
Abyssal Oddity - World File A Inventory

Jul 31st, 2016
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  1. Abyssal Oddity Inventory: World File A.
  3. VOID SHARDS: 6/8.
  5. ---
  7. / AZURE LAPIS :. 17 HP.
  8. Equipment.
  9. Head: Cracked Astroglasses.
  10. Chest: White Tank Top.
  11. Lower Body: Tied Green Flannel; Gray Pants & Combat Boots.
  13. AZURE INV: Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x7, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x11, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x2, Ink Canister x2, Manufactory Key, Fluchwater, Brinewater, Bristewater, Frequency Resonator, Fountain Pen, Handwritten Post-It Note, Autumnal Hand, Verdant Dust, Main Phase Artillery Cannon x3, Gem Shard Pile x19, Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig, Emissary Amulet, Wailing Stone, Jar of Magetear, Lighter, Maple Pipe, Cosmorod Pack, Eldersalt Pot, Transcription Module, Ochre Slab - Pyramidion, Ochre Slab - Nuclein, Azure Dust, Diap, Vermilion Dust, Friendly Offering, Aristocratic Jewelry, Idol of the Parliament, Wooden Culinth, Smoldering Medallion, Ashwater Serum, Refined Aconite x2, White Glass, Amethyst Sand, A Godhead, Analog Stick, Flamemail.
  15. Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse: A bizarre fuchsia substance, akin to some sort of crystal, but dripping with an unknown fluid, cool to the touch. Radiates an aura of the infinite ocean. Smells like salt.
  16. Ylahrthuian Salt: Dull purple salt, reeking of the smell of fish. Radiates an aura of floods.
  17. Flipside Elixir: A draught that alters the passage of reality when consumed. You gotta turn it flipside, man.
  18. Potion of the Nine: A draught of some odd multicolored fluid, sealed away in a small quartz vial, stopped by a cork. You are the rock descending into the lake, and the being who tossed it.
  19. Duopen: A pistol with two tubes of liquid ink affixed to the back. Fires a concentrated bolt of ink at a target, which pierces through armor plating, bricks, or any sort of nonorganic defense. Deals little damage, and must be reloaded after every shot with Ink Canisters.
  20. Manufactory Key: A skeleton key wrought of chilled iron. One could say keys are but paddles in the sea of discovery.
  21. Fluchwater: Knowledge is but an eternal sea. Splintering the paddles on the boats of the seekers is by far more optimal than having to shatter boats themselves.
  22. Brinewater: The waves of the ocean are an unbreakable phalanx of potency. Breaking the lines is nigh-impossible.
  23. Bristewater: Even in those seawalls considered indestructible, there is some flaw. Breaking through a lakeside gateway into the vast ocean is an irreversible process.
  24. Frequency Resonator: A life-charged locational detector. Upon use, can transport a group to a previously-marked location, and back. Space and time are but a moonlit lake. Peering into your reflection, it is easy to forget that leaving is truly impossible. Slot one currently set to the altar platform of the Lambda Manufactory.
  25. Fountain Pen: One of the many magetear-ink pens of Malpeiyc, maple base polished and painted maroon, with lustrous gold bands fitted into place. Has the power to write reality, the lives of others, and existence itself, for those who can use it properly.
  26. Handwritten Post-It Note: A pink post-it with a handwritten Drenovian scrawl upon it, in maroon ink. It reads "МУЛВРИ." Your gem translates this as 'You're welcome.' A mysterious rune is emblazoned upon the note beneath the word, as well, one you know quite well, now.
  27. Autumnal Hand: A two and a half meter tall vesperium and ashwood burial blade. The thing boils blood upon contact with a vein or artery. Every successful strike feeds upon the essence of the assaulted.
  28. Verdant Dust: Archaeologically-discovered powder from a crushed emerald gemstone of some sort. Those Beyond the bounds of Grayholdian territory shall once more claim that which is theirs when ДРАХИС-ЕВТ has perished, or left. They shall prevail, for they are unparalleled gemsmiths.
