
@realDonaldTrump please talk about #Suicideprevention

Jan 16th, 2017
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  1. Dear asshole. sorry, let me try that again.
  2. Dear fuckhead. No.
  3. Dear yousorrysonofabitch. nope.
  5. Dear illegit Presidouche. Yep.
  6. You now have a giant responsibility to the american people. You can't hide in your golden tower, ignore the important issues of your new office just because you're jacking your twitter app off with your tiny thumbs.
  7. There's a bit of anger here.
  8. There's always a bit of anger when it comes to you. and to be honest I've had to hold off on writing this one for a while. you want to know why?
  9. It's going to be about every Emo kids dark fantasy; suicide.
  10. Holy shit! You feel that breeze?
  11. That was the warmth leaving the internet, revealing it to be a place of both desensitized assholery, as well as a place where the dead can be animated to fuck each other over once more.
  13. Look, all the other stuff aside, I've REALLY got to talk to you about this. Because come January 20th, I predict a rise in several depressed people offing themselves when you swear the oath that makes you officially Putindented of the Unatzied Prisonstates of Amerussia. (HAHAHA! I just got the acronym while editing, Poopa! shit joke! Funny!)
  14. Mouthful? yes, but it's not inaccurate with what you'll be slapping together.
  16. Obviously, I'm putting buffer in this, because no one wants to talk about the fact that, despite all the trending tags on twitter, suicide is a thing that happens everywhere. The act of one taking ones own life out of desperation, neglect, or seeing no other alternative is just a monster of a thing to talk about.
  17. Every single motherfucking human being has had these thoughts at one point or another, and to be honest, it's fucking scary. talking about death is like inviting the worst aspect of living into a damned conversation about dropping birthrates.
  19. So let's dive right into it, shall we? I'm ACTUALLY going to do some research on this dreaded topic:
  21. from wikipedia, (source link: ) :
  22. "Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.[1] Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or substance misuse.[2][3] Others are impulsive acts due to stress such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or from bullying.[3][4] Those who have previously attempted suicide are at higher risk for future attempts.[3] Suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to method of suicide, such as firearms and poisons, treating mental disorders and substance misuse, proper media reporting of suicide, and improving economic conditions.[3] Although crisis hotlines are common, there is little evidence for their effectiveness.[5]
  24. The most commonly used method of suicide varies between countries, and is partly related to the availability of effective means.[6] Common methods include hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms.[3][7] Suicide resulted in 842,000 deaths globally in 2013 (up from 712,000 deaths in 1990).[8] This makes it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide.[2][9]
  26. Approximately 0.5% to 1.4% of people die by suicide, about 12 per 100,000 persons per year.[9][10] Three quarters of suicides globally occur in the developing world.[3] Rates of completed suicides are generally higher in men than in women, ranging from 1.5 times as much in the developing world to 3.5 times in the developed world.[11] Suicide is generally most common among those over the age of 70; however, in certain countries those aged between 15 and 30 are at highest risk.[11] There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year.[12] Non-fatal suicide attempts may lead to injury and long-term disabilities. In the Western world, attempts are more common in young people and females.[10]"
  28. You read all of that?
  29. You didn't?
  30. Well, let me sum it up for you in one fucked up paragraph.
  32. Lots of people kill themselves for a variety of reasons, through a variety of methods, because of a variety of reasons and factors. Some people choose assisted, some people go out with a bang, some a blaze of bullets and profanity, and some via John Mclane.
  33. That's why its called "Die Hard"
  34. Suicide is more prevalent in young females than young men because holy shit, the world is more fucked up than we thought.
  36. In particular, this whole thing was brought up to the forefront of my mind because of one such incident where a teen girl, by the name of Kate Nichole Davis, Facebook lived her final message as well as suicide, for a good 20 minutes. the only reason the stream ended was because her mother called her phone. This happened six months ago. What. The. Fuck.
  38. The reason why she hung herself was because:
  39. A) A boy named Lucas didn't like her.
  40. B) someone in her family supposedly molested her.
  41. And the most fucked reason (Actually, second most fucked, reason B takes the god damned cake.):
  42. Is C) Because some kids at Cedartown Middle School spread rumors that she was a whore. this isn't a new thing, kids being complete dicks to other kids, but this was only made more idiotic because of your campaign. In part because of it, as much as I want to, I can't pin this directly on you.
  43. But because of your negativity, your bluntness, your stardom and constantly being in the news cycle, your infectious negativity caught on to younger folks who thought you were funny.
  45. Think on this: Because you yourself are now the fifth horseman of the apocalypse, "Idiotically Low Impulse Control", some kids thought to imitate you, directly or indirectly, because being a complete ass hat is now a popular fad among a section of kids these days.
  47. You need to address this thing. Not in your usually useless way of tweeting out stop it, but by actually putting together a heartfelt speech free of blaming Clinton or media for poor coverage.
  48. From the heart, suicide has affected you family too: your brother was an alcoholic, and drunk himself to death. Because of that, you swore off drinking. given your infectious nature already, you need to use your star power, your celebrity to good use instead of insulting... Use it for something positive.
  50. Did you know that if you started on this one issue, there would be a shit ton of media coverage on the issue?
  51. That no matter what, people on both sides of the isle would start to partially respect you because you're talking about something that affects everyone.
  53. Think on it.
  54. Act on this.
  55. Become the non-asshole we theorize you might become, and don't let a nuclear winter in America be the absolute reason for this change.
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