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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. public class MortgageContract {
  2. //@SerializedName('Number')
  3. public String Id {get;set;}
  4. public String Description {get;set;}
  5. public Collateral Collateral {get;set;}
  6. public String EffectiveDate {get;set;}
  7. public String InitialAmount {get;set;}
  8. public String ProRestoAmount {get;set;}
  9. public List<Borrower> Borrowers {get;set;}
  10. public List<LoanPart> LoanParts {get;set;}
  11. }
  13. public class Collateral{
  14. public Address Address {get;set;}
  15. public String MarketValue {get;set;}
  16. }
  18. public class Address{
  19. public String StreetAddress {get;set;}
  20. public String ZipCode {get;set;}
  21. public String City {get;set;}
  22. }
  24. public class Borrower{
  25. public String Name {get;set;}
  26. }
  28. public class LoanPart{
  29. public String Loanpartid {get;set;}
  30. public String Description {get;set;}
  31. public String ProRestoAmount {get;set;}
  32. public String InterestRate {get;set;}
  33. public String InterestType {get;set;}
  34. public String TermAmount {get;set;}
  35. public String TermPayment {get;set;}
  36. public String TimePayment {get;set;}
  37. public Boolean NHG {get;set;}
  38. public String EffectiveDate {get;set;}
  39. public String EndDateLoanpart {get;set;}
  40. public String DurationLoanpart {get;set;}
  41. public String EndDateFixedInterestRatePeriod {get;set;}
  42. }
  44. {
  45. "mortgageContract": {
  46. "id": "H0000000",
  47. "number": "H0000000",
  48. "productcode": "COM",
  49. "description": "Combinatiehypotheek",
  50. "collateral": {
  51. "address": {
  52. "streetAddress": "A VD NEERSTR 9",
  53. "zipCode": "5702 CJ",
  54. "city": "HELMOND"
  55. },
  56. "marketValue": "167500.00"
  57. },
  58. "effectiveDate": "2007-06-01",
  59. "initialAmount": "209375.00",
  60. "redemptionAmount": "35142.96",
  61. "proRestoAmount": "174232.04",
  62. "redemptionPercentage": "16.78",
  63. "loanToValue": "106.00",
  64. "prepayments": {
  65. "redemptionAmountActual": "0.00",
  66. "redemptionFreeAmountActual": "0.00",
  67. "redemptionFreeAmount": "20937.50",
  68. "redemptionFreePercentage": "10.00"
  69. },
  70. "borrowers": [{
  71. "name": "T.G.V.T. Sick - Bos"
  72. }],
  73. "lifeInsurances": [{
  74. "number": "2134437"
  75. }],
  76. "loanParts": [{
  77. "loanpartid": "H0000000-1",
  78. "loanpartnumber": "1",
  79. "productcode": "USH",
  80. "description": "Spaarhypotheek",
  81. "proRestoAmount": "50000.00",
  82. "interestRate": "5.30",
  83. "interestType": "Variabele rente",
  84. "termAmount": "0.00",
  85. "termType": "Rente",
  86. "termPayment": "Maandelijks",
  87. "timePayment": "Achteraf",
  88. "termComposition": {
  89. "termCompositionType": "Alleen rente",
  90. "termInterestAmount": "0.00"
  91. },
  92. "NHG": false,
  93. "redemptionDescription": "Bij deze hypotheekvorm betaalt u alleen rente, en lost u tijdens de looptijd niet direct af. Pas aan het einde van de looptijd lost u de hele hypotheek in één keer af. U spaart hiervoor in de gekoppelde levensverzekering.",
  94. "effectiveDate": "2007-06-01",
  95. "endDateLoanpart": "2037-06-01",
  96. "durationLoanpart": "30",
  97. "endDateFixedInterestRatePeriod": "2017-06-01",
  98. "prepayment": {
  99. "isAllowed": false,
  100. "producttype": "Non-ALA-PR"
  101. }
  102. },
  103. {
  104. "loanpartid": "H0000000-2",
  105. "loanpartnumber": "2",
  106. "productcode": "ALV",
  107. "description": "Aflossingsvrije hypotheek",
  108. "proRestoAmount": "67076.73",
  109. "interestRate": "2.34",
  110. "interestType": "Vaste rente",
  111. "termAmount": "130.80",
  112. "termType": "Rente",
  113. "termPayment": "Maandelijks",
  114. "timePayment": "Achteraf",
  115. "termComposition": {
  116. "termCompositionType": "Alleen rente",
  117. "termInterestAmount": "130.80"
  118. },
  119. "NHG": false,
  120. "redemptionDescription": "Bij deze hypotheekvorm lost u tijdens de looptijd niets af. U betaalt de openstaande lening terug aan het einde van de looptijd. Of op het moment dat u verhuist. Hiervoor gebruikt u eigen geld. Maar u kunt ook de opbrengst uit de verkoop van uw woning gebruiken.",
  121. "effectiveDate": "2007-06-01",
  122. "endDateLoanpart": "2037-06-01",
  123. "durationLoanpart": "30",
  124. "endDateFixedInterestRatePeriod": "2019-06-01",
  125. "prepayment": {
  126. "isAllowed": false,
  127. "producttype": "NON-ALA"
  128. }
  129. }
  130. ]
  131. }
  132. }
  134. public static MortgageContract deserialize(httpResponse res){
  135. System.debug('Begin deserializing: + '+ res.getBody());
  136. return (MortgageContract)JSON.deserialize(res.getBody(),MortgageContract.class);
  137. }
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