

Dec 14th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. “Magic Gods are those who pursued magic to the point of no longer being human. But
  2. these Golden people have remained human while using spells that incorporate even the
  3. power of Magic Gods. But it isn’t a case of one side walking all over the other. It’s a
  4. complex mess of mutual deception and betrayal. You could say whoever lets their guard
  5. down just a little will be consumed.”
  7. “Well, normally thinking, a Magic God who has mastered magic would never be outdone
  8. by the knowledge of a magician who is still working to master magic,” said Niang-Niang.
  9. “But these Golden people aren’t exactly the average case. Do you mind if I use a poker
  10. analogy? A 2 might be the weakest card, but if you gather all four of them, you have a four-
  11. of-a-kind. It’s the group effect. It’s synergy. Of course, it’s still like threading a needle, but
  12. if used correctly, it could probably bring them pretty close to being the strongest out there.
  13. It’s not just the kings and aces that determine who wins and who loses.”
  15. “Even Aleister figured out for himself how to eliminate Magic Gods Zombie and High
  16. Priest. If these people want to claim they’re the original Golden magicians like him, they’ll
  17. have to show us something that makes even us panic.”
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. It could have been Israel Regardie or Netta Fornario. If these Magic Gods had run into
  22. any of the other Golden magicians, no one could have predicted the result. But Dion
  23. Fortune would be forced to fight with probability instead of with ingenuity or a fistfight.
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. “Oh, what a gentleman. But I don’t think it’s too late to get some more information out of
  28. her as a reward for taking her in. ...Really, she’s probably the only Golden magician who
  29. would back down so easily. Especially in their current state where they would probably
  30. calmly challenge a god even after having half their body blown away.”
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