

Dec 16th, 2020
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  1. „Calms the mind to grasp prin­ci­ples?” Yun Che scoffs to say with a smile: „Is one re­veals only part of the truth, the den was raised quickly clamped the tail to jump come out old bas­tard!”
  2. Nan Guizhong, even he al­ready „leav­ing the world” many years, but as the em­peror of once South­ern Sea, the con­trol of South­ern God Ter­ri­tory, how dare God Realm to fade from the mem­ory his pres­tige.
  3. But he like the myth being near world, body vast such as starry sky lofty still wins the past years today again, ob­tained is ac­tu­ally not myr­iad spir­its bends body re­spects, but is one such as the South­ern Sea piti­ful con­di­tions of ten thou­sand heavy night­mares, as well as...... a younger gen­er­a­tion bru­tal taunt.
  4. „Snort .” Qianye Ying'er chants in a low voice, re­gard­ing Nan Guizhong sur­vival in world, she does not have ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised ex­tremely as be­fore.
  5. These are built on Pro­found Dao to the sum­mit, ex­pe­ri­ences the pow­er­house of var­i­ous world vi­cis­si­tudes, they in the life Late Stage biggest de­sire, often in­quire about the Pro­found Dao bound­ary later world, will thus shun the world to grasp prin­ci­ples by „death”, the God Realm his­tory has had too many prece­dents.
  6. Only piti­fully, they shunned the world to dying of old age, can achieve wishes to as­cer­tain Pro­found Dao peak from no one.
  7. „Yun...... Che!!” Nan Wan­sheng raised the head slowly, the manic blood stream gushes out from his seven ori­fices un­ceas­ingly, it can be imag­ined his anger hated to be in what sit­u­a­tion: „this King...... must per­son­ally...... you...... Wu!”
  8. At pre­sent one black, he clenches teeth fiercely, con­trols nearly to spurt stub­bornly crazily, but counter blood.
  9. Al­though Nan Wan­sheng is life­time, but he ac­tu­ally re­spects to the fa­ther ex­tremely, but the po­si­tion and pres­tige by his fa­ther, pre­sent age who dares so the shame he.
  10. Nan Guizhong deeply looked at Yun Che one, is ac­tu­ally hangs the eye to say to South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror: „Ten thou­sand live, for the fa­ther to tem­per your dis­po­si­tion in the past, used ten thou­sand years of heart blood, now ac­tu­ally bursts ran­domly hence. Even if today South­ern Sea is com­pletely safe, you in front of Yun Che, has col­lapsed com­pletely.”
  11. „......” Nan Wan­sheng slowly closed both eyes, said: „Royal Fa­ther, child is use­less, be­cause of the tem­po­rary death an­niver­sary, used Sea God Can­non, this time the grave of­fense...... child does not have the face coun­te­nance to all pre­vi­ous an­ces­tor, does not have the face coun­te­nance to South­ern Sea.”
  12. Nan Guizhong ac­tu­ally shakes the head, slowly said: „Today all, are the fa­ther all ob­serve in in the eyes. If the fa­ther, fac­ing so crazy hor­i­zon­tal Devil, will also make with your same choice. Oth­er­wise, is re­lated to Sea God Can­non, has sent greet­ings for the fa­ther pre­vents...... you to de­feat is not in­just.”
  13. In­deed, over­steps the bound­ary taboo power, mak­ing Dragon Sov­er­eign never dare to step into South­ern Sea Sea God Can­non, its power will be flick­ered the bang un­ex­pect­edly in­stead, the bang...... Nan Wan­sheng im­pos­si­ble thinks to South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror and God Ter­ri­tory, Nan Guizhong im­pos­si­ble thinks, even if South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm all an­ces­tors come back to life come here, ab­solute im­pos­si­ble thinks.
  14. Nan Wan­sheng clenches teeth fiercely, the fluc­tu­at­ing lit­tle gen­tle­ness of his chest, then low­ers the head said solemnly: „All are only ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised that's all of South­ern Sea can­non, my South­ern Sea has not de­feated! Now has Royal Fa­ther to as­sume per­sonal com­mand, must be able...... to tear to shreds Yun Che!”
  15. In Spirit Sense, does not have four Sea King aura, ten six Sea God aura also only four wisps. Nan Guizhong long as­pi­rates...... this is the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might. De­stroy the Heav­ens and Ex­ter­mi­nate the Earth, ex­e­cutes god slaugh­ter Bud­dha se­ri­ously, but such in­vin­ci­ble might, was ac­tu­ally the counter- bang in his South­ern Sea life­line.
  16. „Xu­anyuan and Pur­ple Tenu­ity.” Nan Guizhong said sud­denly: „Is for­tu­nate enough to you to act, just now guar­an­tees ten thou­sand to live the life, my South­ern Sea owes you a two realms big favor. Today, but must take ad­van­tage of your two realms ap­pli­ca­tion of force to as­sist.”
