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T&B Novel Excerpts 02

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Nov 9th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 1 - Sign
  4. Yuri Petrov
  6. The heroes that protect peace. Don't make me laugh.
  7. At this very moment criminal acts both big and small are occurring in every corner of this city. And yet since there's been no dispatch they are simply sitting in this posh bar drinking beer and soft drinks and snacking on pastries, salami and cheese.
  9. (…)
  11. Among them Antonio Lopez just now shamelessly exposed his naked torso in front of still underage Pao-Lin Huang for some reason and showed off his NEXT power. Wearing an expression of innocence Pao-Lin Huang inquisitively studied Antonio Lopez's naked form.
  12. “Huuh...”
  13. “So, what do you think about my flesh?”
  14. With a look of curiosity Pao-Lin Huang tapped Antonio Lopez's chest twice. It made a clanging noise resembling the one you get when you strike something solid.
  15. Antonio Lopez possesses a NEXT power that allows him to harden his body, but I've never really seen him use his power in any meaningful way during the Hero TV broadcasts. I don't know if it's because he's unwilling to actually do something himself, or because he doesn't know how to use his power in practical context, but his power is - much like his existence as a Hero - borderline irrelevant.
  16. “Wow. So that's what it turns into. I've never seen you do it without your suit before.”
  17. “Well, yeah. Come on, try and punch me. Here, some on!”
  18. “No thanks, I think I'd just hurt myself.”
  19. “Don't be shy, come on!”
  20. Pao-Lin Huang deserves respect. Being able to play along with Antonio Lopez's brain-dead farce without batting an eye is a considerable feat.
  21. “This is stupid.”
  22. Karina Lyle, who until now was sitting quietly with her legs crossed, suddenly spoke. Thinking she meant them, Pao-Lin Huang and Antonio Lopez both turned around and gave her a morose look.
  23. “Yeah?”
  24. “Why do we have to throw a welcome party for that rookie?”
  25. With that Karina Lyle reached for her juice and made a sip through the straw.
  26. “Why not?”
  27. That was Nathan Seymour.
  28. “He looks and acts cold, but then he suddenly goes “I wish to get to know you better”. He has this mystique around him, and the more I see of him the more arousing he seems, that Handsome.”
  29. After this proclamation Nathan Seymour winked at Karina Lyle. Am I supposed to understand that from the point of view of a man of homosexual persuasion like himself, that creepy and repulsive newcomer Barnaby Brooks Jr. is also considered an acceptable game?
  30. “I don't know about the mystique... To say the truth, I know who he is.”
  31. Ivan Karelin, curled up in one corner of the sofa, said tonelessly in a low voice.
  32. “In the Hero Academy that I used to attend, he was a ridiculous magnet for attention.... Unlike me, whose results were poor, his were extraordinary. There wasn't a single person in the whole campus who didn't know about him...”
  33. One would think the fact that Ivan Karelin knows Barnaby Brooks Jr's background should have captured the others' interest, but spoken by somebody lacking self-confidence his words failed to reach anyone's ears and vanished like mist in the empty space before his eyes.
  34. “But you know, this is the first time I've ever been invited like this! I'm kinda nervous.”
  35. Said Pao-Lin Huang, clearly enjoining herself. Why does she refer to herself with a male pronoun is something I don't understand very well at this point. My guess would be that it's youthful indiscretion, or maybe a sentiment resembling admiration of the opposite sex.
  36. Suddenly the King of Heroes, Keith Goodman, who until now has been elegantly enjoying his tea, spoke.
  37. “Don't worry. This is the first time we've ever gathered all together like this, in preevate.”
  38. “Yeah.”
  39. Why won't anyone say something about his pronunciation? Normal people say “private”. Are they afraid of hurting the King of Heroes' feelings, or have they simply given up at this point?
  40. “So I think today is a wonderful chance for us. Let's have fun! And let's enjoy ourselves!”
  41. With that Keith Goodman made an odd gesture with his hands. Once again, his bizarre conduct went uncommented.
  42. “Right.”
