
>> Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-10 2205 +Attila theHun

Jan 10th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-01-10 2205 +Attila theHun
  4. __
  7. +Attila theHun __ You have not understood this video. You have missed the point. You are also misrepresenting my "explanation". *That is NOT the "explanation" I am giving.* In this video (which I am not convinced you have even watched - are you sure you watched THIS video on THIS channel?) *I am pointing out an objective, categorical and undeniable edit that takes place DURING an otherwise SMOOTH movement/action.*
  9. *If this message does not display in full do a search for:* +"Lesta Nediam 2016-0-10 2205"
  11. This edit is undeniable. It does not matter whether you have found a way to imagine it is honest or genuine or what. It does not matter that you think it is acceptable or not. It does not matter that you think it is innocent or not. None of that matters. In this video we see definite, undeniable and categorical STITCHING of TWO OR MORE clips and it is being presented to us as though it is a SINGLE piece of footage.
  13. This video is PROOF that a SINGLE VIDEO is comprised of TWO OR MORE videos that have been *STITCHED TOGETHER.* That is ALL this video points out. That is ALL this video is about. That is ALL you need to think about and focus on. WHY "NASA" have done this does not matter. All that matters is that it has HAPPENED.
  15. In this example we are able to SEE the edit. In this example the edit is OBVIOUS. This is to PROVE that such edits REALLY ARE BEING DONE because there are some people who DENY edits are even being done. I am glad to know that YOU are not one of those people. But unfortunately there ARE other people who continue to believe that "NASA" do not ever stitch their footage together.
  17. *In other instances* (which as of the 10th of January, 2016 I have not yet posted about) *there are other STITCHED segments* where the joins "NASA/ESA/ISS" have made *are SO PERFECT that they appear seamless and are practically UNDETECTABLE.*
  19. *The joins have been made and they are intentionally made to appear PERFECTLY seamless.* That is to say that there is NO "TELL". There is NO INDICATION of a join. There is NO HINT of a join. It is only through a process of deductive logic that it is even possible to determine that a STITCHING of two clips ACTUALLY occurred. I have not yet posted that footage because that will be released later when I present a formal case against "NASA". Until then I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve and this video serves the purpose of PROVING footage REALLY IS being stitched together. It just cannot be denied. As I say, it is good to know that YOU are not denying it.
  21. If people are NOT doing anything in space then they must necessarily FAKE being in a micro/zero gravity environment. Those people are going to need to produce footage where it APPEARS there are long sequences of micro/zero gravity. Since they are never going to tell you "hey, this is not real!" your own belief kicks in and does the rest. Your imagination makes it real. You use your "natural intelligence" to "explain away" all of the oddities and anomalies that are brought to your attention (as you have done here and elsewhere). In this way you are belief controlled.
  23. >>>>> *The only thing that necessarily proves that anyone is doing anything in space (i.e., that there really does exist a permanent micro/zero gravity research environment) is if there exists sustained duration genuine zero gravity footage that upon scrutiny remains free from clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.* <<<<<
  25. Without such footage a belief there is a real and MANNED "ISS" is *NOT* justified (even if the alleged "ISS" were real). In the absence of sufficient proof *ALL BELIEF* that the alleged "ISS" is real and manned is necessarily FOUNDED and ROOTED on *TRUST and the APPEARANCES OF PROOF.* This is tremendously significant and it is lost on many people.
  27. *A purportedly honest and genuine outfit such as "NASA" should not EVER be in the game of producing CLEVERLY STITCHED TOGETHER FOOTAGE that creates the IMPRESSION and APPEARANCE of it being a SINGLE sustained duration piece of (micro/zero gravity) footage.*
  29. AND SO PAY ATTENTION: *No honest outfit does that and if a genuine "zero gravity environment" does exist then there is no need for that kind of video magic.* Only a dishonest outfit trying to mislead, pretend and deceive people would ever have any need or incentive to do such a thing.
  31. That is what this is all about. That is what this video is building towards. *And from your reply you have NOT understood these KEY and CRUCIAL points.* Hence this response to you.
  35. __________________________________________
  36. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  39. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  42. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  45. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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