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May 22nd, 2016
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  1. [11:16] CPP: [INPUT: /game 1]
  2. [11:17] CPP: [OUTPUT: Begin Jeff the Scientist.]
  3. [11:17] CPP: [LOADING...]
  5. [11:17] CAU: NEW GAME
  6. [11:17] CGG: /quit
  7. [11:17] CUC: NEW GAME
  8. [11:17] CUA: options
  9. [11:17] CGG: 
  10. [11:18] CPP: [>NEW GAME<]
  11. [11:18] -- ??? thaumicTheoristnu [?TTNU] >OPTIONS< --
  12. [11:18] ?TT ceased responding to memo.
  13. [11:18] CPP: [You are JEFF THE SCIENTIST. You work at a TOP-SECRET LABORATORY in MICHIGAN. Lately your team has been developing a TOP-SECRET GOVERNMENT PROJECT that is HIGHLY CLASSIFIED.]
  14. [11:18] CPP: [What will you do?]
  15. [11:18] CUC: Examine surroundings.
  16. [11:19] CPP: [> Examine surroundings.]
  17. [11:19] CAU: > Steal top-secret government project.
  18. [11:19] CUA: get ye flask
  19. [11:19] CGG: Examine probect
  20. [11:19] ??? thaumicTheorist [?TT] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  21. [11:19] ?TT: >MENU< >OPTIONS<
  22. [11:19] ?TT: >Do not steal government project. That would be stupid.
  23. [11:19] CPP: [You are currently in LABORATORY #901. There's a lot of SPARE PARTS lying around on top of a DESK. There's also some BLUEPRINTS and a COMPUTER in the room.]
  24. [11:19] CAU: So this might detail the making of pinary... *gasp*
  25. [11:20] CUA: ohmygodbackstoryhowexciting
  26. [11:20] CPP: ((moar commands))
  27. [11:20] CCU: >Ξxamine Blueprint.
  28. [11:20] CUA: examine blueprints
  29. [11:20] CPP: [> Examine blueprints.]
  30. [11:20] ?TT: >Player Abstraction: Wonder about which project this is.
  31. [11:20] CUC: (( Going AFK a bit))
  32. [11:20] ?TT: >Jeff: Log in to the project blueprint/source repository.
  33. [11:20] ?TT: ?
  34. [11:21] CPP: [The BLUEPRINTS detail the TOP-SECRET GOVERNMENT PROJECT, known as PROJECT BINARY. It's being constructed in the form of a robotic serpent on the order of your ADVANCED SUPERIORS.]
  35. [11:21] CUA: hi fse
  36. [11:21] CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  37. [11:21] CAC: Helo
  38. [11:21] CUA: we just booted up game 1
  39. [11:21] CCU: >Jeff: Recall Username and Password.
  40. [11:21] ?TT: And it's kinda meta.
  41. [11:21] CPP: [PROJECT BINARY is being constructed using the spare parts of another TOP-SECRET PROJECT that is ON-SITE, yet DEACTIVATED. That project was known as the GENETIC LIFEFORM AND DISC-BASED OPERATING SYSTEM, also known as GLaDOS.]
  42. [11:21] CUA: first thing we find is blueprints of project binary
  43. [11:22] CGG: >commit arson
  44. [11:22] ?TT: >No that would be stupid.
  45. [11:22] CPP: [These BLUEPRINTS are just for a PROTOTYPE of the machine, however. You have yet to see if the machine actually works, but today will be the day that it turns on for the first time.]
  46. [11:22] CUA: ((there's nothing around to do that))
  47. [11:22] CAU: > Jeff: Wonder if GLaDOS really was shut down.
  48. [11:22] ?TT: >Remember how/why GLaDOS was deactivated.
  49. [11:22] ?TT: >If.
  50. [11:22] CGG: Commit Arson.exe
  51. [11:22] CPP: [> Remember if GLaDOS was deactivated.]
