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Jul 4th, 2012
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  1. <aaronp> Sorry I've been behind on this stuff. I successfully built your prime branches and our driver against the SDK bits and can successfully start an X server with xf86-video-intel or our driver on my Optimus test board. I haven't gotten around to wiring up the provider stuff yet, though.
  2. <aaronp> In terms of breaking our driver horribly, you fail at that. :P
  3. <keithp> aaronp: we'll have to try harder, I guess?
  4. * ssp_ (ssp@nat/redhat/x-wlesbjbhtarhvpfr) has joined #xorg-devel
  5. <aaronp> How do you plan to deal with different GLX visuals / fbconfigs between providers?
  6. <mlankhorst> aaronp: so does nvidia do intel y swizzling or not
  7. <keithp> aaronp: as airlied described, applications that want to play must deal with the GLX extension that tells them to essentially reload GL
  8. <keithp> if you've got non-participating applications running, you can't switch
  9. <keithp> so, it appears to punt to the application
  10. <aaronp> mlankhorst: I haven't managed to track down an answer to that.
  11. <keithp> which seems sensible
  12. <mlankhorst> aw
  13. <aaronp> keithp: so apps have to re-query the fbconfig list when their contexts go away?
  14. <keithp> I'd assume so; how else could it work?
  15. <aaronp> Okay
  16. * keithp hasn't read that GLX/EGL extension to know though
  17. <aaronp> That seems like it should work.
  18. <aaronp> Mucking about with the Visuals might be harder, but hopefully doable.
  19. <keithp> yeah, essentially re-do all of their GL configuration
  20. <mlankhorst> keithp: iirc nvidia wrote it
  21. <keithp> oh, I don't know about the visuals; doesn't seem like airlied cares
  22. <keithp> so, use fbconfigs or fail
  23. <keithp> (the whole visuals hack is ugly anyways)
  24. <aaronp> Yeah, it's pretty gross, but workstation apps need it.
  25. <aaronp> (workstation apps need a lot of hand-holding)
  26. <keithp> they probably won't be playing
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