
PS2 Meeting - 19SEP15

Sep 19th, 2015
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  1. <Tarr> *****ATTENTION*****
  2. <Tarr> Today's date is Saturday, September 19th 2015 and the time is 10PM Eastern. This meeting is now called to order.
  3. <Tarr> PLEASE REMAIN SILENT from this point onward unless otherwise instructed.
  4. <Tarr> Everyone will have a chance to voice their opinions/concerns ONE AT A TIME!
  5. <Tarr> *******************
  6. <Tarr> *****SYNOPSIS:*****
  7. <Tarr> This meeting is concerning the future of The Swarm's involvement in Planetside 2. It is not the intention of the high council or the outfit leadership to completely drop this game. However, due to lack of adequate support by the game developers (DBG) and the ensuing impact on player interest/population, we feel that the time has come to make some changes within our own community.
  8. <Tarr> *******************
  9. <Tarr> ******AGENDA:******
  10. <Tarr> As Outfit Commander, I have made a list of proposals and we will discuss them in an orderly fashion - one at a time. Once I have designated that a proposal is open for discussion, please keep your questions/statements related to that proposal ONLY.
  11. <Tarr> There will be time allotted to make your own proposal and also time for an open discussion once all of the proposals have been addressed.
  12. <Tarr> I will go ahead and list them all now so that you can get your questions/statements typed up and ready by the time your name is called - please make sure you do this as it will help to speed up the process of this meeting.
  13. <Tarr> If you're not using a PC and you don't have access to an app that you can use to type up notes/documents, you can message yourself on IRC then copy/paste it when your name is called. To message yourself, type /msg yournick yourmessagegere (message can contain spaces/punctuation).
  14. <Tarr> *******************
  15. <Tarr> ****PROPOSALS:*****
  16. <Tarr> 1) Retire our "spec ops" division and related trainings until further notice.
  17. <Tarr> Reasons
  18. <Tarr> - We do not have the necessary manpower for it to be run as intended (50+ members online regularly during ops nights).
  19. <Tarr> - We no longer have the necessary interest from outfit leadership to consistently host trainings and lead platoons/squads on ops nights.
  20. <Tarr> 2) Reduce the number of "ops" to 1-2 nights per week and reevaluate the schedule based on the feedback of currently active members.
  21. <Tarr> Reasons
  22. <Tarr> - We are only getting enough people to show up for ops nights to fill 1-2 squads.
  23. <Tarr> - Without a fully dedicated "spec ops" division (our hardcore player base) there is not enough interest in organized gameplay to necessitate multiple weekly ops.
  24. <Tarr> 3) Reduce the requirements for leadership positions (no evaluation period, no required reports and promotions granted based solely on interest and a current leader "vouching" for them).
  25. <Tarr> Note: If/when we decide to reinstitute spec ops and/or some other form of highly organized structure for this game, we will resume a strict evaluation process and restructure the outfit's leadership ranks as necessary.
  26. <Tarr> Reasons
  27. <Tarr> - Without an active group of leaders, evaluations cannot be performed effectively.
  28. <Tarr> - In a casual environment, there's no need for a highly organized chain of command.
  29. <Tarr> - We still need people who are willing to step up and lead squads/platoons (on a more casual basis) as well as send outfit invites and keep tabs on member conduct.
  30. <Tarr> *******************
  31. <Tarr> That being said, lets open the first proposal up for discussion.
  32. <Tarr> I will give the floor to anyone who messages me with the number "1" (one at a time in order of first/last received).
  33. <Tarr> When your name is called, please type or copy/paste your question/statement as quickly as possible so we can move along to the next person in a timely fashion.
  34. <Tarr> Again, please remain silent unless your name is called and hold all questions/statements that are not related to this specific proposal until time has been allotted for an open discussion.
