
The Tale of Kir (UNFINISHED)

Aug 7th, 2014
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  1. BEGIN DAY 1
  2. >be Kir
  3. >it's just another normal day for you at [INSERT TOWN NAME], USA
  4. >usually a normal day means that it's a dustbowl outside, but as of late it's been raining
  5. >you're very thankful for this rain, as now your front lawn doesn't look like the sahara
  6. >those flowers you picked up at Lowe's will finally be able to get planted this week
  7. >but you digress
  8. >the dustbowl had taught you the magic of occupying yourself indoors
  9. >your first thoughts were initally to spend the day rubbing out as many as you can
  10. >you treated it like a video game
  11. >however when day three rolled around for FapFest, your body was screaming to stop
  12. >you obliged, as you too couldn't take the pain any longer
  13. >you instead found new shows to watch on television
  14. >you had even ventured into the sports channels, landing on Fox Sports 1
  16. >you could never watch sports for longer than 10 minutes, it never really struck a chord with you
  17. >channel surfing and jogging around your house was how you spent your days, occasionally playing with your cats aswell
  18. >today you found yourself crawling out of bed feeling a bit bitter about things
  19. >who doesn't wake up grumpy?
  20. >you shuffle over to your bathroom and give yourself a good look in the mirror
  21. >rubbing your face and pushing your hair back, you look over yourself and deem your face acceptable
  22. >not taking a shower was out of the question; keeping up with your health and hygiene is a big thing for you
  23. >one relaxing shower later, you look to find that it's about 9 in the morning
  24. >you still have plenty of time before any of your shows come on
  25. >you trudge out of your bathroom and make way down the hallway to your living room
  26. >you spot one of your cats playing with a scratching post
  27. >the other is fast asleep on one of the arms of the couch
  28. >you look over to your coffee table and spot your laptop
  29. >you haven't actually used in in God-knows-when, and it's clearly showing
  30. >some dust has gathered on the once prim and pristine black surface
  31. "It's about time I clean this, right Dusty?"
  32. >you motion towards your cat who is currently dead asleep on your couch
  33. "..Uh, sure."
  34. >you blow the dust off of your laptop and open it up
  35. >you hear the cracks of plastic and chips of it even scatter around the room
  36. "Fuck. It's been some time."
  37. >you start up your laptop and venture over to your internet browser you used at the time, Netscape
  38. >just kidding Netscape is fucking retarded you use Firefox
  39. >nostalgia hits you like a strike of lightning as you go through your old bookmarks
  40. "Wow, Mega Man Wiki? Bomberman FanZone? PornHub? Scratch?"
  41. >wait, what was that last one?
  42. >Pornhub
  43. >no dumbfuck, the last one
  44. "Wait, is that Scratch? Oh my god, there's no fucking way!"
  45. >the hype was strong with you, and you decided to pay Scratch a much needed visit
  46. >your heart started beating faster in anticipation for what awaited you on Scratch
  47. >all you can remember is getting banned from their 2.0 site and finally calling it quits
  48. >to be honest, after that, you had decided a break was in order, and it was the cause for your laptop being in the shape it was in
  49. >your mind is spinning, meanwhile a loading bar still stuffs your screen waiting for Scratch to load
  50. "Really? Scratch really went downhill."
  51. >shit luck, eh? the site loaded immediatley after that outburst
  52. >your browser was glittered with all sorts of colors on the Scratch homepage
  53. >tits on a dick
  54. >your eyes nearly exploded from the sheer disasterous color scheme of Scratch's new site
  55. >the homepage read "Welcome to Scratch 6.6!"
  56. "More like Scratch 6.66."
  57. >god, aren't you the comedian of the year
  58. >after your giggle fit, you start to hone in on the content that Scratch 6.6 was apparently "Excited and Proud" to deliever to your laptop screen
  59. >"HeTeRo PrIdE MONTH", "STOP HATING ON BRONIES!!!", "waking light cc", "Add Your OC!"
  60. >wow, nothing changed
  61. >well, actually that was a lie
  62. >the horrid quality of these projects would put the ones from the past to shame
  63. >you feel a sudden urge to puke
  64. >odd, you hadn't even had anything to eat this morning
  65. >whatever was in your stomach was racing up to your mouth, and fast
  66. >unable to take the sheer horror of Scratch 6.6, you proceed to let your vomit litter the laptop screen
  67. >you can feel the rush of awful-tasting inners racing up and out of your body and flying across to the laptop
  68. >after moments of unbearable torture brought to you by your gag-reflex, you take a cold hard look at what remained of your laptop
  69. >one of your cats has started to eat the vomit
  70. "That's gross. Get off, Dusty."
  71. >you swat Dusty away from the laptop and start to gather cleaning supplies
  72. >not only has Scratch previously made you give up the internet, but now it also makes you puke
  73. >although on the upside, if you were anorexic, visiting the Scratch homepage was much easier than trying to stick your finger down your throat
  74. >evaluating the mess you made, minus what Dusty had started eating, you decide you'll just throw away the laptop
  75. >it's not like you needed it for anything up untill today
  76. >with those great yellow gloves on, you clean up the mess and the laptop, and proceed to dump it all into someone else's garbage can
  77. >there's no way you're letting that smell rot up around your house
  78. >at this point you might as well take another shower
  79. >another shower later prompts you to look at the clock that now reads "10:35"
  80. "Alright, cool. I'll have something to eat."
  81. >you walk down the hallway but now steer towards the kitchen
  82. >your kitchen was decorated like one of a beautiful Italian stereotype
  83. >but contrary to what your kitchen looked like, it was filled with piles of junk food
  84. >you grab some Coco Puffs and mix them in with some Wheat Thins to spice up your breakfast experience
  85. >strawberry milk was the next challenger for this breakfast debacle
  86. >you put your meal on a tray and take it to your living room where you had just finished cleaning
  87. >Dusty starts to beg for some of your concoction
  88. "Fucking hell if you're getting any of this, Dusty."
  89. >Dusty looks you in the eyes, almost in an understanding manner
  90. >"Meow."
  91. "DUSTY. NO."
  92. >Dusty tilts her head and starts to meow at you with the velocity of a thousand suns
  93. "DUSTY, STOP IT!"
  94. >Dusty starts to race towards you, leaping off of the couch
  96. >you start to take some Coco Puffs and launch them at Dusty's cranium
  97. >Dusty only increases in pace, and leads you to begin backing up
  99. >you gingerly hop onto the kitchen sink, making sure not to drop your bowl of cereal
  100. >you continue to hail mary Coco Puffs at Dusty
  101. >Dusty begins to run over to you even faster, but haults once she reaches the sink
  103. >Dusty swiftly jumps onto the sink with ease, and begins cuddling your legs
  104. "Oh."
  105. >you decide enough's enough and you eat your cereal on the sink, being sure to give Dusty some every now and again
  106. >you continue eating your cereal with Dusty on the sink as you take in the sounds of the rain
  107. >the patter on the windows is soothing, and even more so when one of said windows is behind you
  108. >you take a look outside and see a low breeze gliding through your neighborhood
  109. >you can't help but allow a warm smile to spread across your face
  110. >moments of sweet bliss surround you and Dusty, and it feels like nothing could break you out of this trance
  111. >a knock comes from the door
  112. >what shitty luck you have today
  113. "Alright, Dusty. The cereal's all yours. Have at it, girl."
  114. >Dusty punds her face into the remnants of the cereal and eats away like a little child
  115. >sometimes you swear Dusty was actually some poor girl's soul trapped in a cat's body
  116. >it was quite cute how she acted, it was nothing like a cat at all
  117. >the door knocks again, this time louder
  118. "I'll be there in a minute, just hang on."
  119. >you walk over to the door and see the silhouette of a very obese man
  120. >you hear heavy breathing on the other side of the door
  121. >well, hopefully the guy has an umbrella or something
  122. >opening the door, you're greeted to a less than stellar representation of a human
  123. >"Hi there, my name is Ben. I'm popular on YouTube as BenTheLooney."
  124. >oh my god
  125. >there's no way
  126. >you knew you had recognized this poor fucker's face from somewhere
  127. >it's all clear now
  128. >hush hush, play it cool
  129. >don't laugh
  130. "Oh, cool. Hi, I'm TKB. Why are you at my door?"
  131. >"You see, I've recently moved into your neighborhood, and I'm required my law to go door to door letting everyone know that I'm a sex offender."
  132. >Jesus E. Christ.
  133. >this day couldn't get any better
  134. >you had BTL, one of the biggest faggots of all time, here at your door, covered in rain, telling you he's a sex offender
  135. >best day of your life?
  137. "Oh. Well, uh. Okay. Sorry..?"
  138. >"No sir, it's quite alright. Please, take care, and follow me on Youtube."
  139. "Faggot."
  140. >"Wha-"
  141. >you slam the door shut and walk back towards the sink to where Dusty has finished your cereal
  142. "Wow, for a cat, you sure are a hungry little one."
