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  1. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  2. an hour ago
  3. [ Doctor Strange ] IN THIS ESSAY I WILL talk about why he can't be "depowered"
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  6. 85 responsesShow only author's response(s)
  7. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  8. OKAY so turning off replies 'til I finish
  9. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  11. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  12. Stephen Does Not Have Powers
  13. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  14. This should be obvious, but since we're talking about comics here, it needs to be said
  15. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  16. Stephen Strange's brand of magic works by something called Favor Trading: he needs a zappy bolt, so he psychically calls Ikonn or Raggador or the Vishanti or whoever, and faster than the speed of thought, they grant him a lil of their power
  17. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  18. He owes them a favor, and gets his zappy bolt too. Since it can be a hassle to continually do this, sometimes they just go "yeah you can fire the zappy bolt whenever, just be there when we need you"
  19. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  20. Over time these favors accrue, and get called in. There's a comic arc where the Vishanti basically did just this and Stephen had to fight for like a couple thousand years or whatever (but they were nice and only aged him a few months when he came back)
  21. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  22. If you wanna read up on that it's the War of the Seven Spheres
  23. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  24. At the end of the war Strange was like "OKAY debt repaid, never call me again" and they mostly didn't. A side benefit of being ancient as fuck is being able to learn all the magic he needed to never have to ring the Vishanti up again
  25. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  26. Which is one of the primary reasons a sorcerer uses favor trading to begin with. Humans just don't live long enough to learn the kind of sorcery it takes to generate your own zappy bolts or binding rings or camouflage
  27. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  28. The 'long as fuck war' is one of the best canon examples for movieStrange being a raging badass between his own film (noob) and Infinity War
  29. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  30. Even the writer of the Doc film said they left it vague as to how many times the loop reset when Doc was fighting Dormammu
  31. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  32. Like, yeah, maybe he could have done that shit for eons but it's simpler just to wear Dormammu down and let him know he's a slave to time in order to get him to relent
  33. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  34. So: because Stephen calls giant entities for the big stuff, he only needs to develop the ability to ring them on the cosmic telephone
  35. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  36. In the comics, he has pretty good psychic talents. He's not Professor X, but he's not a neophyte. That's one of the only intrinsic abilities he could be said to have, but only insofar as humans have latent psychic prowess that goes untapped
  37. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  38. And of course it would vary person to person as most traits do
  39. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  41. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  42. It's a talent, and one he has worked at
  43. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  45. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  46. Magic Toys Do Not a Sorcerer Make
  47. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  48. Just because Strange is the current Sorcerer Supreme does not mean that if he doesn't have the title/job, that he's useless or shitty at magic
  49. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  50. He uses stuff like Agamotto's eye, or orb... Watoomb's wand, etc. to aid him. But these are surgical tools when normal things won't do
  51. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  52. Agamotto is really specialized in perception, which is why zir's objects work so well for seeing through illusions or into hidden realms
  53. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  54. The Sorcerer Supreme has access to all this cool shit, but they aren't the source of his "power" like so many shitty writers think
  55. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  56. Stephen would still be able to do things without those tools, it would just take longer or be way harder than a mortal could achieve in one lifetime
  57. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  58. This is why entities/gods like the Vishanti or Seraphim are so fucking hardcore. They're nigh eternal and have had those eons to get good. It's also why so many sorcerers ring them up for help
  59. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  60. The movie kinda slid sideways with this, in saying that items have magic in them, or... kinda focus energy that would be too wild otherwise
  61. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  62. ...okay? But not really. Mordo couldn't go vaulting around on air without those boots only because Mordo's been around for fewer than say several thousand years
  63. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  64. using Valtorr's footwear is way easier than trying to achieve immortality or the next best thing
  65. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  66. Stephen can't just levitate around without the Cloak. That's why it's the Cloak of Levitation, duh
  67. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  68. He hovers in the air sometimes when he's meditating, but that's almost always writers wanting to make him look ~cool while doing Eastern shit. It's not practical by and large.
