
The latest in Dom5: C'tis, Yomi

Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. [13:26] Guile113 Huh, EA Ctis nerf
  2. [13:26] Guile113 I mean, relatively, there's only so much more you can do to those guys
  3. [13:27] Guile113 Sacred serpents are not a recruitable: they can only be summon ally'd by Lizard Kings in a temple
  4. [13:27] Ironybot ...but why did EA C'tis need nerfing?
  5. [13:28] Guile113 It works that way for all Ctis now, but MA and LA pretty much ignore the serpents, so...
  6. [13:32] Ironybot Well, maybe they'll get something else to make up for it. Or not, and just suffer.
  7. [13:41] Guile113 So far, just suffer: but they do have like 6+ weeks of beta
  8. [13:42] Guile113 Oh, Ctis got Swimming
  9. [13:42] Guile113 So they can ford rivers in summer
  10. [13:42] Guile113 Oh, did I disclose how New Yomi works?
  11. [13:42] Guile113 It turned them into an entirely different gimmick nation
  12. [13:43] Ironybot Is this replacing old Yomi, or...?
  13. [13:43] Guile113 Yeah, they're 'fixing' it
  14. [13:43] Guile113 Well, not entirely different, I misspoke
  15. [13:44] Ironybot I liked Yomi...
  16. [13:44] Guile113 So now, Yomi takes a 25% income hit, and can't recruit oni: so the 75% income is just for Hanyas and Bandits.
  17. [13:44] Guile113 Irony, you'll always have dom4 Yomi
  18. [13:45] Ironybot ...
  19. [13:45] Guile113 Instead, temple provinces will produce Oni, freespawn style. Not a ton: a couple of oni per turn, plus heat scales produce the fire oni and cold scales the cold oni
  20. [13:45] Guile113 Mountain temples produce like an extra oni a turn
  21. [13:46] Guile113 So your heartland will be all-temples, which honestly it probably already was to push Yomi's turmoil dominion
  22. [13:47] Guile113 So the temples kind of work with Yomi's established plan of 'infinite temples, turtle until can push outward with onis
  23. [13:47] Guile113 Which honestly I kind of hate that onis have to use that strategy when they should be out pillaging and whatnot, but it should feel pretty similar to before?
  24. [13:48] Guile113 It does mean each lost temple is directly killing your ability to fight wars. Raiders would be nightmarish.
  25. [13:49] Guile113 Apparently the temples are 200g? Which is nice. I'd call it a buff overall, unless you're getting your shit pushed in by xibalba or whatever
  26. [13:49] Guile113 It does mean you'll probably have to choose between having your ranged oni and your aoe oni
  27. [13:49] Guile113 prior to game-start
  28. [13:50] Guile113 Yomi now also has half-effect temp scales like Ragha (but honestly I forget how that works), and pillaging/raiding gives you more gold
  29. [13:51] Guile113 Like, instead of 30 gold from a raid you might get 60
  30. [14:44] Ironybot I'm really not a fan of freespawn nation paradigms. Being able to choose where your production occurs and not needing to worry about constantly sweeping through your holdings to gather up new minions is important.
  31. [14:45] Ironybot This new Yomi doesn't sound completely unworkable but it does sound like a nation that I will enjoy playing less than I did the last one.
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