  143. >you gently pick up Dusty and put her back down onto the floor, but not before giving her some belly rubs
  144. >speaking of cats, you wonder were your other cat, Sandwich, has run off too
  145. >not to worry, the thing has probably fallen asleep ontop of the tv again
  146. >for being a bachelor, this life was actually really good
  147. >all you needed was another living thing in the house to make you cozy
  148. >you prepare the bowl with some dishwashing soap as you turn on the faucet
  149. >after a quick cleanup, it's back to the couch for you as you turn on the television to begin your daily ritual
  150. >man, it sure was a busy morning
  151. >you can throw it all to the past now, as the television warmly greets you with another episode of "OW, MY BALLS!"
  152. "What the..? This again? Who keeps changing the channel?"
  153. >Ow, My Balls! was on a network you never watched, and after a couple months worth of detective work, you either concluded some deranged person was breaking in and watching tv, or that your cable box just defaulted to this channel
  154. >the show itself was horrible and not at all something you'd watch
  155. >it was an hour-long show about a poor man's testicles being pounded into about anything concievable
  156. >your cats, however, took a strong liking to this show
  157. >you had never seen your cats so glued to a television screen in all of your life
  158. >maybe... it was the cats?
  159. >no, stop talking out of your ass.
  160. >changing the channel, you began a routine that almost never broke pattern
  161. >one of watching television, grabbing food, and doing some light exercise
  162. >as much as the morning had been eventful, the later parts of the day delievered the complete opposite
  163. >it was now dark outside, and your clock read "11:00"
  164. "Wow. Time for bed already."
  165. >you ready to leave your comfy posistion on the couch
  166. >you gather up your things and head for your room
  167. >after changing into some more comfy clothes, you ready up your bed
  168. >but as you do, you hear a "meow" from beside you
  169. "Dusty, what are you doing?"
  170. >Dusty takes a leap onto your bed and makes herself comfy
  171. "So you're too good for your cat bed, huh?"
  172. >Dusty looks up at you before retiring to her own slumber
  173. "Eh, what's the worst that could happen?"
  174. >you take your spot on your bed and cuddle up against your faithful feline companion before drifitng off to sleep
  175. >just any normal day
  176. >and tomorrow probably won't change, either
  177. END DAY 1
  179. BEGIN DAY 2
  180. >slowly you check back into reality
  181. >you stare up at the ceiling in hopes of what will be a day not filled with the 'norm'
  182. >you try to go back to sleep, but a burning sensation catches your side
  183. >you look over and see something that completley sends you into shock
  184. >you see long strands of brunette hair hiding underneath your blanket and arm
  185. "Okay, what the fuck. I have to be dreaming."
  186. >you rub your eyes and take another good look at what's accompanied you in your bed
  187. >it's deifnitley some chick
  188. >just how the fuck did she break in?
  189. >you look around and notice that nothing has been tampered with in your room
  190. >you bolt out of bed and run into the hallway looking for signs of someone breaking and entering
  191. >not a thing
  192. >you do see Sandwich sitting on the coffee table
  193. "Sandwich, do you know what's going on?"
  194. >Sandwich starts to lick his balls in response
  195. "Why am I talking to a cat.."
  196. >immediatley you turn your attention to another problem on your hands
  197. >Dusty
  198. >fuck no
  199. >ain't no one gonna fuck with Dusty and get out of scott-free
  200. >you run around the house searching for your little black cat
  201. "DUSTY?!"
  202. >you run into the bathroom
  204. >your voice starts to quiver as with each room, there are no signs of Dusty
  205. >who could have thought a cat meant this much?
  207. >you drop to your knees as you make your way into the center of the hallway
  208. >you fall over some bit, and Sandwich comes over to you in an attempt to ease the pain
  209. >Sandwich then tries licking you
  210. "No, Sandwich. Stop it."
  211. >you push Sandwich away from you as you hear rustling from your room
  212. >the girl
  213. >maybe she, oh god
  214. >maybe she killed Dusty?
  215. >that fucking bitch
  216. >you get up and head towards your kitchen and grab a knife
  217. "This'll teach that cunt to fuck with my cats."
  218. >you start to creep up on the bedroom door, knife in hand and all
  219. >it sounds like she's getting up at this point
  220. >you steady your knife-weilding arm, and peer over the doorframe
  221. >you spot the brunette holding her head, now sitting upright on the side of the bed
  222. >better time than ever, you decide
  223. >you attempt to run into the room before you hear the girl scream something
  224. >"STOP! PLEASE!"
  225. >you stop dead in your tracks and look at her with confusion
  226. >"Please, Kir, drop the knife."
  227. >she points at your knife still razor sharp and in your hand
  228. "Oh, sorry."
  229. >you begin to place the knife down before you question her motives
  230. "Wait, are you just going to beat the shit out of me if I drop the knife?"
  231. >"No, Kir."
  232. "And how do you even know my name?"
  233. >at this point you're pointing the knife at the girl subconciously, and her terrified glances at the knife tell you to put it down
  234. >you place the knife down and take a less aggressive stance near the bedframe
  235. "Really, how do you know my name?"
  236. >the girl looks around the floor and tries to conjure another sentence to explain it all
  237. >"Okay, I'm going to level with you; what I'm about to say will sound nuts."
  238. "You've already broken into my house, I can't see anything 'nuttier' than that."
  239. >"No, you see..."
  240. >the girl looks you dead in the eyes with worry
  241. >"I'm... Dusty.."
  242. "Haha! No you aren't get out of my house!"
  243. >you begin to pick up the knife
  244. >"No, I swear! I really am Dusty! I chased you around yesterday, and you fed me cereal, remember?"
  245. "Listen, I'm flattered you wanted to sleep with me, but please, get out of my house. You're intruding."
  246. >the girl gets up and grabs you by the shirt
  247. >oh fuck, at this point you realize that this chick is completley nude
  248. >I guess you didn't notice, mostly because she had the blanket wrapped around her the whole time
  249. >she was built like a goddess, from head to toe
  250. >she looked like she was your age, too
  251. >a beautiful peice of a body, from the way her hips curved, all the way to her br-
  252. >"Listen here, you fuckwad! You picked me up off the city streets all those years ago, remember? I was living in the cardboard box?"
  253. >she's nose-to-nose with you, gripping your shirt and about ready to rip your head off
  254. "There's no way. A-Are you really?"
  255. >"I dunno Kir. Is my favorite show "Ow, My Balls!"?"
  256. >you can't believe it
  257. >Dusty is actually a girl
  258. >it makes sense for the most part, because she never did act like a cat
  259. >with your new sense of understanding, Dusty lets go of your shirt and starts to walk around the room
  260. >holy fuck, that ass, the way it sways back and forth-
  261. >no, Kir
  262. >that's your cat your talking about
  263. >but, she's right here. and a person.
  264. >this is incredible
  265. >Dusty turns back and looks to you and your peeking eye
  266. >she doesn't seem to react to your wandering glances
  267. >"So, what do we do now?"
  268. >she's right
  269. >what do we do?
  270. "Well, if you want to be seen in public, you're going to need some clothes, like the ones I'm wearing."
  271. >"Clothes? Why do you humans need clothes?"
  272. "It's a species thing. It's considered innapropriate to strut your stuff in public."
  273. >with that remark Dusty starts to blush
  274. "Listen, for now all I have are some shorts and t-shirts, but if you want, I can go to the store and pick up some things more, eh, suitable, for your body."
  275. >you hand Dusty a shirt, sweatshirt, some boxxers and basketball shorts
  276. >being the nice guy you are, you decide not to take advantage of this moment and you turn away from her
  277. >it's actually quite interesting
  278. >being a cat, she has no sense of any of the things we consider normal
  279. >like the concept of clothes
  280. >it's quite cute how ignorant she seems to be to this whole "human" thing
  281. >Dusty gives you a tap on the shoulder and you turn around
  282. >for what it's worth she didn't look all too bad in your attire
  283. >it still didn't look good, though
  284. "Here, let's get some breakfast. It's been quite a morning."
  285. >"Sure."
  286. >the two of you head out into the kitchen and you mix up your famous Coco Puff-Wheat Thin-Strawberry Milk masterpeice
  287. >the only difference this time, is that you're making it for two
  288. >all the while Dusty is peering over your shoulders
  289. >you can't help but chuckle at her curiosity
  290. >after all, she's still getting used to this new vantage point she has
  291. >you finish up both servings of breakfast and hand Dusty her very own bowl of cereal
  292. >"I-Is this all for, m-me?"
  293. "It's all for you Dusty."
  294. >Dusty throws the bowl down on the dining table and gives you a larger than life hug
  295. >with her warm embrace, you can also feel her breasts rubbing up against your chest
  296. >fuck, why
  297. >"Thank you thank you thank you! This is what I've always wanted!"
  298. >you tug a little on Dusty so that she's no longer fully embracing you
  299. "What, your dream was to have a bowl of cereal?"
  300. >"After watching you eat it for years, I couldn't resist. That's why I snapped yesterday. I'm sorry."
