, slave,” she commanded, grinding her hips deeper down onto Marcus' cock. Somehow, despite all the blood she had drained from his body, he was still erect. Men truly were amazing beasts, she marvelled to herself.
  25. A faint light flickered in Marcus' eyes. Deep down, he knew what he had been reduced to, and that knowledge burned him. He was broken, sane enough to realise what she was making him do, but too weak to resist. Reznofae laughed deeply as he leaned forwards, running a dry tongue across her breasts. The taste of stale blood must have been horrific, but he continued to lick her chest.
  26. Soon, she grew tired of the man. No longer able to keep her hunger at bay, she sank her teeth into the other side of his neck, seeking out the last traces of blood in his body. Reznofae groaned in pleasure as the warm liquid flowed into her mouth. The flow was slower this time, and weak in places, but she continued to coax the fluid from Marcus' body. Unnoticed, his penis wilted from a lack of blood, sliding out of her. Reznofae didn't care - sex meant little to her.
  27. Gradually, the flow of blood tapered off to nothing. Sighing in disappointment, Reznofae rose to her feet. Already, the bullet holes in her torso were healing up, her metabolism fuelled by the blood she had consumed. Looking around the disused building she had made her lair, the vampire realised that she would need to leave soon. Even in the derelict areas of the city, a number of corpses would eventually attract attention.
  28. Perhaps it was for the best. She had lurked out in the industrial wasteland for too long, and she was growing far too comfortable with the squalor. Leaving a trail that led back to her had been a mistake, and vampires seldom got to make two mistakes in a row. So she would leave, Reznofae decided, and seek prey in a new hunting ground. She had heard good things about some of the clubs in Downtown.
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