  69. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  70. The Cloak itself was actually earned the first time he bested Dormammu (he had a blue one before that, it didn't fly)
  71. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  72. The movies made it his familiar, like Aladdin's carpet. I am fine with this because Stephen needs all the help he can get, and having an artifact take pity on him is cute and also good character development
  73. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  74. (He needs friends too)
  75. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  76. But back to the artifacts themselves: they may or may not have intrinsic power depending on the canon, but they're definitely not necessary for Stephen to do 99% of the shit he does on a daily basis
  77. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  78. Which brings me to
  79. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  81. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  82. Sorcerer Supreme Is a Job Title, Not an Indicator of Ability
  83. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  84. As horrifying as it is, anyone could be Sorcerer Supreme
  85. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  86. The only job requirement is "protect this reality." End of. One needs neither to be moral, or inherently not shitty in order to perform this function
  87. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  88. Doctor Doom was on the shortlist to be Sorcerer Supreme for a while, as was Loki, Scarlet Witch, Wiccan, Brother Voodoo, Daimon Hellstrom, and half a dozen others
  89. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  90. Half those people have... questionable ethics
  91. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  92. I mean, Doom is a benevolent dictator as much as a dictator could be benevolent, and Wanda had that whole insane 'no more mutants' thing and well... Daimon's like the devil's kid so
  93. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  94. Ahem
  95. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  96. Many of the candidates were more than qualified to protect reality. In fact, Brother Voodoo won the gig for a stint, and he called on the Loa for his power usage, not the Vishanti
  97. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  98. So instead of Oshtur, he'd summon up Papa Legba or whatever, and it worked out fairly well
  99. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  100. (I won't go into the issue of his ghost brother Daniel, and the whole wrench that throws into everything)
  101. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  102. Of note: when Jericho Drumm was Sorcerer Supreme, he had the Cloak of Levitation... sort of
  103. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  104. Instead of an ostentatious Dracula-looking thing, it was a tattered lil thing that looked like he dug it out of a trash bin
  105. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  106. During this run, Stephen was said to be "depowered" but dammit Bendis did not understand how magic works in the Marvel U, so he just cocked this all up
  107. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  108. He was primarily a Spider-Man writer so of course he didn't get into the details, he just needed a convenient plot device to neuter Strange since only newbs think he's "Overpowered"
  109. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  110. You can't be overpowered when you don't even have powers so FOH
  111. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  112. But yeah, Stephen was supposed to pick his successor because he used ~dark magic~ and was Unworthy of the title, so that was a thing
  113. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  114. A sort of dumb thing, but a thing.
  115. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  116. He didn't have the Eye of Agamotto, the Orb of Agamotto, the Cloak, the books, or any of the cool shit. He just walked around in a turtleneck and trenchcoat being a creepy old guy who was affably having coffee with Wiccan in cafes n stuff
  117. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  118. Being Sorcerer Supreme comes with cool toys, but it doesn't automatically imbue one with godlike abilities. Even the Ancient One, badass that he(or she) was, had to live a heckin' long time to be awesome and even then
  119. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  120. still barely a drop in the cosmic bucket compared to the magic gods
  121. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  122. the Ancient One didn't even pick a successor in most retellings. Stephen just kinda inherited it by default, which pissed off Mordo in basically every retelling
  123. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  124. There was an attempt to retcon Stephen into being The Chosen One, but that's a thing best ignored because it made no fucking sense and totally eroded his hero's journey
  125. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  126. The entire point of Stephen Strange ending where he did was he was the biggest asshole of all time and then got humbled like a jabroni
  127. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  128. In fact, he keeps getting humbled because he thinks he knows best (lol doctor) and constantly has to admit he underestimated a foe or overestimated himself
  129. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  130. Unlike a lot of heroes, his is an ongoing journey of self-improvement. That's 100% rooted in his origins in the 60s psychedelia movement and Eastern mysticism popular at the time
  131. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  132. most Eastern religions will tell you that enlightenment is a path you tread, and Nirvana only happens after you've been going around the block 983223472342 times.
  133. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  134. Strange, over and over, has to reaffirm this, and make sure that he's not getting too big an ego. He's mostly successful at it.
  135. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  136. So writers who only see him swinging in mid-battle with the biggest sorcery-dick are all "OMG EW, DEUS EX MACHINA, HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS FOR THE PLOT"
  137. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  138. And all the intellectuals be like: "lol u a lazy writer"
  139. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  140. I mean, fuck, even Iron Man has to build a thing in order to overcome some stuff. Tony Stark's power is his brain, and no one is going around saying that he's basic af without a suit of armor!
  141. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  142. Why the hell do people do it to Doctor Strange?
  143. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  144. Stephen Strange's power is knowledge
  145. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  147. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  148. As one of my fave Doc writers says: Doctor Strange learned the cheat codes of the universe
  149. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  150. And in order to cripple that, you'd have to recode the fucking universe
  151. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  152. You don't just turn to shit because you lost your magic flying clothes. You know all the spells and tricks from all those years of Sorcerer'ing around, and that can't be taken away
  153. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  154. Comics!Strange is so old he literally isn't in debt to most gods anymore, but he's nice enough to call on them anyway
  155. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  156. See: that whole "not being an asshole" thing
  157. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  158. Movie!Strange has only a slightly altered method, in that they haven't straight up invoked any elder gods
  159. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  160. the Ancient One just showed him cosmic cheat codes for shields and stuff, and he was off to the races from there
  161. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  162. He had a whole montage of being in the library reading books of spells and absorbing those talents
  163. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  164. So I hate to say this but the only way you're gonna "depower" Strange is to give him fucking amnesia
  165. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  166. Which someone actually did to Tony Stark and I will never forgive them for it
  167. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  168. (Matt Fraction, it was Matt Fraction)
  169. 12 minutes ago
  170. reply
  171. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  172. (My hate boner for him will have to wait until another time)
  173. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  174. So this mostly concludes my essay
  175. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  176. Thank you, no questions at this time
  177. ѕтєрнεи ѕт℞aиgє
  178. (jk u can ask questions)
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