Guest User


a guest
Jul 31st, 2018
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  1. // Type definitions for discord.js 11.3.0
  2. // Project:
  3. // Definitions by:
  4. // acdenisSK <> (
  5. // Zack Campbell <> (
  6. // License: MIT
  8. declare module 'discord.js' {
  9. import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
  10. import { Stream, Readable as ReadableStream } from 'stream';
  11. import { ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
  13. export const version: string;
  15. //#region Classes
  17. class Attachment {
  18. constructor(file: BufferResolvable | Stream, name?: string);
  19. private _attach(file: BufferResolvable | Stream, name: string): void;
  21. public readonly attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream;
  22. public readonly name: string;
  23. public setAttachment(file: BufferResolvable | Stream, name: string): this;
  24. public setFile(attachment: BufferResolvable | Stream): this;
  25. public setName(name: string): this;
  26. }
  28. class AudioPlayer extends EventEmitter {
  29. constructor(voiceConnection: VoiceConnection);
  30. public readonly dispatcher: StreamDispatcher;
  31. public opusEncoder: object;
  32. public prism: object;
  33. public readonly transcoder: object;
  34. public voiceConnection: VoiceConnection;
  35. public setBitrate(value: number | 'auto'): void;
  36. }
  38. class BaseOpus {
  39. constructor(options?: { bitrate?: number, fec?: boolean, plp?: number });
  40. public bitrate: number;
  41. public options: object;
  42. }
  44. export class CategoryChannel extends GuildChannel {
  45. public readonly children: Collection<Snowflake, GuildChannel>;
  46. }
  48. export class Channel {
  49. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  50. public readonly client: Client;
  51. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  52. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  53. public id: Snowflake;
  54. public type: 'dm' | 'group' | 'text' | 'voice' | 'category';
  55. public delete(): Promise<Channel>;
  56. }
  58. export class Client extends EventEmitter {
  59. constructor(options?: ClientOptions);
  60. private _intervals: Set<NodeJS.Timer>;
  61. private _pingTimestamp: number;
  62. private _timeouts: Set<NodeJS.Timer>;
  63. private actions: object;
  64. private dataManager: object;
  65. private manager: ClientManager;
  66. private resolver: ClientDataResolver;
  67. private rest: object;
  68. private voice: ClientVoiceManager;
  69. private ws: object;
  70. private _eval(script: string): any;
  71. private _pong(startTime: number): void;
  72. private _setPresence(id: Snowflake, presence: object): void;
  73. private _validateOptions(options?: ClientOptions): void;
  75. public broadcasts: VoiceBroadcast[];
  76. public readonly browser: boolean;
  77. public channels: Collection<Snowflake, Channel>;
  78. public readonly emojis: Collection<Snowflake, Emoji>;
  79. public guilds: Collection<Snowflake, Guild>;
  80. public options: ClientOptions;
  81. public readonly ping: number;
  82. public pings: number[];
  83. public presences: Collection<Snowflake, Presence>;
  84. public readyAt: Date;
  85. public readonly readyTimestamp: number;
  86. public shard: ShardClientUtil;
  87. public readonly status: number;
  88. public token: string;
  89. public readonly uptime: number;
  90. public user: ClientUser;
  91. public users: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  92. public readonly voiceConnections: Collection<Snowflake, VoiceConnection>;
  93. public clearInterval(interval: NodeJS.Timer): void;
  94. public clearTimeout(timeout: NodeJS.Timer): void;
  95. public createVoiceBroadcast(): VoiceBroadcast;
  96. public destroy(): Promise<void>;
  97. public fetchApplication(id?: Snowflake): Promise<OAuth2Application>;
  98. public fetchInvite(invite: InviteResolvable): Promise<Invite>;
  99. public fetchUser(id: Snowflake, cache?: boolean): Promise<User>;
  100. public fetchVoiceRegions(): Promise<Collection<string, VoiceRegion>>;
  101. public fetchWebhook(id: Snowflake, token?: string): Promise<Webhook>;
  102. public generateInvite(permissions?: PermissionResolvable[] | number): Promise<string>;
  103. public login(token?: string): Promise<string>;
  104. public setInterval(fn: Function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
  105. public setTimeout(fn: Function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
  106. public sweepMessages(lifetime?: number): number;
  107. public syncGuilds(guilds?: Guild[] | Collection<Snowflake, Guild>): void;
  109. public on(event: 'channelCreate', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
  110. public on(event: 'channelDelete', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
  111. public on(event: 'channelPinsUpdate', listener: (channel: Channel, time: Date) => void): this;
  112. public on(event: 'channelUpdate', listener: (oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel) => void): this;
  113. public on(event: 'clientUserGuildSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserGuildSettings: ClientUserGuildSettings) => void): this;
  114. public on(event: 'clientUserSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserSettings: ClientUserSettings) => void): this;
  115. public on(event: 'debug', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
  116. public on(event: 'disconnect', listener: (event: any) => void): this;
  117. public on(event: 'emojiCreate', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  118. public on(event: 'emojiDelete', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  119. public on(event: 'emojiUpdate', listener: (oldEmoji: Emoji, newEmoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  120. public on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  121. public on(event: 'guildBanAdd', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
  122. public on(event: 'guildBanRemove', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
  123. public on(event: 'guildCreate', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  124. public on(event: 'guildDelete', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  125. public on(event: 'guildMemberAdd', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  126. public on(event: 'guildMemberAvailable', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  127. public on(event: 'guildMemberRemove', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  128. public on(event: 'guildMembersChunk', listener: (members: GuildMember[], guild: Guild) => void): this;
  129. public on(event: 'guildMemberSpeaking', listener: (member: GuildMember, speaking: boolean) => void): this;
  130. public on(event: 'guildMemberUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  131. public on(event: 'guildUnavailable', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  132. public on(event: 'guildUpdate', listener: (oldGuild: Guild, newGuild: Guild) => void): this;
  133. public on(event: 'message', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  134. public on(event: 'messageDelete', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  135. public on(event: 'messageDeleteBulk', listener: (messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>) => void): this;
  136. public on(event: 'messageReactionAdd', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
  137. public on(event: 'messageReactionRemove', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
  138. public on(event: 'messageReactionRemoveAll', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  139. public on(event: 'messageUpdate', listener: (oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message) => void): this;
  140. public on(event: 'presenceUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  141. public on(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
  142. public on(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void): this;
  143. public on(event: 'resume', listener: (replayed: number) => void): this;
  144. public on(event: 'roleCreate', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
  145. public on(event: 'roleDelete', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
  146. public on(event: 'roleUpdate', listener: (oldRole: Role, newRole: Role) => void): this;
  147. public on(event: 'typingStart', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
  148. public on(event: 'typingStop', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
  149. public on(event: 'userNoteUpdate', listener: (user: UserResolvable, oldNote: string, newNote: string) => void): this;
  150. public on(event: 'userUpdate', listener: (oldUser: User, newUser: User) => void): this;
  151. public on(event: 'voiceStateUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  152. public on(event: 'warn', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
  153. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  155. public once(event: 'channelCreate', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
  156. public once(event: 'channelDelete', listener: (channel: Channel) => void): this;
  157. public once(event: 'channelPinsUpdate', listener: (channel: Channel, time: Date) => void): this;
  158. public once(event: 'channelUpdate', listener: (oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel) => void): this;
  159. public once(event: 'clientUserGuildSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserGuildSettings: ClientUserGuildSettings) => void): this;
  160. public once(event: 'clientUserSettingsUpdate', listener: (clientUserSettings: ClientUserSettings) => void): this;
  161. public once(event: 'debug', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