  29. Ochre Tablet - Vardiveig: A tablet composed of the same ochre stone as the slabs of construction. The object is inscribed with a mass of tiny markings on every face, leaving room only for a beckoning heart slot. The scribe of the Nine saved a good portion of the data on her gemstone to this very device. She was afraid of a great deal of things.
  30. Andalusite Bubble: A candlelight-hued gem bubble containing a perfectly round green pearl. The direct servant of the green order fled with the scribe Vardiveig following the final conflict at Wveru Geten, for they were unusually close. When the servant was struck down in the final stand, her master locked her in stasis for safety, before being cracked herself.
  31. Emissary Amulet: A golden amulet, embedded with a large rhomboid cut ruby. It seems to draw you in the more you observe it, compelling you to don it. D WKURQH LQWR TXDGUDQWV VSOLW; WKRXJK WKH UHDSHU VRZV, IROORZ LW.
  32. Wailing Stone: Ancient artifact designed to transmit and receive audio and audiovisual messages. While incapable of receiving or sending audiovisual information without an interface aid, audio messages can be transmitted and replayed from one Stone to the next. The button on this particular wailing stone has been bolted down with a removable vesperium device, for some unknown reason.
  33. Cosmorod Pack: A packet of Abenicci-brand cosmorods from your local Aesthetia. Cosmorods, of course, are miniature disposable flammable cedarglass tubes of magetear, designed precisely for inhalation and exhalation. Magetear medication can either have a calming or psychedelic effect on the body of the user.
  34. Sealed Box: A small rectangular metal box, locked by an unknown mechanism. There are three dull purple pentagons on the front face. Contains blueprints.
  35. Eldersalt Pot: A sealed ceramic pot of a tan hue filled with pure eldersalt. The stuff seems to vanish when applied to stone. It would be perfect for hiding messages.
  36. Ochre Slab - Pyramidion: A slab of ochre stone, inscribed with a number of precise and incomprehensible markings, complete with a slot for some sort of beckoning heart. Equally vital to the foundation of civilization as the heart is the shell. Efficiency and quality should both be kept in mind equally, of course.
  37. Ochre Slab - Nuclein: A slab of ochre stone, inscribed with a number of precise and incomprehensible markings, complete with a slot for some sort of beckoning heart. A planet is of no use if it does not contain any necessary utilities, especially in regards to the special needs of planetary defendants, and orbital scanning technologies.
  38. Azure Dust: The unevenly-ground powder of some sort of diamond. In the wake of war, it was not a particularly intelligent decision to assist ruthless allies bent on total victory. Now, They must pay the nebulous price for all eternity thereafter. The substance once stained the summoned autumnal hand of some aristocrat or other.
  39. Vermilion Dust: Crushed almandine, evidently by a sonic burst. Almandines were once fortunetellers of the order of РОС-ДРАХИС, though not of any court. Now, they are but a distant memory, save for the Pink Sanctuary of the Chi Sector, whose rivers run with tears. Or saliva. That translation was never really clear.
  40. Friendly Offering: A silver bracelet embedded with a sizable red spinel cabochon. This very artifact was gifted to the illustrious АМА-ДРАХИС by the esteemed ПЕРЛИЛ-ДРАХИС, mere months prior to the outbreak of a second civil war. The evidence suggests the gem upon the jewelry isn't as inert as one would hope.
  41. Aristocratic Jewelry: A silver pendant decorated with a cut stone of hematite. It is said that aristocrats of the Grayholdian court tended to make their enemies into jewelry after slaughtering them.
  42. Diap: An ancient coin of some sort. The front face bears the visage of some sort of serpent, the words "ИОС АРАЛОУС" flowing about it. The back face details a hammer, chisel, and diamond.
  43. Idol of the Parliament: A small carven stone idol of an owl. Its eyes appear to be covered in hundreds of secrets in a hidden tongue of marks and hashes. You don’t know what The Parliament is, or what it intends to do, and you are somewhat creeped out. The talons of the statue are made of a peculiar magetear circuitry.
  44. Wooden Culinth: A strange instrument composed primarily of cherry wood. It possesses a central soundhole, three strings, and five frets. The strings are made of some unknown autumnal-scented material you quite enjoy the feel of.
