
RP in Forgotten Fae 2

Aug 12th, 2019
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  1. Phanax: Welcome
  2. TemptingKiss: (( Hello~ Nice to meet you.))
  3. Phanax: no rp going on atm
  4. Phanax: hes in shower
  5. TemptingKiss: Haha, that's familiar.
  6. Phanax: mhm
  7. Phanax: how can we help you?
  8. TemptingKiss: Oh, I don't need anything. ^__^ I just came to hang out and roleplay a bit.
  9. Phanax: of course, we can start one when hes back
  10. Phanax: unless he got washed down plug hole lol
  11. TemptingKiss: Not a problem.
  12. TemptingKiss: Hahaha
  13. TemptingKiss: That'd have to hurt, honestly.
  14. Phanax: depends how quishy you are
  15. TemptingKiss: -Pokes her stomach- I don't think I'm squishy enough for a drain pipe...
  16. Phanax: sorry if im quite putitng finishing touches to my room
  17. TemptingKiss: You're okay, don't worry about it.
  18. Phanax: thanks, may i ask what you are?
  19. TemptingKiss: Like a race?
  20. Phanax: mhm
  21. TemptingKiss: It's hard to explain, really. It's not one single race, sort of a combination of them through forced magick.
  22. Phanax: oh nice
  23. SageDamhin: (:D At work and getting to join the fray)
  24. Phanax: [sageeeeey!]
  25. Phanax: [tackles hugs her]
  26. SageDamhin: (MEEP! -She
  27. SageDamhin: She'd fall back blinking quickly.- Nii?)
  28. Phanax: [hellos]
  29. SageDamhin: (o-o Hey)
  30. Phanax: [sorry...]
  31. SageDamhin: (Its okay ^^)
  32. SageDamhin: (-Steals the king's seat cause why not.- :3)
  33. Phanax: XD
  34. SageDamhin: WWEEELLLL
  35. Phanax: /me plops on her
  36. SageDamhin: He doesn't seem to be here so.. oof! -She looked to her.-
  37. Phanax: hes in shower
  38. Phanax: im watching through a hole lol
  39. SageDamhin: Creep.
  40. Phanax: he like sit
  41. SageDamhin: /me She hummed pushing Phanax off her lap. "I think some shepard's pie and maybe brownies would be yummy."
  42. Phanax: brownies!!! -falls to floor with a thud-
  43. Phanax: ow
  44. SageDamhin: <-<
  45. SageDamhin: Sorry, not sorry x3
  46. Phanax: bish
  47. SageDamhin: Pfft. No food for you then. -Wanders off towards the kitchen.-
  48. Phanax: love you sagey kins!
  49. TemptingKiss: Hello~ -Waves- Nice to meet you.
  50. SageDamhin: Hello, unfamiliar person.
  51. TemptingKiss: Dehma. -Smiles-
  52. SageDamhin: <.< Do you really? Cause I can use a snuggle buddy at night.
  53. SageDamhin: Sage or Sae. ^^
  54. Phanax: mhm sageykins
  55. Phanax: :P
  56. SageDamhin: <.<
  57. Phanax: my nickname for you...-pouts- dont you like it?
  58. SageDamhin: -Shrugs, and heads for the door.- Wanna come help me gather fresh ingrediants?
  59. Phanax: /me leaps up and follows her
  60. SageDamhin: -She grabbed a basket and hummed heading to her abnormally quick growing garden.- Well need... Yellow onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, basil, thyme and some fresh pepper kernals.
  61. Phanax: /me nods and hums starting to gather them
  62. SageDamhin: -She smiled and began gathering as well, slowly filling the basket full of contents- do you happen to know if we have some chicken, pork or beef in the meat freezer?
