
Doki Doki Gang

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. >Everyone is on a time limit.
  2. >We all know it, but for some reason no one ever wants to admit it.
  3. >In fact, you only seem to focus on that limit when you're reaching the end of it.
  4. >This was that time.
  5. >You were escorted through the halls of the mansion.
  6. >Armed men seen around every corner.
  7. >This was a mistake and you knew it, but what other choice did you have?
  8. >You could feel your heart pounding against your chest, throat going dry.
  9. >Who knows what you could expect from the doki family?
  10. >This was a dangerous game you were playing, but it's not like you had money.
  11. >The two girls escorting you down the halls stopped in front of two large doors.
  12. >The shorter, pink haired one turned around, arms crossed in a defiant post.
  13. >"I get the impression you're not too bright, so pay attention. You don't speak unless spoken to and you pay you're respect to her, you got that?"
  14. >You give a meek nod, hands crammed into your pockets.
  15. "Y-Yeah, I think I can handle that...."
  16. >The other girl also turned around, a red head with a bow in her hair.
  17. >She gave two enthusiastic thumbs up, throwing a cheerful smile.
  18. >"Don't worry! She's more reasonable than you think! We can help you get through this."
  19. "Th-Thank you?"
  20. >Your head would slightly crook to its side as you said this, a bit confused.
  21. >For thugs, the latter was oddly kind.
  22. >They escorted you forward, throwing up the doors for you.
  23. >That's when you find her.
  24. >She sat there at the table with her fingers interlocked under her chin.
  25. >Her emerald eyes flashed at you, showing off an enticing smile.
  26. >Her face was hard to read, giving an unsettling aura.
  27. >Was that the smile of a cat who just spotted a nice, juicy rat?
  28. >Or the smile of someone who just became a believer in love?
  29. >"Mr. E. Moose!"
  30. >She said in a cheerful tone.
  31. >"Take a seat!"
  32. >Obediently, you move over, sitting down.
  33. "Mr. E. Moose was a father. Call me Anon."
  34. >You take a glance around the room as you sit down, noticing a girl with long purple hair standing next to Monika.
  35. >She quickly averts her head when you glance to her.
  36. >"You asking for a lot here, anon. Most would accuse you for being greedy, but luckily for you I'm a reasonable person, ahaha. Why do you need this money?"
  37. >You grow silent for a moment, unsure if you want to answer that question. After all, it was kind of personal.
  38. "I- I have my reasons."
  39. >The brunette gave a frown, brows starting to furrow.
  40. >"Oh?"
  41. >She leaned back in the chair slightly, never breaking eye contact from you.
  42. >"So you came all the way out here, ask for money, eat up my time, and you can't even tell me why?"
  43. >You grew increasingly nervous.
  44. >You knew the power the doki family had, pushing your luck wasn't smart.
  45. "It's just it's really personal, you know?"
  46. >"Personal, huh? I can respect that, but only if you're willing to let me ask a few questions."
  47. >Figuring there's no harm in it, you shrugged.
  48. "Sure, go ahead."
  49. >"If I came knocking on your door one day and asked for a favor, how would you respond?"
  50. >You went silent for a moment.
  51. >You knew it was less of a hypothetical and more of a warning.
  52. "I-I guess I'd follow through."
  53. >"Good~. What do you do for a living?"
  54. "Electrician, I'm usually working with the power grid."
  55. >The girls would exchange a glance to each other, leaving you slightly confused.
  56. >Was that a good thing?
  57. >"If you were to take a girl you liked out on a date, where would you go?"
  58. >You blinked a couple of times at the odd question, trying to figure if it was a joke or not.
  59. "I don't-... What?"
  60. >"What did I get you excited? I'm guessing I did judging by how red your face got, ahaha~ It's just a hypothetical. Test of character."
  61. >You moved your shoulders up, almost in a feeble attempt to hide the red cheeks.
  62. >Of course it was just a hypothetical, what were you thinking?
  63. "I don't know, I guess the movies or a dinner? It would really depend on who I'm with."
