
Hoennverse recap #1

Oct 10th, 2017
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  1. Hoennverse recap
  2. -Jalen have arrived in Rustboro City and ate lunch with Lucina and Rin
  4. -The 2 girls tell them their dreams, Lucina catching all the Pokemons, and Rin wanting to become a Coordinator
  6. -Jalen tell them he wants to become the Hoenn Champ, something that is vry hard, Lucina notes
  8. -After much discussion, Jalen leaves the 2 girls on their time alone and head to the PKMN Center to rest up before heading up north to train his 2 Pokemon, Torchic and Ralts. He plan on evolving Torchic to Combusken for the Fire/Fighting type and after much time...he gets it!
  10. -Heading back to the PKMN Center to heal and then back to the gym,He see Siegbert leaves the gym with his 1st badge and plenty of media coverage....Jalen look around and see that the Brando.Corp is close by to the gym, hence the paparazzi
  12. -He managed to sneak past some of them befoe Siegbert sees him and point him out...he follows Jalen with Ashley in tow to watch him fail as Jalen head inside to face against Rinkah, the Rock-Type gym leader
  14. -However, both Siegbert and Ashley are dismayed to see not only Jalen is now packing a Combusken..but he pretty much sweeps Rinkah to the ground with said cock.
  16. -Siegbert is upset that Jalen won and leaves...Ashley following him out as they head to the Petalburg Shore to use his father's private yacht to head to Dewford Town, the next town for the 2nd gym
  18. -Jalen leaves out, but see a Thicc Aqua Member running out of Brando Corp carrying something...that same scientist he helped ask him for his assistance once more.
  20. -Taking it up, he head out and eventually arrive at the Rustruf Tunnel. He head inside and in the distance, he sees Niles, the grunt from before, being yelled at by the thicc thot named Charlotte over not clearing rocks for their getaway.
  22. -He confront them and after turning down the thot for a BJ to let them get away, crushes Charlotte's Makuhita with his Ralts and then her Slakoth with his Combusken.
  24. -Very upset at losing AND failing the mission, Charlotte throw the Brando parts at Jalen(Who catches it) and run past him to escape with Niles following her.
  26. -Jalen leaves out and hand over the parts to the scientist. He thank him and lead him to the Brando Tower for him to meet Xander Brando, Siegbert's father and CEO of the company.
  28. -However, Xander is busy and cannot meet him, but Jalen does receive quite a hefty paycheck(8000G) from the scientist. Who thank him and let him know he owe the lad.
  30. -Jalen leaves out and meet Lucina and Rin, since they are heading to Dewford, Lucina suggest traveling together...Jalen nods and travel with them to the Petalburg Shore.
  32. -Meanwhile, on their Pokenavs on a channel locked from others....Leo is scolding Niles and Charlotte for failing the mission, they tell him(Charlotte in details Leo don't need to know) about the "bastard who embarrassed me!!!"....Leo is unconcerned with him and pay Jalen no heed.
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