
Jian - Memories of Better Times

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. [03:53] <~Deedles> After surviving an incredibly embarrassing -and also very informative!- conversation with his Jian would have his attention shifted elsewhere as there was a knock on the door.
  2. [03:55] <Earthflame> Eager for the excuse to leave, he hops up with an "I'll get it!" and dashes to the door.
  3. [03:56] <~Deedles> Lifen can't help but look amused as he scurried off.
  4. [03:56] <~Deedles> As he opened the door he'd be met by the sight of Rei, smiling up at him happily "Jian!" she said as she moved forward to hug him.
  5. [03:58] <Earthflame> ...The red tint on his cheeks goes incredibly bright. He's frozen for a moment, not avoiding the hug but not responding at all, until his arms almost mechaically move to return the hug. "...Hey."
  6. [04:02] <~Deedles> She looked up at when he took a while to return the gesture, her hold loosening "... sorry?" she said, unsure on if she'd been to forward.
  7. [04:02] <Earthflame> He takes a deep breath, and then smiles more sincerely. "No, it's fine, really..." He gets a better hold of himself, and tightens the hug. "It's really good to see you."
  8. [04:04] <~Deedles> "It's good to see you too. Two weeks seemed much longer than I thought it would." Reisuki confessed as she gave him a gentle squeeze.
  9. [04:05] <Earthflame> He smiles, stroking her hair softly before stepping back slightly. "Please, come in. We just finished dinner."
  10. [04:07] <~Deedles> "Ah, thank you." She smiled back at him, enjoying his gentle touch for a moment, before she followed him inside.
  11. [04:08] <Earthflame> "How were you, without Ziulong around?" He asks as they walk back down the corridor... Jian's cheeks tinting a bit as proximity to the dining room reminds him of the conversation.
  12. [04:09] <~Deedles> "It was fine, the Temple was a bit empty, but I just kept training and meditati-." she was cut off as Jian's mother called "Hello Rei!" the white-haired girl smiling as she called back "Good evening Missus Lifen!"
  13. [04:12] <Earthflame> Jian peeks round the door, almost dreading his mothers expression...
  14. [04:16] <~Deedles> She was smiling, a knowing twinkle to her eyes. Reisuki seemed obviously to it as she waved to Lifen.
  15. [04:19] <Earthflame> Jian laughs nervously. "I was just talking about how the training went... And how nice the lake was. Ziulong said it would be a very bad idea to return there, but I would like to show it to you. It's such a powerful mass of Water Chi."
  16. [04:25] <Earthflame> *Retcon*
  17. [04:26] <Earthflame> Jian laughs nervously. "I was just talking about how the training went... And how nice the lake was. I left some supplies there, buried under a boulder near the camp site... I was hoping to go back there, before we have to leave the village for good. I think you would like it there."
  18. [04:27] <~Deedles> "A lake?" Rei smiled at that "I would love to see it, before we go." she said with a nod as she slowly walked beside him.
  19. [04:28] <Earthflame> Jian pauses, glancing at her. "...Would you want to go for a walk? I could probably use some air."
  20. [04:28] <~Deedles> She nodded again "It's raining a bit outside, but I just like that..." she confessed with a faint smile.
  21. [04:29] <Earthflame> He chuckles. "I might be able to test out a new trick I've been working on..."
  22. [04:30] <~Deedles> "I look forward to seeing it." Rei told him as she reached for the front door.
  23. [04:32] <Earthflame> Jian mutters to himself as he steps out, reaching up and spreading a hand out above him... And the air shimmers. Raindrops striking and trickling off an invisible barrier hanging above him. He grins at that.
  24. [04:34] <~Deedles> "... Very nice." Reisuki smiled, her eyes widening faintly, before her smile gained a playful edge "A living, walking, umbrella. Free of all the inconveniences of having to keep holding it up with one hand, and it constantly trying to get blown off in strong winds." she said jestfully,
  25. [04:35] <Earthflame> He chuckles. "It's a very basic version of a stronger technique... Creating a true barrier against an attack. If I can master it, it should prove very useful."
  26. [04:36] <~Deedles> She nodded slowly "Based on that, yeah, it certainly sounds like it." she agreed
  27. [04:37] <Earthflame> He walks slowly through the rain, glancing at her. "...Do you want to shelter under it? You said you liked the rain, so..."
  28. [04:40] <~Deedles> "I'm fine as I am... But thank you for asking." she smiled warmly at him.
  29. [04:41] <Earthflame> He gestures. "...I often like to walk down by the stream, when it's late. The view is very nice, and I've always loved to meditate there."
