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Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. Mayuyu Rosello
  3. The quote by Mark Twain that appealed to me most was, “Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live”. What it is saying is that if you let go of your dreams or give up on them, you may go on living your life and your physical self might still exist, but you are not living and experiencing the true joys of life. You might exist, but are spiritually dead. There is a difference between living life and simply existing or surviving, and our dreams and illusions are what set this thin line between one and the other. Our dreams can separate the mechanical from the sentient, and the creative from the apathetic. I think that this is truly a beautiful quote which people should apply to their lives more. If we all followed this tiny piece of advice, our world would be a lovelier place to live in, and people would be increasingly happier. Our dreams should be something that we hold true to our hearts forever and ought to always be a part of us, because they make us who we are. Usually as people grow up, they let go of the dreams they once had as a child, erasing and replacing them with something that will guarantee them the success promised by the “real world”. Would-be artists turn into lawyers, musicians are hidden behind gray business suits. Suddenly, our world has turned into a sad, colorless world. If we dream big enough, I believe that any human being can achieve great things. All it takes is putting faith into everything we do and never giving up on our goals. If we all listened to this great quote by this great man, the world would be much more colorful, and creativity would be honored more than economical success. In the end, all the money and possessions given to us will fade and turn into dust, but the one thing you will take to your grave is the satisfaction of living out the life you always wished for. So, with this quote in mind, I think that we should never let the world tell us what will make us happy or unhappy, and we should instead focus a little bit more on listening to what our hearts tell us.
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