  63. Phanax: /me thinks for a moment tapping her chin then licking he rlips "we have bits fo girl...and i think deer"
  64. SageDamhin: We have bits of what? o_o
  65. Phanax: oh umm...-looks away- i killed a witchling and put her in our freezer.... -smiles-
  66. SageDamhin: -She just stared at her as her face drained of color.- ....
  67. Phanax: /me chcukles and goes back to picking the ingredients
  68. SageDamhin: @_____@
  69. Phanax: what...?
  70. Rebourn: :O
  71. SageDamhin: Y-you killed... one of my kind?
  72. Phanax: hes back!!!1
  73. Phanax: /me tackles him to floor
  74. Phanax: she was a bad one....geraint told me to kill her
  75. Phanax: i mean...let me kill her...
  76. SageDamhin: -She just looked at them both before taking her basket of items and going into the green house shutting the doors behind her.-
  77. Phanax: umm...did i say something wrong?
  78. Rebourn: /me Plays dead.
  79. TemptingKiss: I think so, yes.
  80. Phanax: oops
  81. Rebourn: Sage is a witchling
  82. Phanax: /me sist by the doors and knocks on them" sorry i didnt know
  83. Rebourn: /me Pats the smol one's head. ^^ Nice to see ya
  84. TemptingKiss: /me Smiles a happy smile and pulls her shoulders up to her ears. Ohai~ Nice to see you too.
  85. SageDamhin: /me A group of vines would grow up along the doors barring entery. "Nyu." Some shuffling could be heard within the greenhouse.
  86. Rebourn: /me Slowly strides toward the bar, motioning Dehma to follow. ouo
  87. TemptingKiss: /me Skips along happily.
  88. Phanax: /me knocks again "please let me talk to you..."
  89. SageDamhin: I'm.. just going to need a bit of time to myself. I'll make sure dinner is done soon.
  90. Phanax: /me nods and sighs heading tot he bar slipping in next to them both grabbing a couple bottle of strong stuffs
  91. TemptingKiss: /me Sits to the right of Phanax by hopping up into the stool with a small jump.
  92. Rebourn: /me Slips onto a stool easily, grumbling to himself how tall he is. A stone elf slid him an iced glass of rum and gin with some fruit juice, his nose flaring as he smelled it with a cringe. "Jeez smell this and tell me if you want some. It kicks in fast." Nodding he offered the scent to Dehma, pointing his chin toward Sae as he motioned to give it to her next.
  93. SageDamhin: /me In the greenhouse, she pulled up her secondary cooking supplies. A hot pad, a pot, a knife set and cutting board spread out upon her work bench. She brought her basket over to the fountain in there and began washing off the veggies collected.
  94. Phanax: /me shakes her head and drinks her own strong stuff sighing lightly
  95. TemptingKiss: /me Leans in and sniffs the rum recoiling quickly and wrinkling her nose. She takes it with her thumb and forefinger and slides it down to the woman next to her, shaking her head at the smell. Seeing she declined it she slides it back to Geraint. "That's... gross. You consume that?"
  96. Rebourn: /me He tightens his lips at the two, snorting quietly as he chuckled at the small one's reaction. "It smells gross, but it's good. Though my centuries of living may have worn my tastebuds some." Shrugging, the statue waited to hear Dehma's request, the other moving behind it to check on the food before stepping back and out of the way again. The King leaned back against his stool, shutting his eyes as he enjoyed his cold beverage with a sigh of relief.
  97. Rebourn: ][ HI Asterin lol Care to hop in? ][
  98. AsterinKhisfire: ( sure now that im loaded )
  99. AsterinKhisfire: ( is there a post order?)
  100. Phanax: /me Looking between the two she sighed, leaning over bar to grab four bottles. Sliding off the counter a soft sigh escaping he rlips as she ventured back to her room closing the door behind her with a slam
  101. SageDamhin: /me She brought the veggies to the work bench, either pealing or beginning to chop them up before throwing them into the pot along with some roasted garlic oil.
  102. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma took a long moment thinking about what to order, glancing nonchelantly to either side of herself at the strong drinks the two were drinking and squinted her eyes, pursing her lips behind the locked mask across the lower half of her face. She finally looked to the stone servant and pointed to a small, innocuous bottle behind it, "I'll have that." She said alloud thinking that the smaller the bottle the less... gross... it would taste. As the servant placed the small bottle on the table and began to prepare it into a glass she had hoped her assumptions would be right. She heard a door slam off in the distance and tilted her head toward the sound. "What was that...?"