  17. Yel­low Em­peror and Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity also salute, Yel­low Em­peror said: „The se­nior where words, Devil Lord Yun Che for my South­ern God Ter­ri­tory to­gether enemy, now as­pect, how can there be the prin­ci­ple of not work­ing as one!”
  18. „Right.” Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity con­cen­trates the eyes nods.
  19. Nan Guizhong looks askance to look that to has not had Di­vine Em­peror Shit­ian of spo­ken lan­guage, said: The de­scen­dant who „Cang Shit­ian, you died of old age there are nu­mer­ous sim­i­lar cases, you are ac­tu­ally not will­ing to re­lease the im­pe­r­ial throne as be­fore. It seems like that your name to the Di­vine Em­peror, se­ri­ously is the crazy love.”
  20. „Ha­ha­haha.” Cang Shit­ian laughs: „As Di­vine Em­peror, may con­trol myr­iad spir­its, steps on var­i­ous world, the ver­ti­cal heart along with the de­sire, is how care­free, how also to be will­ing to re­lease. this King state of mind, but does not dare with the brother...... Oh, the se­nior not to com­pare by far from be­gin­ning to end from be­gin­ning to end.”
  21. „Wordy bois­ter­ous such most of the day, hadn't said the last words?”
  22. Yun Che's voice such as the stinger puts on the soul gen­er­ally, but, Nan Guizhong trans­fers the eye fi­nally, he looks at Yun Che, un­emo­tional, said slowly: „Two big Brahma Em­peror that Devil Lord of drop­ping demon calamity world, Yama Three An­ces­tors in rumor, should go to fi­nally, also God­dess...... in­deed shocks every­body with her ret­inue, makes the ghosts and gods trem­ble with fear suf­fi­ciently.” „But, only then wants to tread my South­ern Sea de­pend­ing on this,” Nan Guizhong voice/sound is steep, in old eyes re­leases like blaz­ing sun golden glow: „Your also too look down upon this stand­ing erect counts hun­dred thou­sand year of South­ern Sea God Ter­ri­tory of!”
  23. The short sev­eral lan­guages, the South­ern Sea myr­iad spir­its vi­tal­ity surges of shake, Nan Wan­sheng, Nan Qian­qiu and the oth­ers are straight the body, the blood takes hat­ing the fire as to di­rect, is ig­nit­ing the fear­ful air wave in their body.
  24. „Only de­pend­ing on our sev­eral peo­ple, nat­u­rally not Tai­hang.” Yun Che said with a smile: „But the biggest hin­drance, haven't you helped us sweep clear? Any Sea Kings and Sea Gods, what God Ter­ri­tory, by Sea God Can­non that you most are proud, rum­bled per­son­ally a pulp, Ha­ha­haha!”
  25. „You......” the Nan Wan­sheng body play shakes, end­less fight­ing in­tent that just ig­nited with hat­ing fire in­stan­ta­neously fall into dis­or­der most.
  26. „Yeah.” Does not have the anger to act ex­tremely, Nan Guizhong is ac­tu­ally a deep sigh, said: „Se­nior Wugu, Brother Bingzhu, you once showed dis­dain for en­tire world the em­peror of Fant­ian, once was the per­son of Old Man quite re­spect, why now deeply has dropped un­ex­pect­edly Devil Realm with this, the dis­as­ter pre­sent age side wicked dis­ci­ple is a com­pan­ion, were you will­ing to cast ten thou­sand Shi­nan to re­deem the mis­take se­ri­ously?”
  27. The Qianye Wugu sur­face does not have the mighty waves, lightly lan­guage: „When young, I con­fessed that fully re­al­ized what for to wrong, what is the good and evil. But, life essence is long grad­u­ally, the vast change, even more is in­stead fuzzy to the wrong good and evil.”
  28. „The Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror bro­ken pre­sent world, has not had the dis­as­ter fi­nally, ac­tu­ally per­forms the pre­sent com­mon peo­ple hun­dred con­di­tion. My in the eyes to the mis­take good and evil, over­turns dur­ing this short sev­eral years again chaotic.”
  29. Nan Guizhong: „......”
  30. „From be­gin­ning to end,” Qianye Wugu said that by his rank, when there is qual­i­fi­ca­tions to say their name: „Be­tween our two sides, who is good, who is wicked, who is right, who is wrong, has shunned the world you in ten thou­sand years, re­ally can clearly rec­og­nize?”
  31. „......” Nan Guizhong brief si­lence, re­sem­bles to think, said: „for­get it/that's all, by my South­ern Sea the po­si­tion, in­deed is hard to re­ceive the dam­age now again.”