  64. >Monika raised a finger, interjecting her last question.
  65. >"Final question: Which is it?"
  66. >You paused for a moment.
  67. >Could she really know?
  68. "I don't quite understand..."
  69. >"Surprised? Don't be. I've seen thousands of people walk through those doors begging for my help. I've gotten pretty good at figuring out their types ahaha~. So which is it?"
  70. >You hanged your head, piercing your lips together.
  71. >No point in beating around the bush now, huh?
  72. ".....Cancer.....It's early stages, but I need money for treatment."
  73. >Monika returned to her previous position, hands locked under her chin.
  74. >"I see..."
  75. >Was all she said.
  76. >Anticipation was killing you.
  77. >Would they help?
  78. >She waved a finger to the purple haired girl behind her, beckoning her closer.
  79. >"Yuri, take anon to get his money and escort him off our premises."
  80. >The purple haired girl, who you figured was Yuri, jolted up for a moment.
  81. >"M-Me, b-but I-"
  82. >Things were silent between the two of you as you moved.
  83. >The girl looked forward, attempting to keep her mind on the task at hand, finding great uncomfort from being around the stranger.
  84. >You could feel the tension starting to build in the air.
  85. >With a half hearted chuckle you finally decide to speak up to relieve tension.
  86. "Long hallway, huh?"
  87. >The girl suddenly jolted up, almost as if she were shocked by you talking.
  88. >You began to question whether or not you were actually dealing with crime family.
  89. >"Yes, I suppose..."
  90. >She began once calming down, directing her attention forwards again.
  91. >"But it's advantageous this way. It offers plenty of space to move around and ample hiding spaces for our needs."
  92. >A nod was offered up to this.
  93. "Yeah, I guess I could see how it might be better to keep that around."
  94. >"Yes, and the pillars can serve as cover in case things go wrong."
  95. >Something didn't sit right with her bringing up things going wrong.
  96. >Was that common around here?
  97. >The two of you came to a stop in front of a door.
  98. >Yuri held her open palm out to you, commanding you to stay up.
  99. >"Stay out here."
  100. >She simply commanded before moving inside.
  101. >You obeyed, not wanting to awaken the wrath of the Doki Family, despite how silly they've proved to be.
  102. >As soon as she left, Yuri had returned, holding a brief case which she passed off to you.
  103. >"The Doki Family would like to thank you for your support"
  104. >You took a hold of the brief case with the money you desperately needed, offering a nod of the head.
  105. "Th-Thank you. You don't realize how much this means...."
  106. >And with that, you began to make your way out.
  107. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  108. >The money bestowed on you by the family did end up serving you well.
  109. >Chemo proved to be a success as you were no longer stricken by the illness due to how early you caught it.
  110. >As weeks and months rolled by, you soon started to forget about the notorious doki crime family.
  111. >Sadly, what goes around with the family always does come around.
  112. >The pulled yourself from the manhole you were working in.
  113. >You drew a hand across your forehead, pushing away sweat that started to linger there.
  114. >With a glance at your watch you saw it was your longed for lunch break.
  115. >Casually you began to stroll to your car to retrieve the bag you brought with you.
  116. SCREECH!
  117. >The sound of tires burning road as a car quickly pulled up, blocking off your path.
  118. >You leaped back, calling out at the insane driver.
  120. >The black tinted windows slowly began to roll down.
  121. >You could feel yourself choking on your words.
  122. >It was them.
  123. >The two girls you met at the mansion.
  124. >The red hair girl peered past the pink haired one, who was driving, offering up a cheerful smile and waving her hand.
  125. >"Hey, Anon!"
  126. >She called pleasantly.
  127. >Still caught between your desperate pants you, you manage to force out a.
  128. "H-Hey..."
  129. >The pink haired girl spoke up, her arms crossed as if she didn't want to do this chore.
  130. >"Monika told us to come pick you up, so you better get in the car."
  131. >Your initial fear that these girls might harm you soon began to subside with their personality.
  132. >You let off a light chuckle, shaking your head.
  133. "Cute."
