
Episode 3 of RWBYKantoverse

Jan 25th, 2018
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  1. Episode 3 of RWBYKantoverse
  3. {Phew....looks like your Oshawott gonna be allright now!}
  5. Yang cheerfully speaks to her younger sister before her as she sits down next to her. The 2 girls hail from Pallet Town and were among the last batch of teens to get their Starter Pokemon. Ofc, their father, Taiyang Xian Long, was able to get Yang her actual 1st Pokemon, an Elekid much like his Electrivire. He was gonna give one for his other daughter, Ruby, but she decline and wanted to start with Oshawott.
  7. Everything so far was going ok for the 2 girls...Yang ofc was taking the battling aspect in strides as well as she fought many of her peers on Route 1 and defeated them. Ruby on the other hand, was having more trouble...losing more matches than she was winning them and had to use more revives than she needed for her Oshawott...Ruby doesn't have much confidence in her skills, but she is constantly told by both Taiyang and Yang that she's a late bloomer in terms of Pokemon. To cheer her up, Yang have the 2 of them take on some Wild Pokemon...Everything was going well, until Yang's Chespin angered a flock of Spearows with a ill-aimed Rollout to their tree. Poor Oshawott was given a hit on his hair that KO'ED him before Ruby scooped him ran off following her sister.
  9. Things turn bright for them when Yang managed to hijack a bicycle from a nearby trainer and together the 2 girls zoomed away with the flock of Spearows behind them...Before long, the rain began to come down harshly on the girls where Yang slipped on the muddy trail and both girls landed on the mud. With the flock coming down fast on them, Yang got very desperate and shielded her sister with her body to protect her...but then her Elekid jumps towards them and used a very powerful Thunder-boosted Discharge to KO 95% of the flock and PAR the rest...Elekid soon faint from the attack and Yang and Ruby head off to the Viridian City PKMN Center, leaving the charred remains of the bike behind.
  11. The 2 girls run inside the Center covered in mud and some bruises and got all of their mons(Yang's Chespin and Elekid and Ruby's Oshawott) healed as well as a room to rest in and wash up. The 2 girls just got done washing up and putting their clothes in the washing machine and then the dryer and learned that both their teams will be fine..
  13. [Yang, we could had die!]
  14. {But we didn't..Did we?}
  16. Ruby huffs at Yang's smug smirk and sighs...Yang russle her hair and head to the phone in the room
  17. As she does this, Ruby gets up and head to the door...
  19. {Where ya going, lil sis?}
  20. [I need some air, who are you calling?]
  22. {Dad of course! Gotta let him know we made it to Viridian City and what not!}
  23. Ruby turn to her with a pondering look..
  25. [Oh cool, you gonna tell him what went down?]
  26. Yang's uneasy smile tells a frustrated Ruby all she needs to know...She groans and step out of the room and closes the door
  28. {Yeesh...I swear, Ruby needs a boyfriend or a girlfriend to unwind with....} Yang whispers to herself as she begins to dial their father up..Meanwhile, Ruby walk down the hallway and then down the stairs to check on their Pokemon while debating in her thoughts.
  30. {(Man...So far this journey haven't been a fun one...1st we're late to get our starter mons...even tho we gotten the ones we wanted, 2nd We begin to battle trainers and I end up losing way more than I win...and to top it of, we end up getting chased by a flock of Spearows, all the while Oshawott got hurt!!)} Ruby leans against a wall and pull her hoodie on her head {(And the worst thing is that we actually commited robbery...I wish I didn't end up going on this trip, but both Dad and Yang felt that this will be the best thing to do for me to get my mind off of mom's death...)}
  32. Ruby takes a locket out of her pocket and look at the pic of Summer Rose aka her biological mother who died of cancer a couple of months ago...She then nods with a determined look and wipe the tears away from her face and smile
  33. {(No worries mom, I'll be the best trainer ever!)}
  35. And she get off the wall and walk down the stairs with a pep in her step..
  36. {(And nothing will get me dow-OH FUCK!!!)}
  38. Standing in the lobby while he is talking to the Nurse Joy there and booking a room to rest in for the night was the same guy she and Yang robbed for his bike...Ruby pales in terror as she slowly back away while making sure he don't look over...and then once she get some distance...she turns around and book back towards her room...