  32. „Devil Lord,” he looks at Yun Che, voice/sound re­laxes: „South­ern Sea in­deed has griev­ances with you, but in the world from all solv­able en­mity. Even if my South­ern Sea is se­ri­ously bat­tered, if se­ri­ously di­rect is the war, still de­cides in­jures you suf­fi­ciently 3000, let alone also three South Ter­ri­tory Di­vine Em­peror in the side, this point, be­lieve in the Devil Lord heart to know.”
  33. „Oh?” Yun Che slant­ing eye­brow.
  34. „The fruit of South­ern Sea today, is ten thou­sand lives with the South­ern Sea can­non is the re­sult , there is noth­ing to do with Devil Lord one line.” The Nan Guizhong sound also slightly was gen­tle a point, both hands silent tight­ened: „But of­fends Devil Lord, my South­ern Sea can con­fess, ask­ing Devil Lord to say the con­di­tion al­though, my South­ern Sea sat­is­fied set­tledly, after that ten thou­sand years, can­not with your North­ern God Ter­ri­tory for the enemy!”
  35. „Royal Fa­ther!?” Nan Wan­sheng fierce turn­ing the head, other South­ern Sea peo­ple are also the com­plex­ion dras­tic changes.
  36. Under South­ern Sea just in Yun Che's Poi­son Hand planned so causes heavy losses to and hu­mil­i­a­tion, but Nan Guizhong that came to...... he must admit de­feat to ac­knowl­edge that the pun­ish­ment is de­served un­ex­pect­edly.
  37. Nan Guizhong puts out a hand fiercely, de­presses aura that Nan Wan­sheng surges stub­bornly, the sound sinks like the deep pool: „, Devil Lord, com­pletely prof­its with­out fir­ing a sin­gle bul­let well, keeps my South­ern Sea ten thou­sand Ru, per­forms to raise the Devil Lord pres­tige, Devil Lord thinks that won't have the ob­jec­tion?”
  38. The Nan Wan­sheng whole body trem­bles, the face of twitch­ing sev­eral want to push bro­ken the frontal bone, but he has not made noise even­tu­ally, be­cause he knows, pre­sent South­ern Sea in­deed can­not re­ceive the wound again , is most hu­mil­i­a­tion that Nan Guizhong makes, but most sane choice.
  39. The Yun Che nearby per­son is ex­tremely re­ally fear­ful, but Sea Kings and Sea Gods is buried under Sea God Can­non most prob­a­bly, even if they hate full at risk of life, im­pos­si­ble keeps corpse place Yun Che and the oth­ers com­pletely, will also make just South­ern Sea God Ter­ri­tory of load-bear­ing tribu­la­tion have one mis­for­tune after an­other, even is pos­si­bly un­able to re­cover.
  40. But the hu­mil­i­a­tion re­gresses to guar­an­tee the foun­da­tion, as for Yun Che, when may leave thor­oughly en­raged Dragon God Realm.
  41. „, Hehe...... from all solv­able en­mity? Haha...... Ha­ha­haha!” Yun Che smiled, from smiles lowly, to laugh­ing wildly of grin hideously, his arm lifts the hand again, a fin­ger of slightly tune aims at South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror slowly: „South... ten thou­sand... live......”
  42. Laughs wildly the face to twist like the ma­li­cious ghost sud­denly, the spo­ken lan­guage in mouth brings to let the Devil ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences that the per­son of soul string is star­tled to pal­pi­tate: „In the past, East Ter­ri­tory east, out­side Blue Pole Star, these killed the per­son of my Hon­ored Mas­ter...... you for its one!”
  43. The painful pic­ture of that touch­ing bro­ken heart flashes through, Yun Che's arm shiv­ers slightly, in mouth sound words awl soul: „I swore in the past...... will your South­ern Sea clan...... an inch blood not save, in­fer­tile!” The Nan Guizhong fa­cial fea­tures play moves fi­nally, be­cause of Yun Che's, is his life­time has not felt bit­ing cold hate in­tent and killing in­tent.
  44. Is un­solv­able!
  45. „...... De­pend­ing on...... you!?” Nan Wan­sheng gloomily said, at this mo­ment, he sim­i­larly clear aware­ness, even if to the ut­most re­gress­ing of hu­mil­i­a­tion, has be­come the ex­pec­ta­tion.
  46. De­tected that own mood has lost con­trol, Yun Che in­spires slightly, cor­ner of the mouth slightly raised, the mask is dense: „On the other hand, Nan Guizhong, you de­layed the time the method to be ac­tu­ally good, hide the truth from three -year-old young child to have more than enough to spare.”
  47. Nan Guizhong cor­ner of the eye sud­denly moved.
  48. Yun Che smiled again, this time, is the ridicule that de­spises: „Skill­ful very much, you read out the last words time, was this Devil Lord won a lot of time ac­tu­ally.”
