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Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. [Script generated by: Final Fantasy 3us Multi Editor, Coded by Lord J]
  2. [FF3usME version: 6.7.0]
  3. [File version: 1.00]
  4. [Section: Monster Battle Scripts]
  6. [script #-1] ; orig idx=263, "Gilda", nb. bytes=152
  7. FC 09 36 0B ; If target self is not affected by status Mute
  8. FC 0B 1E 00 ; If timer has reached/passed 30 (locks timer)
  9. FB 00 00 ; has battle timer set to 0
  10. FC 12 06 00 ; If following monster is/are dead: #2, #3
  11. FA 09 40 B8 ; Play sound: Dadaluma whisling
  12. F5 03 00 06 ; Monsters #2, #3 , if hidden/dead, brought in with their HP restored, from side, indiv.
  13. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  14. FC 15 00 00 ; If VAR000 has all the following bit cleared: 0
  15. FC 06 36 0F ; If target self has less or equal than 1920 HP
  16. F1 36 ; Targeting: self
  17. F6 00 E9 E8 ; Use random item: Apple Frittr or Apple
  18. F6 00 E9 E8 ; Use random item: Apple Frittr or Apple
  19. F6 00 E9 E8 ; Use random item: Apple Frittr or Apple
  20. 1C ; <MG>Protec
  21. F9 01 00 00 ; VAR000 set bit: 0
  22. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  23. FC 0D 03 04 ; If variable VAR003 is greater than or equal to 4
  24. F1 44 ; Targeting: random ally
  25. F6 01 02 01 ; Throw random item: <WD>Curved Knife or <WD>Iron Dagger
  26. F1 44 ; Targeting: random ally
  27. F6 01 02 01 ; Throw random item: <WD>Curved Knife or <WD>Iron Dagger
  28. F8 03 00 ; Set VAR003 to 0
  29. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  30. FC 0D 02 02 ; If variable VAR002 is greater than or equal to 2
  31. FC 09 36 12 ; If target self is not affected by status Slow
  32. F1 43 ; Targeting: allies
  33. F6 01 02 01 ; Throw random item: <WD>Curved Knife or <WD>Iron Dagger
  34. FD ; Wait until the attack sequence is called upon again, then continue (reset targeting)
  35. F1 44 ; Targeting: random ally
  36. F4 16 16 16 ; Rand. cmd.: Jump or Jump or Jump
  37. F8 02 00 ; Set VAR002 to 0
  38. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  39. F1 47 ; Targeting: use normal targeting
  40. F0 EE EE 65 ; Rand. spell: Battle or Battle or Wind Slash
  41. FD ; Wait until the attack sequence is called upon again, then continue (reset targeting)
  42. F0 EE EF EF ; Rand. spell: Battle or Special or Special
  43. FF ; End first wave of attack
  44. FC 12 00 00 ; If following monster is/are dead:
  45. F3 06 00 ; Text: " This sucks! I'm outta here!"
  46. F5 0B 01 FF ; Monsters #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 are killed, diagonal
  47. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  48. FC 01 00 00 ; If monster has been attacked by cmd: Fight or Fight, will target attacker
  49. F8 03 81 ; 1 added to VAR003
  50. F0 FE EF EE ; Rand. spell: Nothing or Special or Battle
  51. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  52. FC 01 02 02 ; If monster has been attacked by cmd: Magic or Magic, will target attacker
  53. F8 02 81 ; 1 added to VAR002
  54. F1 44 ; Targeting: random ally
  55. FE ; End If and reset targeting
  56. FC 01 05 05 ; If monster has been attacked by cmd: Steal or Steal, will target attacker
  57. F4 05 05 05 ; Rand. cmd.: Steal or Steal or Steal
  58. FF ; End
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