  103. Phanax: [not sure on order asterin]
  104. TemptingKiss: ((I don't think there is one.))
  105. Rebourn: ][ Yeah I say go for it, cause it's a pretty casual rp rn ][
  106. AsterinKhisfire: ~ she made her way from the tavern she had been staying at, through the forest and to the doors, knocking as she was not sure if walking in on her own was allowed. She was dressed in what she considered casual attire, her hair braided and hanging over her shoulder ~
  107. Phanax: [geraint]
  108. Phanax: [discord]
  109. Rebourn: /me The male noticed the tension, his eyes remaining shut as he shook his head, listening to his tempermental guard storm off. He decided to chug the rest of his drink, sliding it to a statue as it was refilled. Turning his head to the small lady, he only grinned and tried not to chuckle too loudly. "Maybe it's that time of the month or somethi-" The sound of knocking has him twist his head toward the front doors, flicking a finger as his wind opened them for the woman, his arm raising in a wave. "Greetings again, Miss. Do join us in getting tipset for a meal."
  110. Phanax: [tempemental...]
  111. Phanax: [really?]
  112. Rebourn: ][ Why you huffin & puffin over there?
  113. Phanax: [you will find out]
  114. SageDamhin: /me Her eyes focused on what was in her hands, a knife, the ingrediants. Although skilled and short worked, she was distracted by her own dark mind and cut her finger. With a wince, a hiss as she gasped she recoiled her finger and growled, "Flame it!" She inhaled then huffed as she grabbed a spoon handing it off to a vine she was working on controling. It grasped the spoon and began stiring the pot's contents. A soft smile formed on her lips as her blood dripped into a pot; before she knew it the plant over grew to a commically large size breaking the windows of the green house and creatting a bud around the lass. Before she even had an attempt to scream the petals enclosed tightly trapping her inside.
  115. AsterinKhisfire: ~ as the door opened she heard the familiar voice say to come in, so she did. Making her way to where she could sense others, some she knew some who were new to her. She smiled warmly as she approached them, taking an empty seat ~ Hello
  116. Phanax: /me After finishing her bottle Saex decided to change into her vest and shorts, grabbing her scythe from her closet venturing out of her room once more. Looking to the group by the bar tilting her head for a moment pulling her sycthe off her back and twirling it
  117. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma turned her head as he did when the knock sounded on the door, her skin prickling slightly as she's been used to being on her guard for a while now. Hearing Geraints calm tone she relaxed slightly and picked up the smaller than average cup that was handed to her and without breathing through her nose she took a relatively big sip of the liquid. Instantly her tongue felt as if it were on fire and the small wings that hung over the back of the chair straightened immediately and shook themselves like a barren tree in the winter. Her right eye closes from the taste as she turns to the side to see a new woman walking up the steps. "Hello, friend." She lifted a hand in greeting but her voice was slightly strained from the drink.
  118. Rebourn: /me He watched the small one close but subtlety, a little relieved to see her lighten up from their first encounter. He glanced to the approaching woman, nodding as she accompanied them as he questioned what she wanted so the statues wouldn't have to wait dumbly before her. Another sip and his mouth was numb, setting the glass down as he heard his guard come back into the manor. He turned around to see what she was up to, a grin and a raise of his eyebrow being enough to show his curiosity. "And what may you be up to, Sae?" In the corner of the King's eye, the small cup rose to Dehma's lips, his head turning to watch as he laughed at her, watching the bottle she drank from be put away as he shook his head. "Clear tequila from my friend Rose today. Not your thing?" He softened his smile, shaking his head at her attempt to act normal.
  119. Phanax: /me Shrugs her shoulders and she grins towards him "im going to train and patrol, was goign to ask for company but you have guests so it can wait."
  120. AsterinKhisfire: Wine is fine ~ she said, chuckling a bit at her little rhym as she sat and listened to the two talk ~
  121. SageDamhin: /me The plants within the green house continued to over grow as a large bud was staying inside. Some plants continued to outreach while others stayed close slowly hardening into wood or a substance all in it's own creating something like a rib cage to protect it. The plants pushed out towards the limits of the gardening area slowly.
