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May 19th, 2019
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  1. import React, { Component } from 'react';
  2. import {NativeModules, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Button, TextInput} from 'react-native';
  4. const MathFunc = require('NativeModules').MathFunc;
  6. type State = { message: string };
  8. export default class App extends Component {
  9. constructor(props) {
  10. super(props);
  11. this.buttonCpp = this.buttonCpp.bind(this);
  12. this.buttonBenchmarks = this.buttonBenchmarks.bind(this);
  13. this.state = { message: "hd" };
  14. }
  15. async buttonCpp() {
  16. var message = ""
  17. var numberA = 3
  18. var numberB = 2
  20. addResult = await MathFunc.add(numberA,numberB)
  21. subtractResult = await MathFunc.add(numberA,numberB)
  22. multiplyResult = await MathFunc.add(numberA,numberB)
  23. divideResult = await MathFunc.add(numberA,numberB)
  25. var message = ""
  26. message += numberA + "+" + numberB + "=" + addResult + "\n"
  27. message += numberA + "-" + numberB + "=" + subtractResult + "\n"
  28. message += numberA + "*" + numberB + "=" + multiplyResult + "\n"
  29. message += numberA + "/" + numberB + "=" + divideResult + "\n"
  30. this.setState({
  31. message
  32. });
  33. }
  34. n: number = 1000;
  35. buttonBenchmarks(): void {
  37. var message = "Running benchmarks";
  38. this.setState({
  39. message
  40. });
  41. let dict_t = 0;
  42. let patmch_1t = 0;
  43. let patmch_2t = 0;
  44. let matmul = 0;
  46. for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  47. matmul += this.testmatmul();
  48. }
  49. var message = "matmul: " + (matmul / 10 / 1000).toFixed(1) + "s\n";
  51. Array.from(Array(10).keys()).reduce((sequence, i) => {
  52. return sequence.then(() => {
  53. return this.testpatmch1();
  54. }).then(t => patmch_1t += t);
  55. }, Promise.resolve(0)).then(() => {
  56. message += "patmch:1t: " + (patmch_1t / 10 / 1000).toFixed(1) + "s\n";
  57. }).then(() => {
  58. this.setState({
  59. message
  60. });
  61. });
  62. }
  63. async testpatmch1(): Promise<number> {
  64. let t0 =;
  65. let t1 =;
  67. return;
  68. }
  69. testmatmul(): number {
  70. let t0 =;
  71. // let a = this.matgen(this.n);
  72. // let b = this.matgen(this.n);
  73. // let c = this.multiply(a, b);
  74. let t1 =;
  75. return;
  76. }
  77. transpose(a: any): any {
  78. let b = [], m = a.length, n = a[0].length; // m rows and n cols
  79. for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) b[j] = [];
  80. for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i)
  81. for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j)
  82. b[j].push(a[i][j]);
  83. return b;
  84. }
  85. multiply(a: any, b: any): any {
  86. let m = a.length, n = a[0].length, s = b.length, t = b[0].length;
  87. if (n != s) return null;
  88. let x = [], c = this.transpose(b);
  89. for (let i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
  90. x[i] = [];
  91. for (let j = 0; j < t; ++j) {
  92. let sum = 0;
  93. let ai = a[i], cj = c[j];
  94. for (let k = 0; k < n; ++k) sum += ai[k] * cj[k];
  95. x[i].push(sum);
  96. }
  97. }
  98. return x;
  99. }
  100. matgen(n: number): any {
  101. let a = [], tmp = 1. / n / n;
  102. for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  103. a[i] = []
  104. for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j)
  105. a[i][j] = tmp * (i - j) * (i + j);
  106. }
  107. return a;
  108. }
  109. render() {
  110. return (
  111. <View style={styles.container}>
  112. <Text>
  113. Welcome to React Native!
  114. </Text>
  115. <View style={{margin: 20}}>
  116. <Button
  117. style={{margin: 100}}
  118. onPress={this.buttonCpp}
  119. title="Test C++"
  120. />
  121. </View>
  122. <View style={{margin: 20}}>
  123. <Button
  124. style={{padding: 100}}
  125. onPress={this.buttonBenchmarks}
  126. title="Run benchmarks"
  127. />
  128. </View>
  129. <View style={{padding: 10}}>
  130. <TextInput
  131. style={{height: 100}}
  132. placeholder="Type here to translate!"
  133. multiline={true}
  134. value={this.state.message}
  135. />
  136. </View>
  137. </View>
  138. );
  139. }
  140. }
  142. const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  143. container: {
  144. flex: 1,
  145. justifyContent: 'center',
  146. alignItems: 'center',
  147. },
  148. });
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