  162. public once(event: 'disconnect', listener: (event: any) => void): this;
  163. public once(event: 'emojiCreate', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  164. public once(event: 'emojiDelete', listener: (emoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  165. public once(event: 'emojiUpdate', listener: (oldEmoji: Emoji, newEmoji: Emoji) => void): this;
  166. public once(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  167. public once(event: 'guildBanAdd', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
  168. public once(event: 'guildBanRemove', listener: (guild: Guild, user: User) => void): this;
  169. public once(event: 'guildCreate', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  170. public once(event: 'guildDelete', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  171. public once(event: 'guildMemberAdd', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  172. public once(event: 'guildMemberAvailable', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  173. public once(event: 'guildMemberRemove', listener: (member: GuildMember) => void): this;
  174. public once(event: 'guildMembersChunk', listener: (members: GuildMember[], guild: Guild) => void): this;
  175. public once(event: 'guildMemberSpeaking', listener: (member: GuildMember, speaking: boolean) => void): this;
  176. public once(event: 'guildMemberUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  177. public once(event: 'guildUnavailable', listener: (guild: Guild) => void): this;
  178. public once(event: 'guildUpdate', listener: (oldGuild: Guild, newGuild: Guild) => void): this;
  179. public once(event: 'message', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  180. public once(event: 'messageDelete', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  181. public once(event: 'messageDeleteBulk', listener: (messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>) => void): this;
  182. public once(event: 'messageReactionAdd', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
  183. public once(event: 'messageReactionRemove', listener: (messageReaction: MessageReaction, user: User) => void): this;
  184. public once(event: 'messageReactionRemoveAll', listener: (message: Message) => void): this;
  185. public once(event: 'messageUpdate', listener: (oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message) => void): this;
  186. public once(event: 'presenceUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  187. public once(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
  188. public once(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void): this;
  189. public once(event: 'resume', listener: (replayed: number) => void): this;
  190. public once(event: 'roleCreate', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
  191. public once(event: 'roleDelete', listener: (role: Role) => void): this;
  192. public once(event: 'roleUpdate', listener: (oldRole: Role, newRole: Role) => void): this;
  193. public once(event: 'typingStart', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
  194. public once(event: 'typingStop', listener: (channel: Channel, user: User) => void): this;
  195. public once(event: 'userNoteUpdate', listener: (user: UserResolvable, oldNote: string, newNote: string) => void): this;
  196. public once(event: 'userUpdate', listener: (oldUser: User, newUser: User) => void): this;
  197. public once(event: 'voiceStateUpdate', listener: (oldMember: GuildMember, newMember: GuildMember) => void): this;
  198. public once(event: 'warn', listener: (info: string) => void): this;
  199. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  200. }
  202. class ClientDataResolver {
  203. constructor(client: Client);
  204. public resolveBase64(data: Base64Resolvable): string;
  205. public resolveChannel(channel: ChannelResolvable): Channel;
  206. public resolveChannelID(channel: ChannelResolvable): Snowflake;
  207. public resolveColor(color: ColorResolvable): number;
  208. public resolveEmojiIdentifier(emoji: EmojiIdentifierResolvable): string;
  209. public resolveFile(resource: BufferResolvable | Stream): Promise<Buffer>;
  210. public resolveGuild(guild: GuildResolvable): Guild;
  211. public resolveGuildMember(guild: GuildResolvable, user: UserResolvable): GuildMember;
  212. public resolveImage(imge: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable): Promise<string>;
  213. public resolveInviteCode(data: InviteResolvable): string;
  214. public resolveString(data: StringResolvable): string;
  215. public resolveUser(user: UserResolvable): User;
  216. public resolveUserID(user: UserResolvable): Snowflake;
  218. public static resolveColor(color: ColorResolvable): number;
  219. }
  221. class ClientManager {
  222. constructor(client: Client);
  223. public client: Client;
  224. public heartbeatInterval: number;
  225. public status: number;
  226. public connectToWebSocket(token: string, resolve: Function, reject: Function): void;
  227. }
  229. export class ClientUser extends User {
  230. public blocked: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  231. public email: string;
  232. public friends: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  233. public guildSettings: Collection<Snowflake, ClientUserGuildSettings>;
  234. public mfaEnabled: boolean;
  235. public mobile: boolean;
  236. public notes: Collection<Snowflake, string>;
  237. public premium: boolean;
  238. public settings: ClientUserSettings;
  239. public verified: boolean;
  240. public acceptInvite(invite: Invite | string): Promise<Guild>
  241. public addFriend(user?: UserResolvable): Promise<User>;
  242. public createGroupDM(recipients: GroupDMRecipientOptions[]): Promise<GroupDMChannel>;
  243. public createGuild(name: string, region: string, icon?: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable): Promise<Guild>;
  244. public fetchMentions(options?: { limit?: number; roles?: boolean, everyone?: boolean; guild?: Guild | Snowflake }): Promise<Message[]>;
  245. public removeFriend(user?: UserResolvable): Promise<User>;
  246. public setActivity(name: string, options?: { url?: string, type?: ActivityType | number }): Promise<ClientUser>;
  247. public setAFK(afk: boolean): Promise<ClientUser>;
  248. public setAvatar(avatar: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable): Promise<ClientUser>;
  249. public setEmail(email: string, password: string): Promise<ClientUser>;
  250. public setGame(game: string, streamingURL?: string): Promise<ClientUser>;
  251. public setPassword(newPassword: string, oldPassword: string): Promise<ClientUser>;
  252. public setPresence(data: PresenceData): Promise<ClientUser>;
  253. public setStatus(status: PresenceStatus): Promise<ClientUser>;
  254. public setUsername(username: string, password?: string): Promise<ClientUser>;
  255. }
  257. class ClientUserChannelOverride {
  258. constructor(user: User, data: object);
  259. private patch(data: object): void;
  261. public messageNotifications: GuildChannelMessageNotifications;
  262. public muted: boolean;
  263. }
  265. class ClientUserGuildSettings {
  266. constructor(data: object, guild: Guild);
  267. private patch(data: object): void;
  269. public channelOverrides: Collection<Snowflake, ClientUserChannelOverride>;
  270. public readonly client: Client;
  271. public guildID: Snowflake;
  272. public messageNotifications: GuildChannelMessageNotifications;
  273. public mobilePush: boolean;
  274. public muted: boolean;
  275. public suppressEveryone: boolean;
  276. public update(name: string, value: any): Promise<object>;
  277. }
  279. export class ClientUserSettings {
  280. constructor(user: User, data: object);
  281. private patch(data: object): void;
  283. public convertEmoticons: boolean;
  284. public defaultGuildsRestricted: boolean;
  285. public detectPlatformAccounts: boolean;
  286. public developerMode: boolean;
  287. public enableTTSCommand: boolean;
  288. public explicitContentFilter: 'DISABLED' | 'NON_FRIENDS' | 'FRIENDS_AND_NON_FRIENDS' | string;
  289. public friendsSources: { all: boolean, mutualGuilds: boolean, mutualFriends: boolean };
  290. public guildsPositions: Snowflake[];
  291. public inlineAttachmentMedia: boolean;
  292. public inlineEmbedMedia: boolean;
  293. public locale: string;
  294. public messageDisplayCompact: boolean;
  295. public renderReactions: boolean;
  296. public restrictedGuilds: Snowflake[];
  297. public showCurrentGame: boolean;
  298. public status: PresenceStatus;
  299. public theme: string;
  300. public addRestrictedGuild(guild: Guild): Promise<Guild>;
  301. public removeRestrictedGuild(guild: Guild): Promise<Guild>;
  302. public setGuildPosition(guild: Guild, position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<Guild>;
  303. public update(name: string, value: any): Promise<object>;
  304. }
  306. class ClientVoiceManager {
  307. constructor(client: Client);
  308. public client: Client;
  309. public connections: Collection<Snowflake, VoiceConnection>;
  310. public joinChannel(channel: VoiceChannel): Promise<VoiceConnection>;
  311. }
  313. export class Collection<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {
  314. private _array: V[];
  315. private _keyArray: K[];
  317. public array(): V[];
  318. public clone(): Collection<K, V>;
  319. public concat(...collections: Collection<K, V>[]): Collection<K, V>;
  320. public deleteAll(): Promise<V>[];
  321. public equals(collection: Collection<any, any>): boolean;
  322. public every(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
  323. public exists(prop: keyof V, value: any): boolean;
  324. public filter(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): Collection<K, V>;