  122. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma felt the alcohol spreading warmth from her throat across her ribs all the way down to the pit of her stomach, she blinked hard a couple times thinking to herself 'It is normal, Dehma. It must be. It is not some horrible spell cast upon you from a far.' reasoning with herself did manage to help a bit, or perhaps it was just the alcohol settling. She craned her neck to look up at Geraint as he addresed her and without changing her facial expression she said, "It is strange water, yes. Tolerable, I believe, after time. Is Rose a sorceress...?" Trying to ease her suspicions of a nefarious spell in the liquid. She blinked quickly a couple more times and her head tilted in the direction of the woman speaking on her left out of instinct and wondering if this... wine... was better than the ... Tickly Ah.
  123. Phanax: [Welcome rp in progress]
  124. Rebourn: /me The King's gut dropped, him standing off the stool as the hairs on the back of his neck rose at the wave of magic coming from outside his manor. He looked to his guests and cleared his throat, his tone becoming more serious and perhaps worried. "I may need your assistance if you'd follow me." He turned his head toward Sae, giving her a nod as he pointed out to the front doors. The statues bowed to them all as they stayed to watch over his home as he hurried to the center room. His left hand hoovered down toward the pommel of his blade, his eyes narrowing as he wondered what the hell was happening.
  125. Rebourn: ][ Welcome, if you wish to join the RP, I will graciously paste the setting, if not I can answer any questions you may have. ][
  126. AsterinKhisfire: ( poof)
  127. Phanax: /me Nodding her head Sae gripped her sycthe and ventured tot he front doors slipping out of them and into the crisp air ahead. Glancing round for a quick moment before seeing something strange just beyond the garden borders re-gripping her sycthe she began to run over her hair blowing over her shoulders as she came to a skidding stop watching the vines grow and curl shouting back intside "Geraint its in the garden and someone is trappe dinside"
  128. Phanax: [G discord]
  129. SageDamhin: /me The flower bud was filled with a liquid nector, creating a sleep statsus, breathable, nutrituous. The vines continued their slow growth; the inside of the greenhouse had become a wilderness runned place filled with blossoming exotic flowers, bright lumminessant hues of all sorts creating a tropical like feel and yet held a serene nature. It wasn't quite a hazard other than rapid growth and broken glass, and well, a witchling trapped.
  130. AsterinKhisfire: ~ she let out a soft sigh before standing and following the king, having no weapons on her person. she stopped when she saw the greenhouse and the rather large plants now coming out of it ~ Well I haven't seen that in a while ~ she said with a soft chuckle ~
  131. TemptingKiss: Dehma's entire body tensed up and instinctually two curved blades manifested in each of her hands as she saw Geraint and Sae get up and leave the area quickly, she moved quicker than what would have been normal for someone of her size, her wings tucked in close to her back defensively as she followed them in the shadows, wondering what was amiss. Seeing them descend towards an area that was overrun with vines at the center of which was the remnants of a home made of glass and a large bulb. Dehma moved closer to where they were, but staying out of sight as she wondered what this was, her grip on the blades tightening.
  132. Rebourn: ][ Sorry went to smoke ][
  133. Phanax: [nw]
  134. TemptingKiss: ((It's cool I went to get some lunch.))
  135. Phanax: [i was typing so all good]
  136. Phanax: [Welcome rp in progress but we can answer any questions you may have]
  137. AsterinKhisfire: ( poof)
  138. Phanax: [poofs]
  139. Rebourn: /me The King watched Sae run back to him, his ears lowering at the seriousness as he hummed to himself questioningly. "Who though?.. Sage??" Following his guard's steps, the giant plant came to view, blinking at the beauty of it, his eyes almost sparkling. "It's nice, it's nice. A shame we have to destroy it." Pausing, his eyes slid to the chuckling woman, raising one with curiosity. "You know what this is? How do we handle it?" He stepped on one of the overgrown roots, unshealthing his sword to poke it with the tip, the reaction puzzling as he motioned for the woman to come over. "Game plan, M'Lady?"
  140. Phanax: /me Stepping to the side watching them for a little bit, shrugging her shoulders sighing softly. She didnt know what to do with this as she had never seen it before and so she watched fromt he sidelines
  141. SageDamhin: /me The plant upon being poked with a sword didn't strike out, instead it grew and wrapped around it to nestle it into it's embrace. It's grip was tight shifting it's plant type to bamboo to make it more durable and difficult to retrieve. They weren't on the offense, they were on the defence.
