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Jan 17th, 2017
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  1. #======================================================================================================================================================
  2. #This plugin was created by PurrfectMistake_ - Hire me! Twitter: @PurrfectMistake
  3. #Please note, by purchasing this plugin, you are accepting the license (In the spigot page, included in the .jar file)
  4. #You can only use this plugin on one server / network.
  5. #You may not redistribute this plugin whatsoever.
  6. #You may NOT decompile my code, and you may NOT claim this plugin to be yours as well.
  8. # If you have any issues or need help contact me at:
  9. # Skype: iamcion Or at:
  10. #
  11. #======================================================================================================================================================
  13. #Here, you can modify majority of the action bar messages / chat messages of the plugin!
  14. #I've put it all in one file, so you don't have to fiddle with multiple files.
  15. #Please don't forget to review this plugin. - ENJOY!
  17. #Define which plugins you have here to enable compatibility. Failure to do so, will lessen the quality
  18. #of your experience. -- Also, if you use FactionsOne, please enable the "Factions" setting. it's compatible!
  19. Factions: false
  20. FactionsUUID: false
  21. WorldGuard: false
  23. Prefix: "&9Factions&bEssentials&e>"
  24. No-Permission: "&4No permission&c - If you believe this to be an error, contact an Administrator."
  25. Cooldown-Bypass-Msg: "&bYou were granted a cooldown bypass from the magical gods."
  26. Logout-ActionBar-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has left the server."
  27. Login-ActionBar-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has joined the server."
  28. Item-Smelted: "&6Item(s) smelted!"
  29. Cant-Smelt-Item: "&cYou can't smelt this item!"
  30. Mention-Msg: "&a{PLAYER} &2has mentioned you in chat!"
  31. Freeze-Msg: "&4(&c&l!&4) &cYou have 5 minutes to get on teamspeak, or face the consequences - &e/teamspeak &4(&c&l!&4)"
  32. Potion-No-Glass-Bottle: "&6&lYou automagically discarded the empty XP Bottle due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
  33. Keep-XP-on-death: "&6&lYou have kept your XP due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
  34. No-Fall-Damage: "&6&lYou took no fall damage due to your rank. &e&lThanks for donating!"
  35. Blocked-Message: "&cYou have been punished for using a blocked word!"
  36. Notify-Staff-Blocked-Message: "&4{PLAYER} &chas used a naughty word! They have been automatically punished. #fessProfanity"
  37. Armor-Break-Subtitle-Msg: "&eYou'd better replace it!"
  38. Spawned-Creeper: "&e&lYou have spawned a creeper."
  39. Fall-damage-toggle-on: "&eNo-fall &aEnabled&e."
  40. Fall-damage-toggle-off: "&eNo-fall has been &cDisabled &euntil toggled again or you relog."
  41. No-TNT-in-inventory: "&c&lYou do not have any TNT!"
  42. No-Nearby-Dispensers: "&7There are no dispensers near you."
  43. Filled-Dispensers: "&c&lYou have filled &c{DISPENSERS} &7dispensers with &c{TNT} &7TNT!"
  44. Armor-break-notification-toggle-on: "&7You will now be notified when your armor breaks!"
  45. Armor-break-notification-toggle-off: "&7You will no longer be notified when your armor breaks!"
  46. StaffChat-Enabled: "&eYou have &aenabled &eStaff Chat!"
  47. StaffChat-Disabled: "&eYou have &cdisabled &eStaff Chat!"
  48. StaffChat-Prefix: "&9Staff>"
  49. Trash-Name: "&9Trash bin"
  51. #Set the cooldown in seconds.
  52. #To bypass the cooldowns, add the permission: fess.bypasscd
  53. Creeper-Cooldown: 600
  54. Tnt-Cooldown: 120
  55. setWaypoint-Cooldown: 3600
  56. Filltnt-Radius: 15
  58. #Here you can modify the ticks which the title bars show. (works for freeze and the blocked-words feature)
  59. #I suggest leaving it as i have set. [20 Ticks = 1 second]
  60. TitleBar-FadeIn: 15
  61. TitleBar-FadeOut: 15
  62. TitleBar-ShowTime: 90
  64. #/wild configuration (placeholders: <X> <Y> <Z>)
  65. #Remember - you can leave titlebars / subtitle bar messages as "" if you dont want them!
