

Aug 31st, 2020
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  1. # You can translate Village Defense messages here.
  2. # Color codes (&) supported.
  3. Commands:
  4. Did-You-Mean: '&6Did you mean &e/%command%&6?'
  5. Command-Executed: '&aCommand successfully executed!'
  6. Teleported-To-The-Lobby: Teleported to the lobby!
  7. Removed-Game-Instance: '&cSuccessfully removed game instance!'
  8. No-Arena-Like-That: '&cNo arena with that ID!'
  9. Look-Sign: '&cYou have to look at a sign to perform this command!'
  10. Type-Arena-Name: '&cPlease type arena ID!'
  11. Hold-Any-Item: '&cYou must hold any item!'
  12. No-Free-Arenas: '&cThere are no free arenas!'
  13. Statistics:
  14. Type-Name: '&cPlease type statistic name to view!'
  15. Invalid-Name: '&cName of statistic is invalid! Type: kills, deaths, games_played,
  16. highest_wave, level'
  17. Header: '&8&m-------------------[&6 Top 10 &8&m]-------------------'
  18. Format: '&e#%position% %name% - %value% &7%statistic%'
  19. Only-By-Player: '&cYou can execute this command only as player!'
  20. Not-Playing: '&cYou must play to execute this command!'
  21. No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command!'
  22. Invalid-Number: '&cWave needs to be number! Do %correct%'
  23. Target-Player-Not-Found: '&cTarget player doesn''t exist!'
  24. Location-Teleport-Invalid: '&cLocation to teleport is invalid!'
  25. Wrong-Usage: '&cWrong usage. Do %correct%'
  26. Admin-Commands:
  27. Added-Orbs: '&7Added orbs to the player!'
  28. Received-Orbs: '&7You received &a%orbs% orbs&7!'
  29. Added-Level: '&7Added level to the player!'
  30. Success-Reload: '&aArenas reloaded!'
  31. List-Command:
  32. Header: '&aVillage Defense &6arenas:'
  33. Format: '&a%arena% &e%status% &6%players%/%maxplayers%'
  34. No-Arenas: '&cThere are no game instances!'
  35. Stats-Command:
  36. Header: '&l-----YOUR STATS-----'
  37. Header-Other: '&l-----STATS FOR %player%-----'
  38. Footer: '&l--------------------'
  39. Kills: '&aZombie kills: &e'
  40. Deaths: '&aDeaths: &e'
  41. Games-Played: '&aGames played: &e'
  42. Highest-Wave: '&aHighest wave: &e'
  43. Level: '&aLevel: &e'
  44. Exp: '&aExp: &e'
  45. Next-Level-Exp: '&aExp to Level Up &e'
  46. Main-Command:
  47. Header: '&6----------------{VillageDefense commands}----------'
  48. Description: |-
  49. &aGame commands:
  50. &b/vd stats: &7Shows your stats!
  51. &b/vd leave: &7Quits current arena!
  52. &b/vd join <arena>: &7Joins specified arena!
  53. &b/vd top <statistic>: &7Shows top 10 players!
  54. &b/vd selectkit: &7Select new game kit!
  55. &b/vd randomjoin: &7Join random arena!
