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Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. #31/03/2020
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  9. Hello all,
  11. In the recent matters of Ultima Kingdoms it has come the a majority of players needing to know the truth, the real side of the community.
  12. I'm not just talking about the player base, but the staff as well.
  14. Inside of here is some of the things you should know, including secrets and abusive ways the staff have dealt with certain situations, but also including statements from ex-members of the community of Ultima.
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  24. Firstly, the rules.
  25. The rules are there to set players into place, not to be there to be misused.
  26. However with the recent events, this has came into action, players and the staff team misusing the rules, disobeying them, which is why this outbreak has happened.
  27. However this isn't the only time that these 'rules' have been broken. They are broken many times without you even knowing, such as when a certain staff member abused into the game sets of armour via command blocks, which is by far not allowed. This armour included game-breaking effects such as extreme health, speed, jump and more. This actually affected me when a member of staff removed this, however my effects of the armour didn't go away, making me one shot everyone and me getting banned for it. Getting banned for the staff's actions.
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  37. Secondly, as a whole staff team, they do not do enough with people breaking these rules. For instance in the 'rules' document they could say about no tolerated swearing, however when you see someone swearing that's popular on the server, you wouldn't see the exact same with someone that's just joined would you? That's because these staff members are biased, and how there opinion is focused on a categorised set of people!
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  54. Thirdly we come to the major outbreak on the server just a week and a bit ago, referring to the 'paedophile' that joined the server. This user was messaging a girl that was far under-aged than he is asking for certain image's, which is by far wrong and disgusting. The Ultima discord server banned this person for his actions however the owner of it then un-banned the player, what does this make the server owner look like, a person who loves sex offenders?
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  71. Fourthly, i'd like to give a few mentions to certain staff, the ones who abuse.
  72. I'm not talking lightly like giving them self a few thousand cash, i'm talking about the ones who break the game with intentions.
  74. So here you go;
  75. - Had someone inside a kingdom
  76. - Abused powers via chat moderation.
  77. - Perm muted a user when they told the community 'I muted him for a day', which then switched to a mute for a week.
  78. - How he blatantly removed Kingdom claims and a huge bedrock tower that was near Saints Claims.
  79. - He made the armour with Command Blocks during his OP-time for events.
  81. (This was all information by another ex-member of the server)
  83. Things players do not appreciate about the server / cons:
  85. Hypocrites on the server,
  86. The glitch-y parts of the kingdoms plugin
  87. hard to get custom enchantments without a dwarf
  88. The rate in which prestige costs, exponential grows
  89. The obscure-ness of the staff team ( not having an at least semi-transparency about difficult situations pertaining the server other than the plugin issues they decide to ask the players about )
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  99. Here's a few statements from players of the server about the experience on Ultima:
  101. Saints == Ex biggest kingdom on the server.
  102. Saint's was also the peacekeeper's of the server, they made sure no war's were to outbreak on it, they tried to keep it in general, as 'peaceful' as they could, and helped massively with keeping the player's happy.
  103. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  104. "I am not willing to support a server, nor any one person, that supports or conspires with anyone that has been confirmed with over 60% surety of being a paedophile. Furthermore, I will not associate myself with any violators of the Discord Terms of Service nor those who go against the Community Guidelines or uphold it.
  105. I really enjoyed being on the server (Ultima) and being able to build my builds was one of my big joys. Though, during my time of about two years there as their Head-Builder I found, that they were very indecisive and the transparency between the Staff was almost non-existent. Their tendency to have a dysfunctional staff team, with only a few select members above the rank of Helper in one single continent or region is, to me, an unfathomable, idiotic move. Then their incapability of selecting the right people for the position, too. Though many of the plugins were great and all, most of the time I found that there were several, severe issues with them either not working properly or me not being able to use some properly. It was a fight, and a quite unnecessary hassle, to get certain permissions that are some times required to build a proper build - so that put limitations to my builds and my overall joy.