  30. [04:42] <~Deedles> Rei began walking the way he'd pointed, glancing back at him with a smile. "Then lets walk this way."
  31. [04:43] <Earthflame> He takes a few quick steps to walk alongside her, smiling at her. "...I missed you."
  32. [04:44] <~Deedles> One of her hands surrepticiously crept into one of his as they walked, the white-haired looking up at him with a soft expression as she nodded. "I missed you too." she answered.
  33. [04:45] <Earthflame> He gently squeezes her hand. "Ziulong kept me busy, though... He told me..."
  34. [04:45] <~Deedles> "...He told you?" She urged him as he went quiet
  35. [04:46] <Earthflame> He sighs. "...I need to accept the Corruption in my blood... If I keep fighting it, I'll only be a danger to others. If I didn't learn to accept it, and control it... He'd not allow me to leave the Village."
  36. [04:48] <~Deedles> Reisuki's eyes widened "But that...!" she haulted herself as she looked to the side, going silent for a moment, before she added, quietly, but firmly "That doesn't matter... I know you'll learn to do those things, because you have to."
  37. [04:49] <Earthflame> He squeezes her hand. "I came a long way in two weeks... He seemed happy with my progress."
  38. [04:52] <~Deedles> "That's good. That means it's just to keep moving forward from this point on." She said softly
  39. [04:53] <Earthflame> Jian smiles at her as they reach the meadow by the stream, and the few of the mountains and mists as evening fades to night...
  40. [05:04] <~Deedles> Rei looked at the stream before she sat down by it, dipping her finger in as she watched the water stream by her digit with a serene look on her face.
  41. [05:05] <Earthflame> Jian takes a seat behind her, pausing a moment before resting an arm across her shoulders. "Ziulong told me stories, too, when I was recovering... He travelled, when he was younger."
  42. [05:06] <~Deedles> She stiffened initially at his touch, but it faded quickly "Oh?" she glanced back at him.
  43. [05:06] <Earthflame> He nods. "...He visited Opheria."
  44. [05:07] <~Deedles> Her eyes widened at that before she looked back down at the water "I see..."
  45. [05:09] <Earthflame> He pauses, and glances at her. "...Sorry." He taps his fingers on her shoulder, showing he felt the flinch. "...Being thoughtless again."
  46. [05:11] <~Deedles> Reisuki slowly shook her head as she smiled, sadly "No..." she replied, before adding, in a whisper. "I can't be scared of it forever."
  47. [05:13] <Earthflame> He rubs her shoulder a bit, trying to be comforting. "We can help each other, right?"
  48. [05:15] <~Deedles> She nodded as her smile gained a bit of warmth "Yeah, we can." she said as she looked at him.
  49. [05:19] <Earthflame> He squeezes her shoulder gently. "...The lake reminded me of you. It was soothing..."
  50. [05:20] <~Deedles> Her smile widened "Really?" she pulled her hand out of the river and moved back so she could lean gently against him.
  51. [05:23] <Earthflame> He nods, smiling softly. "...It wasn't quite as pleasant, though."
  52. [05:24] <~Deedles> "Oh?" she looked inqusitive at that
  53. [05:25] <Earthflame> He shrugs, looking a little embarrased. "The Lake's chi was vast and powerful... But it lacked the, I don't know... Personal sense?"
  54. [05:33] <~Deedles> Reisuki seemed thoughtful at that "Hmm, that makes sense. Lakes feel very personal to me, but I'm a water user." she mused quietly
  55. [05:34] <Earthflame> He nods. "Ziulong said... That lakes can speak to you. To water users, I mean."
  56. [05:36] <~Deedles> She nodded "They can. Though some things don't make sense at times it's amazing the amount you can learn if you stop and listen." she told him.
  57. [05:37] <Earthflame> He nods. "I can hear my Sword... Well. It's part of me. But Mother can hear hers, too. I think Meilin might have the trick as well..." He smiles softly. "The world speaks to us. The spirits bless us."
  58. [05:46] <~Deedles> "They certainly do, giving us all wisdom in different ways." She agreed as she smiled warmly at him
  59. [05:47] <Earthflame> "...Does the stream say anything?"
  60. [05:48] <~Deedles> "I usually have to meditate to hear it properly, but it greets you like an old friend." Rei told him as her smile widened.
  61. [05:49] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "...I've played by this river ever since I was a little boy. When my mother gave me my first sword- Barely a dagger, really- I stood in this field, swinging it and swinging it and swinging it for hours..."
  62. [05:51] <~Deedles> Reisuki laughed lightly as she looked into the distance "I would of liked to see that, a little Jian..." her expression was warm and soft as her eyes shifted back down to the stream.