  56. Admin-Bonus-Description: |2-
  58. &b/vda: &7Shows all the admin commands
  59. Footer: '&6-------------------------------------------------'
  60. Scoreboard:
  61. Title: '&a&lVillage Defense'
  62. Content:
  63. Playing:
  64. - '&fVillagers Left: &e%VILLAGERS%'
  65. - '&fPlayers Left: &e%PLAYERS_LEFT%'
  66. - '&fZombies Left: &e%ZOMBIES%'
  67. - ''
  68. - '&fRotten Flesh: &e%ROTTEN_FLESH%'
  69. - '&fOrbs: &e%ORBS%'
  70. - ''
  71. - '&ewww.plugily.xyz'
  72. Playing-Waiting:
  73. - '&fVillagers Left: &e%VILLAGERS%'
  74. - '&fPlayers Left: &e%PLAYERS_LEFT%'
  75. - ''
  76. - '&fNext Wave In: &e%TIME%'
  77. - ''
  78. - '&fRotten Flesh: &e%ROTTEN_FLESH%'
  79. - '&fOrbs: &e%ORBS%'
  80. - ''
  81. - '&ewww.plugily.xyz'
  82. Waiting:
  83. - '&fPlayers: &e%PLAYERS%'
  84. - ''
  85. - '&fMinimum Players: &e%MIN_PLAYERS%'
  86. - ''
  87. - '&ewww.plugily.xyz'
  88. Starting:
  89. - '&fStarting In: &e%TIME%'
  90. - ''
  91. - '&fPlayers: &e%PLAYERS%'
  92. - ''
  93. - '&fMinimum Players: &e%MIN_PLAYERS%'
  94. - ''
  95. - '&ewww.plugily.xyz'
  96. Bossbar:
  97. Main-Title: '&a&lVillage Defense &6- www.plugily.xyz'
  98. Starting-In: '&f&lStarting in: &e&l%time%'
  99. Waiting-For-Players: '&4&lWaiting for more players...'
  100. In-Game-Wave: '&f&lCurrent wave: &e&l%wave%'
  101. In-Game-Info: '&e&lPlaying &f&lVILLAGE DEFENSE &e&lon &b&lPLUGILY.XYZ'
  102. Game-Ended: '&c&lGame has ended! You were playing on &b&lPLUGILY.XYZ'
  103. Kits:
  104. Kit-Menu:
  105. Title: Kit Menu
  106. Unlocked-Kit-Lore: '&aUNLOCKED!'
  107. Locked-Lores:
  108. Locked-Lore: '&cLOCKED!'
  109. Unlock-At-Level: '&aUnlocks at level %NUMBER%'
  110. Unlock-In-Store: '&bUnlock this in the store!'
  111. Not-Unlocked-Message: '&cYou haven''t unlocked &b%KIT%&c yet!'
  112. Choose-Message: '&aYou have chosen: &b%KIT%&a!'
  113. Open-Kit-Menu: Open Kit Menu
  114. Ability-Still-On-Cooldown: '&cThis ability is on cooldown! Wait %COOLDOWN% more
  115. seconds!'
  116. Cleaner:
  117. Kit-Name: '&bCleaner'
  118. Kit-Description: '&7The cleaner has a special ability. With this ability, he can
  119. make all the zombies disappear. However, it takes a lot of effort to do this!'
  120. Game-Item-Name: '&6Cleaner Wand!'
  121. Game-Item-Lore: '&7Right click to kill all zombies! Cooldown: 60 seconds'
  122. Cleaned-Map: '&b%PLAYER% has cleaned the map!'
  123. Nothing-To-Clean: '&aThe map is already empty!'
  124. Spectator-Warning: '&cYou can''t clean the map now! You are a spectator! You''ll
  125. respawn at the start of the next wave!'
  126. Zombie-Teleporter:
  127. Kit-Name: '&2Zombie Teleporter'
  128. Kit-Description: '&7Teleport those zombies to you! Many people think this is the
  129. worst kit! I must admit they are totally wrong!'
  130. Game-Item-Name: Zombie Teleporter
  131. Game-Item-Lore: '&7Teleport zombies to you!'
  132. Zombie-Teleported: '&aTeleported weakened zombie to you!'
  133. No-Available-Zombies: '&cThere are no zombies to teleport!'
  134. Knight:
  135. Kit-Name: '&2Knight'
  136. Kit-Description: '&7This is the one and only knight kit! Many people think this
  137. is the worst kit! I must admit they are totally wrong!'
  138. Light-Tank:
  139. Kit-Name: '&2Light Tank'
  140. Kit-Description: '&7You are Junior tank!'
  141. Archer:
  142. Kit-Name: '&6Archer'
  143. Kit-Description: '&7Start with a bow, leather armor and a wooden sword. Archers
  144. are loved by the villagers, know that!'