  301. >Dusty looks at you, awaiting a response for her apology
  302. "Dusty, it's cool. You were only a cat, afterall. I'm sure cats beg all the time."
  303. >"Oh thank you Kir!"
  304. >she gives you one final, huge hug before she darts over to an empty chair and begins wolfing down her cereal
  305. >never in your life did you think you'd be watching some sexy girl absolutley tear through cereal, nonetheless in your house
  306. >milk and cereal was flying everywhere
  307. >apparently the idea of spoons didn't cater well to her
  308. >you calmly set your bowl down on a place across the table from her as you begin to eat your breakfast
  309. >before you could begin, Dusty was done with her food
  310. >she had milk and cereal all over her face
  311. >some even got in her silky, long, strands of hair
  312. >without saying a word, you give her a tech demo on these amazing devices called napkins
  313. >she looks on with astonishment, and rightly so begins to use a napkin to clean herself up
  314. "There you go. See, you're getting it!"
  315. >Dusty finishes cleaning her face
  316. >"Getting what?"
  317. "Being a human. I imagine this is a stressful thing for you to go through."
  318. >Dusty kicks up her legs on the table and rests her arms behind her head
  319. >"Nah, it's chill! This is fun!"
  320. >as she grins, you start to ponder yet another question
  321. "Hey, Dusty... don't you think we should call you something different?"
  322. >Dusty starts to look at you quizzically
  323. "I mean, you're a human now, and Dusty isn't exactly a name for a person.."
  324. >"Oh! I see! You want to give me a human name!"
  325. >thank god she understood
  326. >you didn't want this chick running around on the streets with some identity crisis bullshit
  327. "Well, pretty much, yeah. Is that okay with you?"
  328. >"Of course it is! Can I be called Danielle?"
  329. "Wow. That was fast. Why Danielle?"
  330. >"Because I always wanted to be called that."
  331. >she smiles at you, but you can't help but feel bad feels
  332. >you called her Dusty all these years, when in reality she wanted a different name
  333. "Sure. For now on, you'll be Danielle. Sound good?"
  334. >"Kick ass!"
  335. >Dusty, now Danielle, fist pumps in excitement
  336. >god, she really is quite the character
  337. >as you finish up your breakfast, you also grab Danielle's bowl and get ready to clean dishes
  338. >but before you can start, Danni grabs your arms and stares you down
  339. >"Let me do this."
  340. "Dust- Danielle, are you sure about this?"
  341. >"Yes."
  342. >there was a fire in her eyes
  343. >the only way the fire would be put out is if she washed the dishes
  344. >she grabbed a sponge and began pounding it against the bowls
  345. >"I see you do this so many times, I could do it in my sleep!"
  346. >you appreciate her cocky attitude, but anymore of this "cleaning" will break your dishes
  347. "Wow, look at that, Danni!"
  348. >"Did you just call me Da-"
  349. "You cleaned up all those dishes!"
  350. >Danielle drops the dishes in the sink
  351. >"Oh my god! I did?"
  352. "You sure did, Danni!"
  353. >Danielle parades around to room in celebration
  354. >you hear a couple of thing break, so you whip your head around to see what the commotion is about
  355. >"Fucking right I cleaned those dishes!"
  356. >Danielle proceeds to kick a lamp out of it's socket and sends it flying across the hall
  357. "Danni! What are you doing?!"
  358. >Danielle looks across the hall at you and mouths the word "Sorry", as she scampers across the house to retrieve the lamp
  359. >you chuckle at her as you turn your attention back to the dishes
  360. >this time, you'll make sure they get cleaned the right way
  361. >the house goes silent for a number of minutes
  362. >all of a sudden you feel arms wrap around your waist
  363. >"Gotcha!"
  364. >Danielle rests her head on your shoulder as she starts to laugh
  365. "You really are having fun with this, aren't you?"
  366. >Danielle turns her head so that it's only centimeters from yours
  367. >"Oh? What makes you say that?"
  368. >she laughs once more and releases her grip on your waist
  369. >Danni runs into the living room where you hear a ruckus
  370. >"Hey, is it okay if I turn on the TV?"
  371. "Yeah, go ahead. You've been doing it for months now anyways, right?"
  372. >"...Shut up..."
  373. >you take her insult with a grain of salt as you finish up the dishes
  374. >you dry your hands off with a nearby towel as you make entrance into the living room
  375. >you spot Danielle sitting quite comfortably on your couch
  376. >you turn your attention to the show she's watching
  378. >Jim (on TV): "OW, MY BALLS!"
  379. >"Hah! Kir, this is some funny shit, you know."
  380. "For you, maybe. I don't tend to watch this kind of stuff."
  381. >"Don't be such a wuss! Take a seat!"
  382. >Danielle pats for you to sit next to her on the couch
  383. >looking at the time, it's only 9:23
  384. >what a morning
  385. >again
  386. >you oblige, and take a spot in between Danielle and the arm rest
  387. >with each stroke of laughter, Danielle inches closer and closer to you untill she's resting her head on your chest
  388. >heh, yeah, this isn't awkward at all..
  389. >suddenly, Danni's laughing stops and she looks up at you
  390. "Yeah? What's up?"
  391. >she gets a serious look on her face
  392. >"Listen, hey, I know this is a bit weird of me to ask, but.."
  393. >oh god
  394. >what is it
  395. >"Could you, maybe, rub my head? Kinda like if I was a cat?"
  396. >oh, phew
  397. "Heh, yeah, of course."
  398. >"Thanks."
  399. >her attention returns to "Ow, My Balls!" as you begin to rub her head
  400. >it's cute that she likes this show so much
  401. >but it's so weird seeing a girl looking as fine as her laughing at this kind of humor
  402. >it's more suited for trailer-trash, at least in your opinion
  403. >a couple of hours pass before you can even bother to say anything
  404. >her show ended a while ago, and at this point you both are watching some Cricket
  405. >"How does this even work?!"
  406. >Danni throws an arm at the tv in disgust and looks to you for agreement
  407. "I have no idea. Say, how about we get you some clothes like I was talking about earlier?"
  408. >Danielle's eyes light up and she jumps out of her spot on the couch
  409. >aww, you were starting to get comfy
  410. >"Oh yes yes yes yes! That'd be fucking rad! Let's go!"
  411. >Danielle grabs ahold of your arm and runs straight out the front door
  412. "Wait! I need my wallet and my keys. Besides, did you even know where you were going?"
  413. >Danielle frees your arm and begins to kicks some dirt in embarrasment
  414. >"N-no..."
  415. "Don't worry about it. We'll take my car. You've never been to the mall, have you? This place is awesome."
  416. >"A "mall'? What's that?"
  417. "Oh, honey, you're in for a treat. Especially for girls, this is the place to be."
  418. >your final sentence had Danielle frantically running to the car, using her newfound hands to attempt to open the door
  419. >"Fuck! Why won't this damned thing open?!"
  420. >you press the 'unlock' button on your car keys
  421. "I needed to unlock it first."
  422. >Danielle calms down and opens the door gently, and much to her surprise, it opens.
  423. >she points at the open door and looks to you for approval
  424. "Yes, you can go inside."
  425. >"Sweet!"
  426. >Danni hops into the car and smashes the door closed
  427. >she eagerly waits for you to hop in and drive
  428. >"Hurry up! I need to see this 'mall' for myself!"
  429. "Give me a minute, jeeze!"
  430. >the two of you share a chuckle as you race to your car
  431. >looking over at the neighboring house, you notice all the blinds are down
  432. >odd, it's nearly lunchtime
  433. >upon further inspection however, you see that someone is peeping over at you and Danni from one of the lower windows
  434. >as soon as you and the stalker make eye contact, the blinds come falling down
  435. "Huh. That's weird."
  436. >"What's weird? Your ass not being in the car?!"
  437. >Danielle laughs at her joke uncontrollably
  438. "No, it's just that.."
  439. >Danni stops in mid laugh and looks to you concerningly
  440. "I-It's nothing. Here, let's go."
  441. >"Yeah!"
  442. >you've arrived at the mall, and you can see Danni through your mirrior gawking at the humongous concrete slab
  443. >"Woah... shit.."
  444. "Yeah, it's pretty big, right?"
  445. >Danielle turns her attention to you and it's clear that the size and stature of the mall is blowing her away
  446. >she still doesn't offer to chime in, she continues to awe at the mall outside of her window
  447. >you park the car and proceed to turn in off and walk outside
  448. >you're now standing directly outside of Danielle's window, and you jokingly motion for her to come out
  449. >opening the door, she offers her first review of the mall
  450. >"This mall is huge! Fucking balls."
  451. "What would you do if I said this was one of the smallest in the country?"
  452. >Danni grimaces with the thought
  453. >"I'd say you were crazy."
  454. "Well good, because it's actually one of the biggest in the world."
  455. >you smile as she shoots you a dirty look
  456. >in time she starts to chuckle and joins in with you
  457. "Let's get you some clothes, huh?"