  63. [05:52] <Earthflame> "Try meditating. Perhaps the stream will show you?"
  64. [05:53] <~Deedles> She glanced at him and them at the stream before she nodded, shifting the position she sat in to have her legs crossed beneath her, her fingers dipping into the water and her eyes closed.
  65. [06:04] <Earthflame> ...An image flows together, echoes of old reflections in the water drawn from the memory of the world. It's a clear apring morning, close to dawn, and a very young, but very proud looking Jian carefully walks alongside the stream. He looks like he wishes he was running, but knows better- He holds a rather small sword in a red leather sheath at his side.
  66. [06:06] <Earthflame> He pauses, turning to look at the stream, and then with as much decorum as a child can muster, he draws the sword. The childs face splits into a bright beaming smile as his nascent blade flows in the wind, and the silver steel of the sword glimmers in the light reflected feom the water.
  67. [06:15] <~Deedles> Her lips curled into a warm, and yet sorrowed, smile at the image the stream granted, her lips parting as she exhaled deeply, emiting a soft laugh as she felt a couple of tears trinkle down her cheeks. The image, it was so familiar to her, reminding her of her younger brother and how he was like when he was given his first sword...
  68. [06:16] <Earthflame> Jian sees her tears... Perhaps he can't entirely understand them, but he doesn't need to. He squeezes her, warm and gentle, as they sit amidst the cool, calm night...
  69. [06:27] <~Deedles> Rei watched the image for a while longer before she slowly opened her eyes and turned her face towards him "Heh... you were adorable." she said in a soft whisper.
  70. [06:30] <Earthflame> He smiles, stroking her hair. "I still have that sword... I've never thrown a sword away. I keep them oiled and maintained and ensure that, even if they're never used, they're respected... Every sword has it's own soul."
  71. [06:35] <~Deedles> Reisuki nodded slowly, her hand coming to rest on the sheath of her rapier "Yeah, they need to be taken care of." she agreed quietly as her gaze shifted away again, a somber smile on her lips.
  72. [06:42] <Earthflame> Jian ponders, closing his eyes and letting his senses flow to her sword...
  73. [06:44] <~Deedles> As Jian focused on the delicate blade by Rei's side he got a noble sense from it. A trusty companion and refined spirit to whom Rei was dearly attached.
  74. [06:47] <Earthflame> Jian opens his eyes, smiling softly. "...Your sword is a good one. A true companion you treat with the respect it deserves. Many who call themselves swordsman would be ashamed in comparison."
  75. [06:49] <~Deedles> Reisuki looked down at her sword, her fingers trailing along it with a gentle touch "For a few years this was the only companion I had, it's a dear friend to me." she told him quietly.
  76. [06:50] <Earthflame> He smiles sadly, stroking her hair again. "Rei..."
  77. [06:51] <~Deedles> She looked at him as she smiled faintly "But now I have several friends. Lifes really good now." she sighed silently as her smile widened "I have nothing to be sad about."
  78. [06:53] <Earthflame> ...Jian hesitates at that. Unsure whether to accept the happy lie, or risk spoiling the evening...
  79. [07:04] <~Deedles> Reisuki leaned against him, her gaze lowering to the ground. "Please, don't." she murmured, as if she could sense his thoughts.
  80. [07:05] <Earthflame> He lets them drift away, his smile returning as he squeezes her again. "You're right. On a night like this, there's nothing to be sad about."
  81. [07:06] <~Deedles> She nodded, her smile returning "Yeah. There's just you, me, the stream, and our swords." she said quietly
  82. [07:06] <Earthflame> "Well, I am my sword." He chuckles.
  83. [07:08] <~Deedles> She laughed faintly "Exactly." she nudged him playfully "Both of them." she teased with a small grin.
  84. [07:10] <Earthflame> Jian smiles, resting his head against hers, warm and gentle amidst the quiet, calming rain.
  85. [07:11] <~Deedles> Rei's eyes closed as she settled down against him, her breathing slow and easy as she just enjoyed the evening with her best friend.
  86. [07:14] <Earthflame> Jian is quite content to sit in peaceful silence... It's only when he catches himself falling asleep he yawns and mutters "...If we stay here any longer we'll probably fall in the stream..."
  87. [07:15] <~Deedles> "It's actually quite peaceful to do that, but... Yeah, we should probably get to bed." Rei said with a faint nod as she smiled drowsily at him, rubbing one of her sleepy eyes.