  142. AsterinKhisfire: I have seen this before, a young wood elf did somthing similar while trying to learn how to control plants. Although with sage being a witch it might be slightly different ~ she said before steppinng forward, unafraid of the plants as she placed a hand on them. She began to sing softly in elven, her hand glowing softly as she attempted to stop the growth with her own magic~
  143. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Bianca, if you wish to join the RP, I will graciously paste the setting, if not I can answer any questions you may have. ][
  144. Phanax: [discord G]
  145. SageDamhin: /me The vine was pulsating, it was synced up with the witchling's heartbeat, wonder what the concsiquences would be to stopping it? The plants responded to the soft singing by blooming more foliage, and even curling around her feet to make a bed of poppys.
  146. Guest_BiancaBeesworth1: //Thanks and I would love to join the roleplay please// the only question I got is what are the available positions and what is need to get one\\
  147. SageDamhin: (Fun fact, Poppys if there is enough and inhaled can put someone to sleep.)
  148. AsterinKhisfire: ( just for more info on my rpc : Noble Elf, a subrace of elves that are born from Modern and Transcendent Elf/Mythic Elf.)
  149. AsterinKhisfire: ~ she let out a soft sigh ~ Well I have no idea how to fix this, but I do know if you kill the plant you kill the witch, they are connected some how. ~ she said, stepping back and examining the situation ~
  150. Phanax: [sorry phone call]
  151. Rebourn: ][ Is your RPC name your user, Asterin? ][
  152. AsterinKhisfire: ( yep it is )
  153. Phanax: [adk]
  154. Phanax: afk
  155. Rebourn: ][ Dope, phew [p
  156. TemptingKiss: ((I'm gonna appologize ahead of time, but the post I made is kinda long...))
  157. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma watched the reaction of the large vines when physical damage was made and her eyes darted around looking for an easy and stealthful way to get towards the center of the mass of greenery. She saw her opening and before she knew what she was doing her feet were already running to the nearest vine, ducking behind it she ran as fast as she could to the center bulb, dodging vines as they came crashing towards her and ducking under ones that rose above. She watched the other that lived inside her body control and manipulate many flora before but Dehma was unsure how she would infact accomplish the same task. Once she saw the bulb in sight she lept into the air and managed to get about ten feet from it. She lay her hands on the thick vine and tried to mimic what she had seen the other do before but nothing happened. Cursing she tried harder, concentrating closely on her hands, so close she did not see the vine crashing towards her head; Just before it connected with her head she felt her arm move of it's own will and reach out to the vine to stop it in it's tracks just by emmiting a rose tinted aura from her hand. Tears were welling up from her eyes that were turning a light shade of pink, the familiar feeling rushing over her. As the pink aura grew Dehma's body changed to a full figured woman of a taller height than she already was and a soft voiced laughter came from her mouth, but it did not address her, it addressed the witch inside the greenhouse. "Are you alright in there, magick-bearer?" It was such a gentle and motherly sounding voice that it was difficult to not be comforted by it.
  158. Rebourn: ][ Lay it on us, dear ][
  159. SageDamhin: /me Magic attempting to stop any action within the greenhouse resulted in the pulsating to slow, as if making it slowly stop. Vines sense a danger to the host in the bulb and soon made a thicker layer, weaving within each other to create a stronger barrier. Comfort or not, the being was in an enduced sleep; she'd need her familar or someone she considered family to call her back to the realms of the concious.
  160. Rebourn: /me The Fae male only grumbled to himself, crossing his arms as he cluelessly stared at the bulb, but his expression quickly became flooded with frustration and anger. "My food-maker is in there, we need to figure something ou-" Cut off again, he watched the small assassin like girl dart toward it, him yelling at her to stop after, sprinting after her he shifted, his human body expanding into a large wolf. He followed the girl effortlessly, snapping the vines after her, and using his wind to slice the rest in their way, landing behind her as she started to spell cast(?). The 8ft wolf continued watching her back as it was turned, a snarling bark to the others to help left his throat, but the comforting magic stole his attention, padding closer as he watched the Goddess-like woman speak to Sage inside. He sat and surrounded himself with a shield, vines that attempted to attack were shredded, though it was only a quiet buzz, as he had to listen closely.