  42. Meanwhile in the room...Yang is busy talking to their father, Taiyang...Taiyang is a tanned man with blonde hair and a stubble of hair on his chin...he's also quite muscular and shows it off with a sleeveless yellow shirt on...nevertheless, he's a retired Pokemon Trainer with a lot of accomplishments under his belt, including winning the Kanto League 3 times in a row.
  44. ^So...that all happened?^
  45. {Yup, a hectic start, huh?} Yang chuckles as she rubs her head...Taiyang laughs back and nods ^Gotta say, I was actually expecting something similar to that happening to y'all as well..^
  47. {Well, glad we're able to make it out of it...}
  49. ^Right....^ Taiyang nods as he look more serious... ^Sooo..How's Ruby? Have she...^
  51. {Well, she's feeling better here and there...but she could had had a better start today with everything that happened...But that's just the 1st day! I'm sure she's gonna have a great time!}
  52. Taiyang smiles and nods at that.
  54. ^As long as you two are together, you all should be fine!...Now, I have some serious news...about Team Rocket..^ At that, Yang's face suddenly drop from a smile to a scowl ^From what Qrow have been seeing recently, they have started to mobilized here and there..nothing too big, but it could be a distraction...^
  56. {.....}
  57. Taiyang already know what Yang is thinking about...or rather...WHO she is thinking about and frowns...
  58. ^Yang...Don't even think about it...^
  60. {But dad, I can't sit here do nothing while she's out there! I could finally meet and demand to know why she's doing this!}
  61. ^And she'll tell you the same reason she told me....^ Taiyang shakes his head with a disapproving look before pleading with
  63. Yang. ^Please Yang...promise me that you won't pursue're gonna get hurt..^
  64. {.....}
  66. Yang struggles to answer this as she tightly grip the phone with heavy breathing as Taiyang stare at her through the Television-Phone(That thing they use on Pokemon)
  68. {I-I.....} Suddenly Yang can hear frantic knocking on the door {Oh, that must be Ruby, Gotta go now, Talk to you later, Love you, bye!}Yang hangs up the phone as fast as she can with Taiyang looking at the screen in shock. He sighs as he hangs up and walk to a photo on the firestand...detailing him with 3 other people in their youth...A male with an Absol by his side and a flask of alcohol in his hand, a small black-haired girl with a Lopunny and her white hoodie on...and another girl with very long black hair and a Pangoro standing back-to-back with her with a confident smirk on her face.. Taiyang couldn't help but pick the picture up and gaze into it with a depressed look.
  70. ^(1st the love of my life walk out on me and our family...and then the 2nd one die on us....I just hope my girls will be alright...)^
  72. Back at the PKMN Center, Yang opens the door for a alarmed Ruby to run in and close the door behind her as she leans on it to breath hard..
  74. {Geez, Rubes...STARYU Ok?} Yang slaps her thigh as she bust over and laugh at her pun while Ruby pull on her own hair in frustration. [THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR YOUR SHITTY PUNS!!] Yang wipes the tears from her eyes in her laughing fit as she smirk at Ruby. {Well, tell me what's bothering you, lil sis...}
  75. Ruby waves her arms in a frantic manner struggling to get the words out
  77. {Uh-huh...riveting story, Now let's try that again in ENGLISH...} Yang rest her hands on Ruby's shoulder to calm her down....Ruby gulps and tell her. [That guy we robbed is here!!] At this, Yang's face pales in terror as she backs off and look out the window...Before running back to Ruby who's trying to pack her stuff up. [WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!] {ARE YOU CRAZY, WE HAVEN'T PREPARE TO TRAVEL THROUGH VIRIDIAN FOREST TONIGHT!}
  79. [WE CAN'T STAY IN HERE WITH HIM IN HERE!!! WE'RE FUCKED IF HE SEES US!!] Yang slaps her sister to calm her down. {IF....IF he sees us, we just gonna have to stay in here for the rest of the night to lower the chances of us running into him...and then early morning, we bolt the fuck outta here...ok?}
  82. [O-O-Ok...] Ruby rubs her face...[You smack too hard...] {Ah, grow's not that then..let's get ready for sleep..tomorrow's a great day ahead!}
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