  325. public filterArray(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): V[];
  326. public find(prop: keyof V, value: any): V;
  327. public find(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean): V;
  328. public findAll(prop: keyof V, value: any): V[];
  329. public findKey(prop: keyof V, value: any): K;
  330. public findKey(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean): K;
  331. public first(): V;
  332. public first(count: number): V[];
  333. public firstKey(): K;
  334. public firstKey(count: number): K[];
  335. public keyArray(): K[];
  336. public last(): V;
  337. public last(count: number): V[];
  338. public lastKey(): K;
  339. public lastKey(count: number): K[];
  340. public map<T>(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => T, thisArg?: any): T[];
  341. public random(): V;
  342. public random(count: number): V[];
  343. public randomKey(): K;
  344. public randomKey(count: number): K[];
  345. public reduce<T>(fn: (accumulator: any, value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => T, initialValue?: any): T;
  346. public some(fn: (value: V, key: K, collection: Collection<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
  347. public sort(compareFunction?: (a: V, b: V, c?: K, d?: K) => number): Collection<K, V>;
  348. }
  350. abstract class Collector<K, V> extends EventEmitter {
  351. constructor(client: Client, filter: CollectorFilter, options?: CollectorOptions);
  352. private _timeout: NodeJS.Timer;
  353. private _handle(...args: any[]): void;
  355. public readonly client: Client;
  356. public collected: Collection<K, V>;
  357. public ended: boolean;
  358. public filter: CollectorFilter;
  359. public readonly next: Promise<V>;
  360. public options: CollectorOptions;
  361. public stop(reason?: string): void;
  363. protected listener: Function;
  364. public abstract cleanup(): void;
  365. public abstract handle(...args: any[]): CollectorHandler<K, V>;
  366. public abstract postCheck(...args: any[]): string | null;
  368. public on(event: 'collect', listener: (element: V, collector: Collector<K, V>) => void): this;
  369. public on(event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection<K, V>, reason: string) => void): this;
  370. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  372. public once(event: 'collect', listener: (element: V, collector: Collector<K, V>) => void): this;
  373. public once(event: 'end', listener: (collected: Collection<K, V>, reason: string) => void): this;
  374. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  375. }
  377. class DiscordAPIError extends Error {
  378. constructor(error: object);
  379. private static flattenErrors(obj: object, key: string): string[];
  381. public code: number;
  382. public path: string;
  383. }
  385. export class DMChannel extends TextBasedChannel(Channel) {
  386. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  387. public lastMessageID: Snowflake;
  388. public messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>;
  389. public recipient: User;
  390. public toString(): string;
  391. }
  393. export class Emoji {
  394. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  395. public animated: boolean;
  396. public readonly client: Client;
  397. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  398. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  399. public guild: Guild;
  400. public id: Snowflake;
  401. public readonly identifier: string;
  402. public managed: boolean;
  403. public name: string;
  404. public requiresColons: boolean;
  405. public readonly roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role>;
  406. public readonly url: string;
  407. public addRestrictedRole(role: Role): Promise<Emoji>;
  408. public addRestrictedRoles(roles: Role[]): Promise<Emoji>;
  409. public edit(data: EmojiEditData, reason?: string): Promise<Emoji>;
  410. public equals(other: Emoji | object): boolean;
  411. public removeRestrictedRole(role: Role): Promise<Emoji>;
  412. public removeRestrictedRoles(roles: Role[]): Promise<Emoji>;
  413. public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise<Emoji>;
  414. public toString(): string;
  415. }
  417. export class Game {
  418. constructor(data: object);
  419. public name: string;
  420. public readonly streaming: boolean;
  421. public type: number;
  422. public url: string;
  423. public equals(game: Game): boolean;
  424. }
  426. export class GroupDMChannel extends TextBasedChannel(Channel) {
  427. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  428. public applicationID: string;
  429. public icon: string;
  430. public lastMessageID: string;
  431. public managed: boolean;
  432. public messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>;
  433. public name: string;
  434. public nicks: Collection<Snowflake, string>;
  435. public readonly owner: User;
  436. public ownerID: string;
  437. public recipients: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  438. public addUser(accessTokenOrID: UserResolvable | string, nick?: string): Promise<GroupDMChannel>
  439. public equals(channel: GroupDMChannel): boolean;
  440. public setIcon(icon: Base64Resolvable | BufferResolvable): Promise<GroupDMChannel>;
  441. public toString(): string;
  442. }
  444. export class Guild {
  445. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  446. private readonly _sortedRoles: Collection<Snowflake, Role>;
  447. private _sortedChannels(type: string): Collection<Snowflake, GuildChannel>
  448. private _sortPositionWithID(collection: Collection<any, any>): Collection<any, any>;
  450. protected setup(data: any): void;
  452. public readonly afkChannel: VoiceChannel;
  453. public afkChannelID: string;
  454. public afkTimeout: number;
  455. public applicationID: string;
  456. public available: boolean;
  457. public channels: Collection<Snowflake, GuildChannel>;
  458. public readonly client: Client;
  459. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  460. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  461. public readonly defaultChannel: TextChannel;
  462. public readonly defaultRole: Role;
  463. public embedEnabled: boolean;
  464. public emojis: Collection<Snowflake, Emoji>;
  465. public explicitContentFilter: number;
  466. public features: string[];
  467. public icon: string;
  468. public readonly iconURL: string;
  469. public id: Snowflake;
  470. public readonly joinedAt: Date;
  471. public joinedTimestamp: number;
  472. public large: boolean;
  473. public readonly me: GuildMember;
  474. public memberCount: number;
  475. public members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  476. public readonly messageNotifications: MessageNotifications;
  477. public readonly mobilePush: boolean;
  478. public readonly muted: boolean;
  479. public name: string;
  480. public readonly nameAcronym: string;
  481. public readonly owner: GuildMember;
  482. public ownerID: string;
  483. public readonly position: number;
  484. public presences: Collection<Snowflake, Presence>;
  485. public region: string;
  486. public roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role>;
  487. public splash: string;
  488. public readonly splashURL: string;
  489. public readonly suppressEveryone: boolean;
  490. public readonly systemChannel: GuildChannel;
  491. public systemChannelID: Snowflake;
  492. public verificationLevel: number;
  493. public readonly voiceConnection: VoiceConnection;
  494. public acknowledge(): Promise<Guild>;
  495. public addMember(user: UserResolvable, options: AddGuildMemberOptions): Promise<GuildMember>;
  496. public allowDMs(allow: boolean): Promise<Guild>;
  497. public ban(user: UserResolvable, options?: BanOptions | number | string): Promise<GuildMember | User | string>;
  498. public createChannel(name: string, type?: 'category' | 'text' | 'voice', overwrites?: PermissionOverwrites[] | object[], reason?: string): Promise<CategoryChannel | TextChannel | VoiceChannel>;
  499. public createEmoji(attachment: BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable, name: string, roles?: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[], reason?: string): Promise<Emoji>;
  500. public createRole(data?: RoleData, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  501. public delete(): Promise<Guild>;
  502. public deleteEmoji(emoji: Emoji | string, reason?: string): Promise<void>;
  503. public edit(data: GuildEditData, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  504. public equals(guild: Guild): boolean;
  505. public fetchAuditLogs(options?: GuildAuditLogsFetchOptions): Promise<GuildAuditLogs>;
  506. public fetchBans(): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, User>>;
  507. public fetchInvites(): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, Invite>>;
  508. public fetchMember(user: UserResolvable, cache?: boolean): Promise<GuildMember>;
  509. public fetchMembers(query?: string, limit?: number): Promise<Guild>;
  510. public fetchVoiceRegions(): Promise<Collection<string, VoiceRegion>>;
  511. public fetchWebhooks(): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, Webhook>>;
  512. public leave(): Promise<Guild>;
  513. public member(user: UserResolvable): GuildMember;
  514. public pruneMembers(days: number, dry?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<number>;
  515. public search(options?: MessageSearchOptions): Promise<MessageSearchResult>;
  516. public setAFKChannel(afkChannel: ChannelResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  517. public setAFKTimeout(afkTimeout: number, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  518. public setChannelPosition(channel: string | GuildChannel, position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<Guild>;