  134. >The pink haired girl's eyes nearly began to twitch as she looked on with slight disgust.
  135. >"What?!?"
  136. >You waved a dismissive hand, starting to move around the car.
  137. "Sorry, I still have some work to do. Catch me when I'm do-"
  138. BLAM
  139. >You suddenly fall to the ground out of hands flown over your head in a cowering stance.
  140. "JESUS!"
  141. >You blurt out, glancing over to the barrel pointed at you with smoke rising from it.
  142. >Sayori pressed her fingers together, looking over to Natsuki who fired the weapon.
  143. >"You didn't have to go to that so soon."
  144. >Natsuki, who didn't lower the weapon simply commented back, keeping an eye on anon.
  145. >"What, I shot at the ground around him....Anon, get up."
  146. >You quickly obeyed, hands still trembling as you could feel a drop of sweat roll down your face.
  147. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I'm good. Just calm down."
  148. >You moved to the door, opening it to find a bag laying on the seat
  149. >There was a face of confusion followed by a genuinely sympathetic voice coming from Sayori.
  150. >"Sorry, anon, but you need to put that on. It's not going to be as bad you think it is, I promise."
  151. >For some reason you seriously doubted that. Regardless, you obeyed, throwing the bag over your head and taking your seat as the vehicle took off.
  152. >Eventually you were brought to the undisclosed
  153. >Things were silent.
  154. >The surrounding area was cool, clearly conditioned.
  155. >The smell was sweet and oddly mouth watering.
  156. >Suddenly, the bag was lifted, revealing you to the world around you.
  157. >It was an empty restaurant. A single glimmer of light came from a candle in the center of the table. At the table was Monika with two plates of food.
  158. >"Anon! Glad you could join me!...Not that you had much of a choice that is. Ahaha~. Sorry, why don't you have a seat?"
  159. >You just blinked a few times in utter disbelief at the madness. You nearly got shot over this?!?
  160. "I-Is this some kind of joke?"
  161. >Monika grew serious for a moment, staring her green eyes dead at you.
  162. >"Anon, I don't really find anything funny about the money spent for this get together."
  163. >Her eyes would glance down as she set the napkin on her lap.
  164. >You knew the power she held and knew it was best to fall in line.
  165. >You moved over taking a seat, staring over to the bowl of pasta in front of you.
  166. >"I bet you were expecting something like a fancy steak, right? Ahaha~ No such luck. I'm actually a vegetarian, you know. Shocking right? Especially with someone in my line of work? It's not because I actually care of the animal's life or anything, but because the carbon footprint of cultivating live stock is unbelievable."
  167. >You pause for a moment, blinking as you tried to process the conversation you were just having with her.
  168. >"I respect mother nature, anon. Do you respect her?"
  169. "Well, I mean, I guess...I do recycle."
  170. >You admit, not being one to think much of these sorts of things.
  171. >Monika nods, flashing a smile.
  172. >"That's a good start! Small steps usually can turn into big steps when focused on. I have lots of respect for mother nature. She's powerful, vigilant, and yet...kind. She's given us so much and we should be thankful for that. Because those who aren't respectful of her power are crushed. And that's not just an analogy, ahaha~. Say you have a mosquito infestation and the mosquitoes begin multiplying at an alarming rate. Mother nature will send in frogs to control the infestation. And when the frog population gets too much, they'll starve from lack of mosquitoes. Are you understanding what I'm getting at, Anon?"
  173. >Slowly you nodded your head, understanding exactly where Monika was going with.
  174. "Y-Yeah, I think I do..."
  175. >A sigh rolled off her tongue which sounded very somber.
  176. >"It's not that I want to, Anon. The opposite actually, you're the last person I want to see end up getting roped into this, but..."
  177. >Monika attempted to regain her composure as you were left wondering what exactly she meant by that.
  178. >"But I have to look at this as a business. If I let you off the hook everyone will start seeing me as weak, which is something I can't have. You have my word though that I wont let you get hurt."
  179. >Your fingers trembled slightly as you raised your arms in a defensive manner.