  52. [11:23] CAC: >Go to the turn-on ceremony or whatever
  53. [11:23] CPP: [> Yep, She was. A while ago, in fact. Some INFILTRATOR snuck in, and the next day, boom. There She was. No one knows exactly what happened to her, but somehow, the GOVERNMENT found out. Next thing you know, PROJECT BINARY's being built from the wreckage.]
  54. [11:23] CPP: [> Go to the turn on ceremony.[
  55. [11:23] ?TT: >Wonder about fellow researcher Caroline.
  56. [11:23] CPP: [Oh, but that won't be for a while. You have some time to kill.]
  57. [11:24] CPP: [> Wonder about fellow researcher Caroline.]
  58. [11:24] CPP: [She died. A long time ago.]
  59. [11:24] CCU: >Jeff: Recall Username and Password.
  60. [11:24] CGG: Contemplate how terrible this idea is
  61. [11:24] CPP: [> Recall username and password.]
  62. [11:26] CPP: [You're a BASIC-LEVEL PERSONNEL, so you don't have access to any of the ADVANCED shit all around the labs. Your CREDENTIALS are: USERNAME = jmasonaperture | PASSWORD = anaccentbeyond]
  63. [11:26] CAU: ...there's a Homestuck tabletop RPG. Of course there is.
  64. [11:26] ?TT: ((Yeah, why not? SBURB is a good setting.))
  65. [11:26] CPP: [You use these CREDENTIALS to log into the APERTURE NETWORK.]
  66. [11:26] ?TT: ((Comes with its own plot!))
  67. [11:26] CPP: [And the U.S. GOVERNMENT LABS NETWORK, as a matter of fact.]
  68. [11:26] CUC: >Jeff: Recall who the ADVANCED-LEVEL PERSONNEL are.
  69. [11:26] CCU: >Recall role in this project.
  70. [11:26] CAU: > Jeff: Re\\
  71. [11:27] CAC: Oh bluh, I forgot about the Goshmodder.
  72. [11:27] CPP: [When PROJECT BINARY turns on, you'll be able to input your credentials into it as well! That won't do much though. Only advanced credentials will unlock cool things.]
  73. [11:27] CAC: Ah well, who cares, my fic made no sense to start with.
  74. [11:27] ?TT: ((Fse:?))
  75. [11:27] CPP: [> Recall who the advanced-level personnel are.]
  76. [11:27] CGG: Mh
  77. [11:27] CAC: Split should've been the Godmodder
  78. [11:27] ?TT: ((It was cool. If only because I could bash it in-universe!))
  79. [11:27] CPP: [There's a ton of them, and you can't recall any by name. No, you can't recall any except one. A guy named RICHARD.
  80. [11:27] ?TT: ...
  81. [11:27] CCU: ...
  82. [11:27] CPP: [> Recall role in this project.]
  83. [11:27] CAU: ...
  84. [11:28] ?TT: >Have sudden epiphany regarding Richard being the Godmodder's first name.
  85. [11:28] CUC: ...
  86. [11:28] ?TT: >Promptly squash it.
  87. [11:28] CAU: ok this is our shot at finding out advanced level credentials ppl
  88. [11:28] CAU: time for some...
  89. [11:28] CUC: ((ye.))
  90. [11:28] CAU: sabotgae
  91. [11:28] CPP: [You're just a designer. You helped come up with the core design of PROJECT BINARY, as in, its serpentine form. Well, okay, no. That's an overstatement. Your ADVANCED SUPERIORS came up with the concept. You're just helping build it.]
  92. [11:28] CUA: now it's getting serious
  93. [11:28] CAU: and sbuterfgue
  94. [11:29] CCU: >Recall Richard fellow in somewhat more detail.
  95. [11:29] CPP: [> Recall Richard in somewhat more detail.]
  96. [11:29] ?TT: >Jeff: Cue up some MUSIC on your PORTABLE MUSIC-PLAYNG DEVICE, while you're thinking.