  519. public setChannelPositions(channelPositions: ChannelPosition[]): Promise<Guild>;
  520. public setExcplicitContentFilter(explicitContentFilter: number, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  521. public setIcon(icon: Base64Resolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  522. public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  523. public setOwner(owner: GuildMemberResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  524. public setPosition(position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<Guild>;
  525. public setRegion(region: string, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  526. public setRolePosition(role: string | Role, position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<Guild>;
  527. public setSplash(splash: Base64Resolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  528. public setSystemChannel(systemChannel: ChannelResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  529. public setVerificationLevel(verificationLevel: number, reason?: string): Promise<Guild>;
  530. public sync(): void;
  531. public toString(): string;
  532. public unban(user: UserResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<User>;
  533. }
  535. export class GuildAuditLogs {
  536. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  537. private webhooks: Collection<Snowflake, Webhook>;
  539. public entries: Collection<Snowflake, GuildAuditLogsEntry>;
  541. public static Actions: GuildAuditLogsActions;
  542. public static Targets: GuildAuditLogsTargets;
  543. public static Entry: typeof GuildAuditLogsEntry;
  544. public static actionType(action: number): GuildAuditLogsActionType;
  545. public static build(...args: any[]): Promise<GuildAuditLogs>;
  546. public static targetType(target: number): GuildAuditLogsTarget;
  547. }
  549. class GuildAuditLogsEntry {
  550. constructor(logs: GuildAuditLogs, guild: Guild, data: object);
  551. public action: GuildAuditLogsAction;
  552. public actionType: GuildAuditLogsActionType;
  553. public changes: AuditLogChange[];
  554. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  555. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  556. public executor: User;
  557. public extra: object | Role | GuildMember;
  558. public id: Snowflake;
  559. public reason: string;
  560. public target: Guild | User | Role | Emoji | Invite | Webhook;
  561. public targetType: GuildAuditLogsTarget;
  562. }
  564. export class GuildChannel extends Channel {
  565. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  566. public readonly calculatedPosition: number;
  567. public readonly deletable: boolean;
  568. public guild: Guild;
  569. public readonly messageNotifications: GuildChannelMessageNotifications;
  570. public readonly muted: boolean;
  571. public name: string;
  572. public readonly parent: CategoryChannel;
  573. public parentID: Snowflake;
  574. public permissionOverwrites: Collection<Snowflake, PermissionOverwrites>;
  575. public position: number;
  576. public clone(name?: string, withPermissions?: boolean, withTopic?: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>;
  577. public createInvite(options?: InviteOptions, reason?: string): Promise<Invite>;
  578. public delete(reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>
  579. public edit(data: ChannelData, reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>;
  580. public equals(channel: GuildChannel): boolean;
  581. public overwritePermissions(userOrRole: RoleResolvable | UserResolvable, options: PermissionOverwriteOptions, reason?: string): Promise<void>;
  582. public permissionsFor(member: GuildMemberResolvable): Permissions;
  583. public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>;
  584. public setParent(parent: ChannelResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>
  585. public setPosition(position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<GuildChannel>;
  586. public setTopic(topic: string, reason?: string): Promise<GuildChannel>;
  587. public toString(): string;
  588. }
  590. export class GuildMember extends PartialTextBasedChannel() {
  591. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  592. public readonly bannable: boolean;
  593. public readonly client: Client;
  594. public readonly colorRole: Role;
  595. public readonly deaf: boolean;
  596. public readonly displayColor: number;
  597. public readonly displayHexColor: string;
  598. public readonly displayName: string;
  599. public guild: Guild;
  600. public readonly highestRole: Role;
  601. public readonly hoistRole: Role;
  602. public readonly id: Snowflake;
  603. public readonly joinedAt: Date;
  604. public joinedTimestamp: number;
  605. public readonly kickable: boolean;
  606. public lastMessageID: string;
  607. public readonly mute: boolean;
  608. public nickname: string;
  609. public readonly permissions: Permissions;
  610. public readonly presence: Presence;
  611. public readonly roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role>;
  612. public selfDeaf: boolean;
  613. public selfMute: boolean;
  614. public serverDeaf: boolean;
  615. public serverMute: boolean;
  616. public speaking: boolean;
  617. public user: User;
  618. public readonly voiceChannel: VoiceChannel;
  619. public voiceChannelID: string;
  620. public voiceSessionID: string;
  621. public addRole(role: Role | Snowflake, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  622. public addRoles(roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[] | Snowflake[], reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  623. public ban(options?: BanOptions | number | string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  624. public createDM(): Promise<DMChannel>;
  625. public deleteDM(): Promise<DMChannel>;
  626. public edit(data: object, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  627. public hasPermission(permission: PermissionResolvable | PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean, checkAdmin?: boolean, checkOwner?: boolean): boolean;
  628. public hasPermissions(permission: PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean): boolean;
  629. public kick(reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  630. public missingPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean): PermissionResolvable[];
  631. public permissionsIn(channel: ChannelResolvable): Permissions;
  632. public removeRole(role: Role | Snowflake, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  633. public removeRoles(roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[] | Snowflake[], reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  634. public setDeaf(deaf: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  635. public setMute(mute: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  636. public setNickname(nickname: string, reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  637. public setRoles(roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[] | Snowflake[], reason?: string): Promise<GuildMember>;
  638. public setVoiceChannel(voiceChannel: ChannelResolvable): Promise<GuildMember>;
  639. public toString(): string;
  640. }
  642. export class Invite {
  643. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  644. public channel: GuildChannel | PartialGuildChannel;
  645. public readonly client: Client;
  646. public code: string;
  647. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  648. public createdTimestamp: number;
  649. public readonly expiresAt: Date;
  650. public readonly expiresTimestamp: number;
  651. public guild: Guild | PartialGuild;
  652. public inviter: User;
  653. public maxAge: number;
  654. public maxUses: number;
  655. public memberCount: number;
  656. public presenceCount: number;
  657. public temporary: boolean;
  658. public textChannelCount: number;
  659. public readonly url: string;
  660. public uses: number;
  661. public voiceChannelCount: number;
  662. public delete(reason?: string): Promise<Invite>;
  663. public toString(): string;
  664. }
  666. export class Message {
  667. constructor(channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel, data: object, client: Client);
  668. private _edits: Message[];
  669. private patch(data: object): void;
  671. public attachments: Collection<Snowflake, MessageAttachment>;
  672. public author: User;
  673. public channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel;
  674. public readonly cleanContent: string;
  675. public readonly client: Client;
  676. public content: string;
  677. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  678. public createdTimestamp: number;
  679. public readonly deletable: boolean;
  680. public readonly editable: boolean;
  681. public readonly editedAt: Date;
  682. public editedTimestamp: number;
  683. public readonly edits: Message[];
  684. public embeds: MessageEmbed[];
  685. public readonly guild: Guild;
  686. public hit: boolean;
  687. public id: Snowflake;
  688. public member: GuildMember;
  689. public mentions: MessageMentions;
  690. public nonce: string;
  691. public readonly pinnable: boolean;
  692. public pinned: boolean;
  693. public reactions: Collection<Snowflake, MessageReaction>;
  694. public system: boolean;
  695. public tts: boolean;
  696. public type: string;
  697. public webhookID: Snowflake;
  698. public acknowledge(): Promise<Message>;
  699. public awaitReactions(filter: CollectorFilter, options?: AwaitReactionsOptions): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, MessageReaction>>;
  700. public clearReactions(): Promise<Message>;
  701. public createReactionCollector(filter: CollectorFilter, options?: ReactionCollectorOptions): ReactionCollector;