  35. <Tarr> ****PROPOSAL #1:***
  36. <Tarr> >>Retire our "spec ops" division and related trainings until further notice.<<
  37. <Tarr> Reasons
  38. <Tarr> - We do not have the necessary manpower for it to be run as intended (50+ members online regularly during ops nights).
  39. <Tarr> - We no longer have the necessary interest from outfit leadership to consistently host trainings and lead platoons/squads on ops nights.
  40. <Tarr> If you would like to say something related to this proposal, please type the following now: /msg tarr 1
  41. <Tarr> *******************
  42. <Tarr> I'm not getting any PMs does anyone have anything to say about the first proposal? If not, we'll move on to the second one
  43. <Flyingclam> 1
  44. * AnarchySpecter ( has joined
  45. <Tarr> Go ahead Flyingcalm, you have the floor ;)
  46. <Tarr> clam*
  47. <Flyingclam> Spec ops can still be an activity we can do but it has to less serious and more relaxed
  48. <Flyingclam> Due to low population at the moment we need to draw more players in
  49. <Tarr> correct, it will be regular ops though - not "spec ops"
  50. <Tarr> anything else Flyingclam?
  51. <BlackOpal> 1
  52. <Flyingclam> we cant start doing more serious or heavily organized operations unless we can get more active players in the game and outfit
  53. <Flyingclam> point made
  54. <Flyingclam> someone else can go
  55. * CrimsonSteele has quit (Client exited)
  56. <Tarr> exactly, and I don't see that happening unless DBG gets their shit together which would require a miracle lol
  57. * disciple ( has joined
  58. <Tarr> okay BlackOpal now has the floor
  59. <BlackOpal> I think that's cool as long as we keep the dicipline on the chat channel
  60. <BlackOpal> done
  61. <Tarr> our rules and code of conduct will still apply
  62. <BlackOpal> cool
  63. <Tarr> anyone else have anything to say?
  64. <greyknight373> Yes
  65. <Tarr> go ahead greyknight
  66. * CrimsonSteele ( has joined
  67. <Shalon> Yes
  68. <greyknight373> I personally dont care about the ops or anything. I just like to play semi organized with mature players. Thats all.
  69. * CrimsonSteele has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  70. * CrimsonSteele ( has joined
  71. <Tarr> we will still try our best to stay organized - it just won't be up to the level of spec ops
  72. <Tarr> we can still use the stuff we learned from spec ops tho ;)
  73. <Tarr> anything else greyknight?
  74. <Tarr> Okay, DoubleVibes now has the floor
  75. <DoubleVibes> The beautiful thing about this game is how we all have a variety of different playstyles. so if each of us can play the game the way we want, i think we might have larger squads. I find myself playing solo a lot so that don’t offend anyone. So I agree with lessening the spec ops thing a little. Lets just play the game and try and win.
  76. <DoubleVibes> as long as we arent completely dicking around, I’m all for it
  77. <Tarr> good points and I completely agree! Anything else?
  78. <DoubleVibes> thats it
  79. <DoubleVibes> lol
  80. <Tarr> Okay Shalon now has the floor
  81. <Shalon> I feel that once the leadership yook a backseat in the last couple of weeks and the population of TR bloomed our dedicated based of swarmies left ops nights. I have heard many players since then say that they really just enjoy playing with mature people that are organized. I think that option number 3 may be the way to go for the forseeable future until the population balances out.
  82. <Happymack> i second "regular ops." Also I would like at least 1 op a week ran more structured. As near spec ops as possible. Organized squads is what drew me into this game.