  458. >"Sure!"
  459. >you lock the car as the two of you walk towards the Costco entrance of the mall
  460. >if you're going to introduce Danielle to stores, you might as well start off with the largest one
  461. >the largest one, like, ever
  462. >walking through the door, you're greeted with an employee standing at the door welcoming everyone
  463. >"Welcome to Costco. I love you."
  464. >there's no expression on the man's face, as it appears his brain hasn't even checked in yet
  465. >"Welcome to Costco. I love you."
  466. >he's just looking straight ahead
  467. >you and Danni walk by the man and give eachother concerning glances
  468. >"Welcome to Costco. I love you."
  469. >finally you break free from the entrance and you show Danielle around
  470. "So this is Costco. It's probably one of the largest stores ever made."
  471. >the dim lighting of the factory-sized store allows you only to make out some faucets of Danni's face
  472. >"You humans sure love overdoing things, don't you?"
  473. >you chuckle at her notion
  474. "I'm pretty sure there's even a college in here, too."
  475. >you look over at Danni and give her a shit eating grin
  476. >she realizes now that you were joking and eases up
  477. "If you want to buy something, and a lot of it, this is the place for you."
  478. >you and Danni walk past mounds and mounds of canned food, none of which look appealing to you
  479. >or her, for that matter
  480. >she reads 'CANNED TURKEY' and immediatley shows disgust
  481. >"You guys EAT this shit?"
  482. "Sister, if you had only ten dollars and it was to hold you over for a week, I'm sure you'd eat all the canned turkey you could get at."
  483. >"I'd rather die than have to eat that shit."
  484. "Hah, ok."
  485. >the two of you continue the march down the where the Costco turns into the rest of the mall
  486. >guys walking by the two of you scope Danielle and you're sure to let them know she's not available
  487. >as soon as guys look up at you, you're already looking at them, shaking your head
  488. >typically they nod and shurg in mutual acknowledgement with you and continue walking
  489. >after what feels like hours go by, you finally see where the Costco and mall converge
  490. >the bleak lighting of Costco is thrown against the sharp, white lighting of the rest of the mall
  491. >it's a big relief to get out of there alive, and with Danielle by your side
  492. >you appear to be on the third story of the mall, somehow
  493. >you entered Costco at ground level, and never once went up any large stairs or evelvators
  494. >i guess Costco says 'fuck it' to everyone else's logic and follows their own
  495. >you walk over to the mall directory and start looking for clothing stores
  496. >Danielle is sprawed out from the guard rail and is testing out her hands by waving at everyone
  497. >with no surprise, most are waving back
  498. >if some fine peice of body waved at you, chances are you'd probably wave back, too
  499. >you have to hand it to her, though
  500. >she's getting one hell of a kick out of this human thing
  501. >taking your attention back to the directory, you begin looking for clothing stores
  502. "Gap? No.."
  503. "Target? Maybe.."
  504. >then you glance over at one more store's name
  505. >"And how was your day, dude?!"
  506. >now she's engaging in conversations with the folk down at the first level
  507. >"It was fucking sweet! Thanks, babe!"
  508. >you can't help but laugh as you contemplate the final store
  509. >Victoria's Secret
  510. >you could take this time and poke fun at Danni
  511. >this could be hilarious, and it's about time you amused yourself, too
  512. >Danielle's presense into a human-form has showed you a few things
  513. >one of which is to relax and smell the flowers every now and again
  514. >you look back and forth between the location of VS and Danni, still having a blast
  515. "Hey, Danielle! I found a store, let's go!"
  516. >"Sweet! Wait, let me say bye to this girl down there!"
  517. "Heh, sure thing."
  518. >Danielle takes a final wave as you make a mental note of Victoria's Secret's location
  519. >store 225
  520. >second floor
  521. >oh boy, this is going to send your sides into orbit
  522. >you can't wait for Danni's reaction when the two of you walk into the store
  523. >although, after that debacle, you're still going to need a place to buy actual clothes
  524. >Target will suffice
  525. >the two of you walk to the nearest elevator and step inside
  526. >"Wow, what is this?"
  527. "It's an elevator. It's a normal everyday thing here."
  528. >Danielle puts her hands on the glass and surveys the entire elevator in excitement
  529. >"It's just a glass box! How does it even work?"
  530. "It has it's ways. Hey, watch out, we're about to move."
  531. >"Move?"
  532. >the elevator doors close and the glass box, as Danni has coined it, begins to rumble and descend
  533. >Danielle nearly loses her footing and falls over
  534. "Watch out there, don't fall over."
  535. >you laugh at Danielle as she's awkwardly positioned back against the wall, legs bent, and hair flying everywhere
  536. >"This is fucking nuts!"
  537. "It's only an elevator. Have you heard of rollercoasters? Now THOSE are crazy."
  538. >"Hey, yeah! I've seen those on 'Ow, My Balls!""
  539. >you raise an eyebrow at that remark as the elevator comes to a standstill and opens it's doors
  540. >Danielle picks herself up and starts to brush her hair back with her hands
  541. >she's picking up on this human thing really fast
  542. >the two of you step out of the elevator and you begin to lead
  543. >off in the far distance, you make out what you believe is Victoria's Secret
  544. >"So, where are we going? What store did you choose?"
  545. >you didn't want to spoil the surprise
  546. "Oh, uh, it's a secret. I can't tell you, sorry."
  547. >Danielle looks on in dissapointment, but she doesn't hold it against you for long
  548. >"Okay, well, what do you want to do when we finish shopping for clothes?"
  549. >the store inches closer
  550. >without missing a beat, you answer her
  551. "Let's get some lunch over at the food court. Would you be down for that?"
  552. >"Snootch to the nooch!"
  553. >Danni holds her hand up for a high-five, but your mouth drops
  554. >some stoners nearby turn around and look over at Danielle
  555. >they're stunned at how such a 'not-stoner' looking person could say such a thing
  556. "Uh, Danielle? You might not want to, er, 'drop that lingo', in front of everyone."
  557. >Danielle puts her hands on her hips
  558. >fucking damn, that bod
  559. >"Why not? I hear that on television all the time!"
  560. >you lean in and whisper into her ear
  561. "That's something stoners drop. Do you want to have those filthy fuckers walking up and trying to stir shit with you?"
  562. >"I dunno. I wouldn't mind it. Not that I'd run away with them."
  563. "Well, good. To be honest, this is more of a safeguard for me. I don't want people picking you up and walking away, y'know?"
  564. >she nods and the two of you continue on the quest for VS
  565. >after a moment silence, Danni is the first to speak up
  566. >"So.. what else shouldn't I say?"
  567. >you ponder her question for a bit before responding
  568. "Well, in public, it's usually poor manners to swear."
  569. >assessing the damage she's done, the look on her face reveals that she may have been swearing more than you thought
  570. >"Sorry about that.."
  571. "Nah, in private it's cool. Just try not to cuss in public."
  572. >you now find yourself in the food court with Danielle
  573. >she has bags and bags of clothes you've gathered from VS and Target
  574. >and being any normal dude, you said you were 'more than happy' to carry it all for her
  575. >although if you knew just how heavy it all was, you'd probably have said otherwise
  576. >you had no real budget for anything, so you let Danielle order anything she wanted
  577. >after her massacre of your wallet, it seemed all she wanted was a milkshake
  578. >you picked up some fries for yourself as you pay the person working at the register
  579. >lugging all of Danni's shit back to a table in the foodcourt, you were happy to finally set down the bags
  580. >during this time you showed Danni your phone, and how to use it
  581. >maybe if you felt comfortable with it, later you could give her your old phone and let her run around
  582. >however, one weird thing caught you off guard
  583. >looking behind Danielle, you noticed far in the back of the mall was a familiar face
  584. >it was that Ben-looking faggot
  585. >everything would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact he was looking directly at you
  586. >you point at yourself and ask 'me?'
  587. >you see Ben point back at you without hesitation and mouth 'you'
  588. >fuck
  589. "Hey, uh, Danielle, we need to get out of here."
  590. >"What, why? I was about to finish this level!"
  591. "I have, uh, a meeting I need to go to in a minute."
  592. >"A meeting? You don't have a job that needs you going to meetings!"
  593. "Uh, well, that's the thing; this is a new job I have."
  594. >"Oh! Is it? Cool!"
  595. "Heh, yeah, it is. Let's go."
  596. >you grab the bags of shit and attempt to waddle as wuickly as possible out of the mall
  597. >looking back at where Ben once stood, the place is now occupied with the feet of people walking back and forth between stores
  598. >shit
  599. "Let's hurry up, I don't want to be late."