  702. public delete(timeout?: number): Promise<Message>;
  703. public edit(content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageEditOptions | RichEmbed): Promise<Message>;
  704. public editCode(lang: string, content: StringResolvable): Promise<Message>;
  705. public equals(message: Message, rawData: object): boolean;
  706. public fetchWebhook(): Promise<Webhook>;
  707. public isMemberMentioned(member: GuildMember | User): boolean;
  708. public isMentioned(data: GuildChannel | User | Role | Snowflake): boolean;
  709. public pin(): Promise<Message>;
  710. public react(emoji: string | Emoji | ReactionEmoji): Promise<MessageReaction>;
  711. public reply(content?: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  712. public reply(options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  713. public toString(): string;
  714. public unpin(): Promise<Message>;
  715. }
  717. export class MessageAttachment {
  718. constructor(message: Message, data: object);
  719. public readonly client: Client;
  720. public filename: string;
  721. public filesize: number;
  722. public height: number;
  723. public id: Snowflake;
  724. public message: Message;
  725. public proxyURL: string;
  726. public url: string;
  727. public width: number;
  728. }
  730. export class MessageCollector extends Collector<Snowflake, Message> {
  731. constructor(channel: TextChannel | DMChannel | GroupDMChannel, filter: CollectorFilter, options?: MessageCollectorOptions);
  732. public channel: Channel;
  733. public options: MessageCollectorOptions;
  734. public received: number;
  736. public cleanup(): void;
  737. public handle(message: Message): CollectorHandler<Snowflake, Message>;
  738. public postCheck(): string;
  739. }
  741. export class MessageEmbed {
  742. constructor(message: Message, data: object);
  743. public author: MessageEmbedAuthor;
  744. public readonly client: Client;
  745. public color: number;
  746. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  747. public timestamp: number;
  748. public description: string;
  749. public fields: MessageEmbedField[];
  750. public footer: MessageEmbedFooter;
  751. public readonly hexColor: string;
  752. public image: MessageEmbedImage;
  753. public message: Message;
  754. public provider: MessageEmbedProvider;
  755. public thumbnail: MessageEmbedThumbnail;
  756. public title: string;
  757. public type: string;
  758. public url: string;
  759. public video: MessageEmbedVideo;
  760. }
  762. export class MessageEmbedAuthor {
  763. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  764. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  765. public iconURL: string;
  766. public name: string;
  767. public url: string;
  768. }
  770. export class MessageEmbedField {
  771. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  772. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  773. public inline: boolean;
  774. public name: string;
  775. public value: string;
  776. }
  778. export class MessageEmbedFooter {
  779. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  780. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  781. public iconURL: string;
  782. public proxyIconURL: string;
  783. public text: string;
  784. }
  786. export class MessageEmbedImage {
  787. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  788. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  789. public height: number;
  790. public proxyURL: string;
  791. public url: string;
  792. public width: number;
  793. }
  795. export class MessageEmbedProvider {
  796. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  797. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  798. public name: string;
  799. public url: string;
  800. }
  802. export class MessageEmbedThumbnail {
  803. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  804. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  805. public height: number;
  806. public proxyURL: string;
  807. public url: string;
  808. public width: number;
  809. }
  811. export class MessageEmbedVideo {
  812. constructor(embed: MessageEmbed, data: object);
  813. public embed: MessageEmbed;
  814. public height: number;
  815. public url: string;
  816. public width: number;
  817. }
  819. export class MessageMentions {
  820. private _channels: Collection<Snowflake, GuildChannel>;
  821. private _client: Client;
  822. private _content: Message;
  823. private _guild: Guild;
  824. private _members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  826. public readonly channels: Collection<Snowflake, TextChannel>;
  827. public everyone: boolean;
  828. public readonly members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  829. public roles: Collection<Snowflake, Role>;
  830. public users: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  832. public static CHANNELS_PATTERN: RegExp;
  833. public static EVERYONE_PATTERN: RegExp;
  834. public static ROLES_PATTERN: RegExp;
  835. public static USERS_PATTERN: RegExp;
  836. }
  838. export class MessageReaction {
  839. constructor(message: Message, emoji: object, count: number, me: boolean);
  840. public count: number;
  841. public readonly emoji: Emoji | ReactionEmoji;
  842. public me: boolean;
  843. public message: Message;
  844. public users: Collection<string, User>;
  845. public fetchUsers(limit?: number, options?: { after?: number; before?: number }): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, User>>;
  846. public remove(user?: UserResolvable): Promise<MessageReaction>;
  847. }
  849. export class OAuth2Application {
  850. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  851. public bot: object;
  852. public botPublic: boolean;
  853. public botRequireCodeGrant: boolean;
  854. public readonly client: Client;
  855. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  856. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  857. public description: string;
  858. public flags: number;
  859. public icon: string;
  860. public iconURL: string;
  861. public id: Snowflake;
  862. public name: string;
  863. public owner: User;
  864. public redirectURIs: string[];
  865. public rpcApplicationState: boolean;
  866. public rpcOrigins: string[];
  867. public secret: string;
  868. public reset(): OAuth2Application;
  869. public toString(): string;
  870. }
  872. export class PartialGuild {
  873. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  874. public readonly client: Client;
  875. public icon: string;
  876. public id: Snowflake;
  877. public name: string;
  878. public splash: string;
  879. }
  881. export class PartialGuildChannel {
  882. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  883. public readonly client: Client;
  884. public id: Snowflake;
  885. public name: string;
  886. public type: string;
  887. }
  889. export class PermissionOverwrites {
  890. constructor(guildChannel: GuildChannel, data: object);
  891. public allow: number;
  892. public channel: GuildChannel;
  893. public deny: number;
  894. public id: Snowflake;
  895. public type: string;
  896. public delete(reason?: string): Promise<PermissionOverwrites>;
  897. }
  899. export class Permissions {
  900. constructor(permissions: number | PermissionResolvable[]);
  901. constructor(member: GuildMember, permissions: number | PermissionResolvable[]);
  902. private readonly raw: number;
  904. public bitfield: number;
  905. public member: GuildMember;
  906. public add(...permissions: PermissionResolvable[]): this;
  907. public has(permission: PermissionResolvable | PermissionResolvable[], checkAdmin?: boolean): boolean;
  908. public hasPermission(permission: PermissionResolvable, explicit?: boolean): boolean;
  909. public hasPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean): boolean;
  910. public missing(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], checkAdmin?: boolean): PermissionResolvable[];
  911. public missingPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], checkAdmin?: boolean): PermissionResolvable[];
  912. public remove(...permissions: PermissionResolvable[]): this;
  913. public serialize(checkAdmin?: boolean): PermissionObject;
  915. public static ALL: number;
  916. public static DEFAULT: number;
  917. public static FLAGS: PermissionFlags;
  918. public static resolve(permission: PermissionResolvable | PermissionResolvable[]): number;
  919. }
  921. export class Presence {
  922. constructor(data: object);
  923. public game: Game;
  924. public status: 'online' | 'offline' | 'idle' | 'dnd';
  925. public equals(presence: Presence): boolean;
  926. }
  928. export class ReactionCollector extends Collector<Snowflake, MessageReaction> {
  929. constructor(message: Message, filter: CollectorFilter, options?: ReactionCollectorOptions);
  930. public message: Message;
  931. public options: ReactionCollectorOptions;
  932. public total: number;
  933. public users: Collection<Snowflake, User>;
  935. public cleanup(): void;
  936. public handle(reaction: MessageReaction): CollectorHandler<Snowflake, MessageReaction>;
  937. public postCheck(reaction: MessageReaction, user: User): string;
  938. }
  940. export class ReactionEmoji {
  941. constructor(reaction: MessageReaction, name: string, id: string);
  942. public id: Snowflake;
  943. public readonly identifier: string;
  944. public name: string;
  945. public reaction: MessageReaction;
  946. public toString(): string;
  947. }
  949. class RequestHandler {
  950. constructor(restManager: object);
  951. public readonly globalLimit: boolean;
  952. public queue: object[];
  953. public restManager: object;
  954. public handle(): void;
  955. public push(request: object): void;