  43. “If the King of Heroes says so...”
  44. “I know, but still...”
  45. Nathan Seymour, Antonio Lopez and Karina Lyle responded in turn. What would the citizens think if they knew this lot is responsible for their safety?
  46. ...Granted, the masses are stupid. As long as they are protected, they probably don't care who does it. Nevertheless, ensuring the true peace for this city plagued by crime is impossible for these fools brandishing their lukewarm heroism.
  48. The fate demands a new justice that would take their place.
  54. Kotetsu Kaburagi
  57. Me and Bunny arrived to the bar, where the welcome party is supposed to be held, a bit late.
  58. It is as I predicted. The moment he heard about how the others are waiting for him, Bunny agreed without any protest. He may look ridiculously tough and unapproachable, but I knew the human relations with his seniors worry him. I can read him like an open book.
  60. We entered the bar, went up the stairs, and found the other Heroes waiting for us in the party space there.
  61. “Sorry, sorry.”
  62. I called out to them and rushed to their seating spot.
  63. “You're late, Kotetsu!”
  64. Upon seeing me Rock Bison disapprovingly raised his voice.
  65. “Well, you know. I needed to dress up, since I'm meeting you guys.”
  66. “You? This doesn't have to do anything with you. The one who's important here is Barnaby.”
  67. I attempted to lighten the mood with a small joke, but Blue Rose reacted with a tone colder than her NEXT powers.
  68. “Sorryyy.”
  70. Okay, I gotta get them acquainted before my lies catch up with me. Uh, so what should I do first...
  71. As I was puzzling over how to break the ice, Sky High got the ball rolling.
  72. “Mr. Wild, let's start by introducing ourselves, shall we?”
  73. Thanks, Sky High! Yeah, that's right, this is how you start things. Figures that the King of Heroes would handle both the work and private stuff with no problem.
  74. “Ah, right.”
  75. I answered while playing cool.
  76. “Alright, then allow me to go first.”
  77. Fire Emblem assumed the role of the top batter.
  78. “Right on!”
  79. I'm the one who'd set up this welcome party, so to bring in some excitement I interjected with a voice louder than I'm used to. The answer I got was a few claps from a couple of present people.
  80. Uh, not much of an excitement here. I just hope they won't find out about my lies... Well, this is the first time they're all together like this, so they must be pretty nervous. Yeah, let's take it slowly for now.
  82. “Good evening, Handsome. I'm Fire Emblem, real name Nathan Seymour. I may not look it, but I'm actually Helios Energy's-”
  83. “Owner, I believe.”
  84. “What?”
  85. As Fire Emblem was cheerily introducing himself, Bunny cut into his speech. Uh, Bunny-chan, I'm getting a real bad feeling about this?
  86. Everyone froze, but Bunny simply continued.
  87. “I already know, there is no need to tell me.”
  88. “Oh, I see...”
  89. Fire Emblem said morosely.
  90. Come on, Bunny, where's your courtesy? So what if you already know? This is the first time you two are talking in private, so you should hear him out to the end.
  91. Bunny's manner of speaking promptly shut everyone up and the atmosphere suddenly got rather heavy.
  92. Oh shit, at this rate they're gonna find out about my lies!
  93. To soften up the air I quickly interjected.
  94. “Just as expected from the textbook honors student! You're always prepared, aren't you? Come on guys, next!”
  95. Call it life experience or whatever, but Rock Bison got the hint and quickly moved to stand before Bunny.
  96. “Okay...”
  97. Go for it, Rock Bison!
  98. But at that moment Bunny held up a hand, stopped him and said.
  99. “No need.”
  100. “What?”
  101. “I have already investigated everything there is to know about you.”
  102. “Oh. You have.”
  103. Bunny's merciless attitude left everyone speechless. This is bad, this is bad... The atmosphere just keeps getting heavier. And with Rock Bison the only thing he allowed him to say was “okay”.
  104. Rock Bison whispered in my ear.
  105. “You know, this guy is nasty.”