  45. Smoldering Medallion: A brass medallion constructed with an inbuilt ИАМОНД capacitor in the center. Blisters organic flesh upon contact with it. The thing has been worked with images of twisting serpents surrounding the circular capacitor, along with beams of circular light. Constructed by Carinian slave drones, prior to the Great Rebellion.
  46. Ashwater Serum: Shrouded by night, but with steady stride. Colored by blood, but always clear of mind. The first medical line of defense against the Ashen Plague beneath the trees. One cannot tell whether it was the source or the treatment, quite frankly.
  47. Refined Aconite: A tenebrite-capped tube filled with extracted aconite in an electromagnetic stasis field. Served as the only reliable combatant to the Ashen Plague of old. Studies found it was also incredibly worthwhile as a battlefield stimulant, permitting soldiers to decimate opponents with relative ease.
  48. White Glass: The purest form of substrate, sealed in an oaken tube. Ingestion of pure substrate is advised only for situations of extreme need, such as the the Festering Banquet of the zoatox wars that occurred on the external borders of Facet Fifty-Eight in the late Valudrian era. If one desires to take it for pleasure, as was done prior to the purging of the Imperium’s upper classes in the Second Civil War, do so sparingly.
  49. Amethyst Sand: Substrate modified by a combination of iron and natural irradiation, sealed in an oaken tube. Generally sold in secret amongst quartzes in the ranks of the military, especially amethysts, as they are often prone to having a mass defect as a result of poor Kindergartens during the Second Civil War. Generally regarded as the most pleasurable of substrate.
  50. A *Godhead*: A handheld cube of a mysterious navy material, inscribed with hundreds of hash marks and innumerable sigils. What was once gold is now sealed away, unknowable. Seems to possess a latent power you don’t fully understand.
  51. Analog Stick: A corotite rod capped on either end by two lights. The top glows cyan, the bottom maroon. The device appears to be designed for modulating and operating the neodestabilizer before you. As above (▼), so below (▲).
  52. Flamemail: A chainmail shirt composed entirely of what appears to be molten magma. Inscribed with minuscule hashes and slashes, the flamemail appears to be purposed predominantly for protection from something entirely out of the ordinary. You’ve never seen anything of this sort before.
  54. ---
  56. CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Gluon Destabilizer x2, Limb Destabilizer Cannon, Refined Aconite x2.
  58. δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema: A pulsating cube marked with a number of obscured symbols. Emits a controlled amount of deadly plasma, according to the will of the designated user.
  59. Limb Destabilizer Cannon: A green-painted mechanical apparatus that appears to fit into the arm of a humanoid. Bears five transmuted inert peridotite cylinders, and functions as both a weapon and an interface analogue. The long procession of technological advancement has eschewed more traditional methods for the effective and deadly.
  60. Refined Aconite: A tenebrite-capped tube filled with extracted aconite in an electromagnetic stasis field. Served as the only reliable combatant to the Ashen Plague of old. Studies found it was also incredibly worthwhile as a battlefield stimulant, permitting soldiers to decimate opponents with relative ease.
  62. ---
  64. TOPAZ INV: Longsword, Gluon Destabilizer x2.
  66. ---
  68. CHAROITE INV: Potion of the Nine, Elixir Ophidion, Falyscint, Refined Aconite x3.
  70. Potion of the Nine: A draught of some odd multicolored fluid, sealed away in a small quartz vial, stopped by a cork. You are the rock descending into the lake, and the being who tossed it.
  71. Elixir Ophidion: A bitter draught of some unknown substance, sealed away in a corked onyx vial. Why be the stone thrown into the lake when you can be the body of water it affects?
  72. Falyscint: An ancient maple rod, radiating an oddly warm heat. Contains the ancient power of the eponymous wizard Falyscint, of the Nine. Channels concentrated willpower into bolts of scarlet energy. Concentration cannot be broken during combat situations with the wand, lest the wielder suffer the consequences.