  83. <Tarr> wait ur turn please happymack ;) u can go after Generic
  84. <GenericMainframe> Due to the activity of players dropping in which i believe the cause to be due to the recent start into the month and new arrivals of games (and DBG problem) i believe people have been occupied with other releases and hype. such as MGSV and,soon Fallout. I think specs ops should be put on hold as we do not have the required number and/or requirment.. a casual spec ops is just an ops night to me
  85. <GenericMainframe> Ohh...ehh saw my name and hit send :S
  86. <Shalon> I love spec ops. True specs ops but we do not have the leadership willing to devote the time nor the pop for it right now
  87. <Tarr> Shalon, these are not "options" they are proposals which will all be in effect after this meeting unless otherwise convinced
  88. <Tarr> I love spec ops too and it saddens me greatly that this didn't work out :(
  89. <BlackOpal> agreed
  90. <Shalon> Agreed
  91. <Tarr> hopefully DBG will fix their shit and we can reinstate it but for now it's just a waste of time/effort
  92. <Happymack> *still waiting :)
  93. <Tarr> okay, generic now has the floor.... hang on I'm reading ur statement
  94. * iTheKGBjr ( has joined
  95. <GenericMainframe> Ok, XD sry about that shalon
  96. <Tarr> okay yeah, it's pretty much already answered....
  97. <Happymack> spec ops did work. just not perfectly... (counter point) i will add more later...
  98. <Tarr> Happymack: we will discuss that in the next proposal
  99. <Tarr> anyone else have anything to say about proposal #1?
  100. <Tarr> okay then... moving on
  101. <Tarr> Having allowed everyone sufficient time to chime in on the first proposal, lets now open my second proposal up for discussion.
  102. <Tarr> I will give the floor to anyone who messages me with the number "2" (one at a time in order of first/last received).
  103. <Tarr> When your name is called, please type or copy/paste your question/statement as quickly as possible so we can move along to the next person in a timely fashion.
  104. <Tarr> Again, please remain silent unless your name is called and hold all questions/statements that are not related to this specific proposal until time has been allotted for an open discussion.
  105. <Tarr> ****PROPOSAL #2:***
  106. <Tarr> >>Reduce the number of "ops" to 1-2 nights per week and reevaluate the schedule based on the feedback of currently active members.<<
  107. <Tarr> Reasons
  108. <Tarr> - We are only getting enough people to show up for ops nights to fill 1-2 squads.
  109. <Tarr> - Without a fully dedicated "spec ops" division (our hardcore player base) there is not enough interest in organized gameplay to necessitate multiple weekly ops.
  110. <Tarr> If you would like to say something related to this proposal, please type the following now: /msg tarr 2
  111. <Tarr> *******************
  112. <Tarr> since Happymack already responded to this, I will respond to him first
  113. <Happymack> I second this proposal.
  114. <Tarr> the plan is to reduce the number of "ops nights" to 1-2 each week. There will be a new poll on the forums to determine the availability of the players that we have remaining
  115. <Tarr> haha
  116. <Tarr> anyone else have anything to say about proposal #2?
  117. <Crazy52> i agree with it
  118. <Happymack> I would like to address that said ops should be organized and evaluated with NO stict form to armor squad/air aquad etc. If less in numbers or people will need to change it up
  119. <Shalon> Yes
  120. <Flyingclam> agree with happy
  121. <Happymack> fuckin typing on a phone sucks
  122. <greyknight373> I agree as well
  123. <Happymack> I have something to add...
  124. <zerosin> Can i just add last few nights due to low numbers haven't ran a true dedicated armor squad.
  125. <Tarr> yes, that is the intention... it will be sort of organized as in the leader calls the shots and everyone tries to work together as much as possible, but there will be no more squads that are strictly infantry/armor/air unless we have the numbers to make it work
  126. <Happymack> We NEED structured squads. It is what brought this entire group together. Everyone in meeting must agree to some extint.
  127. <Tarr> Happymack still has the floor guys, please wait your turn
  128. <Tarr> we will try to be as structured as possible with our limited numbers
  129. <Tarr> anything else?
  130. <Happymack> Just please read last point. im done
  131. <Happymack> thank you. love you guys.
  132. <Tarr> yep read it... Shalon, did you have something to add?
