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a guest
Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. Student=open('Students_Info.txt','w')
  2. teachers=open('Teachers_Info.txt','w')
  3. Progress=open('Students progress.txt','w')
  4. print('WELCOME TO NEW SCHOOL n')
  5. print('Enter correct username and password to continue')
  6. count=0
  7. while count < 10000:
  8. username = input('Enter username: ')
  9. password = input('Enter password: ')
  10. if username=='Admin' and password=='admin':
  11. print('Welcome To School Administration')
  12. break
  13. else:
  14. print('Password Wrong !.Access Denied')
  15. count += 1
  16. Continue=input('You Want To Start:')
  17. while Continue=='Yes':
  18. print('First Enter The Data Of All Student Then Enter Results !!')
  19. print('1 For Enter New Student')
  20. print('2 For Enter Teacher Information')
  21. print('3 for Enter Result Of Student')
  22. print('4 For Exit')
  23. option=eval(input('Enter Your option : '))
  24. if option==1:
  25. print('Fill All The data !!')
  26. Name=[]
  27. Fname=[]
  28. DOB=[]
  29. Religion=[]
  30. Class=[]
  31. RollNo=[]
  32. name=str(input('Enter name Of Student : '))
  33. Name.append(name)
  34. a=str(Name)
  35. fname=str(input('Enter Name Of father : '))
  36. Fname.append(fname)
  37. b=str(Fname)
  38. dob=str(input('Enter date Of Birth : '))
  39. DOB.append(dob)
  40. c=str(DOB)
  41. religion=str(input('Enter Religion : '))
  42. Religion.append(religion)
  43. d = str(Religion)
  44. Classs=eval(input('In Which Class You Have To Take Admission : '))
  45. Class.append(Classs)
  46. x=str(Class)
  47. rollno=str(input('Roll No Alloted : '))
  48. RollNo.append(rollno)
  49. z=str(RollNo)
  50. while Continue=='Yes':
  51. Student.write('Name:' + a + 'n' + 'Fname:' + b + 'n' + 'DOB:' + c + 'n' + 'Religion:' + d + 'n'+'Class:'+x+'n'+'Roll no:'+ z + 'n'+'n')
  52. break
  54. elif option == 2:
  55. print('Update data For Teacher Information')
  56. Teacher_Name = []
  57. qualification = []
  58. experience = []
  59. specialization = []
  60. Teacher_salary = []
  61. Teacher = str(input('Enter Teacher Name : '))
  62. Teacher_Name.append(Teacher)
  63. e = str(Teacher_Name)
  64. Qualification = str(input('Enter Qualification : '))
  65. qualification.append(Qualification)
  66. f = str(qualification)
  67. Experience = str(input('Enter Teachers Experiences : '))
  68. experience.append(Experience)
  69. g = str(experience)
  70. Specialization = str(input('Enter Specialization : '))
  71. specialization.append(Specialization)
  72. h = str(specialization)
  73. TeacherSalary = eval(input('Enter Salary Of Teacher : '))
  74. Teacher_salary.append(TeacherSalary)
  75. i = str(Teacher_salary)
  76. while Continue=='Yes':
  77. teachers.write('Teacher Name:' + e + 'n' + 'Enter Qualification' + f + 'n' + 'Experience' + g + 'n' + 'specialization:' + h + 'n' + 'Teacher_salary:' + i + 'n' + 'n')
  78. break
  80. elif option == 3:
  81. print('Progress Of Student')
  82. C=[]
  83. R=[]
  84. M=[]
  85. E=[]
  86. U=[]
  87. P=[]
  88. c=eval(input('Which Class You To Update Progess : '))
  89. C.append(c)
  90. j=str(C)
  91. r=str(input('Enter Roll NO:'))
  92. R.append(r)
  93. k=str(R)
  94. S=str(input('Enter Subjects : '))
  95. l=str(S)
  96. m=eval(input('Enter Maths No : '))
  97. M.append(m)
  98. n=str(M)
  99. e=eval(input('Enter English Number :'))
  100. E.append(e)
  101. o=str(E)
  102. u=eval(input('Enter urdu Number :'))
  103. U.append(u)
  104. p=str(U)
  105. Per=((m+e+u)/300)*100
  106. x=str(Per)
  108. while Continue=='Yes':
  109. Progress.write('Class:'+j+'n'+'Roll No:'+k+'n'+'Subjects:'+l+'n'+'Maths No:'+n+'n'+'English No:'+o+'n'+'Urdu No:'+p+'n'+'Percentage:'+x+'n')
  110. break
  113. elif option==4:
  114. Student.close()
  115. teachers.close()
  116. Progress.close()
  117. exit(4)
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