  956. }
  958. export class RichEmbed {
  959. constructor(data?: RichEmbedOptions);
  960. public author?: { name: string; url?: string; icon_url?: string; };
  961. public color?: number;
  962. public description?: string;
  963. public fields?: { name: string; value: string; inline?: boolean; }[];
  964. public file?: Attachment | string | FileOptions;
  965. public footer?: { text?: string; icon_url?: string; };
  966. public image?: { url: string; proxy_url?: string; height?: number; width?: number; };
  967. public thumbnail?: { url: string; height?: number; width?: number; };
  968. public timestamp?: Date;
  969. public title?: string;
  970. public url?: string;
  971. public addBlankField(inline?: boolean): this;
  972. public addField(name: StringResolvable, value: StringResolvable, inline?: boolean): this;
  973. public attachFile(file: Attachment | FileOptions | string): this;
  974. public setAuthor(name: StringResolvable, icon?: string, url?: string): this;
  975. public setColor(color: ColorResolvable): this;
  976. public setDescription(description: StringResolvable): this;
  977. public setFooter(text: StringResolvable, icon?: string): this;
  978. public setImage(url: string): this;
  979. public setThumbnail(url: string): this;
  980. public setTimestamp(timestamp?: Date): this;
  981. public setTitle(title: StringResolvable): this;
  982. public setURL(url: string): this;
  983. }
  985. export class Role {
  986. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  987. public readonly calculatedPosition: number;
  988. public readonly client: Client;
  989. public color: number;
  990. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  991. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  992. public readonly editable: boolean;
  993. public guild: Guild;
  994. public readonly hexColor: string;
  995. public hoist: boolean;
  996. public id: Snowflake;
  997. public managed: boolean;
  998. public readonly members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  999. public mentionable: boolean;
  1000. public name: string;
  1001. public permissions: number;
  1002. public position: number;
  1003. public comparePositionTo(role: Role): number;
  1004. public delete(reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1005. public edit(data: RoleData, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1006. public equals(role: Role): boolean;
  1007. public hasPermission(permission: PermissionResolvable | PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean, checkAdmin?: boolean): boolean;
  1008. public hasPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], explicit?: boolean): boolean;
  1009. public serialize(): PermissionObject;
  1010. public setColor(color: string | number, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1011. public setHoist(hoist: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1012. public setMentionable(mentionable: boolean, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1013. public setName(name: string, reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1014. public setPermissions(permissions: PermissionResolvable[], reason?: string): Promise<Role>;
  1015. public setPosition(position: number, relative?: boolean): Promise<Role>;
  1016. public toString(): string;
  1018. public static comparePositions(role1: Role, role2: Role): number;
  1019. }
  1021. class SecretKey {
  1022. constructor(key: Uint8Array);
  1023. public key: Uint8Array;
  1024. }
  1026. class SequentialRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {
  1027. constructor(restManager: object, endpoint: string);
  1028. public busy: boolean;
  1029. public endpoint: string;
  1030. public readonly globalLimit: boolean;
  1031. public queue: object[];
  1032. public restManager: object;
  1033. public timeDifference: number;
  1034. public execute(item: object): Promise<object | Error>;
  1035. public handle(): void;
  1036. public push(request: object): void;
  1037. }
  1039. export class Shard {
  1040. constructor(manager: ShardingManager, id: number, args?: string[]);
  1041. private _handleMessage(message: any): void;
  1043. public env: object;
  1044. public id: string;
  1045. public manager: ShardingManager;
  1046. public process: ChildProcess;
  1047. public eval(script: string): Promise<any>;
  1048. public fetchClientValue(prop: string): Promise<any>;
  1049. public send(message: any): Promise<Shard>;
  1050. }
  1052. export class ShardClientUtil {
  1053. constructor(client: Client);
  1054. private _handleMessage(message: any): void;
  1055. private _respond(type: string, message: any): void;
  1057. public readonly count: number;
  1058. public readonly id: number;
  1059. public broadcastEval(script: string): Promise<any[]>;
  1060. public fetchClientValues(prop: string): Promise<any[]>;
  1061. public send(message: any): Promise<void>;
  1063. public static singleton(client: Client): ShardClientUtil;
  1064. }
  1066. export class ShardingManager extends EventEmitter {
  1067. constructor(file: string, options?: {
  1068. totalShards?: number | 'auto';
  1069. respawn?: boolean;
  1070. shardArgs?: string[];
  1071. token?: string;
  1072. });
  1073. private _spawn(amount: number, delay: number): Promise<Collection<number, Shard>>;
  1075. public file: string;
  1076. public respawn: boolean;
  1077. public shardArgs: string[];
  1078. public shards: Collection<number, Shard>;
  1079. public token: string;
  1080. public totalShards: number | string;
  1081. public broadcast(message: any): Promise<Shard[]>;
  1082. public broadcastEval(script: string): Promise<any[]>;
  1083. public createShard(id: number): Promise<Shard>;
  1084. public fetchClientValues(prop: string): Promise<any[]>;
  1085. public spawn(amount?: number, delay?: number): Promise<Collection<number, Shard>>;
  1087. public on(event: 'launch', listener: (shard: Shard) => void): this;
  1088. public on(event: 'message', listener: (shard: Shard, message: any) => void): this;
  1089. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1091. public once(event: 'launch', listener: (shard: Shard) => void): this;
  1092. public once(event: 'message', listener: (shard: Shard, message: any) => void): this;
  1093. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1094. }
  1096. export class SnowflakeUtil {
  1097. public static deconstruct(snowflake: Snowflake): DeconstructedSnowflake;
  1098. public static generate(): Snowflake;
  1099. }
  1101. export class StreamDispatcher extends VolumeInterface {
  1102. constructor(player: AudioPlayer, stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, streamOptions: StreamOptions);
  1103. public destroyed: boolean;
  1104. public readonly passes: number;
  1105. public paused: boolean;
  1106. public player: AudioPlayer;
  1107. public stream: ReadableStream | VoiceBroadcast;
  1108. public readonly time: number;
  1109. public readonly totalStreamTime: number;
  1110. public end(reason?: string): void;
  1111. public pause(): void;
  1112. public resume(): void;
  1113. public setBitrate(bitrate: number | 'auto'): void;
  1114. }
  1116. export class TextChannel extends TextBasedChannel(GuildChannel) {
  1117. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  1118. public lastMessageID: string;
  1119. public readonly members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  1120. public messages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>;
  1121. public nsfw: boolean;
  1122. public topic: string;
  1123. public createWebhook(name: string, avatar: BufferResolvable, reason?: string): Promise<Webhook>;
  1124. public fetchWebhooks(): Promise<Collection<Snowflake, Webhook>>;
  1125. }
  1127. export class User extends PartialTextBasedChannel() {
  1128. constructor(client: Client, data: object);
  1129. public avatar: string;
  1130. public readonly avatarURL: string;
  1131. public bot: boolean;
  1132. public readonly client: Client;
  1133. public readonly createdAt: Date;
  1134. public readonly createdTimestamp: number;
  1135. public readonly defaultAvatarURL: string;
  1136. public discriminator: string;
  1137. public readonly displayAvatarURL: string;
  1138. public readonly dmChannel: DMChannel;
  1139. public id: Snowflake;
  1140. public lastMessageID: string;
  1141. public readonly note: string;
  1142. public readonly presence: Presence;
  1143. public readonly tag: string;
  1144. public username: string;
  1145. public addFriend(): Promise<User>;
  1146. public block(): Promise<User>;
  1147. public createDM(): Promise<DMChannel>;
  1148. public deleteDM(): Promise<DMChannel>;
  1149. public equals(user: User): boolean;
  1150. public fetchProfile(): Promise<UserProfile>;
  1151. public removeFriend(): Promise<User>;
  1152. public setNote(note: string): Promise<User>;
  1153. public toString(): string;
  1154. public typingDurationIn(channel: ChannelResolvable): number;
  1155. public typingIn(channel: ChannelResolvable): boolean;
  1156. public typingSinceIn(channel: ChannelResolvable): Date;
  1157. public unblock(): Promise<User>;
  1158. }
  1160. export class UserConnection {
  1161. constructor(user: User, data: object);
  1162. public id: string;
  1163. public integrations: object[];
  1164. public name: string;
  1165. public revoked: boolean;
  1166. public type: string;
  1167. public user: User;
  1168. }
  1170. export class UserProfile {
  1171. constructor(user: User, data: object);
  1172. public readonly client: Client;
  1173. public connections: Collection<string, UserConnection>;
  1174. public mutualGuilds: Collection<Snowflake, Guild>;
  1175. public premium: boolean;
  1176. public premiumSince: Date;
  1177. public user: User;
  1178. }
  1180. export class Util {