  106. I have, since I left, been told, that it feels "empty" without me there, and I agree; I was -- alongside with my functional Government Kingdom, that contained well over 30 active players -- a major part of keeping their player base alive. It is sad, how old alliances can be broken, and friendships lost - and for what? They supported a paedophile, and continue to do so - we gave them a chance to redeem themselves and keep this person banned so that they could keep their community and player base safe from online predators. The Saints Kingdom was established to be the peacekeepers of the server, and for a long time, we were, till the end, in fact. But there comes a time where even the players cant assist a dysfunctional administration, that is clearly in denial of facts, so they must choose the correct path to ensure the continued safety for their members - and that is what we did. We left to keep our members safe from paedophiles." [Grammsay] [Ex server builder] [Leader of Saints] [Head of military affairs of Saints]
  107. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  108. "I was going to continue on the server, I was going to return. It was Mike's downright appalling behaviour dealing with recent events that finalised my decision to leave. The fact that Leo seemingly has done nothing about it doesn't look good on the server, and because of that I probably won't return to Ultima again." [anxiousCrescendo] [Ex member of Saints]
  109. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  110. "I loved this server, I spent months on it and gave it all I had. I helped make the server a functional economy, helped grow a kingdom to its highest potential, getting new people to not only join but kept them interested in the server as a whole, increasing server numbers and encouraging further growth. We were the peacekeepers on the server, we helped all new players regardless of who they were and encouraged them to grow their own kingdoms and make their own adventures. But under no circumstance will I tolerate a staff who allows a paedophile back on the server. The paedophile was perm-banned by staff, to keep the many children on the server safe, but he was un-banned. He didn't even get the normal ban time for harassment, he was only banned for 1/3 of that time. We tried making a petition, we even have 20+ people sign it, but staff tried to stop it. We tried talking to them time and time again, but we were shot down every single time for being disrespectful and wrong, though we were never told exactly what was wrong with what we said. A mod became so toxic towards us, never relenting in his disdain for us for defending children from a sexual predator, that I felt disgusted by his presence as soon as I saw his name. He never relented, to the point that the kingdom Saints as a whole decided to crash the server economy by giving every one all of our money and items. If some was duped then so be it but I doubt it was. We were the richest kingdom on the server and we gave all of our wealth away to prove a point. We never would have even considered these actions if it weren't for that mod. After the fact the mod started to make announcements to the general populace of the server stating false actions of what happened, saying we were all to blame and he was a knight in shining armour defending the server from monsters. He is truly awful and I wish to never even see his name appear in any server or game again. Yes, the owner was wrong to un-ban the paedophile, especially without notifying any other staff, but that is but a candle to the raging bonfire that was created by the mod. That is my officially statement." [FireWinds] [Head of community affairs]
  111. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  112. "I really, really liked this server, it was fun, interesting and i loved all the different plugins and things that you could do with it. Ultima MC was my favourite Minecraft server. I have been a part of the server for a long time although I still had my pauses from the game as any other gamer would. I was enjoying being a part of the server and when I was in my old kingdom I was almost going to be the kings right hand before I joined saints. Here are the things that brought my love for this server down
  113. there were players that were being rude to me and others for no apparent reason other than because they can and I do realise that this had nothing to do with staff until it did. One day as a part of the saints kingdom I found out that Superpoo (one of the players that had been rude to me in the past) was a paedophile that asked for nudes of a younger woman and that he was going to be un-banned from the server. This is not what I expected at all from the owner. Mikey (the server mod) was one of my favourite people on the server. He was always nice and kind to me but then he started to change his mind and side with the owner on the decision to un ban the paedophile. I found this a repulsive and unforgivable act. One day I came onto the server because we set up a small party for the kingdom duke but we couldn't celebrate when it was found out that Mikey began to abuse his mod powers when people didn't agree with his ideas on unbanning a paedophile." [Wizardmagicgo] [Ex member of Saints]
  114. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  115. "The staff was friendly except for mike because of what he did as a moderator." [Mr_WOLVEY] [Ex member of Saints]
  116. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  117. "Mikey was being a 'dick', so we started a resistance against his tyranny and then he banned us." [Dralinn] [Ex member of Saints]
  118. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  119. "There’s a lot of abuse by a lot of people which starting now needs to be checked. I don’t care about the past but moderators can’t be playing kingdoms if they need to do there job by helping fix and moderate the server, I just experienced a lot of moderator abuse before from people on my side and people against me so it’s not political. I just don’t want to be 1 hit by someone who duped shit from moderators or moderators killing players" [Depth - ThoughtCrime] [Current member of Ultima] [Knight]
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  140. In conclusion, the server is of course a total mess at the current state of time, and we hope you as a community, and as a staff can see that. So we would like to say a major sorry if you had to deal with any situation in this server, and we're sorry for what this has done to not please your satisfactory.
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