

Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. <B><I><BIG><BIG>PLAYER</BIG></BIG></B></I>
  2. <b>Name:</b> <i>Tanner (pronouns are they/them)</i>
  3. <b>Age:</b> <i>16 if read after 03/17/2015, 16 if read after.</i>
  4. <b>Personal Journal:</b> <i>N/A</i>
  5. <b>E-mail:</b> <i></i>
  6. <b>AIM/MSN/etc:</b> <i>SKYPE: GoddessOfConquest</i>
  8. <B><I><BIG><BIG>CHARACTER</BIG></BIG></B></I>
  9. <b>Character Name:</b> <i>Rosaire Amell</i>
  10. <b>Canon:</b> <i>Dragon Age: Origins</i>
  11. <b>Age:</b> <i>27</i>
  12. <b>Timeline:</b> Rosaire is taken from during the events of Dragon Age: Origins. She has completed the Mages' Tower and the Dalish Elves quests in her timelines, and has good relationships with Morrigan, Alistair, and Zevran.
  13. <b>If playing another character from the same canon, how will you deal with this?</b>: I am not playing more than one character.
  15. <b>Personality:</b> Rosaire is a mage of Orlais, therefore she finds it quite necessary to hold her chest high and her chin higher; she was quickly handed over to the Orlais Circle of Mages and was trained, excelling in Spirit magic, eventually to become a Spirit Healer. Because her hands were meant to heal, she took it upon herself to have a sort of mother-esque persona, facing her problems head-on, and putting up a more mature front. As one gets to know her, however, and pull back the layers of the woman known as the Hero of Ferelden, they will quickly find that she is a bit more... hot-tempered and emotional than one would expect from a mage. She is quite known among her friends and companions for such temper, only letting out her rage behind closed doors.
  17. However, the woman has the ability to be a bit childish at times, and frankly despises the word 'no'. If Rosaire does not get her way right off the bat, she will adapt to the situation, and with her high cunning skill ( it is only bested by her magic skill, as is natural for a mage ), she will either a) intimidate, b) persuade, or c) bribe the opposing party into making the odds into her, and therefore her party's, favor. However, should her attempts fail, it is rare that she will continue to go along with the event in question.
  19. She is also relatively protective of her friends -- while she lets them make their own decisions ( she may be motherly, but she isn't doting ) and would not restrain them from doing something they are passionate about, she would be the first to pull them away from something relatively dangerous and/or stupid and correct them in the <i>harshest</i> of tones, and perhaps yell at them quite a bit when they return to camp. This, in turn, puts strain on her relationships with her friends, as she doesn't know when is appropriate to back off.
  21. <b>History:</b> Rosaire was born to a farmer-merchant (Andrieu) and his wife (Alliendra) in a small portion of the city of Orlais, the middle child of five-- two older brothers (Maximillian and Matthieu), a younger brother (Charles/"Charlie"), and a younger sister (Darwyen). Being the middle child meant that she was looked over quite a bit, but being the elder of two daughters meant that she was tasked with the day-to-day duties of a wife, in training and preparation to be married to the youngest son of the owner of the meadery (Howle), when both parties came of age. However, the Maker apparently did not wish for Rosaire to live such a mundane life, because at the age of seven, she began to show signs of the arcane, and the Templars quickly pulled her away from her life in the small town in the south of Orlais and proceeded to lead her to her new life as a mage.
  23. Throughout her life in the Circle, it was rare that she had the time to speak to someone, let alone form friendships, so it was a Maker-send that the mage known as Jowan rose from the ashes to make the woman's acquaintance. It was there that Rosaire made her first friend in the Circle, which then opened the door for many more social interactions. Once someone reaches the skill necessary to be able to be called a Mage of the Circle, they take on what is called the Harrowing, in which a mage enters the Fade and defeats a demon in order to be pulled out of the Fade and instated as a mage-- as the woman in question does so, she is thrown from one fate to the other, in which her dear friend Jowan pleads for her help to escape the Circle alongside a Chantry sister named 'Lily'-- he's a blood mage, she's a chantry sister. No one can know.
  25. Paranoia bit at the woman's mind, and off she ran, promising lies of freedom, only to deliver them the truth of justice. BETRAYER-- BETRAYER, he yelled at her, marking the first mental wound of many in the mage's mind. However, it seemed there would be three words that healed the wounds sustained from the blood mage and his pain-inducing nightmares: RITE OF CONSCRIPTION.
