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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. Sadat did not begin, Sadat was an intelligent man. When he felt that he began losing to communists, he reuturned to Islamists and they did not do what they want. However, when ur pope realized that, he told Sadat about establishing a Christian state in the south especially after Zawia incident. Since then, Sadat turned against the pope and detained him, i think he was righteous because ur pope was making the situation more worse. The other thing i want to talk about is that why Christians are feel persecuted when they hear that Muslim population is 90% of the whole pop. Flopateer said it 'bey2olo 3alena aleya we7na se7ab el ard deya' and it became the slogan of the protests. It is not us who determined or put it from our minds, its reality. Go check it in other websites or even in the CIA. Btw Muslims are Islamists but not Extremists, an Islamist is a man asking for the appliance of Sharia that aims establishing an Islamic state with a civil and a modern background 'search in history books and see how Muslims were ruling under the rule of civil laws and the the laws of selfishness'. Justice is the main aim of the Islamic state with non Muslims before Muslims. So do not combine Islamists with extremists because in a matter of fact, in an Islamic state, scientists according to the Sharia 'Muslims and non Muslims' are the ruling minds of the state and not the Sheikhs as everybody think.
  3. 8 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  4. and not under the laws of selfishness*
  6. 8 hours agoMamdouh Tawfik
  7. Not all Muslims are Islamists and of course not all Islamists are extremists, but give me a modern state that applies the "Sharia" and is modern and have freedom, I do not care what the Quran say, I care what people apply, who will apply the "civil" state, Salafais? Ikhwan? who? and since "Sharia" does not allow me to run for presidency and does not allow women to be leaders so in my opinion it is unjust
  9. 8 hours agoMamdouh Tawfik
  10. And words like the Pope wanted to make a copts state in the South is nonsense, if you remember in Qenna the "Christian" governor wasn't allowed to stay in office
  12. 6 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  13. who said that women are not allowed to run for presidency, where Muslims for example accepted 'shagaret el dor' to manage the state affairs during the her husband's illness. Who said that you cant run for presidency, you can, but you wont win beacsue the majority will not let you to do so because they belive that non Muslims will not follow the Sharia as most of non Muslims are not accepting the Sharia becasue unfortuntly are ignorants of what the Sharia says. However, i see the Sharia is the most appropriate set of laws that do sincerely apply justice among all people. History is a witness for that, whereas Arab countries were governed by the Sharia and witnessed massive developments in economics, science, medicine and ....... Etc. Muslims, Jews and Christians at that time were working as a one society during the Islamic rule and all were abide to the laws of justice where there was no difference between Muslims and non Myslims, kings or civilians.
  15. 6 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  16. btw there is a video i posted on my wall called 'Kofar' watch it
  18. 6 hours agoMamdouh Tawfik
  19. لا يوجد تداول سلطة في الإسلام, وإفتراض إن الأغلبية لن تصوت لي لأني غير مسلم غير مستند لأية أسس, الدولة الإسلامة بإستثناء عصر الخلفاء الراشدين كانت عبارة عن ممالك وتورث للأبناء, إعطني نموذج واحد لدولة حديثة تطبق نظام إسلامي, التقدم في العلوم وخلافه لا يعني بالضرورة إن الدولة ليست قمعية أو تراعي حقوق الإنسان وخذ إيران كمثال, بالنسبة لترشح المرأة:"لا ولاية لغير مسلم أو إمراة" هذا ما يقوله السلفيون على الأقل, وعموماً ليس الرئيس من يشرع بل البرلمان وبالتالي يمكن أن يكون رئيس مسلم يريد تطبيق الشريعة ويمنع البرلمان من ذلك
  21. 5 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  22. i dont care about whoever says anything not mentioned in the Sharia whether they are Iranians, extremists,. ..... etc. el7 you mentioned that most of the Muslim empires were not following the whole aspects of the Sharia after the Khulafaa el Rashideen. What i want and it will occur isA is the return of the pure justice that existed during the Khulafaa isA. To end this, you know my intentions quite well regarding justice, however, this does not mean am not a sinner, iam but am trying to reach the best. Finally, if ur not accepting these then its up to you my friend.
  24. 5 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  25. bte there isnt any Islamic modern states till now, dun tell me Iran. The last modern Islamic state was during Mohamed Ali
  27. 4 hours agoMamdouh Tawfik
  28. الخلفاء الراشدين كحقبة زمنية لا يمثلوا شيئاً من الخلافة الإسلامية ككل, فماذا يضمن لي أن لا تنحرف السلطة كما إنحرفت بعد الخلفاء مع الأخذ في الإعتبار إن 3 من الأربع خلفاء ماتوا مقتولين وهم كانوا عادلين لتقواهم وليس بسبب إن نظام الحكم كان عادل, بدون تدوال سلطة وديموقراطية لا توجد عدالة أو مساواة, ولو إستشهدنا فترة الخلفاء الراشدين فقط فبالتالي يمكن أن نأخذ فترة أي حكم رشيد ونقول إن هذا نظام حكم سليم ونتبعه
  30. 3 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  31. i gurantee nothing, و لكن ليس علينا الا الاجتهاد فى فعل الحق و تطبيق العدالة على الكل سواء
  33. 3 hours agoMamdouh Tawfik
  34. بما إنك لا تضمن لي الحكم الإسلامي "الرشيد" فبدلاً من أن نصير صومال أو أيران فلنلجأ للديموقراطية ولنطبق الشريعة(الحدود) من خلال إجراءات الديموقراطية ولتجتهد ما شئت
  36. 3 hours agoMohamed Sweillem
  37. same for me, no problem. And God bless those whom are seeking justice for all
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