  66. Wild-Command-Cooldown: 300
  67. Wild-Teleport-Message: "&eYou have been teleported to &a<X>&e, &a<Y>&e, &a<Z>"
  68. Wild-Teleport-TitleBar-Message: "&aWilderness"
  69. Wild-Teleport-SubtitleBar-Message: "&eCoordinates: &a<X>&e, &a<Y>&e, &a<Z>"
  70. Wild-Minimum-X-Coordinate: -1000
  71. Wild-Maximum-X-Coordinate: 1000
  72. Wild-Minimum-Z-Coordinate: -1000
  73. Wild-Maximum-Z-Coordinate: 1000
  74. Minimum-Distance-From-Factions: 250
  76. #Join/leave messages, titles and chat! Placeholders: {PLAYER} & {KILLED-BY}
  77. Join-Title-Messages-Enabled: true
  78. Join-Title-Message: "&9Factions&bEssentials"
  79. Join-Subtitle-Message: "&eDeveloped by PurrfectMistake_"
  81. Enable-Action-Bar-Join-Leave-Messages: true
  82. Disable-Chat-Join-Leave-Messages: false
  83. Server-Leave-Message: "&a{PLAYER} &ehas left the server"
  84. Server-Join-Message: "&a{PLAYER} &ehas joined the server"
  86. #Disable / Enable features(It is recommended that everything here be set to true, to get the most out of this plugin.)
  87. #If you want to disable use of other features, just don't give the player/s that permission! Easy as that!
  88. Disable-Wither-Creation: true
  89. Enable-Sponge-Lava: false
  90. Enable-Mention-Notifications: true
  91. Disable-Death-Screen: true
  92. Enable-Shift-Rightclick-PlayerSpy: true
  94. #Anti-World Downloader Settings (Placeholder: {PLAYER})
  95. Enable-Anti-WorldDownloader: true
  96. Punish-Command: kick {PLAYER} World Downloader is not allowed on this server!
  98. #Disable / Enable commands (REMEMBER: Open the jar file up & remove the command from the plugin's file: plugin.yml
  99. #as well, if you want another plugin to overwrite one of these commands. Otherwise, this will just disable it.
  100. Enable-FakeOP-Command: true
  101. Enable-FakeDeOP-Command: true
  102. Enable-Chat-Command: true
  103. Enable-Smelt-Command: true
  104. Enable-Colors-Command: true
  105. Enable-Formats-Command: true
  106. Enable-Who-Command: true
  107. Enable-Toggle-Command: true
  108. Enable-FillTnT-Command: true
  109. Enable-Trash-Command: true
  110. Enable-Freeze-Command: true
  111. Enable-Nightvision-Command: true
  112. Enable-Creeper-Command: true
  113. Enable-TnT-Command: true
  114. Enable-Ping-Command: true
  115. Enable-FReload-Command: true
  116. Enable-StaffChat-Command: true
  117. Enable-Wild-Command: true
  118. Enable-PlayerSpy-Command: true
  119. Enable-Waypoints-Command: true
  121. #Bypass the blocked commands with the permission: fess.bypass
  122. Blocked-Commands:
  123. - essentials:tpa
  124. - ecreatehome
  125. - esethome
  126. - essentials:esethome
  127. - essentials:ecreatehome
  128. - essentials:sethome
  129. - essentials:home
  130. - essentials:espawn
  131. - essentials:ewarp
  132. - ?
  133. - plugins
  134. - pl
  135. - espawn
  136. - ewarp
  137. - ehome
  138. - essentials:ehome
  139. - essentials:esethome
  140. - fbasics:wild
  141. - minecraft:me
  142. - stop
  143. - end
  144. - bukkit:plugins
  146. Blocked-Words:
  147. - "nigger"
  148. - "killyourself"
  149. - "kill yourself"
  150. - "kys"
  151. - "nigga"
  152. - "nig"
  153. - "niggur"
  154. - "niga"
  155. - "ddos"
  156. - "dos"
  157. - "cracker"
  158. - "hang yourself"
  159. - "autistic"
  160. - "autism"
  161. - "drink bleach"
  162. - "downy"
  163. - "down syndrome"
  164. - "autist"
  165. - "take your life"
  166. - "gasyourself"
  167. - "gas yourself"
  168. - "niggurs"
  169. - "nigs"
  170. - "nigas"
  171. - "niggers"
  172. - "nigg"
  173. - "hang yourself"
  174. - "hangyourself"
  175. - "go die in a hole"
  176. - "go die"
  177. - "ngr"
  178. - "cut yourself"
  179. - "slice yourself"
  180. - "cutyourself"
  181. - "sliceyourself"
  182. - "plsdie"
  183. - "plskys"
  184. - "pleasekys"
  185. - "slit your wrists"
  186. - "slit your wrist"
  187. - "gas the jews"
  188. - "negro"
  189. - "neger"
  190. - "negers"
  191. - "niqqa"
  192. - "niqa"
  193. - "niq"
  194. - "niqqer"
  195. - "niqer"
  196. - "nikker"
  197. - "ninger"
  198. - "coon"
  199. - "coons"
  200. - "ching"
  201. - "chong"
  202. - "chang"
  203. - "chung"
  204. - "cheng"
  205. - "heil hitler"
  206. - "white knight"
  207. - "blacky chan"
  208. - "blackie"
  209. - "towelhead"
  210. - "towel head"
  212. #Thanks again for supporting my work! If you have any suggestions, please post it on the spigot discussion!
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