  180. "I-I just work with the city's power grid."
  181. >Monika would just nod her head to this.
  182. >"Yes, you do. And that's exactly what we want you to do. We're not exactly the only family around here, you know. Not even the most powerful. But if we were to take out the head of the most powerful family? We'd show everyone just how powerful we are and take their operations. Their clubs, their street corners, and more importantly their customers. And /you're/ the secret to it all."
  183. >With two blinks you'd raise your finger to yourself, pressing it into your chest with a tilted head.
  184. "Me?"
  185. >"Don't sell yourself too short. In fact, I think you're actually pretty incredible. I see a fire hidden deep inside you."
  186. >A fire? You nearly pissed your pants when Natsuki pulled the gun on you.
  187. >"The grid is underground, right? This means you know the sewers inside and out. Which means you have a back door to their base of operations."
  188. "I don't quite follow."
  189. >You said, now slightly interested.
  190. >"We think it could be in one of the abandoned rail ways, we're working with a few....informants to see which."
  191. >Your arms crossed slightly.
  192. "And if I refuse?"
  193. >A grim expression formed on Monika's face as she pointed her head down, directing her attention to her food.
  194. >"Please don't..."
  195. >Something about the way she said it.
  196. >It sent a chill running up your spine.
  197. >You sigh, slouching your shoulders slightly.
  198. "And after this I'm off the hook right?"
  199. >She looked up, nodding in response.
  200. >"As free as a bird....ahaha~"
  201. >You could sense a bit of sadness in her tone, but decided to ignore it.
  202. "Fine, so long as it makes us even."
  203. >And with that, you returned to your meal.
  204. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  205. >After your meal is finished you found yourself in a car with Monika.
  206. >Headlights were off as you traversed through the dark.
  207. >You came to a stop at an empty parking lot which had a single white van in the center of
  208. >"This is the stop!"
  209. >Monika said in a slightly pleasant tone.
  210. >The van shook back and forth, drawing your attention.
  211. >What was going on in there?
  212. >Sayori and Natsuki moved out of the front of the van as it still shook.
  213. >You and Monika exit the vehicle, moving close to them.
  214. "The hell is going on in there?"
  215. >Natsuki pointed behind her with her thumb.
  216. >"Yuri's getting some extra details."
  217. "Deta-"
  218. >You stop, but catch yourself upon realizing just what that meant.
  219. >Physically distressed you began to pace slightly.
  220. "GODDAMMIT! Can we not make this needlessly violent?!?"
  221. >A sympathetic look flashed in Sayori's blue eyes.
  222. >She reached over rubbing your arm in an attempt to calm you down.
  223. >"Don't worry, Anon. I'm sure it's not going that bad."
  224. >Almost as if on cue, the sliding doors to the van opened up, revealing a blood stained Yuri with a lustful look in her eye and heavy panting.
  225. >However, this would quickly subside as he caught sight of you, practically leaping back.
  226. >"A-Anon?!?"
  227. >She ran her fingers through her purple hair, possibly a nervous habit.
  228. >"I-I had no idea you were the one coming...Th-this isn't usually how interrogations happen. I-I swear!"
  229. >Monika cleared her throat, attempting to draw Yuri's attention away from that.
  230. >"Did he say the general location?"
  231. >Yuri attempted to regain her composure, bobbing her head.
  232. >"Yes, it's under fifth street somewhere..."
  233. >Monika turned her attention to you
  234. >"Do you know anything around there?"
  235. "Y-Yeah. One of the walls is a bit hollow....You don't think it..."
  236. >"That wall can be where the abandoned railroad track is they're using. See? Told you that you were useful~!"
  237. >You lead the girls down through the subway, moving along to the location they had pointed out.
  238. >Soon this terrible dream would be over.
  239. >You near an old brick wall, wafting away bits of dust particles as you approach it.
  240. "Here it is...."
  241. >You moved back, leaning on a support beam.
  242. >"I wouldn't do that! It might not be safe, ahaha~. Just stay behind us."