  600. >you continue to book it through the mall entrance and are thankful to reach your car with no events happening
  601. >you throw the shit into the back of the car and Danni joins you up in the passenger's seat
  602. >you hop in the driver's side and turn the key, ultimatley turning the car on
  603. >you pull your seatbelt over you, and this is when you spot Ben now looking at you from the entrance of the mall
  604. >he has a devilish grin and waves at you
  605. >fuckfuckfuck
  606. >you nearly strangle yourself trying to put your seatbelt on, but you managed to pull it on in record time
  607. >you stomp on the gas and get the fuck out of there
  608. >another look over at the mall entrance shows that Ben is nowhere to be seen
  609. "This is some real crazy shit going on right now."
  610. >"I'm sorry, what?"
  611. "Oh. Sorry, it's nothing."
  612. >you let your thoughts escape you
  613. >fuck dammit, man
  614. >you don't want to send Danni into a frenzy too
  615. >for the ease of her, you try and play it cool
  616. >on the drive home, your thoughts are racing
  618. >so, i have a sex offender chasing after me
  619. >wait, what about that guy in the window?
  620. >oh, fuck, what if that was him?
  621. >no, you're kir, you can get out of this one alive
  622. >to hell with this guy if he thinks he can fuck you
  623. >yeah, fuck him
  624. >but not like that
  625. >but.. what if that was a different person?
  626. >do i have two people chasing after me?
  627. >what do they want with me?
  628. >i mean, i look good, but not 'rapeable' good
  629. >am i just that irresistable?
  631. >you look over at Danielle and attempt to give her sexy eyes
  632. >this will prove whether or not you're a person-pulling machine
  633. >she just blankly looks at you in return
  634. >"W-What are you doing?"
  635. >fuck
  636. >didn't work
  637. >you turn your head back to the road with no response
  639. >what is it with me? why do they want me?
  640. >i can call the police
  641. >'yeah, officer, i have at least one faggot trying to rape me'
  642. >that's going to boil over well with the boys at the police station
  643. >better yet, i should probably keep and extra eye on Danielle, too
  644. >i don't need any unwanted shit happening to the two of us
  645. >so does that mean i just keep her in the house all day?
  646. >that's kinda brutal, i mean, she's been living this way her whole life, and now that she's a person, am i one to just lock her up once more?
  647. >fuck this, your head is hurting
  649. >"Hey, wasn't that our house you just.. passed..?"
  651. >what do i do, should i stockpile some weapons?
  652. >what would happen to me if i killed a guy?
  653. >i'd go to prision, defientley, but what of was in self defense?
  654. >i think that's perfectly legal
  655. >wait, i can always call nox, my old friend
  656. >he usually knows his way about these things
  657. >yeah, i'm sure nox will be mroe than happy to help me out
  659. >"Our street.. you just..?"
  660. >Danielle turns around and points at the street in the distance you've turned from
  661. "Oh, sorry about that."
  662. >Danielle looks over you
  663. >"Is everything alright?"
  664. "Yeah, yeah. I'm just getting ready for my, uh, meeting."
  665. >"Okay.. Whatever you say."
  666. >Danielle blows off your excuse and looks out her window
  667. >eventually you turn back onto your street and park in your driveway
  668. >you and Danielle carry the bags into the house, and you take them into your guestroom where you decide Danni can sleep
  669. >she puts all her clothes out on the bed and examines every peice
  670. "Is everything all good?"
  671. >you lean on the doorframe, arms folded, relaxed
  672. >or, atleast, attempting to look relaxed
  673. >"Yeah. It's.. it's awesome."
  674. >she looks up to you and smiles
  675. >"Thank you."
  676. >you can't help but return her smile
  677. "Of course, it's not a problem."
  678. >she acknowledges your response and starts to pick out peices of clothing to wear
  679. "I'll just leave you be while you get comfortable. Sound good?"
  680. >"It does. Thanks again, this means a lot."
  681. "Hey, it's all good. I'm going to close the door now. If you need anything, just ask."
  682. >Danielle waves at you as you gently close the door
  683. >you whip right around and bolt for the landline near your sink
  684. >you see Sandwich once more licking his balls on the carpet
  685. "Sandwich, you really need to get your shit together."
  686. >you grab the phone and begin dialing Rainer's number
  687. >it's been a couple of months, but you're sure that he'll pick up
  688. >it feels like an eternity, but Nox finally picks up
  689. >"Uh, hello?"
  690. "Nox? It's Kir, remember me?"
  691. >"Wha- oh shit!"
  692. >you hear muffling and the sounds of something dropping on his side of the phone
  693. "Are you okay there?"
  694. >"Yeah- dude! It's been months! How've you been?"
  695. "Well, it was all good until this morning."
  696. >"Has it? What's been going on?"
  697. "You won't believe it, but my cat somehow transformed into the sexiest woman ever to walk the planet."
  698. "But besides that, it's been uneventful."
  699. >silence on the other line
  700. >"... and just how much dope have you been smokin', man!?"
  701. "No, I swear to god. I'd show you if I could."
  702. >"Send me a picture of that shit, man!"
  703. "Later. That's not why I called you."
  704. >"Oh, it wasn't? What's up, you didn't want to talk to your ol' buddy Nox?"
  705. "No, it's just that-"
  706. >"How come we don't just talk anymore, man? It's always, 'Hey, Nox, I need money' or it's 'Hey, Kir, I need money'-"
  707. "I need some advice. This is serious."
  708. >"Serious shit, huh? How much do you need this time?"
  709. "No, it's- fuck. Just listen for a moment, please."
  710. >"That's what I've been doing for months; waiting for the phone to ring!"
  711. "Fuck, no. Listen, I have at least one rapist on my tail, I'm pretty sure there might be another as well."
  712. >"Wow, that's gotta suck, man."
  713. "That's undervaluing the situation, Nox. These two faggots are chasing after me and I have that girl, Danielle, in my house, this isn't-"
  714. >"Oh, damn, you're not saying-"
  715. "Fuck, no! I don't want that to happen! I'm calling and asking you for advice."
  716. >there's an uneasy silence on the line as Nox picks his words carefully
  717. "I just want to know if it's morally justified for me to, I don't know, say, shoot them if they get on my property. Is it?"
  718. >more silence fills the line between the two of you
  719. "Nox, buddy, please-"
  720. >"Listen, don't tell anyone, but, I,"
  721. >"Oh god, how do I say this.."
  722. "What? Just say it, man. We're all in this together."
  723. >"I just got back from murdering a rapist of my own."
  724. "Hah, funny shit! No really, please."
  725. >"No, I'm dead serious. You know Chris-Chan?
  726. >holy fuck
  727. >did he kill ian?
  728. "No way, really? You didn't."
  729. >"Look it up right now on your computer. I killed CWC."
  730. >well hey, this would have been a swell time to have a laptop
  731. "Yeah, I'll uh, I'll do it later."
  732. >suddenly it hits you
  733. "Nox, you fucking KILLED SOMEONE?"
  734. >"Hey, he was trying to rape me! Or kill me! I couldn't tell!"
  735. >"I've seen shit, man. Listen, if they step on your property and start to get aggressive, just grab a gun and shoot them."
  736. >an awkward pause
  737. >"Don't waste time.. like I did."
  738. >"Or else you might see the people you give shit about leave you.."
  739. "Nox, did something happe-"
  740. >"No, no. It's all good. Kir, promise me you'll stay safe, man."
  741. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll keep it real."
  742. >"..Hah, there's my fucking buddy. Keep it real, stay safe, I'll chat with you in a few, okay? 'Ow, My Balls!' is about to come on, and it's a new episode today."
  743. "Oh god, you watch that, too?"
  744. >"Dude, it's won, like, 3 fucking Emmys! I gotta go, stay in touch."
  745. "Of course. See you later."
  746. >you place the phone back into it's holder and turn around to lean against the sink
  747. >you spot Danielle in the doorway looking at you
  748. "Oh, fuck.. How long have you been there?"
  749. >"I've, uh, I've heard enough."
  750. >Danielle kicks her foot up against the carpet and you take in your new look
  751. >she's wearing a shirt with a generous cut, and she has on some shorts and long-socks
  752. >it all complements her curvature pretty well, you'd say
  753. "Listen, Danni, it'll be fine. I promise."
  754. >you put a hand on her shoulder and she looks up at you
  755. "We'll just have to hide out for a bit. This'll suck, I know."
  756. >you let go and start to walk towards Sandwich
  757. >"Why can't you just call the police?"
  758. >you pick up Sandwich in mid-ball lick
  759. "They won't believe me when I say Ben's trying to get at me."
  760. >Danielle takes a seat on the wall with her arms wrapped around her legs
  761. >"But he's one of those 'sex offenders', like you said. They'd have to believe you, Kir."
  762. >you start petting Sandwich and take a seat across the hall from Danielle
  763. "It's the police. Fucking hell if they actually take anything we say seriously."
  764. >Danielle give you a disgusted look
  765. >"Oh my god, you're one of those people? Just call the damned police!"
  766. "Listen, Danielle, you just don't get it!"
  767. >you raise your tone in anger
  770. >your remark strikes a nerve with Danielle as she looks at you with anguish
  771. >"...How could you?"