  1181. public static arraysEqual(a: any[], b: any[]): boolean;
  1182. public static cloneObject(obj: object): object;
  1183. public static convertToBuffer(ab: ArrayBuffer | string): Buffer;
  1184. public static escapeMarkdown(text: string, onlyCodeBlock?: boolean, onlyInlineCode?: boolean): string;
  1185. public static fetchRecommendedShards(token: string, guildsPerShard?: number): Promise<number>;
  1186. public static makeError(obj: { name: string, message: string, stack: string }): Error;
  1187. public static makePlainError(err: Error): object;
  1188. public static mergeDefault(def: object, given: object): object;
  1189. public static moveElementInArray(array: any[], element: any, newIndex: number, offset?: boolean): number;
  1190. public static parseEmoji(text: string): { animated: boolean; name: string; id: string; };
  1191. public static splitMessage(text: string, options?: SplitOptions): string | string[];
  1192. public static str2ab(str: string): ArrayBuffer;
  1193. }
  1195. export class VoiceBroadcast extends EventEmitter {
  1196. constructor(client: Client);
  1197. public readonly client: Client;
  1198. public currentTranscoder: object;
  1199. public readonly dispatchers: StreamDispatcher[];
  1200. public prism: object;
  1201. public destroy(): void;
  1202. public end(): void;
  1203. public pause(): void;
  1204. public playArbitraryInput(input: string, options?: StreamOptions): VoiceBroadcast;
  1205. public playConvertedStream(stream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): VoiceBroadcast;
  1206. public playFile(file: string, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1207. public playOpusStream(stream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1208. public playStream(stream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): VoiceBroadcast;
  1209. public resume(): void;
  1211. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1212. public on(event: 'end', listener: () => void): this;
  1213. public on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1214. public on(event: 'subscribe', listener: (dispatcher: StreamDispatcher) => void): this;
  1215. public on(event: 'unsubscribe', listener: (dispatcher: StreamDispatcher) => void): this;
  1216. public on(event: 'warn', listener: (warning: string | Error) => void): this;
  1217. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1219. public once(event: 'end', listener: () => void): this;
  1220. public once(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1221. public once(event: 'subscribe', listener: (dispatcher: StreamDispatcher) => void): this;
  1222. public once(event: 'unsubscribe', listener: (dispatcher: StreamDispatcher) => void): this;
  1223. public once(event: 'warn', listener: (warning: string | Error) => void): this;
  1224. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1225. }
  1227. export class VoiceChannel extends GuildChannel {
  1228. constructor(guild: Guild, data: object);
  1229. public bitrate: number;
  1230. public readonly connection: VoiceConnection;
  1231. public readonly full: boolean;
  1232. public readonly joinable: boolean;
  1233. public members: Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>;
  1234. public readonly speakable: boolean;
  1235. public userLimit: number;
  1236. public join(): Promise<VoiceConnection>;
  1237. public leave(): void;
  1238. public setBitrate(bitrate: number, reason?: string): Promise<VoiceChannel>;
  1239. public setUserLimit(userLimit: number, reason?: string): Promise<VoiceChannel>;
  1240. }
  1242. export class VoiceConnection extends EventEmitter {
  1243. constructor(voiceManager: ClientVoiceManager, channel: VoiceChannel);
  1244. private authentication: object;
  1245. private sockets: object;
  1246. private ssrcMap: Map<number, boolean>;
  1247. private authenticate(): void;
  1248. private authenticateFailed(reason: string): void;
  1249. private checkAuthenticated(): void;
  1250. private cleanup(): void;
  1251. private connect(): void;
  1252. private onReady(data: object): void;
  1253. private onSessionDescription(mode: string, secret: string): void;
  1254. private onSpeaking(data: object): void;
  1255. private reconnect(token: string, endpoint: string): void;
  1256. private setSpeaking(value: boolean): void;
  1257. private updateChannel(channel: VoiceChannel): void;
  1259. public channel: VoiceChannel;
  1260. public readonly client: Client;
  1261. public readonly dispatcher: StreamDispatcher;
  1262. public player: AudioPlayer;
  1263. public prism: object;
  1264. public receivers: VoiceReceiver[];
  1265. public speaking: boolean;
  1266. public status: number;
  1267. public voiceManager: ClientVoiceManager;
  1268. public createReceiver(): VoiceReceiver;
  1269. public disconnect(): void;
  1270. public playArbitraryInput(input: string, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1271. public playBroadcast(broadcast: VoiceBroadcast, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1272. public playConvertedStream(stream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1273. public playFile(file: string, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1274. public playOpusStream(steam: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1275. public playStream(stream: ReadableStream, options?: StreamOptions): StreamDispatcher;
  1276. public sendVoiceStateUpdate(options: object): void;
  1277. public setSessionID(sessionID: string): void;
  1278. public setTokenAndEndpoint(token: string, endpoint: string): void;
  1280. public on(event: 'authenticated', listener: () => void): this;
  1281. public on(event: 'debug', listener: (message: string) => void): this;
  1282. public on(event: 'disconnect', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1283. public on(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1284. public on(event: 'failed', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1285. public on(event: 'newSession', listener: () => void): this;
  1286. public on(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
  1287. public on(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void): this;
  1288. public on(event: 'speaking', listener: (user: User, speaking: boolean) => void): this;
  1289. public on(event: 'warn', listener: (warning: string | Error) => void): this;
  1290. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1292. public once(event: 'authenticated', listener: () => void): this;
  1293. public once(event: 'debug', listener: (message: string) => void): this;
  1294. public once(event: 'disconnect', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1295. public once(event: 'error', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1296. public once(event: 'failed', listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
  1297. public once(event: 'newSession', listener: () => void): this;
  1298. public once(event: 'ready', listener: () => void): this;
  1299. public once(event: 'reconnecting', listener: () => void): this;
  1300. public once(event: 'speaking', listener: (user: User, speaking: boolean) => void): this;
  1301. public once(event: 'warn', listener: (warning: string | Error) => void): this;
  1302. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1303. }
  1305. class VoiceConnectionUDPClient extends EventEmitter {
  1306. constructor(voiceConnection: VoiceConnection);
  1307. public discordAddress: string;
  1308. public readonly discordPort: number;
  1309. public localAddress: string;
  1310. public localPort: string;
  1311. public socket: any;
  1312. public voiceConnection: VoiceConnection;
  1313. public findEndpointAddress(): Promise<string>;
  1314. public send(packet: object): Promise<object>;
  1315. }
  1317. export class VoiceReceiver extends EventEmitter {
  1318. constructor(connection: VoiceConnection);
  1319. private stoppedSpeaking(user: User): void;
  1321. public destroyed: boolean;
  1322. public voiceConnection: VoiceConnection;
  1323. public createOpusStream(user: UserResolvable): ReadableStream;
  1324. public createPCMStream(user: UserResolvable): ReadableStream;
  1325. public destroy(): void;
  1326. public recreate(): void;
  1328. public on(event: 'opus', listener: (user: User, buffer: Buffer) => void): this;
  1329. public on(event: 'pcm', listener: (user: User, buffer: Buffer) => void): this;
  1330. public on(event: 'warn', listener: (reason: string, message: string) => void): this;
  1331. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1333. public once(event: 'opus', listener: (user: User, buffer: Buffer) => void): this;
  1334. public once(event: 'pcm', listener: (user: User, buffer: Buffer) => void): this;
  1335. public once(event: 'warn', listener: (reason: string, message: string) => void): this;
  1336. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1337. }
  1339. export class VoiceRegion {
  1340. constructor(data: object);
  1341. public custom: boolean;
  1342. public deprecated: boolean;
  1343. public id: string;
  1344. public name: string;
  1345. public optimal: boolean;
  1346. public sampleHostname: string;
  1347. public vip: boolean;
  1348. }
  1350. class VoiceWebsocket extends EventEmitter {
  1351. constructor(voiceConnection: VoiceConnection);
  1352. public attempts: number;
  1353. public readonly client: Client;
  1354. public voiceConnection: VoiceConnection;
  1355. public ws: any;
  1356. public clearHeartbeat(): void;
  1357. public connect(): void;
  1358. public onClose(): void;
  1359. public onError(error: Error): void;
  1360. public onMessage(event: any): void;
  1361. public onOpen(): void;
  1362. public onPacket(packet: object): void;
  1363. public reset(): void;
  1364. public send(data: string): Promise<string>;