  145. Puncher:
  146. Kit-Name: '&6Puncher'
  147. Kit-Description: '&7Punch those zombies back with your epic shovel! Knockback
  148. V is not unknown to you!'
  149. Healer:
  150. Kit-Name: '&6Healer'
  151. Kit-Description: '&7Being a healer is the same as being loved. You are able to
  152. heal your teammates and villagers! Gets a restock every wave!'
  153. Looter:
  154. Kit-Name: '&6Looter'
  155. Kit-Description: '&7Get one additional rotten flesh on every zombie kill!'
  156. Runner:
  157. Kit-Name: '&6Runner'
  158. Kit-Description: '&7Parkour is your passion! You are able to run faster than everybody
  159. else. You have also the ability to jump higher.'
  160. Medium-Tank:
  161. Kit-Name: '&6Medium Tank'
  162. Kit-Description: '&7Start off with 6 more hearts! Don''t be afraid! You have plenty
  163. hearts left to lose!'
  164. Worker:
  165. Kit-Name: '&6Worker'
  166. Kit-Description: '&7Get each round a door and start off with 2 additional doors.
  167. This way you can replace the doors!'
  168. Game-Item-Place-Message: '&aDoor placed!'
  169. Dog-Friend:
  170. Kit-Name: '&bDog Friend'
  171. Kit-Description: '&7Start off with three dogs and get one extra dog every wave!'
  172. Hardcore:
  173. Kit-Name: '&6Hardcore'
  174. Kit-Description: '&7You''ll see yourself why this is hardcore'
  175. Golem-Friend:
  176. Kit-Name: '&6Golem Friend'
  177. Kit-Description: '&7Start with a golem and get new every 5 waves!'
  178. Tornado:
  179. Kit-Name: '&bTornado'
  180. Kit-Description: '&7Spawn in an awesome tornado!'
  181. Game-Item-Name: Tornado Time
  182. Game-Item-Lore: '&7Right click to spawn a tornado at your location!'
  183. Terminator:
  184. Kit-Name: '&6Terminator'
  185. Kit-Description: '&7Easily kill those zombies with your strength powers!'
  186. Teleporter:
  187. Kit-Name: '&bTeleporter'
  188. Kit-Description: '&7Everybody is astonished about your teleportation. Nobody knows
  189. how to do it except you! Due to this, you are able to teleport to villagers
  190. that need help in no time!'
  191. Game-Item-Name: '&rTeleportation Menu'
  192. Game-Item-Lore: '&7Right click to open teleportation menu!'
  193. Game-Item-Menu-Name: Teleporter Menu
  194. Teleported-To-Villager: '&aTeleported!'
  195. Spectator-Warning: '&cYou can''t teleport zombies to you now! You are a spectator!
  196. You''ll respawn at the start of the next wave!'
  197. Villager-Warning: '&4Village defense didn''t found that villager! That villager
  198. is probably already dead!'
  199. Teleported-To-Player: '&aTeleported to %PLAYER%'
  200. Player-Not-Found: '&cPlayer not found! Try again!'
  201. Heavy-Tank:
  202. Kit-Name: '&bHeavy Tank'
  203. Kit-Description: '&7Start off with iron armor and a double amount of hearts! Yup,
  204. that''s right, you''ll be the last man standing!'
  205. Shot-Bow:
  206. Kit-Name: '&bShotbow Master'
  207. Kit-Description: '&7You invented a crazy shotbow!'
  208. Blocker:
  209. Kit-Name: '&bBlocker'
  210. Kit-Description: '&7Hold the zombies back with your special barriers. These barriers
  211. last for 10 seconds'
  212. Game-Item-Name: Fence
  213. Game-Item-Lore: '&7Place this barrier to hold back zombies! These barriers last
  214. for 10 seconds'
  215. Game-Item-Place-Message: '&aBarrier placed!'
  216. Game-Item-Place-Fail: '&cUnable to place barrier here'
  217. Premium-Hardcore:
  218. Kit-Name: '&bPremium Hardcore Master'
  219. Kit-Description: '&7One hit most zombies with your OP sword! However be careful.
  220. this kit is only for the pros! Do not use it if you aren''t a pro!'
