
Mystery snail web

Oct 13th, 2019
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  1. [ci]This is a part of the chain of compatibility web posts that is here to specifically help you decide what is a good fish to keep with Mystery Snails. Feel free to suggest any fish that you’d want to keep with them down in the comments below!
  2. [ci]#CompatibilityWeb
  3. [IMG=B1Y]
  4. [cbui] [Betta Splendens|]
  5. [ci]85% Compatible
  6. [ci]For behavior compatibility, P. diffusa (aka mystery snail, spiked top apple snail and gold inca, etc.) is a very peaceful scavenger that won't harm other tank mates. However, a betta may want to nip at it's antenna or soft body. This will usually result in shorten antenna and stressed snails making them not the most ideal tank mates. For water parameter compatibility, keep the tank around 78-80F with a pH of at least 7.0-8.0 ppm. If you have a pH lower than 7.0 ppm, it is not recommended to keep the snails as their shells will "melt"; otherwise, keep the pH stable. For tank size, these two can be 10 gallons purely to deal with the bioload of the set up.
  8. [cbui] [Platies|]
  9. [ci]99% Compatible
  10. [ci]For compatibility of behaviors, P. diffusa and Platies will get along very well with both being very peaceful animals. It is unlikely that these fish will want to bother the snail. For compatibility of parameters, these two animals do well too. Having a stable pH at least over 7.0 ppm will ensure these two are kept well. Keeping at a temperature in the 75-78F range is good. P. diffusa may become less active at cooler temperatures, so keeping it on the warmer side is recommended. To keep these two together, having a 15g standard for beginners would be best. This is the platies minimum and P. diffusa can be well managed in this volume.
  12. [cbui] [Endler’s Livebearer|]
  13. [ci]99% Compatible
  14. [ci]Endlers and P. diffusa should have no problem being kept together. Endlers tend to be too small to be kept with others, but thankfully the P. diffusa doesn't harm any other animals. For tank parameters, it's recommended to keep a temperature in a 78-80F range. Since the snail's shell can "melt" in pH under 7.0 ppm, both of these animals should be keep at a stable pH in the 7.0-8.0 ppm range. For a minimum tank size to keep both together, a beginner can keep them in a 10g standard.
  16. [cbui] [Cherry Barb|]
  17. [ci]90% Compatible
  18. [ci]Cherry barbs are one of the more calmer barbs and should leave P. diffusa alone. There is risk of cherry barbs munching on antenna, but it is not common for this to happen. Both animals should be kept in a temperature in the 75-78F range. P. diffusa may become less active in lower temperatures, so the higher range is recommended. With pH, both can be kept in a stable 7.0-8.0ppm range. The cherry barb can handle a pH as low as 6.0, but P. diffusa needs at least 7.0 or its shell will "melt". To keep these two together, a 15g standard should do well for beginners.
  20. [cbui] [Harlequin Rasbora|]
  21. [ci]99% Compatible
  22. [ci]Harlequin rasboras are some of the most ideal community tank members and should serve no problems to P. diffusa and vice versa. For temperature, they are quite compatible in a temperature within the range of 78-80F. For parameters, one should keep it at a stable 7.0-7.5, but both creatures should be able to tolerate up to 8.0. You do not want under 7.0 as that will cause the shell of P. diffusa to "melt". To keep these two together, a good beginner minimum would be a 15g standard.
  23. [Seriously Fish|]
  25. [cbui]Sources
  26. [ci] [Main image|]
  27. [ci][Background image|]
  28. [ci] [SeriouslyFish|]
  29. [ci] [AppleSnail.Net|]
  30. [ci] [Contributor Seine|]
  31. [ci] [Contributor Peep|]
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