  161. TemptingKiss: /me Nori strengthened the aura around herself like a barrier, protecting her from any flora that would attempt to cause her harm as it was impossible due to her species, she is able to control some aspects of nature instinctually without much effort however this took a great deal of concentration on her part. Nori felt the heartbeat of the large wolf behind her but didn't turn, she was searching the mind of the witch inside for any clues as to how to help her awaken. She could feel a tether from the witch to the wolf behind her and it was now that she chose to turn her head gracefully. "Hello, your majesty." Her smile was soft and effortless as her heart reached out to the both of them hoping it would show them she means to help the one inside. "Would it be alright if I asked you to come closer to where I am? I am afraid that I cannot do more... but I believe that you can." Her eyes were gentle yet pain could be seen behind them as she felt for the witch inside. She flinched slightly as a large vine came down upon her aura and then bounced back with weight. "If you could..." She held out her hand to him with a fluid motion and a slight sheen bloomed on her skin from the effort of holding her spot closest to the dense cage of vines that surrounded the center bulb and witch inside.
  162. Phanax: [bck]
  163. AsterinKhisfire: ~ she simply watched and listened, able to hear what was going on at the center perfectly, but not being able to actually reach it now as she did not want to risk harming the witch by harming the plants ~
  164. TemptingKiss: (( Wibbles. ^__^ ))
  165. AsterinKhisfire: ( wb)
  166. Phanax: [ty]
  167. Phanax: [im not on imvu much longer but ill be on discord]
  168. Phanax: [wb]
  169. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Ty))
  170. Rebourn: ][ Hello, hello ][
  171. Phanax: [np]
  172. Phanax: [poofs]
  173. Phanax: [g discord]
  174. Rebourn: ][ What's she tryna have me do with the vine? ][
  175. Phanax: [idk]
  176. TemptingKiss: (( Not with the vine, she's going to ask for him to call out to Sage. The vines' just being a jerk. ))
  177. SageDamhin: (<.< The vines are only acting defensively. )
  178. Phanax: [im so lost...]
  179. Phanax: [goes back to discor dinstead]
  180. TemptingKiss: ((Oh, I'm not blaming your vines. I just mean she's creating a bubble forcing them out of an area and they're trying to get back to where they want to go.))
  181. Phanax: [<.<]
  182. TemptingKiss: (( It's not their fault that she's in the way. XD ))
  183. Rebourn: /me The wolf rose to his feet, shifting instantly to his Fae form again as he bowed a head to the woman acknowledging him. "Madame, allow me." Stepping forward he watched the bulb curiously, his magic feeling wild next to the powerful woman to his side. He watched her and nodded at her subtle ask for help, stepping toward the bulb one more time as he awaited orders.
  184. Phanax: [i must be heading off, Gertaint can you keep an eye on discord i still need to chat with you about soome things]
  185. TemptingKiss: (( Aww, take care Sae. It was nice to meet you and rp with you today.))
  186. Phanax: [ty sorry i was around much, been very busy with some stuff that Geraint wa shelping me with]
  187. Phanax: wasnt*
  188. Rebourn: ][ Okie, goodnight and sweet dreams ][
  189. TemptingKiss: (( Don't even worry about it. :) Good night.))
  190. Phanax: [night night, did you see what i said about discord g?]
  191. Rebourn: ][ Where? ][
  192. Rebourn: ][ What you just said ^ Or do I have to scroll up? o.o ][
  193. Phanax: [Gertaint can you keep an eye on discord i still need to chat with you about soome things]
  194. Rebourn: ][ Oh, yeah that's what I said Okay to o-o' ][
  195. Phanax: [ahh just checking]
  196. TemptingKiss: Nori nodded to the human form before her that was once a wolf, she lifted her hand to his shoulder and hesitated for a moment before touching him. The steeled look in her light rose colored eyes held his gaze for a few heartbeats before she nodded once, a gentle smile on her lips. She extended her right arm right next to the dense ball of vines that only wanted to protect their creator inside the bulb that was not far from them and at the same time she used both of her hands to use herself as a bridge to connect Geraint with the Witch, Sage, inside. She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind to find Sage through her dreamless sleep, finding it difficult to maintain the connection but her will was stronger than her abilities. Nori spoke to the man beside her without opening her eyes, keeping her focus as much as she could on Sage. "Call out to her, you don't need to speak... but you can if you wish, she will hear you either way." There was a slight tremble in the last few words.