  221. Medic:
  222. Kit-Name: '&6Medic'
  223. Kit-Description: '&7This kit activates your passive powers. Every time you hit
  224. a zombie, you have a 1/10 chance to heal the players in a 5 block radius around
  225. you.'
  226. Wild-Naked:
  227. Kit-Name: '&bWild Naked'
  228. Kit-Description: '&7You are the ultimate master! You start off with a iron Sharpness
  229. VI and Smite II sword!'
  230. Cannot-Wear-Armor: '&cYou can''t wear armor with the Wild Naked kit!'
  231. Wizard:
  232. Kit-Name: '&bWizard'
  233. Kit-Description: '&7You''re half blood. You''ve come to the village to protect
  234. villagers from hordes of undead. Use your dark powers to kill them all!'
  235. Staff-Item-Name: Magic wand
  236. Staff-Item-Lore: '&7Right click to cast dark matter'
  237. Essence-Item-Name: Dark essence
  238. Essence-Item-Lore: '&7Click to absorb surrounded matter and use it as your personal
  239. thorn shield! Lasts for 5 seconds'
  240. In-Game:
  241. Villager-Names: Jagger,Kelsey,Kelton,Haylie,Harlow,Howard,Wulffric,Winfred,Ashley,Bailey,Beckett,Alfredo,Alfred,Adair,Edgar,ED,Eadwig,Edgaras,Buckley,Stanley,Nuffley,Mary,Jeffry,Rosaly,Elliot,Harry,Sam,Rosaline,Tom,Ivan,Kevin,Adam
  242. Plugin-Prefix: '&a[Village Defense] '
  243. Already-Playing: '&cYou are already queued for a game! You can leave a game with
  244. /vd leave.'
  245. Join-No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have &6%permission% &cpermission to join this
  246. arena!'
  247. Full-Game-No-Permission: '&cYou don''t have the permission to join full games!'
  248. No-Slots-For-Premium: '&cThis game is already full of premium players! Sorry'
  249. Dead-Tag-On-Death: '&8Dead'
  250. Game-Chat-Format: '&6[&5%level%&6]&6[%kit%&6] %player%: &f%message%'
  251. Death-Screen: '&cYou died!'
  252. Died-Respawn-In-Next-Wave: '&e&lDON''T LEAVE! &aYou''ll respawn once the next wave
  253. ends!'
  254. Back-In-Game: '&aYou''re not a spectator anymore! You''re back in the game!'
  255. You-Are-Spectator: '&cYou''re now a spectator! You can fly now!'
  256. You-Leveled-Up: '&7You leveled up! You''re now level %NUMBER%!'
  257. Orbs-Pickup: '&6+ %number% orbs'
  258. Rotten-Flesh-Level-Up: '&bThe gods were happy with the rotten flesh! &bTherefor
  259. they gave you an extra heart!'
  260. Only-Command-Ingame-Is-Leave: '&cYou have to leave the game first to perform commands.
  261. The only command that works is /vd leave!'
  262. Spawned-Wolf-Name: '%player%''s Wolf'
  263. Spawned-Golem-Name: '%player%''s Golem'
  264. Join-Cancelled-Via-API: '&cYou can''t join this game!'
  265. Join-As-Party-Member: '&cYou joined %ARENANAME% because the party leader joined
  266. it!'
  267. Arena-Not-Configured: '&cArena is not configured yet! Contact staff!'
  268. Spectator:
  269. Spectator-Menu-Name: Alive players list
  270. Target-Player-Health: '&cHealth: &7%health%'
  271. Settings-Menu:
  272. Inventory-Name: '&7Spectator settings'
  273. Speed-Name: '&aSpeed'
  275. Messages:
  276. Lobby-Messages:
  277. Start-In: '&7The game starts in &b%TIME%&7 seconds!'
  278. Waiting-For-Players: '&7Waiting for players... We need at least &b%MINPLAYERS%&7
  279. players to start.'
  280. Enough-Players-To-Start: '&7We now have enough players. The game is starting
  281. soon!'