  133. <Shalon> What brings us together is having strong leadership to look up to and depend on. That is what makes an ops night real.
  134. <Tarr> I agree... that's the most important aspect is having someone who knows what they're doing calling the shots. ;)
  135. <Tarr> DoubleVibes now has the floor
  136. <DoubleVibes> with regards to not having dedicated squads, I think we should really try to keep different vehicle types together. Its frustrating to be flying in a squad with 4 guys and see another squad mate in a different squad also flying. Strength in numbers.
  137. <DoubleVibes> and comms clutter is frustrating
  138. <Happymack> May i make a point?
  139. <Tarr> Totally agreed - we should still try and keep squads structured if we have the numbers to do so.
  140. <Tarr> is it related to what doublevibes just said?
  141. <Happymack> yes.
  142. <Tarr> go ahead then
  143. <BlackOpal> take your time ;-)
  144. <Tarr> try to type out your intended message before asking for the floor guys lol
  145. <Tarr> Generic, go ahead while we wait
  146. * Tito21 ( has joined
  147. <Happymack> infantry should be able to pull ground tanks, sundys...etc. Sometimes it is more sensible
  148. <Happymack> im on a phone... its hard
  149. <Tarr> yes, of course... we should always be flexible whenever possible
  150. <BlackOpal> ok google
  151. <GenericMainframe> <_< Do i go yet
  152. <Tarr> go for it
  153. <GenericMainframe> The problem here is that we have a very diverse group of players from many different lifestyles. Changing it to 1-2days may single out some people who can only make it certain days a by usinf 1-2 you are reducing your odds of availa be players .. although as you said we need to see our remaining players which could be enough to successfully adapt to thos chance
  154. <GenericMainframe> And by using*
  155. <GenericMainframe> ..also typing on phone XD
  156. <GenericMainframe> Adapt to those circumstances*
  157. <Tarr> that's why we will be doing a poll first - if the majority can make it on a certain day (or 2) then we will schedule it
  158. <GenericMainframe> Ahh yes a poll would be best
  159. <Tarr> unfortunately, it won't be a night that everyone can attend though but we will still have people online on other nights playing the game I would hope
  160. <Shalon> Hamd raise
  161. <Tarr> TonY now has the floor
  162. <TonYtigr> I agree with the proposal and doublevibes also, we need to split the vehicles type in different squads. Like 3-4 persons per squad could be enough
  163. <TonYtigr> And speak in outfit chat if not too much people on
  164. <Tarr> I agree, I've been in an effective air squad plenty of times with only 3-4 reavers
  165. <TonYtigr> Same for armor
  166. <TonYtigr> Over
  167. <DoubleVibes> (platoon chat, lets spare our lone wolves)
  168. <Tarr> there is a platoon chat now
  169. <Tarr> Okay Shalon, go ahead
  170. <TonYtigr> Roger
  171. <Shalon> For the poll. Lets please diversify how we let everyone know of the poll. Not just on the website but also during gameplay would be nice if we remember.
  172. <GenericMainframe> 3-4 reavers does seem like enough.. anymore may end up crashing during co-ordinated attax
  173. <GenericMainframe> Attacks*
  174. <Tarr> good point - let's make sure people are aware of that ingame
  175. <Tarr> anyone else have anything to say about proposal #2?
  176. <Tarr> Tito, I'll send u a PM to catch u up
  177. <Tito21> Thx
  178. <Tarr> Having allowed everyone sufficient time to chime in on the second proposal, lets now open my third and final proposal up for discussion.
  179. <Tarr> I will give the floor to anyone who messages me with the number "3" (one at a time in order of first/last received).
  180. <Tarr> When your name is called, please type or copy/paste your question/statement as quickly as possible so we can move along to the next person in a timely fashion.
  181. <Tarr> Again, please remain silent unless your name is called and hold all questions/statements that are not related to this specific proposal until time has been allotted for an open discussion.