  88. [07:16] <Earthflame> He smirks. "We could always walk a little more..." He stifles another yawn. "...Or sleep. You might be right."
  89. [07:20] <~Deedles> "What's that smirk for? You have any ideas?" She prodded him playfully.
  90. [07:21] <Earthflame> He glances back up the path. "...I was just thinking of visiting the Metal Temple..."
  91. [07:22] <~Deedles> "Oh?" She peered at him curiously
  92. [07:23] <Earthflame> He gestures to her sword. "A noble spirit like that deserves an offering. I Am a priest."
  93. [07:24] <~Deedles> She smiled softly "I would like that, a lot." she confessed as she gave him a gentle hug
  94. [07:25] <Earthflame> He smiles, returning the hug and then slowly standing, helping her up. "It won't take long."
  95. [07:26] <~Deedles> She kept a hold of his hand once she was on her feet "Alright." she nodded, smiling still.
  96. [07:28] <Earthflame> He holds tightly to her hand as he leads her back up the path, turning towards the Metal Temple. He smiles as they approach it, saying. "...This has been my home almost as much as the house."
  97. [07:29] <~Deedles> "I know what you mean, ships felt that way to me when I was a kid. I felt comfortable on them, it felt so natural to me. Especially one in particular." Rei told him with a look of nostalgia.
  98. [07:30] <Earthflame> He squeezes her hand again. It wasn't often that she'd mention her past and remain positive... "That sounds like a fond memory."
  99. [07:33] <~Deedles> "It was, it was a beautiful ship." she replied softly
  100. [07:38] <~Deedles> The Metal Temple was a collection of white and black metal spires spearing towards the sky, made up of sharp edges and curved surfaced it was rather beautiful with the peaceful moonlight reflecting off of it. Inside the torches along the walls lit up the main hall in a dim light, the warm flames reflecting in the large altar made of several swords, halberd, spears, hammers and maces decorating the center of the room.
  101. [07:39] <Earthflame> "I wish I could have seen it..." He murmurs, but he's already caught up in the hall itself. He turns to her, and asks softly. "Please, place your sword upon the altar, unsheathed."
  102. [07:42] <~Deedles> Reisuki looked at him and nodded, drawing her rapier before moving up to the altar, delicately placing it ontop of the large metal slab in front of it.
  103. [07:44] <Earthflame> Jian moves forward, then, kneeling in front of the altar and beginning a ritual of prayer. He lights incense sticks that rise from the altar and speaks a prayer of praise to the swords spirit as he allows sacred oils to run along it's blade. It's a strange combination of maintenance and magic, gestures and words accompanied by oddly practical measures to care for the blade... Jian seems
  104. [07:44] <Earthflame> perhaps more in his element than Rei has ever seen him, venerating the spirit of the Sword.
  105. [07:56] <~Deedles> Reisuki blinked as she watched with wide eyes, studying Jian intently as he systematically, and yet somehow gracefully, worked his way through the prayer.
  106. [18:39] <Earthflame> ...As the prayer goes on, the sword actually begins to rise off the altar, as if floating on the wind of a prayer. With a final word and sign Jian gestures, the sword gently drifting through the air, returning to it's mistress.
  107. [18:42] <~Deedles> Rei held out her hands to gently accept the blade, her hands closing around as she held it close with a soft smile.
  108. [18:42] <Earthflame> Jian stays at the altar a moment, head bowed, before he rises and turns to her with a serene smile on his lips.
  109. [18:43] <~Deedles> "Thank you." She said as her smile widened, slowly re-sheathing her blade, a hand resting on its hilt.
  110. [18:47] <Earthflame> "Nothing more than such a true friend deserves."
  111. [18:55] <~Deedles> "You're right about that..." Rei glanced down at her rapier "But, I'm even happier you're the one who did it." she confessed.
  112. [18:57] <Earthflame> His smile grows at that, although he takes the time to tidy up the altar before returning to her side. "It was a pleasure."
  113. [18:58] <~Deedles> She stood and watched patiently as he did, not wanting to rush him about something that obviously mattered so much to him. "I'm glad."
  114. [19:00] <Earthflame> His air of solemnity is rather spoilt by a yawn. "...And now we should go to bed..." He looks a little embarrased at the disruption of his gravitas.
  115. [19:13] <~Deedles> "Yeah, we probably should..." Rei agreed as she stiffled a yawn of her own, laughing faintly.
  116. [19:13] <Earthflame> Jian offers her his arm.
  117. [19:15] <~Deedles> She hooked hers around it with a smile.
  118. [19:17] <Earthflame> Supporting one another, Jian sets forth on their last short stroll through the cool, soft night...
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