  772. >you finally realize the true impact of what you just said
  773. "No, no, Danni, I'm sorry-"
  774. >you try and condole her but she shoves you away from her
  775. >"Get the fuck off of me! And I thought you actually cared about me, too!"
  776. >Danielle races out of her spot and runs over to the front window
  777. "What, and all this time when I took care of you when you were a cat? That means nothing?"
  778. >Danielle's back is turned to you as she peers outside the window
  779. >"I just, I-"
  780. >Danielle turns around and gives you a light shove before going to the kitchen
  781. >"I didn't know you would still think of me as a cat. But you do."
  782. >she looks up at you
  783. >"Am I just another object in your fucking life?"
  784. >she gestures towards herself awaiting a response
  785. "Danielle, no, I-"
  786. >"I am, aren't I? Face the fucking light, Kir! I'm a person, now! I'm not a cat, wake up! There's no turning back, you fucking jerk!"
  787. >is this what it's like to have a girlfriend?
  788. >fuck that then
  789. >you run your hand through your hair
  790. >Danielle still awaits a response
  791. "I'm sorry.. I was overcome with-"
  792. >"With what? A feeling that you're oh-so-mighty and powerful, and I'm just a dumbwit in it for the ride? I can do things too, you know!"
  793. "I just-"
  794. >"I'm more than capable of handling myself! I'll show you, I'm not just a cat anymore! I can take care of myself!"
  795. "Don't! Don't even go out there! It's not safe, Danielle!"
  796. >"Do I look like I care?"
  797. "Why did you get so butthurt over this?"
  798. >Danielle winces at your choice of words before attempting to conjure a reply
  799. >"I just.. I don't want to be your cat anymore. I mean, look at me, I'm a person, right?"
  800. >hell yeah you are, babe
  801. "Yes, but, it's just, this is all so fucking weird. One day you're my cat, and now you aren't?"
  802. >"Exactly, Kir. I'm not your cat anymore. I'm not a pet anymore."
  803. "Well then, wh-"
  804. >"Can I just be your friend, now?"
  805. >those words hit you right in the feels
  806. >she's finally becoming self-aware and accepting this human thing full-time
  807. >you should at least return the favor and drop the whole 'cat' thing, too
  808. "Sure. Of course you can. Listen, I'm sorry about my outburst, it's just-"
  809. >"Come here, you faggot."
  810. >Danielle pulls you into another one of her tight-hugs
  811. >she still hasn't gotten this whole human-etiquette thing down yet, as her chest balloons are nearly suffocating you
  812. >you pull away from the hug in order to take a swig of air
  813. >she looks at you with a grin
  814. >"What, now you're too good for my hugs, as well?"
  815. "You nearly suffocated me.."
  816. >she looks on with worry
  817. " crazy bitch."
  818. >with that reference to the day she chased you, you can't help but smile at her reaction
  819. >she starts to laugh and relaxes
  820. >"Oh, you suck."
  821. "It's better than swallowing. I'll be in my room taking a nap if you need me. Stay safe, and please, don't go outside."
  822. >she looks up at you with a confirming smile
  823. >god, why does she have to look so beautiful
  824. >the way her eyes trap you into a daze is astounding
  825. >you swear you can see everything in them
  826. >"Don't worry. I'll stay here."
  827. >you escape your trance and wave to Danni as you begin to walk towards your room
  828. >before closing the door, you can make out the muffled sounds of the televsion
  829. >TV: "...ow! my balls!"
  830. >you laugh to yourself as you shut the door
  831. >you wake to hear loud beeping from outside your door
  832. >on further inspection, your door was wide open
  833. >Danielle was on top of you trying to wake you up
  834. >as you made eye contact with her it appears she was shaking you trying to wake you up
  835. >"Oh, thank god! Help me, there's a fire!"
  836. >Danni points over outside the door to where the beeping was coming from
  837. "Wait, WHAT?"
  838. >you roll Danielle over to the other side of the bed and sprawl out, sprinting over to the kitchen
  839. >sure enough, there was a small fire burning on the stove
  840. >you rip the batteries out of the fire alarm and raced downstairs to get your fire extinguisher
  841. >Danielle follows and hangs out near the doorframe of the closet
  842. >"I'm so sorry! I tried to make you some dinner, but-"
  843. "It's fine, Danni. Here, grab this."
  844. >you toss her a smaller fire extinguisher and lead the charge upstairs
  845. >Sandwich is sitting on the couch staring at the two of you as you trudge up the stairs
  846. "Here, pull this lever right here,"
  847. >you pull some and Danielle's extinguisher starts spewing foam
  848. >"Woah, shit!"
  849. >as you start your extinguisher, you look over and see Danielle's having a fun time directing foam over the blazing fire
  850. >she's smiling and you can't help but notice her pearly whites
  851. >lord almighty, this girl is beautiful in every way
  852. >c'mon, God, why did you have to punish me like this?
  853. >by the time you stopped scoping Danielle, you see that the fire's put out
  854. "Wow, did you..?"
  855. >with a twinkle in her smile, Danni responds
  856. >"I did! You see, I can take care of myself!"
  857. "Well, you caused the fire in the first place, didn't you?"
  858. >your remark didn't sit well with Danielle, as she groans and positions her extinguisher's nozzle in your direction
  859. >she pulls the trigger and sends foam your way
  860. >you can hear her distinct laugh as your face is surrounded with foam
  861. >by the time Danielle finishes painting you with foam, she's nearly on the ground laughing
  862. >you clean foam from your eyes and toss it over at Danni
  863. >she haults her giggle and looks sternly at you
  864. >"You asshole."
  865. >she grins and picks up her extinguisher
  866. >you do the same and ready your weapon
  867. >the two of you share shit-eating grins before you start your foam war
  868. >hours have passed, and you and Danielle lie on the floor covered in foam
  869. >Danielle is breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath in-between laughing fits
  870. >you, however, just lie on the floor staring up at the ceiling
  871. >man, you've never had this much fun in quite some time
  872. >there was, however, a price to pay for all this fun
  873. >there was foam you had to clean up, and it was scattered all throughout the kitchen
  874. >before you can even begin to get up, Danni jumps ontop of you and pins you down
  875. >playfully, you might add
  876. >she grins and locks eyes with you
  877. >strands of her long, brown hair topple your face
  878. >she starts to giggle at the scene
  879. >that beautiful smile, and that laugh
  880. >you're glad that she's here
  881. >she's someone who could really lift your spirits
  882. >and as shown today, when need be, she can also give you a swift kick in the ass
  883. >"What's up, Jerk?"
  884. >you smile and pick up some foam to send her way
  885. >she goes rolling to your side as her face gets smothered with foam
  886. >you laugh, but not before she throws twice the amount of foam at you
  887. >spitting up foam, you get up and decide to conjure some words
  888. "I should probably clean this up."
  889. >Danielle sits upright and takes in the scene of your kitchen
  890. >it looked like a shopping mall in December
  891. >"It looks like shit."
  892. "Hah, you know, it does."
  893. >the two of you sit and take in the sight of the kitchen, completley covered in a blizzard of white
  894. >you get up and grab a towel
  895. "Let's clean you up, too. You can jump in the shower and I'll mop up this mess."
  896. >Danielle looks at you with worry
  897. >"A shower? No, I'm good. Thanks."
  898. "No, really. You need to shower. It's another human thing we do."
  899. >Danielle starts to pout
  900. >"Fuck, really? C'mon, it's been only a day!"
  901. "And it's nearly time to go to sleep. Look at the time."
  902. >pointing over to the clock, it reads 10:23
  903. "Trust me, it's nothing. I can, uh, show you, if you want."
  904. >"If it's anything like the baths you used to give me-"
  905. "Don't worry, it's not. Here, let's go pick out some night clothes for you."
  906. >"Alright, sounds chill."
  907. >Danielle leads into her room as she picks out some clothes still laid out on the bed
  908. >it seems she hasn't noticed the drawers yet
  909. "You know, you have drawers right over for your clothes, see?"
  910. >you open one of the empty drawers to Danni's surprise
  911. >"Oh! Is that where I put this stuff?"
  912. >Danielle guestures with a bra in hand
  913. "Hah, yeah, sure. Why not?"
  914. >after finding something comfy for Danielle, you walk into the bathroom and begin to show her how to use everything
  915. >explaining how to use the toilet was awkward, even for you
  916. >thankfully Danni picked up fast
  917. >the sink was much easier to explain, and soon enough it was time to show her the shower
  918. "Okay, so, before taking a shower, make sure that you take your clothes off and put it in this hamper right over here-"
  919. >you turn to Danielle who's currently stripping before you, starting with her top
  920. >as much as you wanted her to continue, you avert your eyes and look away
  921. "Danni! Not in front of people! Wait until I'm out.."
  922. >"Oh. Sorry."
  923. >Danielle puts her top back on
  924. >"You humans are fucking weird, you know that?"
  925. "I'm not the one pulling my clothes off, am I?"
  926. >"You're funny. You can look now."