  98. [11:30] CPP: [RICHARD? Oh, RICHARD. Everybody loves RICHARD! He's the nicest guy in the labs, and he's friends with everyone! He's been a longstanding member of APERTURE LABS. He's really good with computers, after all. His last name is, what was it. You can't remember.]
  99. [11:30] CCU: >Recall why you are building Project Binary.
  100. [11:30] CUA: welcome to backstory investigation
  101. [11:30] CPP: [> Recall why you are building Project Binary.]
  102. [11:30] CAC: >Recall last time you saw Richard
  103. [11:32] CPP: [> PROJECT BINARY is being used to combat a sinister DIGITAL TERRORISM PLOT conducted by a nameless individual known only as THE GODMODDER. The plot is known as THE OPERATION, and it targeted millions of computers at once. Construction on PROJECT BINARY started when THE GOVERNMENT and the ADVANCED SUPERIORS found out APERTURE existed. Then, you all were sent off to work.]
  104. [11:33] CPP: [This is just a prototype of the machine, with only a handful of the actual's features. The real thing will be a full-fledged supercomputing ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE with the power to excel in the game THE GODMODDER has targeted, MINECRAFT. It is the hopes of the ADVANCED SUPERIORS and THE GOVERNMENT that PROJECT BINARY can and will take THE GODMODDER out of comission - permanently.]
  105. [11:33] CGG ceased responding to memo.
  106. [11:34] CAU: > Remark to yourself on how AI is a crapshoot.
  107. [11:34] CCU: > Recall last time you saw Richard.
  108. [11:34] CPP: [> Remark how AI is a crapshoot.]
  109. [11:34] CPP: [Yes, you're well aware of that. But you all have taken great steps to make sure PROJECT BINARY will not go rogue. There's a lot of safety measures, a lot of protocols... Nothing will happen.]
  110. [11:35] CPP: [You've learned from the mistakes you made with GLaDOS.]
  111. [11:35] CPP: [> Recall last time you saw Richard.]
  112. [11:35] CPP: [Last time you saw him was yesterday. He was working on the finishing touches of PROJECT BINARY'S coding.]
  113. [11:35] ?TT: >What mistakes YOU made? Did you even work on the GLaDOS project?
  114. [11:35] CPP: [It was a general you.]
  115. [11:35] CPP: [As in, all of APERTURE LABS.]
  116. [11:35] ?TT: >Also, look for the commits from Richard, if you have access.
  117. [11:36] CUC: >Jeff: Elaborate on 'prototype' status. Will you be building another version later?
  118. [11:36] CPP: [> Elaborate on prototype status.]
  119. [11:37] CPP: [Oh, yes. This is a prototype. Version 0.1.0, you believe. It's being made as a test to make sure that you all are going in the right direction when it comes to the real thing. Hopefuly this will work, and you can base the real PROJECT BINARY off of it. And if it doesn't work... then this can be considered a period of debugging.]
  120. [11:37] CAU: > Jeff: Steal neighbor's passwords on summon whims.
  121. [11:37] CPP: [Version 1.0.0 will be built at a later date. If this prototype works, then construction will begin nigh-immediately. If not, then however long it'll take for the bugs to be ironed out.]
  122. [11:37] CPP: [> Steal neighbor's passwords on summon whims.]
  123. [11:38] CAC: >Think about likelihood of your working on 1.0.0
  124. [11:38] CPP: [Whoa, why would you steal the CREDENTIALS of another SCIENTIST? That's bad news! Last time someone did that, they got sent to the TURRET REDEMPTION LINE.]
  125. [11:38] CPP: [> Think about likelihood of your working on 1.0.0]
  126. [11:38] CPP: [It'll be very likely, if your parts of the design are up to snuff when the thing turns on.]
  127. [11:38] CUC: (( Someone put up the logs of these various pinary-sessions on Pastebin, willya? I gtg. ))
  128. [11:39] CUC: ((Bye!))