  106. Yeah, he is.
  108. ...Nonono, I'm not supposed to agree with you! At this rate my work on lessening the work pressure on Bunny will all go to waste!
  109. “Nah, he just feels awkward here. I mean, he's standing before the senior Heroes he admires so much, so no wonder.”
  110. Alright! Nice save, if you ask me! Let's keep it up!
  111. But at that moment Bunny, completely indifferent towards the people around him, casually announced.
  112. “Well, I am leaving.”
  113. Eh? You're leaving? Already?
  114. “Huh? Now wait a sec, Bunny!”
  115. “I knew this would turn out to be a waste of time.”
  116. Oh no! This isn't how it's supposed to go!
  117. “Nonono.”
  118. As I was freaking out about how to smooth the whole mess up, someone behind me spoke up, words sharp like an arrow.
  119. “What's wrong with you!?”
  120. Blue Rose, whose store of patience has apparently run out, openly glared at Bunny.
  121. Oh wow.... Hey, hold on. Calm down, okay? Take it easy. Okay?
  122. “What's up with that attitude!? We're here because you said you want to get to know us!”
  124. Ah. She said it.
  126. “Excuse me? I said no such thing. In fact, it was you, wasn't it? Who was it that said you wish to get to know me in person?”
  127. “What?”
  128. The clashing conversation threw everyone in confusion. Well, of course it had to end this way... Obviously.
  129. “What's the meaning of this, Mr.Wild?”
  130. “Oh yeah, you said that Handsome wanted to meet us.”
  131. Sky High and Fire Emblem's words felt like an interrogation.
  132. As I was searching for something to say, Bunny spoke up once again and ended all the conversation at once.
  133. “And you told me the same in reverse.”
  135. Everyone's eyes focused on me. They probably realized I'd lied to them.
  136. “Er, well, that's...”
  137. “Kotetsu!”
  138. Rock Bison's angry roar nearly ruptured my eardrums.
  139. I'm done for. At this point I'm not getting out of this one. There's no choice but to spill the beans right here and now.
  140. “Well, I just thought that Bunny's work would be easier with everybody getting along, so...”
  141. “And so you lied?”
  142. Dragon Kid asked in return.
  143. “....Well, yeah.”
  144. “I am astonished.”
  145. “You're the worst.”
  146. Bunny and Blue Rose looked disgusted as they spoke almost in unison. Why yes, you are quite right.
  147. But here Sky High, completely unaware of the tense atmosphere around him, cut in.
  148. “Please hold on a second. I don't understand a thing here. What are you talking about?”
  149. At Sky High's air-headed question Rock Bison just curtly spit out.
  150. “I'll explain later.”
  151. Trying to somehow calm the situation down, I spoke up carefully.
  152. “Can't we use the occasion and befriend each other anyway?”
  153. Unfortunately, these words just further fueled the fire. Blue Rose, unthinkingly freezing her glass at a rapid pace, snapped.
  154. “Befriend!? Are you stupid!? We're rivals!”
  155. Snow crystals and cold air started forming around her, as if to keep the others away. Yeah, I know we're rivals. But this was supposed to be a party without all that stuff...
  156. But then, true to his intentions as always, Bunny spoke up.
  157. “Well, if you'll excuse me.”
  158. And having said that he briskly descended the stairs.
  159. Aaahh, wait! Bunny!
  161. “Huh, this sucks.”
  162. “I'm going home.”
  163. Fire Emblem and Blue Rose announced in turn and rose from their seats. I shook my head trying to calm everybody down, but at this point I could no longer find any words to mend our relationship.
  164. “I have to polish up my shurikens.”
  165. “And I have to walk John.”
  166. Even normally gentle and docile Origami and Sky High were getting ready to leave. Only Dragon Kid, probably feeling it's a waste to walk away from all those snacks at the table, was desperately trying to hold them back.
  168. And so my scheme crumbled to dust.
  169. Yeah, I know it's me who'd lied to gather everyone here, but why do they all have do be such dour stiffs!? Yeah, we're rivals, but we all share the same feelings of wishing to keep our city safe, so aren't we kinda in the same boat!?
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