  182. <Tarr> ****PROPOSAL #3:***
  183. <Tarr> >>Reduce the requirements for leadership positions (no evaluation period, no required reports and promotions granted based solely on interest and a current leader "vouching" for them).<<
  184. <Tarr> Note: If/when we decide to reinstitute spec ops and/or some other form of highly organized structure for this game, we will resume a strict evaluation process and restructure the outfit's leadership ranks as necessary.
  185. <Tarr> Reasons
  186. <Tarr> - Without an active group of leaders, evaluations cannot be performed effectively.
  187. <Tarr> - In a casual environment, there's no need for a highly organized chain of command.
  188. <Tarr> - We still need people who are willing to step up and lead squads/platoons (on a more casual basis) as well as send outfit invites and keep tabs on member conduct.
  189. <Tarr> If you would like to say something related to this proposal, please type the following now: /msg tarr 3
  190. <Tarr> *******************
  191. * Happymack has quit (Ping timeout)
  192. * Happymack ( has joined
  193. <Tarr> anyone?
  194. <Shalon> 3
  195. <Tarr> greyknight has the floor
  196. <Tarr> do u have ur typed out Shalon?
  197. <Shalon> No
  198. <Tarr> k we'll wait on greyknight then
  199. <Tarr> -.-
  200. <greyknight373> I just believe we need to be careful with who we make leaders. Maybe a slight bit of evaluation, and 2 leaders vouching. Sorry on phone
  201. <Tarr> good point and I agree 2 it is... word of mouth is good enough for me as we will now be running a casual outfit
  202. <DoubleVibes> i have something in relation to greyknights statement
  203. <Tarr> go ahead doublevibes
  204. <DoubleVibes> Maybe something simple like a BR requirement
  205. <DoubleVibes> gives an idea of the understanding of the game
  206. <DoubleVibes> an idea of an individuals understanding i mean
  207. <Tarr> I dunno about that one... we could have a great player that just came from PC or another server/faction
  208. <DoubleVibes> obviously there are exceptions like alts and stuff
  209. <DoubleVibes> yeah
  210. * AnarchySpecter_ ( has joined
  211. <Happymack> i'll second that
  212. <DoubleVibes> but they can send the stats of their alts
  213. <Tarr> but I do agree that they should know what they're doing and demonstrate good leadership qualities
  214. * AnarchySpecter has quit (Ping timeout)
  215. <Tarr> the people who are already leaders are trusted enough to make that distinction imho
  216. <DoubleVibes> point taken
  217. <greyknight373> Yes. They could be a great fighter, not a great leader
  218. <Tarr> Okay... Shalon has the floor
  219. <Shalon> I totallyagree with this proprosal as a whole but i have to add this one thing. Please lets keep the young minded leadership (kind way of saying immature i hope) in check cause it will ruin the whole group.
  220. <TonYtigr> Agree
  221. <Flyingclam> 3
  222. <GenericMainframe> Yea tarrs a good... hes like 30something
  223. <GenericMainframe> Good leader
  224. <GenericMainframe> <_<
  225. <Tarr> Absolutely agreed and if there is any issues with our current leaders PLEASE let me or one of the HC members know so that we can issue a warning and deal with it appropriately
  226. <Shalon> Lol
  227. <Tarr> same goes for anyone who is appointed to be a leader in the future
  228. <Tarr> Flyingclam now has the floor
  229. <Flyingclam> Lets just becarful on who we chose as a leader or not. I agree with shalon with keeping people in check and we can do that witht he system we have now. just make it easier for people to form and command squads
  230. <Flyingclam> *be careful
  231. <Flyingclam> done
  232. <Tarr> yes, it will be easier to become a leader as less will be expected but that doesn't mean that we should just make anyone a leader
  233. <Tarr> generic, did you have something to add?
