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May 27th, 2018
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  3. Models, Scripting
  4. Person299's admin command script
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  10. Person299's admin command script is a command script created in 2008 by Person299. It was one of the first "admin commands" scripts and is now the most popular and known admin command script that has been created on Roblox. Although it is now subtly broken and out of date, it's still the most taken admin command script in Roblox with over 163617+ takes. The command script has been republished countless times and is currently the most republished model on Roblox.
  12. The script contains a list of the users who are allowed to use the commands. These users are called 'administrators'. When one of these users chats something that the script recognizes as a command, the script executes the command. The script automatically makes its creator, Person299, an administrator, even if his name is removed from the administrator list.
  14. Today, Kohltastrophe's admin script is more commonly used than Person299's. Made during late 2012, it would feature rather more in-depth and advanced commands. Another industrial admin type, LuaModelMaker's admin, allowed players to do many more things, though it is less popular due to a few offensive commands.
  16. Some commands have additional arguments that can be given to the command by separating the command and the arguments with the '/' character. These arguments give additional information to the command, like, in the case of the 'kill' command, the name of the player to kill.
  18. Each command has a name and can be executed by chatting its name or any variation in capitalization of the name. Player names can be abbreviated to a shorter form. Additionally, where a player name is expected, a list of player names separated by commas can be used. The following keywords are also accepted:
  20. Me
  21. The user executing the command.
  22. All
  23. All the players in the server.
  24. Others
  25. All the players in the server except the user executing the command.
  26. guests
  27. All the guests in the server.
  28. Admins
  29. All the players in the server who are allowed to use the command script.
  30. Nonadmins
  31. All the players in the server who aren't allowed to use the command script.
  32. Random
  33. A random player in the server.
  34. Team name
  35. Where name is the name of a team, all the players in that team.
  36. Commands
  37. Most of these commands stopped functioning around 2013.
  39. commands
  40. Displays a list of all the commands.
  41. fix
  42. Fixes the script in most cases if it is broken.
  43. kill/player
  44. Kills the player.
  45. loopkill/player
  46. Repeatedly kills the player.
  47. unloopkill/player
  48. Cancels the effect of the 'loopill' command on the player.
  49. heal/player
  50. Heals the player to his/her maximum health.
  51. damage/player/damage
  52. Reduces the player's health by the amount of damage specified.
  53. health/player/health
  54. Changes the player's health and maximum health to the number specified.
  55. kick/player
  56. Removes the player from the game.
  57. ban/player
  58. Removes the player from the game and prevents him/her from rejoining.
  59. unban/player
  60. Cancels the effect of the 'ban' command on the player.
  61. bannedlist
  62. Displays a list of all the banned users.
  63. explode/player
  64. Makes the player's character explode.
  65. rocket/player
  66. Straps a rocket on the player's back. The rocket will go up and then later explode.
  67. removetools/player
  68. Cleans the player's backpack.
  69. givetools/player
  70. Gives all the tools in the starting tools to the player.
  71. givebtools/player
  72. Gives the three classic building tools to the player.
  73. sit/player
  74. Makes the player's character sit.
  75. part/X/Y/Z
  76. Creates a part with the given dimensions and moves it over the character of the user executing the command.
  77. respawn/player
  78. Makes the player's character respawn.
  79. jail/player
  80. Makes a jail appear around the player's character.
  81. unjail/player
  82. Cancels the effect of the 'jail' command on the player.
  83. punish/player
  84. Makes the player's character disappearfrom the game.
  85. unpunish/player
  86. Cancels the effect of the 'punish' command on the player.
  87. merge/player/player
  88. Makes the player able to control the other player's character.
  89. control/player
  90. Makes the user executing the command able to control the player's character.
  91. teleport/player/player
  92. Teleport the player's character to the other player's character.
  93. change/player/stat/value
  94. Changes the value of the player's specified stat to the value specified.
  95. give/player/tool name
  96. Gives the tool with the tool name specified to the player (the tool must be located at the root of the lighting service).
  97. tools
  98. Displays a list of all the tools located at the root of the lighting.
  99. time/time
  100. Changes the game time to the time specified.
  101. ambient/R/G/B
  102. Changes the ambient to the color specified.
  103. maxplayers/number
  104. Changes the maximum of players able to enter the server to the number specified. Does not work.
  105. nograv/player
  106. Makes the player's character almost weightless.
  107. antigrav/player
  108. Makes the player's character lighter.
  109. highgrav/player
  110. Makes the player's character heavier.
  111. setgrav/player/gravity
  112. Sets the player's character's gravity to the gravity specified.
  113. grav/player
  114. Cancels the effect of all the gravity-related commands on the player.
  115. trip/player
  116. Makes the player's character trip.
  117. walkspeed/player/studs per second
  118. Changes the player's walkspeed to the speed specified.
  119. invisible/player
  120. Makes the player's character invisible.
  121. visible/player
  122. Makes the player's character visible.
  123. freeze/player
  124. Makes the player's character unable to move.
  125. thaw/player
  126. Cancels the effect of the 'freeze' command on the player.
  127. unlock/player
  128. Unlock all the body parts of the player's character.
  129. lock/player
  130. Locks all the body parts of the player's character.
  131. ff/player
  132. Gives a force field to the player's character.
  133. unff/player
  134. Cancels the effect of the 'ff' command on the player.
  135. sparkles/player
  136. Makes the player's character sparkly.
  137. unsparkles/player
  138. Cancels the effect of the 'sparkles' command on the player.
  139. shield/player
  140. Protects the player's character with a destructive shield.
  141. unshield/player
  142. Cancels the effect of the 'shield' command on the player.
  143. god/player
  144. Makes the player's character invulnerable and deadly to everything it touches.
  145. ungod/player
  146. Cancels the effect of the 'god' command on the player.
  147. zombify/player
  148. Makes the player's character become a zombie.
  149. admin/player
  150. Allows the player to use the command script.
  151. unadmin/player
  152. Cancels the effect of the 'admin' command on the player.
  153. adminlist
  154. Displays a list of all the users allowed to use the command script.
  155. shutdown
  156. Shuts the server down.
  157. m/text
  158. Displays the text specified on every user's screen as a message.
  159. h/text
  160. Displays the text specified on every user's screen as a hint.
  161. c/code
  162. Executes the code specified.
  163. clear
  164. Removes all the scripts created with the 'c' command and the jails created with the 'jail' command.
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