  129. [11:39] ?TT: >Wonder about previous TEST SUBJECTS.
  130. [11:39] CUC ceased responding to memo.
  131. [11:39] CPP: [> Wonder about previous test subjects.]
  132. [11:39] CPP: [You don't use test subjects. Not anymore.]
  133. [11:39] CPP: [Someone knocks at your door.]
  134. [11:39] CAU: > Kill them
  135. [11:39] ?TT: >That would be stupid.
  136. [11:39] CPP: [> Kill them.]
  137. [11:39] ?TT: >Open door.
  138. [11:39] CPP: [That's stupid. YOU'RE stupid.]
  139. [11:40] CPP: [> Open door.]
  140. [11:40] ?TT: >After checking to make sure that this person has access to anything you have out,
  141. [11:40] ?TT: that is.
  142. [11:40] CPP: [You open the door. Standing outside of it is an ADVANCED SUPERIOR. You are momentarily taken aback as to why one of them is here in your OFFICE, but you don't want to press the issue. "Good day, Steve. I trust you're ready for the Execution?"]
  143. [11:40] CPP: [> say " "]
  144. [11:40] CAU: > Be Advanced Superior.
  145. [11:41] CPP: [> Be advanced superior.]
  146. [11:41] CPP: [The ADVANCED SUPERIOR is too cool to have anyone be him.]
  147. [11:41] CCU: > Check Advanced Superior's name, if it's visible on any nametag or something.
  148. [11:41] CAU: aww
  149. [11:41] CPP: [> Jeff: say " "]
  150. [11:41] CUA: wait, why's he calling us steve when we're jeff
  151. [11:41] CPP: fuck
  152. [11:41] ?TT: >Jeff: "Jeff, sir."
  153. [11:41] CCU: He's getting the name wrong.
  154. [11:41] CCU: Duh.
  155. [11:41] CPP: [> "Jeff, sir."]
  156. [11:42] CPP: ["Oh, I'm sorry. You all look the same, anyway. Still, you ARE ready, right?]
  157. [11:42] CPP: ["You have the files to be presented and everything?"]
  158. [11:42] CCU: >Jeff: contemplate file status. Also, check for this ADVANCΞD SUPΞR|OR's NAMΞ.
  159. [11:42] ?TT: >Check for the files while you're at it.
  160. [11:42] ?TT: ((Oh.))
  161. [11:42] ?TT: (You did.))
  162. [11:43] CPP: [> Contemplate file status and check the superior's name.]
  163. [11:43] CAU: ((I'll be off soon, so make sure to GET THOSE CREDENTIALS! Somehow, any way, I don't care!))
  164. [11:43] CPP: [There is no name on the SUPERIOR's nameplate, just a symbol: &.]
  165. [11:43] CAC: >Just ask him what his name is...
  166. [11:44] CPP: [He must mean the files on the desk behind you. They're all pertinent to PROJECT BINARY'S construction, and they're supposed to be at THE EXECUTION to be presented.]
  167. [11:44] CPP: [> "What's your name?"]
  168. [11:44] CAU: ((Don't be afraid to try the other games if you can't work this one!))
  169. [11:45] CPP: [The SUPERIOR'S eyes narrow, like slits. "None of you are to call us by our actual names. For now, you can address me as Superior Ampersand."]
  170. [11:45] CCU: "Sorry, Sir Superior Ampersand.
  171. [11:45] CPP: [> "Sorry, Sir Superior Ampersand."]
  172. [11:45] ?TT: *>..."Sorry, Superior Ampersand, sir."
  173. [11:45] CCU: "The files are ready for the Ξxecution, as am |."
  174. [11:45] ?TT: ((But yeah.))
  175. [11:45] CPP: ["Tch, drop the 'sir'. You don't need to be THAT formal."]
  176. [11:46] CPP: [> "The files are ready for the Ξxecution, as am |."]
