
car crash

Jan 28th, 2025
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  1. I didn't see anything in the rearview mirror, and the sound of crunching cornstalks was too loud for me
  2. to hear other engines. Had we lost them? And yes, here was a road! Excellent!
  3. The van tumbled heavily out onto the road, with bone-jolting bumps. As soon as the front tires hit
  4. asphalt, I gunned the motor againβ€”
  5. Just as a sedan leaped out in front of us.
  6. I hit it head-on at sixty miles an hour.
  8. The Angel Experiment Chapter 57
  11. Note to self: Disable the air bags on the next car you steal.
  12. The thing about airbags is that when you hit something at fifty or sixty miles an hour, they inflate with enough raw force to slam you back against your seat like a rag doll, possibly breaking your face. Which is what this one had done to me, I concluded, trying to stem the gush of blood from my nose.
  13. "Report," I called weakly.
  14. "Okay here," Fang said next to me. His neck was scraped raw by the seat belt, which had almost
  15. decapitated him.
  16. "Okay here," Nudge said from the backseat, sounding young and scared. I craned around to see her.
  17. She was pale, except where her forehead was bruised from hitting Fang's seat. Her eyes widened with shock when she saw my bloody face.
  18. "It's just my nose," I quickly assured her. "Head wounds always bleed a lot. Look, it's already
  19. stopping." A lie.
  21. The Angel Experiment Chapter 58
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