  243. >Natsuki moved over, placing a cold colt in your hand.
  244. >You nearly flinch as the cold metal graces your palm, eyes widening slightly.
  245. >You've never touched a gun, let alone fired. one.
  246. "Whoa whoa! I-I'm no-"
  247. >"It's just for your protection."
  248. >The pinkette chimed in.
  249. "I don't give a fuck what it's for! I'm not going to kill anybody!"
  250. >Yuri began placing what appeared to be C4 on the brick wall.
  251. >Your fear started to turn to anger as they continued working.
  252. >With hands shaking in anger your face began to grow a deep red with rage.
  254. >Yuri finished putting up the bombs, turning to Monika and nodding to her, indicating she was ready.
  256. >There was a beep followed by several more.
  257. >Almost as if instinct, the girls broke into a sprint past you, seeking cover.
  258. "FUCK!"
  259. >You called out, quickly rolling behind the pillar.
  260. >Hands quickly clasped over your ears.
  261. >You clenched your teeth as you slightly quivered, waiting for the explosion.
  262. KRA-KOOM!
  263. >There was a flash of light and a thunderous boom that shook you to your core.
  265. >You simply called as bullets rang through the air, flying past your space of cover.
  266. >Clearly, the people on the other side of the wall weren't too happy with these turn of events.
  267. >The girls were unphased, uncaring, completely plain as they returned the fire.
  268. >Well, other from Yuri, who's smile seemed to indicate she was enjoying this all too much.
  269. >Honestly, you couldn't tell which of the two looks scared you the most.
  270. >Eventually, the rain of bullets calmed down, allowing you to remove your hands from your ears.
  271. >Your breaths were heavy, face covered in bitter sweat.
  272. >With the cost clear, the girls began to move from their cover, walking closer and closer to the opening they created for themselves.
  273. >"It wasn't /that/ bad".
  274. >Natsuki commented as she passed you, still sitting on the ground.
  275. >Not that bad?
  276. >You quite literally just witnessed a massacre.
  277. >You were afraid to look, but curiosity was getting the better of you.
  278. >Your neck slowly turned, attempting to see what went down.
  279. >It was worse than you imagined.
  280. >The walls were splatted with dark red.
  281. >Tables flipped over with several holes in them.
  282. >And the bodies.
  283. >Dear God the bodies.
  284. >You wanted to throw up.
  285. >The girls were talking about.....something.
  286. >You couldn't hear as your thoughts were too loud, drowning out any noise they made.
  287. >You wanted it to end.
  288. >You wanted to closer your eyes and reopen them to find yourself in your bad.
  289. >But sadly, this was reality and there was no waking up to save you now.
  290. >Though, one thing did bring you out of your trance though.
  291. >One of the "dead" bodies twitched slightly, head slowly raising to see the girls away.
  292. >Slowly as not to alarm them, the man lifted himself from the ground, reaching for the fire arm discarded by them.
  293. >As your heart beat raced time seemed to slow.
  294. >What do you do?
  295. >Do you stop him?
  296. >Do you let the monsters tear themselves apart?
  297. >What goes around comes around right?
  298. BLAM!
  299. >It was so fast
  300. >You hardly even thought of it at the time.
  301. >Your hand shook.
  302. >Tears began to well in your eyes as you stared deeply into his.
  303. >Those ocean blue eyes.
  304. >You'd never forget it.
  305. >As he slowly fell you didn't break your contact with it.
  306. >There was a soft thud as he landed on the ground.
  307. >A pool of red beginning to take shape under his head.
  308. >It was incredibly easy.
  309. >Too easy.
  310. >Just to take a man off the Earth like that.
  311. >You felt a deep pit in your stomach.
  312. >An emptiness.
  313. >You took another man's life.
  314. >Stole their very being.
  315. >You were monster.
  316. >No better than the dokis you were cursing earlier.
  317. >There was no sound.
  318. >Just the powerful banging of your heart against your ribs.
  319. >You slouched back, staring down at the gun that laid in your hands.
  320. >What have you done?