  177. [11:46] CAC: Ampersand, eh
  178. [11:46] ?TT: I wonder what the others are.
  179. [11:46] CPP: ["Marvelous. Give them to me, and be in the main chamber at 2100 hours. The Execution will take place one minute past then. Don't be late."]
  180. [11:46] ?TT: ))
  181. [11:47] ?TT: >Once again attempt to be Superior Ampersand.
  182. [11:47] CPP: [That's not happening.]
  183. [11:47] -- CURRENT unflyingAngel [CUA] goes afk --
  184. [11:47] ?TT: >Jeff: Remember other superiors' symbols, if you have encountered them.
  185. [11:47] CAU: Pswoooop
  186. [11:47] CAU ceased responding to memo.
  187. [11:47] CCU: >Hand Superior Ampersand the files.
  188. [11:48] CPP: [> Hand Ampersand the files.]
  189. [11:48] CPP: [You give SUPERIOR AMPERSAND the files, taking them off the desk. He nods and gives you a stif smile, shutting the door.]
  190. [11:48] CPP: [It is 5:42 PM. You have around three and a half hours before THE EXECUTION.]
  191. [11:48] ?TT: >Set an alarm for three hours before THE EXECUTION.
  192. [11:49] CPP: [You set your PHONE ALARM to 6:01 PM.]
  193. [11:49] CPP: [Just as a precaution.]
  194. [11:49] ?TT: >Ralize that that was stupid and set an alarm for half an hour before the Execution.
  195. [11:49] CPP: [> Set it for half an hour before, not three hours before.]
  196. [11:50] CPP: <=red>[Okay, you set your alarm for 8:31 PM instead.]
  197. [11:50] CPP: [Okay, you set your alarm for 8:31 PM instead.]
  198. [11:50] CCU: >Make multiple alarms on the phone, put one at 6:01 and the other at 8:31.
  199. [11:50] ?TT: ((Twin, I highly suggest making a quirk to autoreddify brackets.))
  200. [11:50] ?TT: >Make one for each hour, then.
  201. [11:50] CPP: [> Set an alarm for each hour before the execution.]
  202. [11:50] CPP: [You set alarms for 6:01, 7:01, and 8:01 PM.]
  203. [11:51] CPP: [You were told to be in the main chamber at 9:00, though.]
  204. [11:51] CPP: [It
  205. [11:51] ?TT: >On a whim set an alarm for 6:12.
  206. [11:51] CPP: [It's just that the event itself starts at 9:01.]
  207. [11:51] CPP: (( :/ ))
  208. [11:51] ?TT: ((What. It was a perfect opportunity.))
  209. [11:52] CCU: >Set final alarms for 8:30 and 8:45 PM, as a final precaution.
  210. [11:52] ?TT: >^^^
  211. [11:52] CAC: >Check if you're deaf
  212. [11:52] ?TT: >Check phone volume, make sure it is at least vibrate.
  213. [11:52] CPP: [> Set final alarms for 8:30 and 8:45.]
  214. [11:52] CPP: [Alright.]
  215. [11:52] CPP: [> Check if you're deaf.]
  216. [11:52] CPP: [You heard SUPERIOR AMPERSAND just fine, so you're good.]
  217. [11:53] CPP: [> Check phone volume.]
  218. [11:53] CPP: [It is at MAXIMUM VOLUME.]
  219. [11:53] CAC: >Then chill out with the alarms
  220. [11:53] CCU: > Check Phone for any messages.
  221. [11:53] CPP: [Would you like to save your game?]
  222. [11:53] CCU: Yes.
  223. [11:53] ?TT: >Turn VOLUME down a bit, too. SO you're not blasting through the facility with EXTREMELY LOUD ALARMS.
  224. [11:53] CPP: [Saving...]
  225. [11:53] ?TT: >Save game.
  226. [11:53] CPP: [Saving...]
  227. [11:53] CPP: [Saving...]
  228. [11:53] CPP: [Game saved.]
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