  27. And a Grey Warden she became, thanks to a man named Duncan.
  29. As a Grey Warden, she was thrown into what seems to be the turning point of fighting off the Blight-- suffering through Ostagar and Teryn Loghain's betrayal of the King alongside Alistair, her fellow Grey Warden, only to be saved by the apostate Morrigan and her mother, Flemeth, sparing their lives. Much to the dismay of both Rosaire and Alistair, however, both the King of Ferelden, Cailan, and the lead Warden, Duncan, were murdered by Darkspawn after not receiving necessary backup from Teryn Loghain. The trio of future heroes then made their way to Lothering in search of aid, where they gained a bit of favor among the citizens of Ferelden for doing favors for their city and Chantry, such as running off bandits and assisting in helping the citizens with both Rosaire and Morrigan's knowledge of the Herbology skill. It was in Lothering that they met Leliana, a chantry sister with a past that was darker than the protagonist's hair and more bloody than her hands. After assisting Leliana with her desire to leave Lothering to help end the Blight, they would find themselves freeing a Qunari murderer by the name of Sten moments later, just about doubling the size of their party then and there.
  31. After Lothering, word was sent that the Circle of Magi was yet again in trouble-- and with party in tow, the woman quickly returned to the tower that was forced to give her away, news of demons and abominations opening the mental wounds deeper and deeper, until a glowing white force came to call them: an older mage by the name of Wynne, the resident Spirit Healer and teacher to the apprentices. She remembered the woman fondly; Wynne had been her teacher in her earlier years. With the help of the fellow Mage, Rosaire was thrust full-force into the Fade by the Demon of Sloth, fighting desire and vice on the way--
  33. <i>This is my sister, Goldanna...!</i>
  34. <i>Leliana is PRAYING-- how <strong>DARE</strong> you disturb her!</i>
  35. <i>These apprentices... they were my charges...</i>
  37. After freeing her companions and clearing the Tower of abominations, Wynne agrees to come with Rosaire on her quest to end the Blight, therefore increasing her numbers.
  39. After the Tower, the party stumbled upon an Antivan assassin-- Zevran. Hired by Teryn Loghain to bring the Ferelden Grey Wardens to extinction. The thought of such an act enraged the mage to the point of wrathful force, demanding that the assassin accompany her and her party in order to repay his debt, that he would never see the light of Antiva again, and she meant it.
  41. Many stories passed-- making peace with the Dalish and their ancestral curses, picking up a dwarf by the Oghren as they help crown a new Dwarven king, and freeing the venerable Arl Eamon from the demonic curse placed upon him by a familiar face-- before leading up to one of the most important turning points in her story.
  43. But... for some reason, she has chosen to forget those moments.
  45. <b>Abilities:</b> Rosaire is a skilled mage of the Spirit Healer specialization. The spells known are as follows:
  47. <small>• GROUP HEAL: the caster bathes allies in benevolent energy, instantly healing them by a moderate amount.
  48. • REVIVAL: the caster revives a fallen party member, raising them from unconsciousness and restoring some health.
  49. • GLYPH OF PARALYSIS: the caster inscribes a glyph on the ground that paralyzes the first enemy who crosses its bounds, unless the opponent.
  50. • GLYPH OF WARDING: the caster inscribes a glyph on the ground that bestows nearby allies with a stronger resistance.
  51. • GLYPH OF REPULSION: the caster inscribes a strange glyph on the ground that knocks back enemies.
  52. • GLYPH OF NEUTRALIZATION: the caster inscribes a glyph on the ground that neutralizes all magic, dispels all effects, drains all mana, and prevents spellcasting or mana regeneration within its bounds. ( ** note that she rarely uses this, as is it a newer spell to her, and drains her in both mana and energy. )</small>
  54. <b>Relationships to Canon Characters:</b> While she is quite close to Morrigan and Zevran as friends, she finds herself transfixed with her fellow Warden, a man by the name of Alistair, and he with her. Whether the actual romance blossomed or not has yet to be established.
  56. <b>Network/Actionspam Sample:</b>
  58. <small>[ Oblivion burns the brightest gold, and in this gold burns a heroine.
  60. <b>Prose Log Sample:</b> This is the format that will be used in rubycity_logs and must be a minimum length of 250 words. This sample must be in prose format (paragraphs, no brackets) and should show character reactions/introspection. It does not need to be in game's setting, but it must demonstrate your character as you are apping them. This sample may be linked, either from a musebox, different game or our test drive, provided that the linked example was written within the last six months.
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