

Oct 25th, 2017
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  1. # FactionsX Secret Commands #
  2. Command /help:
  3. trigger:
  4. send "&7---[&cFactions&4X&7]---"
  5. send "&b/help &7- &3Opens the help menu"
  6. send "&b/f &7- &3Opens the Factions"
  7. send "&b/buy &7- &3Opens the Buycraft menu"
  8. send "&b/playtime &7- &3Shows your correct playtime"
  9. send "&b/tag &7- &3Chek your Combat Tag"
  10. send "&b/report &7- &3Lets you report rule breakers"
  11. send "&b/nv &7- &3Lets donators have Night Vision"
  12. send "&b/f chat &7- &3Lets you toggle Faction / Alliance chat"
  13. send "&b/sethome &7- &3Lets you set a home"
  14. send "&b/home &7- &3Lets you teleport to your home"
  15. send "&b/spawn &7- &3Lets you warp to spawn"
  16. send "&b/tpa &7- &3Lets you teleport to a player"
  17. send "&b/cps &7- &3Lets you run a cps test on yourself for 10 seconds"
  18. send "&b/pv &7- &3Lets you open your Player Vault"
  19. send "&7---[&cFactions&4X&7]---"
  21. command /nv [<text>]:
  22. permission: donator.nightvision
  23. permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command.
  24. trigger:
  25. if arg 1 is not set:
  26. if player has permission "donator.nightvision":
  27. message "&cIncorrect usage. Try, /nv [on/off]"
  28. if arg 1 is set:
  29. if arg 1 is "on":
  30. if player has permission "donator.nightvision":
  31. execute console command "/effect %player% 16 1000000 2"
  32. message "&9You have activated night vision!"
  33. if arg 1 is set:
  34. if arg 1 is "off":
  35. if player has permission "donator.nightvision":
  36. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  37. message "&9You have disabled night vision!"
  39. on right click holding a Sugar:
  40. make console execute command "/effect %player% speed 5 1"
  41. remove 1 sugar from the player's tool
  42. message "&aYou feel as if you are able to move more swiftly after eating that sugar!"
  43. stop
  45. command /cps [<player>]:
  46. usage: /cps <player>
  47. trigger:
  48. if arg 1 is set:
  49. if player have permission "pro.cps.other":
  50. if {autoclick.%arg 1%} is false:
  51. set {autoclick.%arg 1%} to true
  52. wait 1 second
  53. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  54. clear { 1%}
  55. wait 1 second
  56. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  57. clear { 1%}
  58. wait 1 second
  59. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  60. clear { 1%}
  61. wait 1 second
  62. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  63. clear { 1%}
  64. wait 1 second
  65. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  66. clear { 1%}
  67. wait 1 second
  68. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  69. clear { 1%}
  70. wait 1 second
  71. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  72. clear { 1%}
  73. wait 1 second
  74. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  75. clear { 1%}
  76. wait 1 second
  77. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  78. clear { 1%}
  79. wait 1 second
  80. send "&4%arg 1% clicked %{ 1%}% times this second"
  81. send "&c%arg 1% &7has &c%{ 1%}/10% cps &7( &c%{ 1%}% clicks in 10 seconds )" to player
  82. clear { 1%}
  83. clear { 1%}
  84. set {autoclick.%arg 1%} to false
  85. else:
  86. send "&4%arg 1% already have a cps checking him"
  87. else:
  88. send "&6You don't have permission to check cps of other players"
  89. if arg 1 is not set:
  90. if player have permission "":
  91. if {autoclick.%player%} is false:
  92. set {autoclick.%player%} to true
  93. wait 1 second
  94. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  95. clear {}
  96. wait 1 second
  97. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  98. clear {}
  99. wait 1 second
  100. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  101. clear {}
  102. wait 1 second
  103. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  104. clear {}
  105. wait 1 second
  106. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  107. clear {}
  108. wait 1 second
  109. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  110. clear {}
  111. wait 1 second
  112. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  113. clear {}
  114. wait 1 second
  115. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  116. clear {}
  117. wait 1 second
  118. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  119. clear {}
  120. wait 1 second
  121. send "&6You clicked %{}% times this second"
  122. clear {}
  123. broadcast "&c%player% &7has &c%{}/10% cps &7( &c%{}% &7clicks in 10 seconds )"
  124. clear {}
  125. clear {}
  126. set {autoclick.%player%} to false
  127. else:
  128. send "&4there is already a cps check running on you"
  129. else:
  130. send "&6You don't have permission to check your cps"
  131. on join:
  132. set {autoclick.%player%} to false
  133. on left click:
  134. {autoclick.%player%} is true
  135. add 1 to {}
  136. add 1 to {}
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