  234. <GenericMainframe> I completly agree with this as 1) the requirements could be putting people off and so if requirments were removed , more people may feel less pressure. 2) Anyone can be a great leader (probably a quote from somewhere) 3)This will allow people to come out of there comfort zone and develop new skills and confidence. 4) we may find amazing leaders who never thought they had the potential
  235. <Flyingclam> agreeded, just make it easier for people to form squads for common play
  236. <Tarr> great points... I have no rebuttal regarding any of that ;)
  237. <Flyingclam> *agreed
  238. <Happymack> a br requirement I believe would be mostly cosmetic. which is a good thing
  239. <Tarr> greyknight?
  240. <Happymack> we need to make an impression on new members. a good one
  241. <greyknight373> Im done
  242. <Tarr> k
  243. <Tarr> anyone else?
  244. <Tarr> alrighty then... moving on
  245. <Shalon> Good idea happymack on the BR requirement
  246. <Tarr> **OTHER PROPOSALS:*
  247. <Tarr> If anyone has a proposal of their own that they wish to add to the agenda, please type the following now: /msg tarr I have a proposal
  248. <Tarr> I will give the floor to anyone who messages me with the statement "I have a proposal" (one at a time in order of first/last received).
  249. <Tarr> When your name is called, please type or copy/paste your question/statement as quickly as possible so we can move along to the next person in a timely fashion.
  250. <Tarr> Again, please remain silent unless your name is called and hold all questions/statements that are not related to this specific proposal until time has been allotted for an open discussion.
  251. <Tarr> *******************
  252. <Tarr> does anyone have a proposal of their own that they would like to make at this time?
  253. <greyknight373> I have a question
  254. <Tarr> go ahead
  255. <Tito21> :/msg tarr
  256. <greyknight373> I know its just an idea floating around but what BR did you have in mind as the minimum Happy?
  257. <GenericMainframe> Hmm... i cannot think of anything else.. it seems you have covered the foundations and anything else would be minor points.... unless i just cant thi
  258. <Happymack> br30?
  259. <GenericMainframe> Oops... hit send instead of delete
  260. <Tarr> I'll discuss the BR requirement thing with the High Council but I don't see that happening honestly due to reasons already stated.
  261. <greyknight373> ok
  262. <Tarr> one last chance to make a proposal of your own....
  263. <Tarr> oh wait
  264. <Tarr> BlacOpal has one
  265. <BlackOpal> Given the outnumbering issue, why not make one of our ops nights in a different faction... is that heresy?
  266. <Tarr> go ahead
  267. <DoubleVibes> eww
  268. <Shalon> Wtf
  269. * Tarr slapps BlackOpal
  270. <Tarr> lol
  271. <GenericMainframe> XD i
  272. <Tito21> We're is my torch
  273. <danofthedeep> Looks pretty good to me Tarr.
  274. <greyknight373> Definitly heresy. Report to your commisar
  275. <BlackOpal> maybe making the issu more obvious to DBG would also make it higher on their priority list?
  276. <Tarr> j/k haha
  277. <danofthedeep> Been following silently.
  278. <BlackOpal> :-)
  279. <Crazy52> something something rules about being in another faction on the same server
  280. <danofthedeep> Definitely.
  281. <Tarr> We have been working with VS to help control the TR population imbalance and I think that should continue
  282. * RighteousNuts (~qwebirc@9278B7A1.F9C4535D.B4B12BB4.IP) has joined
  283. <Tarr> as far as switching to other factions? nothx not for me at least
  284. <TonYtigr> Not for me either
  285. <Tarr> and unless the HC changes their stance, it's against our rules
  286. <BlackOpal> ok- done.
  287. <Happymack> we can change rules... adds more content as well
  288. <Crazy52> rather not
  289. <Tarr> okay, does anyone else have any proposals?
  290. <RighteousNuts> All the time spent on NC? Why would you switch?
  291. <TonYtigr> This will reduce even more the Swarm squads
  292. <Tarr> okay going to do an open discussion now...