  321. "? ????'?.....? ????'? ????"
  322. >A soft hand laid on your shoulder, attempting to offer some sort of comfort to you.
  323. >Your pale just moved up, distantly staring at the face of Sayori who looked back down onto you.
  324. >"It's okay."
  325. >She tried to offer up as reassurance.
  326. >"You fell bad right now, but you have to think happy thoughts and breath."
  327. >The pacing of your breaths slowly softened, listening to what she had to say.
  328. >"Everyone's first time is hard."
  329. >First time?
  330. >No, you were done.
  331. >You shoved her hand off of you returning to your feet.
  332. "NO!"
  333. >You said in a demanding tone.
  335. >The girls just stared, each giving grim looks.
  336. >Looks of pity.
  337. >Why were they giving that?
  338. >Natsuki was the first to speak.
  339. >"Anon, you spilled their blood. You're marked, they wont let you get away with it..."
  340. >She turned her face slightly.
  341. >Her face....
  342. >It looked saddened.
  343. >"If you leave we wont be able to protect you..."
  344. "What the hell are you talking about?"
  345. >You demanded to know.
  346. >Yuri ran a hand through her hair again as she gave her opinion.
  347. >"In order to stay as effective as we are we can't get let emotions get in the way. If you walk away we will have to treat it as if we never met you."
  348. >Monika gave a slow nod, adding.
  349. >"That's how this business works. You're important, but not as important as our mission."
  350. >Your head turned to Sayori who looked back up at you with her blue eyes.
  351. >".....They're my family, Anon."
  352. >You shook your head.
  353. >It didn't matter.
  354. "FINE!"
  355. >You barked, turning around as you walked away, throwing the weapon down at their feet.
  356. "I know what your "help" gets people anyway! Stay out of my life, freaks!"
  357. >And with that, you slowly disappeared through the darkness of the tunnel.
  358. >Thoughts clouded your mind.
  359. >Mostly of him.
  360. >Could you ever live a normal life again?
  361. >Should you see a therapist?
  362. >Would it be smart to after the activity you just took part in?
  363. >First things first though, you had to get somewhere safe.
  364. >Maybe buy a plane ticket to Canada.
  365. >Yeah, it would be too much effort to go out for you there, right?
  366. >Thoughts suddenly ceased and vision quickly vanished as something hard hit the back of your head, sending you deep into unconsciousness.
  367. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  368. >You came to.
  369. >Vision blurry at first.
  370. >You couldn't make out anything around you.
  371. >You gave a groan of pain as you lifted your head.
  372. >The splitting headache felt like someone was jack hammering you from the inside of your skull.
  373. >You tried to move but couldn't.
  374. >Something was holding your arms and legs down.
  375. >"Hey, so the bastard wakes!"
  376. >You blinked a few times, eyes becoming more and more clear
  377. >There, just inches away from your face, was the ugliest fucker you've ever seen.
  378. >He had a bushy mustache.
  379. >Flashing a smile to show off his crooked teeth.
  380. >He was fat too.
  381. >Because of this, you could imagine he got people to do his dirty work.
  382. >"You know."
  383. >The man held up a shiny knife, reflecting light unto your face.
  384. >He ran a finger up the side of it, gently stopping once the index finger reached the point of the weapon.
  385. >"He was my cousin."
  386. >His brown eyes stared back to your face with utter disgust.
  387. >In a swift motion he jammed the knife into your leg.
  388. >You called out in pain as the sharp end tore into your body.
  389. >"He and him, we were close...."
  390. >He gripped the handle, blade still stuck inside of you.
  391. >"Close with all my family. Me and him, we'd play all the time on the weekends. Go over to my aunts and play in the forest with him. Mostly kid shit, air soft guns, make believe, hide and seek."
  392. >As slowly as possible, the man would begin to twist his wrist.
  393. >The gross sound of wet meat ripping and tearing was heard as the blade carved itself into your leg.
  394. >Your calls didn't stop.
  395. >Hollering to seemingly no one, wanting to pain to stop.
