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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. Where has this forum gone too? I remember when I got rated down several times for not using spell check, now nobody tries to use grammar at all. People used to be honest, This 24/7 theft of others people work would have never been allowed to happen. I even remember somebody contacting Leibherr asking if they could use their name on a crane. Now everybody thinks that what ever they have on their computer is automatically their property, and claiming it to be theirs is perfectly fine. Why aren't we like Youtube, where 9 times out of 10 your audio will be deleted because you used a song you didn't make.
  4. We used to have a whole section called RRR for people who couldn't keep their rating high enough. Where has that gone? People used to have to think before their post, or they would be separated from everyone else, and then some people would try to improve, others would continue, but then the rest of us wouldn't have to deal with them.
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