  282. Game-Started: '&7The game has started! Defend the village against waves of zombies!'
  283. Kicked-For-Premium-Slot: '&c%PLAYER% got removed from the game to make a place
  284. for premium players!'
  285. You-Were-Kicked-For-Premium-Slot: '&cYou got kicked out of the game to make
  286. a place for a premium player!'
  287. Not-Enough-Space-For-Party: '&cYour party is bigger than free places on the
  288. arena %ARENANAME%'
  289. Join: '&b%PLAYER%&7 joined the game (%PLAYERSIZE%/%MAXPLAYERS%)!'
  290. Leave: '&b%PLAYER% &7left the game (%PLAYERSIZE%/%MAXPLAYERS%)!'
  291. Death: '&b%PLAYER% &7died!'
  292. Next-Wave-In: '&7Next wave starts in &b%NUMBER%&7 seconds!'
  293. Wave-Started: '&7Wave &b%NUMBER%&7 started!'
  294. Villager-Died: '&cA villager has died!'
  295. You-Feel-Refreshed: '&aYou feel refreshed!'
  296. Cant-Ride-Others-Golem: '&cYou can''t ride the golem of somebody else!'
  297. Golem-Spawned: '&aGolem spawned in the village!'
  298. Wolf-Spawned: '&aWolf spawned in the village!'
  299. Zombie-Got-Stuck-In-The-Map: '&cIt seems like the last zombie got stuck somewhere.
  300. No worries! The gods killed him for you!'
  301. Shop-Messages:
  302. Shop-GUI-Name: '&lShop'
  303. Golem-Item-Name: Spawn Golem
  304. Wolf-Item-Name: Spawn Wolf
  305. Mob-Limit-Reached: '&cYou can''t buy mobs! You''ve reached the limit of %amount%
  306. mobs!'
  307. Not-Enough-Orbs: '&cYou need more orbs to buy this item!'
  308. Currency-In-Shop: orbs
  309. No-Shop-Defined: '&cShop wasn''t set up! Contact staff!'
  310. Game-End-Messages:
  311. Summary-Message:
  312. - '&a&m--------------------------------------------------'
  313. - '&f&lVillage Defense'
  314. - ''
  315. - '%summary%'
  316. - ''
  317. - ''
  318. - '&e&lReached wave: &7%wave% &8(best %player_best_wave%)'
  319. - '&6&lTotal zombies killed: &7%zombies%'
  320. - '&c&lTotal coins spent: &7%orbs_spent%'
  321. - ''
  322. - '&a&m--------------------------------------------------'