  396. >"I want nothing more than to see you chopped up into little bits and turned into fucking fertilizer so we can turn you into goddamn flowers at his funeral."
  397. >In a single yanking motion, he pulled the knife from his body, bits of meat coming out along with it.
  398. >"But, my mama taught me character."
  399. >He gently placed his hands on your cheeks.
  400. >"Every man is worth a second chance, right? Well here's yours. You tell me where the dokis are and all's forgiven. I let you go and let you live. I'm willing to bet you're a good kid. You wouldn't want to throw your life away over stupid shit, would you?"
  401. >You thought of the question.
  402. >You feared death, more than anything.
  403. >And the girls did say they wouldn't help you.
  404. >If they didn't care then why should you.
  405. >Slowly, you nodded your weak head.
  406. "Alright.....Alright....I don't like them anyways, I'll tell you."
  407. >The man smiled a bit, lightly patting the side of your face.
  408. >"Hey, I knew you were a good kid. We'll get you something to drink after this, it'll make you feel betta'."
  409. >You glanced around.
  410. "Come closer, I can't say it out loud."
  411. >The man leaned his ear closer to your lip so you could tell him.
  412. >You give a devious smirk.
  413. >With a loud chomping sound you bit down on his ear
  414. >The man called in pain as his iron tasting blood began to make its way into your mouth.
  415. >"YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
  416. WHAP!
  417. >In a swift motion he back handed you, causing you to relinquish your grip on him.
  418. >The man grabbed his bleeding ear, jolting away from you.
  420. >You smiled, chuckling through your split lip.
  421. "Nah, you look more like a tomato. Round, fat, and red."
  422. >The man pointed a finger at your, eyes beating down at you.
  423. >"You're dead, you hear me? DEAD!"
  424. >He started to make his way out of the room, snapping his fingers at the two guards at the door.
  425. >"Tender him up. I'll be back, I want to personal make this bitch boy beg for me to kill him."
  426. >The guards dressed in tuxedos simply nodded as their boss exited the room.
  427. >You looked up, shit eating grin spread on your face.
  428. "Those outfits are pretty cute. When's the wedding?"
  429. >One after the other fists began to beat down on your face.
  430. >Each powerful blow against you disorienting you.
  431. >But their attempts to break you wouldn't work.
  432. >It just filled you with hate.
  433. >Anger
  434. >Thirst
  435. >Each hit a reminder.
  436. >A reminder of the dark feeling you got when you took that man's life.
  437. >You lusted for more of it.
  438. >You could feel your consciousness begin to fade again.
  439. >One more hit and you'd be out.
  440. >But it never happened.
  441. >Instead, there was a cracking sound and a scream.
  442. >You were in too much pain to look up and see what it was.
  443. >There was a whisper in your ear.
  444. >"Shhh, I'll get you out of here."
  445. >The feminine voice said as she undid the restraints.
  446. >You looked up, seeing her beautiful face.
  447. >It was her
  448. >Would she really betray what she stood for to save you?
  449. >It was [your doki]
  450. "Huh?"
  451. >You questioned as she undid your restraints.
  452. >"I left to make sure you were alright as the others went deeper to find the head."
  453. >Your head shook slightly as you returned to your feet.
  454. "They're not going to find him, he's here..."
  455. >"What?!?"
  456. "Yeah."
  457. >You bet down, digging through the suits of the men she killed.
  458. "I gave him a sample of my dental record."
  459. >"We have to get out of here now!"
  460. "No!"
  461. >You called back, retrieving the guard's firearm.
  462. "I want to see if marshmallow fluff comes out of his bullet holes."
  463. >"You're in no position to-"
  464. "I'm in the only position to. Adrenalin his high, might be drugged, and my emotions are clouding my better judgement. If I wait any longer I might pussy out."
  465. >"Anon, please you can't-"
  466. >You kick down the door, walking out and firing a single shot into the air.
  468. >Three men quickly turned around, shocked to see the hostage free.
  469. >The scrambled for cover as your doki jump out.
  470. >She tackled you over the bar for cover.