  197. Phanax: [on that note goodnight]
  198. TemptingKiss: (( ^__^ Sweet dreams.
  199. SageDamhin: /me The flora in the green house began to wilt. Flowers and any green was loosing their color rather rapidly, something changed, the bulb was bigger but holding tighter as if it was prepairing for something. The vines wilted, draining of life as they became hard as bamboo while the blossom itself ceased to send out those heart beats.
  200. Rebourn: /me The male accepted the touch from Nori, shutting his eyes as he followed her instructions, his ears lowering as if he wasn unsure of himself for once. He peeked an eye out and watched things wilt, panic almost surging him as he cleared his throat, thinking to himself before he wished to speak outloud. 'Sage. Sage? Follow my voice.' He let out a sigh before he watched the bulb's reactions to his words. "Sage, it's urgent: The elves are messing up the food and I need you." He tried not to laugh at himself, hoping he could slide by with a joke first. "You feel us? Come over here and get some cuddles. We'll take care of you." He furrowed his brows and looked to Nori, questioning what he's doing
  201. SageDamhin: /me A surge of energy was emitted from the bulb, the vines and everything suddenly burst to life finding more vivid floral colors, hues and rare breeds of plant life. Everything within the castle’s realm suddenly bound to life more vibrant as if they were feeding off a fertilizer stronger than they’ve ever seen. The bulb soon began to pulse as the sweet golden nectar stained with red hue began to pour out from between the petals began to blossom. As the pink to white hued petals opened it revealed a bed of strongylodon macrobotrys nestling the once petite witchling, instead held a fully grown Witchling. Her torso was more filled, her hips wider, her hair was longer and pulled up into an elegant bun with sections to drape down her shoulders and back. She laid there motionless other than the slow rise and fall of her chest.
  202. LordChaironPhyre: (Hello rebourn))
  203. Rebourn: ][ HIKA !!! HENLO ][
  204. Rebourn: ][ Tetsuu! :D Hey ][
  205. TetsuHasu: ((yo))
  206. TetsuHasu: ((wassup mate))
  207. Rebourn: ][ RP in sessshh we're outside and Sage just became a full grown witch :D Wooo she's out cold, Kiss here is helping me help Sage and yeahh ][
  208. Rebourn: ][ How ya guys doing? ][
  209. TetsuHasu: ((just got home from work))
  210. TemptingKiss: Nori's touch from Geraint to the vines was as gentle as possible, but a weight from her aura could still be felt. She listened to him call out to the witch inside and she cracked a smile at his small joke towards her. She could feel how the two cared for each other, as if family, and once he finished speaking Nori let the words move from one hand, through her mind, and into the vines while guiding the words into the mind of Sage trapped behind thick petals of the defensive bulb. Almost too quickly for it to be caused by what she was trying to accomplish the large bulb released the once small witch from inside who was now a fully grown woman. Sensing the need for her involvement to have concluded she felt the power that kept her physical body in the forefront of the shared minds fading fast, her aura dimmed from a vibrant pink rose color to a dull orange and with a surge she sent the last bit of energy to the beautiful witch on the bed of blue vines to help wake her up, she let her hand drop from the male's shoulder and in a quiet voice she said "Please, tell... her..." But before she could finish the sentance she faded away, her body changing back to the one that is known as Dehma who stumbled around, almost drunkenly, and plopped to the grass holding her head. She opened her eyes and pointed to Sage. "Is she okay?"
