

May 15th, 2010
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  1. a nutty Cabalist cookie
  2. A nutty Cabalist cookie is here.
  3. The batter which has been used to bake this cookie is a rich chocolate variety, giving the resulting snack- cut into the shape of a robed and hooded Cabalist- a dark brown hue. Mixed through the treat are chopped hazelnuts, which add an unexpected texture and a more complex flavour to the concoction.
  5. a cheesy Paladin cookie
  6. A cheesy Paladin cookie is here.
  7. In something of a departure from traditional cookies, this snack- cut into the shape of a Paladin wearing full plate, has been made from a savoury batter. The crisp cookie tastes strongly of cheese, and a pinch of dried herbs have been added to balance the taste. The cookie's facial expression and pose are the very picture of exaggerated righteousness, the tiny warrior holding a sword pointing heavenwards.
  9. a raspberry filled Vampire cookie
  10. A pale Vampire cookie is here.
  11. This cookie, cut into the shape of a miniature, brooding vampire, has been made from a pale, sugary batter which has developed a crisp, faintly lustrous surface on top. Though toward the edges the cookie is crunchy and pallid, it has a ruddy appearance toward the center- a dead giveaway for the raspberry jam filling which oozes out should the cookie be bitten into.
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