  73. Refined Aconite: A tenebrite-capped tube filled with extracted aconite in an electromagnetic stasis field. Served as the only reliable combatant to the Ashen Plague of old. Studies found it was also incredibly worthwhile as a battlefield stimulant, permitting soldiers to decimate opponents with relative ease.
  75. ---
  77. GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Pile of Metal Plates, Pile of Wiring, Psioglass Tube x5, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x5, Sheet of Corotite x1, Crystal Core Chassis, Sensor x3, Lapis Stone Shard x2, Cloth Wrappings x3, Witch-Doctor Disguise x2, Murder Cylinder x4, Irhvium Plate x3, Month's Supply of Food and Water x6, Nanite Fluid Container.
  79. Nanite Fluid Container: The defunct and broken shell of a War Robonoid. Filled with a teal paste saturated with crystalline particles. When poured on a cracked gem-related artifact, the fibers reassemble said mechanism according to preexisting AI data in the subject.
  81. ---
  83. BUBBLE STORAGE: Fluorite, Delta, Strawberry Golem x3, Fallen Soldier, Flopbird Senator x2, Flopbird Archmagister, Rushed Ruby, Rushed Amber, Philosophorum Shard, Experiment #4302, Ur-Demon x2.
  85. Fluorite: A corrupted fluorite gem. Takes the form of a muscled wolf coated in tussled light green fur. Howls out occasionally, as if in severe pain from nowhere.
  86. Delta: The newly-appointed technical assistant of military outpost H9-4613 in Facet One. One of Delta's eyes appears to be orchid, the other lime. Vilebitten.
  87. Strawberry Golem: An animated mass of plant matter and strawberries, all centered around a central turquoise crystal shard.
  88. Fallen Soldier: A mass of plant matter, all growing around a rose quartz gem with an octagonal front facet. A long blade of maple bark has grown from the creature's left arm. One lost to the war, risen anew.
  89. Flopbird Senator: A statesman of the highest order in the flopbird community. With unparalleled wit and skill, flopbirds run their draconian senate in order to regulate the capture of unwilling food.
  90. Flopbird Archmagister: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the flopbird.
  91. Rushed Ruby: An unstable humanoid, all centered around a central gemstone with aberrant growth lines. The thing hasn't even been fully cut. They appear to be in excruciating pain.
  92. Rushed Amber: A morphing and twisting humanoid creature. They appear to have almost pulsating flesh, all centered around a molten amber core. You can see the thing has only been half-pressurized. They appear more confused than enraged.
  93. Philosophorum Shard: The Lapis Philosophorum was solely utilized in the siege of the Zeta Sector. The thing was so remarkably unstable that mere plasma shots melted off hunks of the geoweapon's core. The pond has been stagnant too long. It requires a disturbance.
  94. Experiment #4302: What appears to be a conscious gem fused with corrupted one, and consensually, at that. You don't know how you feel about this, as they can't quite speak, though you can see the emotions in their eyes. A sphene and a corrupted sapphire.
  95. Ur-Demon: The subsumed and twisted form of one of the soldiers who succumbed to the Grayholdian bombing of the Kappa Sector in the war. One would do best to show these gems mercy. They know no better.
  97. ---
  99. 4/6.
  101. ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard 1: An unfaceted oviform carnelian gemstone, coated in devastatingly massive cracks. The name does not seem to fit the item in any manner whatsoever. Odd. Upon a second look, you can see that someone attempted to glue the gemstone back together with some sort of magetear-based adhesive.
  102. ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard 2: A pile of andalusite shards, once evidently a single gemstone. The scribe Vardiveig fought her final stand with a number of Drenovian loyalists in the Alpha Sector. It is said she was struck once in the gemstone, and mutated into a horrific beast over the course of the battle, before being taken down by a Grayholdian light spear.
  103. ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard 3: A hunk of chrome diopside, cloven in two down the middle. The Kappa Sector was the Grayholdian military's initial testing ground for an experimental corrupting orbital weapon. Nurguliph the Byzantine was a lucky gem, indeed, to be shown this mercy.
  104. ГWЕ-ДРАХИС Shard 4: A hunk of cut amber. The thing once served as the base code of Malpeiyc of Geten, who has since overcome such worldly bonds.
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