  927. >you look back at Danielle thankful she's not continuing her tease, and you start to show her the workings of the shower
  928. "So if you turn this handle this way, the water will be hot, and if you turn it the other way, it will be cold."
  929. >you look back up to Danielle who's nodding with your every word
  930. "You'll have to play with the handle to get the right temperature. But besides that, just turn it all the way to the right like so, and the water will turn off. Sound good?"
  931. >"Yup. I got this under control, T-Kib."
  932. >haha, what?
  933. "Did you just call me..?"
  934. >"T-Kib? Fucking right I did! You call me Danni, I'm just returning the favor."
  935. >you can't help but appreciate her sense of humor, wether or not it sometimes hits you in the wrong place
  936. "Alright, well, I guess you have everything under control. I'll leave you be, then. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
  937. >"Cool! Thanks."
  938. >you pick up an extra towel for your venture to the kitchen
  939. "It's not a problem, have fun."
  940. >you shut the door on your way out and head towards your kitchen
  941. >god, this scene was horrible
  942. >your kitchen has turned to shit
  943. >you place the towel on the countertop
  944. >you spot Sandwich poke his head out of the foam in a corner of the kitchen.
  945. "Get out of there, you rascal."
  946. >you walk over and pick him up, cleaning off any foam still attached to his body
  947. "Don't do anything stupid, alright? I'll have to clean the kitchen for a bit, so try and stay out."
  948. >you hear the shower turn on in the background
  949. >you put Sandwich down in the living room, and he trots up to the couch where he retires for the night
  950. >you turn your attention back to the kitchen
  951. >a mop; i need one of those
  952. >you walk over to your cleaning closet in the hall and grab your mop
  953. "So this is what it's like to be a janitor, huh?"
  954. >you take the mop out of the water-filled bucket and begin mopping the kitchen floor
  955. >the foam itself wasn't too difficult to clean up, it was just the fact that there was so much of it
  956. >that alone would mean you'd be here for a while
  957. >you take this time to recount the day's past events;
  958. >you woke up and found a sexy girl sleeping with you in bed
  959. >you find out this is formerly Dusty, now Danielle
  960. >you know her dream in life is to have cereal all for herself
  961. >you took her clothes shopping
  962. >and, well, you saw Ben today
  963. >you probably shouldn't have called him a faggot before slamming the door in his face
  964. >speaking of which, you remember seeing your neighbor peaking on you
  965. >you also remember your fight with Danni, but thankfully everything was resolved
  966. >and that now brings you here; you took a nap, and during which Danielle tried cooking for you
  967. >the gesture was more than appreciated, but it was the reason for your current duty at 'cleanup'
  968. >although, you really had a lot of fun playing with Danni in the foam
  969. >you remember the gleam in her eyes, the way she looked into you when she was on top of you
  970. >she sure did like pinning you down, huh?
  971. >neverless, it's pretty cute
  972. >you hear the shower turn off
  973. >this sound alone is enough to kick you back into gear
  974. "Shit, I better hurry up."
  975. >you start mopping with more intensity and you eagerly try and rid the floor of any foam
  976. "God, I hope I'm never a janitor."
  977. >you muffle that remark under your breath as you sway the mop back and forth, nearly finishing the kitchen floor
  978. >as you hear the bathroom door crack open, you finish up the final square of the floor
  979. >to fuck with the stove, i'll clean that tomorrow
  980. >Danielle walks out to the kitchen doorframe
  981. >you spot the nightgown she picked out, and the short-shorts as well
  982. >does everything look fantasic on her?
  983. "Wow, you look amazing."
  984. >Danni shyly chuckles
  985. >"I'm sorry, what?"
  986. "S-Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to, well, I did, but I, you-"
  987. >you were a stuttering stumbling spaghetti spilling machine at this point
  988. >Danielle laughs at your murdering of English grammar
  989. >"Chillax. It's cool."
  990. >Danielle's warm smile sends warm feels through your body
  991. >it appears these same feels are calming you down
  992. "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud, that's all."
  993. >Danni shakes her head and giggles some more
  994. >"It's fine. Thanks for the compliment."
  995. "Hah, yeah. Er, no problem."
  996. >"I'll meet you bedroom?"
  997. "Yeah, sure thing, one sec-"
  998. >wait, what?
  999. "Wait, Danni?"
  1000. >she's already bolted out of the hall and into your room
  1001. >shit
  1002. >it seems she doesn't want to sleep in her bed
  1003. >fucking hell
  1004. >as long as no funny business happens, you're fine wih this
  1005. >after all, you've been controlling yourself amazingly as of late
  1006. >you finish up in the kitchen, stow away the mop, and head towards your bedroom
  1007. >you look over and see Danni sprawled out on your bed playing with your pillows
  1008. >"Catch!"
  1009. >she tosses a pillow at your forehead
  1010. >you catch it, and ricochet it right back to her
  1011. "Catch!"
  1012. >catching her off guard, the pillow is a direct hit to her head as you see her hair go flying
  1013. >you can't help but laugh
  1014. >Danielle blows some hair away from the front of her face
  1015. >"Thanks, asshole."
  1016. "Sure thing, it's what i'm here for."
  1017. >you walk over to the corner of the room where you usually strip down into boxers and a t-shirt
  1018. >Danielle is staring right at you, and you only notice moments before you're taking off your pants
  1019. "May I have some privacy, Danni?"
  1020. >Danielle shakes her head and blinks a couple of times, regaining conciousness
  1021. >"Of course. My bad."
  1022. >Danielle hides her head underneath the top-most blanket while you prepare for the night
  1023. "It's safe now."
  1024. >you propel yourself onto the bed as you take some pillows from Danielle's pillow fort she had been making
  1025. >Danni pops her head from underneath the covers and examines your every move with a curious glance
  1026. "What's up? Never slept on a bed before?"
  1027. >you smirk at her as she slaps your shoulder
  1028. >"Oh, shut up."
  1029. >she smiles back and pulls a blanket over her bare shoulders, back facing you
  1030. "So I guess that's 'goodnight', then?"
  1031. >she flips over to face you
  1032. >"You guys even have bedtime rituals, too? That's cute."
  1033. >she jabs at you with her words as she pokes your nose
  1034. "Well God, 'goodnight' to you too, Danni."
  1035. >with that 'goodnight' you poke her back and make yourself comfy underneath the covers
  1036. >you see that Danielle smiles as she drifts off to sleep
  1037. >would it be too awkward if you pulled her in?
  1038. >nahh, whatever
  1039. >you grab Danielle's far side as you pull her into a warm pull
  1040. >"...What's this all about?"
  1041. "Sharing body heat. It's another thing humans do."
  1042. >"...Ah..."
  1043. >too sleepy to care, Danni rests an arm on your stomach and embraces your gesture as she places her head on your chest before one final sigh
  1044. >"..Goodnight."
  1045. "Sweet dreams."
  1046. >you turn off the final lamp that's emiting light in the room and you make your way into wonderland
  1047. END DAY 2
  1049. >you crawl out of your bed and peer outside
  1050. >you see nothing but black
  1051. >but peering out further, you can spot some lights radiating out in the distance
  1052. "Wow, this is fucking nuts! Danni, take a look!"
  1053. >you glance back at where Danni is sleeping
  1054. >the cute girl on your bed still hasn't woken up
  1055. >you decide to walk over to her and gently shake her
  1056. "Danielle, wake up."
  1057. >you can hear her groan as she starts to regain conciousness
  1058. "C'mon, you bedhead."
  1059. >you laugh to yourself as you lie down on the bed, now eye level with Danni
  1060. >slowly she begins to move and look up at you
  1061. >"...Uh... What's up..?"
  1062. >Danni blinks and focuses in on you
  1063. "There's some crazy shit going on outside, check it out!"
  1064. >you point towards the window where you can still see lights flashing
  1065. "Isn't that crazy?"
  1066. >you stare again at the window with astonishment, and there is no answer from Danielle
  1067. "Danni, is everythin-"
  1068. >you feel a pull of your shirt as Danielle forces you closer to her
  1069. >"Do you want to see something even crazier..?"
  1070. >Danielle grins as you can help but get a little aroused by her tone
  1071. >you decide you'll try and play it cool
  1072. "Uh, haha, no. I don't."
  1073. >Danielle runs a hand through your hair
  1074. >"Well, that's a shame, because Danni over here is going to show you anyways~"
  1075. >Danielle moves closer to you
  1076. >she closes her eyes as her lips begin to make contact with yours
  1077. >the sensation of it all is sending shivers up and down your body
  1078. >Danni takes a moment to breathe before continuing her assault of your mouth
  1079. >with the next kiss, she pushes her tongue into your mouth
  1080. >you've all but stopped trying to resist it
  1081. >i mean, she was the one that started this
  1082. >your internal dialogue is interuppted with Danielle dancing her tongue around yours
  1083. >well, fuck it
  1084. >you might as well embrace it
  1085. >much to her surprise, you start to dig your tongue deep into her mouth
  1086. >you hear a surprised squeak, followed by a giggle
  1087. >eventually Danni lets go and a strand of saliva still connects your tongues together
  1088. "Danni... What are you doing?"