  211. Rebourn: ][ I was waiting for the men to go but they deaded xD okay then ][
  212. TetsuHasu: ((o.o go ahead am taking my time ill let yall know when am rdy))
  213. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o))
  214. Guest_Uma358668: (Hello)
  215. Rebourn: /me The King backed away just a little at the energy shift, his head cocking to the side as he watched close. The exotic flowers had him gasp some, seeing the grass flourish as he looked around them; no wrods came out, only admiration as he glanced back down to the witch. He blinked, noticing her change as he nodded to himself that she was breathing, getting closer to prepare to carry her to her room. He turned to the fading Nori a questionable look on his face "Tell her wha-" He only sighed and grinned at the familar face plopping to the ground, chuckling as he nodded and lifted Sage into his arms. "Yes, she will be. Seems the caterpillar is a butterfly now."
  216. Rebourn: ][ Aye Uma
  217. Guest_Uma358668: (Should I come back later )
  218. Guest_Uma358668: (Hello love)
  219. LordChaironPhyre: ((Hey hun check your discord I asked you something there))
  220. SageDamhin: /me She didn't stir, she just slept soundly; till she felt something touching her. Her brow tiwched as she slowly opened her eyes, those green hues brighter than normal blinked a few times before looking at Silver floof. "What the..." She was groggy and unaware of what had went down then her eyes widen. "MY SHEPARDS PIE!?"
  221. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Frealing mobile))
  222. Rebourn: ][ x'D Your pie!!! lol Welcome back Phyre & Raven~ ][
  223. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Thank you kindly))
  224. LordChaironPhyre: (Ty))
  225. SageDamhin: (:P That's the last thing she remembers before the blossom.)
  226. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((I cant remember ifni made it inside or not the other day :())
  227. LordChaironPhyre: ((Love just call me so we can talk I have to log back off to do something -_-))
  228. Rebourn: ][ I gotta go soooon ][
  229. HikatsueHatu: ((NYU!))
  230. TemptingKiss: (( Aw. It's okay. ^-^ I still had fun.))
  231. HikatsueHatu: ((I am back.))
  232. TetsuHasu: ((okay i took a bath and am rdy tell me when i can post le entrace))
  233. Rebourn: ][ -Stays and koala hugs Hika.- ][
  234. HikatsueHatu: ((-Huggles back.-))
  235. Rebourn: ][ Go for it when you're ready Tetsu ][
  236. SageDamhin: (Hey Hika. ^^)
  237. HikatsueHatu: ((Sup.))
  238. Rebourn: /me Beginning to walk back toward the entrance of the manor, he'd sort the new greenhouse tomorrow as he hummed to himself, nodding firmly toward Dehma. "Thank you for the help. I owe you." Noticing Sage wake up, he flashed his canines at her and thought of an evil ploy to mess with her.. "Great honeymoon, don't cha think?"
  239. TetsuHasu: IT started as the wind rolls in howling upon the land as it breath bends the trees to bow before its might.*Flash* a bright light burst across the clouds into the ground below before crackling back up into the blackened skies above as bits of droplets gently kisses the earth . *Tap Tap* slowly it fell as the drums of Raijin himself rolls across the sky as he marches his rage from the heavens, another crackle was heard as the blinding flash of light strikes once more down into the woods creating a small clearing of 40 ft. within the land, leaving a blackened sword in its wake. The sword stood 6 ft tall electricity radiating from its blade as it courses through the land followed by the sound of metal cranking and binding behind the sword as 12 ft wide wings spread open from behind the blade revealing a figure once he arise. The figure stood 6.5ft cladded in black armor from his face to his feet, his faulds battered against his armored pants throught the winds that are powering down onto the lands. Armored gauntlets reaches for the hilt as it grasps onto the handle pulling the sword slowly from its earthly embrace, as the sword rises the sound of the storm began to funnel into one direction while the blade began to swallow up the energy it had released onto this land.It was silent now…not a single sound can be heard but the sheathing of this sword back into its scabbard followed by a simple yawn.” Whoops I need to stop letting this thing fall out of my hands…might hurt somebody.” he stood their scratching his head a bit as he lets out a thunderous laugh.” HAHAHA!!…..huh?” where am i…-the man turns in his spot as his eyes scanned the area around him.”-he sticks a flag into the earth not seeing a soul in sight as he shouts out “”HAHAH inhabited LAND! I shall Claim it in the name of Hoshikaru ! “ he says as his voice continued to thunder around the area.-
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