  293. <Tarr> **OPEN DISCUSSION**
  294. <Tarr> Now that everyone has had their turn to speak, we can now engage in an open discussion. Please speak freely regarding anything that was discussed here tonight and if you have any further questions for me, feel free to ask but please don't be offended if it gets lost in the flood of responses!
  295. <Tarr> If you have something important to ask me directly, it might be best to send it to me in a private message.
  296. <Tarr> *******************
  297. <RighteousNuts> What's this meeting about?
  298. <GenericMainframe> I imagi e adding rules is like loosening the strings on guitar.. they become loose and hard to manage.. comapred to a straight, strong, structure
  299. <Tarr> check the log on the forums later Righteous, it's almost over now
  300. <Shalon> Switch sides????
  301. <Shalon> What the hell????
  302. <Happymack> i play guitar too
  303. <RighteousNuts> ^^^^
  304. <GenericMainframe> NC \(°^°)/ FREEDOM \(°^° \) SCOTLAND
  305. <Tarr> We have rules about going to other factions/outfits for a good reason
  306. <Shalon> Pot stirrir, lol
  307. <TonYtigr> I just want to say I don't feel spec ops failed (i've read that above). Spec ops allowed to regroup people and playing TOGETHER. What is actually failing is DBG.
  308. <GenericMainframe> I mean... 'MERICA*
  309. <Tarr> PC actually has a solution for that... sort of but it was unfortunately not included in the PS4 version
  310. <Crazy52> i think switching factions on the same server is a bad idea to begin with, there are other servers...
  311. <iTheKGBjr> night all
  312. <GenericMainframe> Morning
  313. <Tarr> gnite kgb ;)
  314. <Happymack> ok. no one likes multiple factions
  315. <Flyingclam> I have to go to bed now so, ill be going now. I think we got alot done here today. thank yall
  316. <Tarr> thanks for coming
  317. <GenericMainframe> 4:05 here XP
  318. <iTheKGBjr> np
  319. <Happymack> nn
  320. <Shalon> Shouldnt be able to on same server at all. That would have solved this crap
  321. * iTheKGBjr has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
  322. <RighteousNuts> Switching factions would get you shunned by the nc and shunned by the faction you joined
  323. <Tito21> Question
  324. <GenericMainframe> Question
  325. <Shalon> Come play guys.
  326. <TonYtigr> Forgot to say on proposal 3. The current official leaders shall still be recognized and shall be put as squad leaders in priority. Reason: i loved being squad leaded by zero, apok, shalon, tarr, grinder, etc. ;)
  327. <Happymack> squad up! im logging on in a minute :D
  328. <greyknight373> Yeah this game has so much potential. I never played ps1 but it seemed to have some great concepts that could carry over.
  329. * Happymack has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  330. <Tarr> current leaders will keep their positions ;)
  331. <Tarr> unless they choose to step down
  332. <GenericMainframe> Sooo... the meeting is officially ovee right?
  333. <GenericMainframe> Over
  334. <greyknight373> Id get on but my brothers playing destiny
  335. <Tarr> not officially, yet
  336. * RighteousNuts has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  337. * Flyingclam has quit (Ping timeout)
  338. <zerosin> I'll do my best man but when i have to lead infantry i feel sorry for you guys
  339. <GenericMainframe> Ahh.. ill stay on then
  340. * BlackOpal has quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  341. <Tarr> but it looks like we're pretty much done so....
  343. <Tarr> Seeing as how there does not seem to be anything else of significant importance to discuss, I am going to go ahead and call tonight's meeting officially adjourned!
  344. <Tarr> Thank you all for coming and feel free to continue this discussion on our forums after the meeting log has been posted.
  345. <Tarr> *******************
  346. <TonYtigr> Nah it was fun last night zero, revived you so many times ;)
  347. <Tarr> NOW it's officially over. ;)
  348. <zerosin> Haha
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