  1089. >she begins to trace a finger up and down your chest
  1090. >"Don't you see, already?"
  1091. >she leans in closer
  1092. >"I want you."
  1093. >her eyes are filled with lust and she brings you in closer for another kiss
  1094. >but before you can return the favor, your side starts stinging
  1095. >you break in mid-kiss and examine your stinging side
  1096. >you see blood streaking down from your side
  1097. "Oh god! What the fuck?"
  1098. >silence from Danielle
  1099. >the blood has seeped through your shirt and a puddle of it has collected by the side of the bed
  1100. >you pull up your shirt and discover a large gaping hole in your side
  1101. >your internal organs are on public display as a nice, large chunk of skin is absent from your side
  1102. "Oh fuck! God, no!"
  1103. >you try and jump off the bed towards your bathroom, but as soon as you try and touch down on the floor, your legs become paralyzed
  1104. >in agonizing pain, you fall over and make a splash in your own pool of blood
  1105. >silence
  1106. >you start to scream for Danielle
  1107. "Please, help me! Help me!"
  1108. >you become confused and your vision begins to blur
  1109. >silence
  1110. "Danielle, answer me! FUCKING ANSWER ME!"
  1111. >you scream as the pain striking in your legs moves up towards the rest of your body
  1112. >with all that you can, you attempt to rest yourself on the side of the bed
  1113. >using your arms, you drag yourself towards the side and try to pull yourself up
  1114. "Danielle, please, help me..."
  1115. >you look over to Danielle who's blankly staring at you
  1116. >horror fills your body as the pain slowly inches closer to your chest
  1117. >your vision only gets worse, and you start to shake and tremble
  1118. "...Please, do something..."
  1119. >Danielle doesn't bat an eye, and continues staring at you
  1120. >these will be your final moments, you already know it
  1121. "...I..."
  1122. >everything shoots into darkness
  1123. >your bed disappears
  1124. >Danielle disappears
  1125. >you feel your pain escape you, but you're now in a freefall
  1126. >you can't make out the floor, or when you'd hit it
  1127. >all you can do is fall, and allow yourself to feel the wind charging past you
  1128. >you close your eyes and pray for this all to stop
  1129. >you try and muster up words, but you can't
  1130. >you try talking at all
  1131. >you move your hands over your mouth and feel nothing
  1132. >you attempt to feel anywhere and feel a projector in place of what was your head
  1133. >you look down at yourself and find a repulsive human body
  1134. >cavaties are exposed all throughout your body, and you can see motors and other mechanical parts shooting out of it
  1135. >your skin is a bleak gray, and this is when you find yourself completley disgusted
  1136. >you wish someone would fall out of the sky and kill you now
  1137. >you thud against the ground, and you see blood and gears go flying out of your exposed parts
  1138. >you slowly pick yourself back up off the ground
  1139. >with your heavy breathing, you hear machinery moving along at the same pace within you
  1140. >you try walking, but you stumble with every step
  1141. >walking into the vast void, you can only pray to die
  1142. >up behind you, you start to hear footsteps
  1143. >your lenses focus in behind you, and you see a figure approaching you
  1144. >you start to panic
  1145. >immediatley you jump into an attempted run, but instead you feel your motors overheating
  1146. >your lense starts to fill with a red filter, and you try and keep running
  1147. >you hear the footsteps getting closer
  1148. >you look down at yourself and see bolts jolting and moving desperatley to keep you alive
  1149. >in a frenzy you try and pick up the pace
  1150. >your vision becomes filled more with blood-red
  1151. >the footsteps get closer and closer
  1152. >you try and scream
  1153. >you hear combustion in your body
  1154. >you have no head
  1155. >you trip and fall over on yourself
  1156. >you have no mouth
  1157. >the footsteps stop behind you, and all you can do is see who was following you
  1158. >you have no head
  1159. >a sea of red is covering you vision to the point of blindness
  1160. >you wish you could scream
  1161. >"...I'm coming for you..."
  1163. BEGIN DAY 2
  1164. >"Dude, wake up!"
  1165. >you feel hands gripping your shoulders and shaking you
  1166. >your eyes shoot open and you see none other than Danielle
  1167. >she's sitting on your legs with a look of concern
  1168. >"Are you alright? You were kicking and screaming.."
  1169. >was it..? just a dream..?
  1170. "Danielle? Is that you?"
  1171. >you place a hand on her cheek
  1172. >she grabs onto your hand
  1173. >"It is. Don't worry. You're awake. You're safe."
  1174. >Danielle reaches in for a hug
  1175. >you wrap your arms around her and stare at the walls around you
  1176. >you can feel her hair brushing up against the side of your face
  1177. >this was exactly what you needed; you could really use a hug right now
  1178. >your mind was racing
  1179. >what just happened?
  1180. >who was that in your dream..?
  1181. >Danni excuses herself from the hug as she puts her hands on your shoulders
  1182. >"Is everything alright? I heard you going physco in here."
  1183. >you can clearly see the concern in her eyes, and it's heartwarming to see she cares
  1184. >"I mean, it's cool and all if you're really getting into your dreams.."
  1185. >she forces a laugh
  1186. >"But, I just got really worried."
  1187. >you glance down at Danielle's arms on your shoulders
  1188. >you follow them back to her body where you see she's already dressed herself for the day
  1189. >she's wearing a teal frock with a black bow
  1190. >you also spot some black tights and slippers to accompany her frock
  1191. >you make way up to her head where you see she's wearing a beanie as well
  1192. >for what it's worth, she really knows how to make herself look good
  1193. >"Is anyone there?"
  1194. >Danielle attempts to snap her fingers in front of your face to get your attention
  1195. "Yeah, just, I, I'm sorry."
  1196. >a lot of shit just happened, Kir
  1197. >you're going to need a moment to sort everything out
  1198. >Danielle offers a smile
  1199. >"Hey, don't worry about it."
  1200. >you can't help but find comfort in her attempt to console you
  1201. >"Listen, I made us some breakfast. I think it's pretty fucking sweet, even Sandwich agrees!"
  1202. >even Sandwich?
  1203. >is this a dream too?
  1204. "Wait, what? Did Sandwich..?"
  1205. >"No, you dunce. I put some in his bowl. Here, come with me."
  1206. >Danielle grabs your arm and pulls you out of bed
  1207. >she guides you through your hall and ventures down to the kitchen
  1208. "But, I didn't even clean the stove, yet. How did you..?"
  1209. >Danielle laughs
  1210. >"You know, you ask too many questions. I cleaned up for you, don't sweat it."
  1211. "You didn't have to, you know."
  1212. >Danielle stops dead in her tracks and looks back to you
  1213. >"And why is that?"
  1214. >immediatley you shoot your hands up in a defensive position
  1215. "No, no. I didn't mean that you were incapable of it, I just meant it was really nice. Too nice."
  1216. >Danielle's glare turns into a content smile
  1217. >"Here, let's grab some food."
  1218. >walking into the kitchen, you see two bowls prepared on the countertop
  1219. "Is it cereal?"
  1220. >you peer over the bowls and begin to investigate
  1221. >"Oh man, I wish!"
  1222. >you discover that each bowl contains one fried egg and small potatoe wedges dotting the perimeter of the eggs
  1223. "Wow, how did you do this?"
  1224. >"I was watching the cooking channel this morning. Pretty sweet, huh?"
  1225. >Danielle throws her arms onto her hips and smiles
  1226. >you can't help yourself
  1227. >your mouth waters over how delicious the food looks
  1228. "So, uh, should we eat?"
  1229. >"I dunno, do you always eat your breakfast in your underwear?"
  1230. >oh_fuck.bmp
  1231. >you glance at yourself and realize you still haven't gotten yourself dressed
  1232. >you attempt to cover yourself in front of Danielle, clearly embarassed, and at this point, clearly blushing
  1233. >Danielle giggles
  1234. "Yeah, I'll be a moment."
  1235. >"Hurry up, or else I'll give your bowl to Sandwich."
  1236. >---
  1237. >breakfast with Danielle is starting to be an honor
  1238. >although, you feel guilty for not having your attention completely focused on her and her meal set before you
  1239. >you can't help but remind yourself of the stalkers you now face
  1240. >looking out for yourself was already a task in it's own
  1241. >now with Danielle under your roof, this only creates more stress to bear
  1242. >the sensation of chocolate puffs being shot against your face brings you back to reality
  1243. >looking ahead of you, you see Danni having the laugh of a lifetime
  1244. >if you can't be in a good mood, you can at least take pleasure in seeing her smile
  1245. >"Are you gonna eat your food or what? I'll eat it for you!"
  1246. >Danni takes pride in that final sentence as she folds her arms and flashes her teeth
  1247. "No need for it, I can finish this myself."
  1248. >you place your hand up in a calm rebuttal and offer a smile in return for her offer
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