  323. Summary-Players-Died: '&7All players died!'
  324. Summary-Villagers-Died: '&7All villagers died!'
  325. Summary-Win-Game: '&7You survived all the waves'
  326. Admin-Messages:
  327. Set-Starting-In-To-0: '&bAn admin set waiting time to 0. The game starts now!'
  328. Removed-Villagers: '&b%PLAYER% has removed all the villagers!'
  329. Removed-Golems: '&b%PLAYER% has removed all the golems!'
  330. Removed-Zombies: '&b%PLAYER% has cleared the zombies!'
  331. Removed-Wolves: '&b%PLAYER% has cleared the wolves!'
  332. Changed-Wave: '&bAdmin changed the wave to %NUMBER%'
  333. Powerups:
  334. Map-Clean-Powerup:
  335. Name: '&e&lMAP CLEANER'
  336. Description: '&7Map has been cleaned!'
  337. Double-Damage-Powerup:
  338. Name: '&c&lDOUBLE DAMAGE'
  339. Description: '&7Double damage for %time% seconds!'
  340. Healing-Powerup:
  341. Name: '&6&lREJUVENATION'
  342. Description: '&7Healing for %time% seconds!'
  343. Golem-Raid-Powerup:
  344. Name: '&a&lIRONBOUND RAID'
  345. Description: '&7Golems have invaded this village!'
  346. One-Shot-One-Kill-Powerup:
  347. Name: '&b&lFRENZY'
  348. Description: '&7Every zombie for 1 hit!'
  349. Powerup-Ended-Title-Message: '&4Powerup %powerup% has ended!'
  350. Signs:
  351. Please-Type-Arena-Name: '&cPlease type arena name in second line!'
  352. Arena-Doesnt-Exists: '&cArena with that name doesn''t exists!'
  353. Sign-Created: '&aSign created successfully!'
  354. Sign-Removed: '&aSign successfully removed!'
  355. Game-States:
  356. Inactive: '&lInactive...'
  357. In-Game: '&lIn-game'
  358. Starting: '&e&lStarting'
  359. Full-Game: '&4&lFULL'
  360. Ending: '&lEnding'
  361. Restarting: '&c&lRestarting'
  362. Lines:
  363. - '&a&lVillage Defense'
  364. - '%state%'
  365. - '%mapname%'
  366. - '&5[%playersize%/%maxplayers%]'
  367. Upgrade-Menu:
  368. Title: '&3&lUpgrade entity'
  369. Stats-Item:
  370. Name: '&3&lCurrent Stats'
  371. Description: '&3Movement speed: &8%speed%; &3Attack Damage: &8%damage%; &3Health:
  372. &8%current_hp%/%max_hp%'
  373. Upgrades:
  374. Health:
  375. Name: '&3&lUpgrade Health'
  376. Description: '&3Upgrade max health to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to
  377. &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&3Click to purchase'
  378. Damage:
  379. Name: '&3&lUpgrade Damage'
  380. Description: '&3Upgrade entity damage to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to
  381. &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase'
  382. Speed:
  383. Name: '&3&lUpgrade Speed'
  384. Description: '&3Upgrade movement speed to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% &3to
  385. &8%to%;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase'
  386. Swarm-Awareness:
  387. Name: '&3&lSwarm Awareness'
  388. Description: '&3Upgrade swarm awareness to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from%
  389. &8damage multiplier per wolf in radius;&8of 3 blocks &3to %to%;&3The more
  390. wolves near attacking wolf;&3the more damage wolf deal;&3Cost of upgrade:
  391. &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase'
  392. Final-Defense:
  393. Name: '&3&lFinal Defense'
  394. Description: '&3Upgrade final defense to tier &8%tier%&3!;&3From &8%from% explosion
  395. radius &3to &8%to%;&3Golem will explode after death killing nearby;&3zombies
  396. and stun all alive ones;&3Cost of upgrade: &8%cost%;;&8Click to purchase'
  397. Upgraded-Entity: '&3Upgraded entity to tier &8%tier%&3!'
  398. Cannot-Afford: '&3You don''t have enough orbs to apply that upgrade!'
  399. Max-Tier: '&3Entity is at max tier of this upgrade!'
  400. Leaderboard-Holograms:
  401. Header: '&6&lTop %amount% in %statistic%'
  402. Format: '&e%place%. &f%nickname% (%value%)'
  403. Format-Empty: '&e%place%. &fEmpty (0)'
  404. Unknown-Player: '&fUnknown Player'
  405. Statistics:
  406. Kills: '&eKills'
  407. Deaths: '&eDeaths'
  408. Games-Played: '&eGames Played'
  409. Highest-Wave: '&eHighest Wave'
  410. Level: '&eLevel'
  411. Xp: '&eExperience'
  412. Validator:
  413. Invalid-Arena-Configuration: '[Village Defense] Arena %arena% has invalid configuration!
  414. Missing node: %error%'
  415. Instance-Started: '[Village Defense] Arena %arena% instance successfully started!'
  416. No-Instances-Created: '[Village Defense] There are no arena instances created in
  417. configuration!'
  418. File-Version-Do-Not-Edit: 13
  419. Arena-Selector:
  420. Inv-Title: Arena selector
  421. Item:
  422. Lore:
  423. - '&aVillage Defense &f- &e%mapname%'
  424. - ' '
  425. - ' '
  426. - ' &fOnline: %playersize%/%maxplayers%'
  427. - ' &fState: %state%'
  428. - ' '
  429. - ' '
  430. - '&eClick to join this arena'
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