  49. ————
  50. Yun Che's voice just fell, under the east­ern , the south sky is sud­denly dark si­mul­ta­ne­ously, trans­mits heav­en­shak­ing de­struc­tion rum­bled si­mul­ta­ne­ously.
  51. Passes on with the sound of rum­bled to si­mul­ta­ne­ously, also three vi­o­lent erup­tions dark aura.
  52. „Wha...... what!?” South­ern Sea high and low com­pletely all has a big shock, on Nan Guizhong face calm also van­ishes in­stantly.
  53. This dark aura from three di­rec­tions al­to­gether has thirty peo­ple, is few, but every peo­ple, is Di­vine Lord aura!
  54. strongest, im­pres­sively is Tenth Level Di­vine Lord!
  55. They pre­vi­ously not de­tected un­ex­pect­edly!
  56. But di­rec­tion that dark rum­bled trans­mits, clearly is......
  57. „Bad...... was bad!” The Yel­low Em­peror whole body sends coldly.
  58. „How this...... will have this mat­ter!” Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity is also hands and feet ice cold: „When they are......”
  59. Ten Di­rec­tions Azure Sea Realm, Yel­low Em­peror Realm and Pur­ple Tenu­ity Realm con­nect South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm di­men­sion great for­ma­tion, was de­stroyed to ex­tin­guish by the strength of dark­ness in same in­stantly.
  60. Also cut off the South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm back­ing...... even the es­cape route.
  61. Devil is hard to hide dark aura, this to God Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner is the Devil Do­main gen­eral knowl­edge. But by Yun Che by Dark­ness Ever­last­ing „pu­rifi­ca­tion” Devil, but per­fect con­ceal­ment dark aura.
  62. This „dif­fer­ence of in­for­ma­tion”, is North­ern God Ter­ri­tory hits a being caught off guard most im­por­tant fac­tor East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
  63. But ini­tially when storm Eter­nal Sky God Realm, Chi Wuyao guides Eter­nal Sky Realm about half core strengths, de­stroys its di­men­sion great for­ma­tion, breaks road of its sup­port and run­ning away, later then in Eter­nal Sky Realm came. cruel and care­free slaugh­ter­ing
  64. Yun Che this time also fol­lows the ex­am­ple, when he en­ters South­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Yan Tianx­iao one line is also di­vided three groups, sneaks be­side South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm by far.
  65. When Sea God Can­non starts, South­ern Sea all strengths and at­ten­tion when Yun Che here, Yan Tianx­iao one line then fast close to di­men­sion great for­ma­tion, one and de­stroys it.
  66. „Devil Lord is safe and sound, South­ern Sea self-in­flicted in­jury 3000!” Yan Tianx­iao soars, sky blocks out the sun dark: „Kills!!”
  67. Just com­pleted to de­stroy a duty Yama and Yama Ghost to change to three blood­thirsty in­stan­ta­neously Devil Blade, from three di­rec­tion thorns to the South­ern Sea core, South­ern Sea pro­found prac­ti­tioner of flur­ried no han­dling in the con­nected dras­tic change has not been re­turn­ing to the soul in­nu­mer­ably, then has ex­tin­guished in the dark blood fog bro­ken.
  68. „Luck is good, as if all are very smooth.” Qianye Ying'er light moan, in the white hands, „Di­vine De­cree” has re­leased cruel black glow.
  69. „Royal Fa­ther, three big core pro­found array, com­pletely had been de­stroyed.” Nan Wan­sheng cut­ting tooth say/way.
  70. Con­nects var­i­ous Great King Realm pro­found array, wants to de­stroy in a short time in the world in the eyes such as to as­cend to heaven dif­fi­cultly. This is telling them with­out doubt, these have gone into hid­ing in side Devil have fear­fully how.
  71. When Nan Guizhong slightly closed both eyes, opens, the vi­sion is one piece spa­tial bright, he said lightly: „Devil Lord Yun Che, can the per­son of con­trol North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, re­ally......”
  72. „Kills!” Suc­cess­fully broke the sup­port of South­ern Sea, Yun Che had dis­dained to lis­ten to the idle talk of per­son of half char­ac­ter South­ern Sea again, in his mouth is is­su­ing the North Ter­ri­tory Devil Lord blood slaugh­ter com­mand, was his past thorn heart pledged:
  73. „South­ern Sea lin­eage/vein...... in­fer­tile!”
  74. BOOM!
  75. sky is steep, the dark pres­sure soul, Yama Three An­ces­tors kicks out sud­denly, their power have not erupted, al­ready for bro­ken South­ern Sea God Ter­ri­tory cage next deep con­strain­ing with fright­ened.
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