  471. >"ARE YOU INSANE?!?"
  472. >You just blinked a few times at her comment, bellowing with a hardy laugh.
  473. >"Y-You never been in a situation like this?!?"
  474. >She was right, but that didn't stop you.
  475. >You had critical thinking skills.
  476. >You licked your lips, staring at the reflection shown on one of the bottles.
  477. >One behind a support beam on the left, one under a pushed over pool table with a ceiling fan above, one hiding behind a door frame, and a fire extinguisher under the bar table.
  478. >You could work with this.
  479. >You closed your eyes and counted to three, hoping this next action would be your last.
  480. >Swiftly, you peaked your head from the cover, firing upwards at the fan.
  481. >Bullets zoom passed you as there was a loud call of pain and a crash.
  482. >You smiled at this noise, nodding to yourself.
  483. >The man in the center was out.
  484. "Do you have your gun?!?"
  485. >She nodded, pulling it out
  486. "When say so you fire at four o' clock."
  487. >You gripped the handle of the fire extingisher
  488. >Your eyes were still on your enemies' reflections.
  489. >They peaked out, waiting to fire at you.
  490. >Your breaths were shallow, knowing exactly what was on the line here.
  491. >You hurled the fire extinguisher over the bar, prompting your enemies to open fire.
  492. >As bullets burst through the metal, causing the extinguisher to explode in a great wall of smoke.
  493. "NOW!"
  494. >You let out, bursting out of your cover and firing at the guy on the left while your doki opened on the man on the right.
  495. >The smoke cleared revealing three corpses to you.
  496. >You hopped over the bar, observing your surroundings.
  497. >The window letting the beautiful night sky in seemed to suggest you were in some sort of building.
  498. >You kept moving, finding a door in the back.
  499. >Placing a hand on it, it slowly creaked open.
  500. >There he was.
  501. >The head of the rival family had a blood stained handkerchief over his ear, staring out the window with a glass of whisky in his left hand.
  502. "Hey...."
  503. >You called to him, causing him to jolt.
  504. >He assumed from the firefight that his men must have taken you out.
  505. >There was no way in hell a punk like you could beat them.
  506. >And yet, here you were.
  507. >He slowly turned, seeing you raise the weapon to him.
  508. "The doki family sends their regards."
  509. >He spat on the floor, eyes firey red with hatred.
  510. >"Suck my fat cock."
  511. >You squeeze the trigger, sending a bullet through his knee cap.
  512. >Glass shattered on the ground as he dropped his drink, holding his leg.
  513. >He called in pain, stumbling back wards.
  514. >Glass shattered again as the man fell backwards, breaking through the window.
  515. >Loud shrieks of terror could be heard and then
  516. >...
  517. >Silence.
  518. >You walked over, glancing over the ledge created to see the body laid out on the floor below.
  519. "Huh....He splattered like a tomato too...."
  520. >A hand moved into yours, holding onto it tight.
  521. >You looked over to see none other than you doki, staring down at the body.
  522. >With the moonlight seeping light into the room you place a finger on her chin, pointing it upwards.
  523. >You leaned your head down, pulling her into a deep kiss.
  524. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  525. >It's been 16 months since the incident.
  526. >Usually, there would be punishment for the insolence of your doki, but due to the stunt she pulled the doki name was now the most feared family in America.
  527. >Because of this, all was forgiven.
  528. >As for you?
  529. >You become a bit of an unofficial member of the family.
  530. >They knew they had your loyalty and you were more than willing to lend a helping hand.
  531. >In return, you got a big pay.
  532. >Though today?
  533. >Today your connection to the family would be official.
  534. >You stared deeply into the eyes of your doki.
  535. >Her beautiful smile giving you a warm sensation.
  536. >"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
  537. >The priest spoke.
  538. >"You may kiss the bride."
  539. >You pulled your doki in close, pressing her smaller body against yours.
  540. >Lips interlocked as your tongues began to explore ever corner of the other's mouth.
  541. >The crowd stood cheering your union on.
  542. THE END
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