  1365. public sendHeartbeat(): void;
  1366. public sendPacket(packet: object): Promise<string>;
  1367. public setHeartbeat(interval: number): void;
  1369. public on(event: 'ready', listener: (packet: object) => void): this;
  1370. public on(event: 'sessionDescription', listener: (encryptionMode: string, secretKey: SecretKey) => void): this;
  1371. public on(event: 'speaking', listener: (data: object) => void): this;
  1372. public on(event: 'unknownPacket', listener: (packet: object) => void): this;
  1373. public on(event: 'warn', listener: (warn: string) => void): this;
  1374. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1376. public once(event: 'ready', listener: (packet: object) => void): this;
  1377. public once(event: 'sessionDescription', listener: (encryptionMode: string, secretKey: SecretKey) => void): this;
  1378. public once(event: 'speaking', listener: (data: object) => void): this;
  1379. public once(event: 'unknownPacket', listener: (packet: object) => void): this;
  1380. public once(event: 'warn', listener: (warn: string) => void): this;
  1381. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1382. }
  1384. export class VolumeInterface extends EventEmitter {
  1385. constructor(object?: { volume: number })
  1386. public readonly volume: number;
  1387. public readonly volumeDecibels: number;
  1388. public readonly volumeLogarithmic: number;
  1389. public setVolume(volume: number): void;
  1390. public setVolumeDecibels(db: number): void;
  1391. public setVolumeLogarithmic(value: number): void;
  1393. public on(event: 'debug', listener: (information: string) => void): this;
  1394. public on(event: 'end', listener: (reason: string) => void): this;
  1395. public on(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
  1396. public on(event: 'speaking', listener: (value: boolean) => void): this;
  1397. public on(event: 'start', listener: () => void): this;
  1398. public on(event: 'volumeChange', listener: (oldVolume: number, newVolume: number) => void): this;
  1399. public on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1401. public once(event: 'debug', listener: (information: string) => void): this;
  1402. public once(event: 'end', listener: (reason: string) => void): this;
  1403. public once(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
  1404. public once(event: 'speaking', listener: (value: boolean) => void): this;
  1405. public once(event: 'start', listener: () => void): this;
  1406. public once(event: 'volumeChange', listener: (oldVolume: number, newVolume: number) => void): this;
  1407. public once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
  1408. }
  1410. export class Webhook {
  1411. constructor(client: Client, dataOrID: object | string, token: string);
  1412. public avatar: string;
  1413. public channelID: string;
  1414. public readonly client: Client;
  1415. public guildID: string;
  1416. public id: Snowflake;
  1417. public name: string;
  1418. public owner: User | object;
  1419. public token: string;
  1420. public delete(reason?: string): Promise<void>;
  1421. public edit(name: string, avatar: BufferResolvable): Promise<Webhook>;
  1422. public send(content?: StringResolvable, options?: WebhookMessageOptions | RichEmbed | Attachment): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1423. public send(options?: WebhookMessageOptions | RichEmbed | Attachment): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1424. public sendCode(lang: string, content: StringResolvable, options?: WebhookMessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1425. public sendFile(attachment: BufferResolvable, name?: string, content?: StringResolvable, options?: WebhookMessageOptions): Promise<Message>;
  1426. public sendMessage(content?: StringResolvable, options?: WebhookMessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1427. public sendMessage(options?: WebhookMessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1428. public sendSlackMessage(body: object): Promise<void>;
  1429. }
  1431. export class WebhookClient extends Webhook {
  1432. constructor(id: string, token: string, options?: ClientOptions);
  1433. private _intervals: Set<NodeJS.Timer>;
  1434. private _timeouts: Set<NodeJS.Timer>;
  1435. private resolver: ClientDataResolver;
  1436. private rest: object;
  1438. public options: ClientOptions;
  1439. public clearInterval(interval: NodeJS.Timer): void;
  1440. public clearTimeout(timeout: NodeJS.Timer): void;
  1441. public destroy(): void;
  1442. public setInterval(fn: Function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
  1443. public setTimeout(fn: Function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
  1444. }
  1446. //#endregion
  1448. //#region Mixins
  1450. // Model the TextBasedChannel mixin system, allowing application of these fields
  1451. // to the classes that use these methods without having to manually add them
  1452. // to each of those classes
  1454. type Constructable<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
  1455. const PartialTextBasedChannel: <T>(Base?: Constructable<T>) => Constructable<T & PartialTextBasedChannelFields>;
  1456. const TextBasedChannel: <T>(Base?: Constructable<T>) => Constructable<T & TextBasedChannelFields>;
  1458. type PartialTextBasedChannelFields = {
  1459. lastMessage: Message;
  1460. acknowledge(): Promise<DMChannel | GroupDMChannel | TextChannel>;
  1461. send(content?: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions | RichEmbed | Attachment): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1462. send(options?: MessageOptions | RichEmbed | Attachment): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1463. sendCode(lang: string, content: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1464. sendEmbed(embed: RichEmbed | RichEmbedOptions, content?: string, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message>;
  1465. sendEmbed(embed: RichEmbed | RichEmbedOptions, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message>;
  1466. sendFile(attachment: BufferResolvable, name?: string, content?: StringResolvable, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message>;
  1467. sendMessage(content?: string, options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1468. sendMessage(options?: MessageOptions): Promise<Message | Message[]>;
  1469. };
  1471. type TextBasedChannelFields = {
  1472. typing: boolean;
  1473. typingCount: number;
  1474. awaitMessages(filter: CollectorFilter, options?: AwaitMessagesOptions): Promise<Collection<string, Message>>;
  1475. bulkDelete(messages: Collection<string, Message> | Message[] | number, filterOld?: boolean): Promise<Collection<string, Message>>;
  1476. createCollector(filter: CollectorFilter, options?: CollectorOptions): MessageCollector;
  1477. createMessageCollector(filter: CollectorFilter, options?: CollectorOptions): MessageCollector;
  1478. fetchMessage(messageID: string): Promise<Message>;
  1479. fetchMessages(options?: ChannelLogsQueryOptions): Promise<Collection<string, Message>>;
  1480. fetchPinnedMessages(): Promise<Collection<string, Message>>;
  1481. search(options?: MessageSearchOptions): Promise<MessageSearchResult>;
  1482. startTyping(count?: number): void;
  1483. stopTyping(force?: boolean): void;
  1484. } & PartialTextBasedChannelFields;
  1486. //#endregion
  1488. //#region Typedefs
  1490. type ActivityType = 'PLAYING'
  1491. | 'STREAMING'
  1492. | 'LISTENING'
  1493. | 'WATCHING';
  1495. type AddGuildMemberOptions = {
  1496. accessToken: String;
  1497. nick?: string;
  1498. roles?: Collection<string, Role> | Role[] | string[];
  1499. mute?: boolean;
  1500. deaf?: boolean;
  1501. }
  1503. type AuditLogChange = {
  1504. key: string;
  1505. old?: any;
  1506. new?: any;
  1507. };
  1509. type AwaitMessagesOptions = MessageCollectorOptions & { errors?: string[] };
  1511. type AwaitReactionsOptions = ReactionCollectorOptions & { errors?: string[] };
  1513. type BanOptions = {
  1514. days?: number;
  1515. reason?: string;
  1516. };
  1518. type Base64Resolvable = Buffer | Base64String;
  1520. type Base64String = string;
  1522. type BufferResolvable = Buffer | string;
  1524. type ChannelData = {
  1525. name?: string;
  1526. position?: number;
  1527. topic?: string;
  1528. bitrate?: number;
  1529. userLimit?: number;
  1530. };
  1532. type ChannelLogsQueryOptions = {
  1533. limit?: number
  1534. before?: Snowflake
  1535. after?: Snowflake
  1536. around?: Snowflake
  1537. };
  1539. type ChannelPosition = {
  1540. channel: ChannelResolvable;
  1541. position: number;
  1542. };
  1544. type ChannelResolvable = Channel | Guild | Message | Snowflake;
  1546. type ClientOptions = {
  1547. apiRequestMethod?: string;
  1548. shardId?: number;
  1549. shardCount?: number;
  1550. messageCacheMaxSize?: number;
  1551. messageCacheLifetime?: number;
  1552. messageSweepInterval?: number;
  1553. fetchAllMembers?: boolean;
  1554. disableEveryone?: boolean;
  1555. sync?: boolean;
  1556. restWsBridgeTimeout?: number;
  1557. restTimeOffset?: number;
  1558. disabledEvents?: WSEventType[];
  1559. ws?: WebSocketOptions;
  1560. http?: HTTPOptions;
  1561. };
  1563. type CollectorHandler<K, V> = { key: K, value: V };
  1564. type CollectorFilter = (...args: any[]) => boolean;
  1565. type CollectorOptions = { time?: number };
  1567. type ColorResolvable = ('DEFAULT'
  1568. | 'AQUA'
  1569. | 'GREEN'
  1570. | 'BLUE'
  1571. | 'PURPLE'
  1572. | 'GOLD'
  1573. | 'ORANGE'
  1574. | 'RED'
  1575. | 'GREY'
  1576. | 'DARKER_GREY'
  1577. | 'NAVY'
  1578. | 'DARK_AQUA'
  1579. | 'DARK_GREEN'
  1580. | 'DARK_BLUE'
  1581. | 'DARK_PURPLE'
  1582. | 'DARK_GOLD'
  1583. | 'DARK_ORANGE'
  1584. | 'DARK_RED'
  1585. | 'DARK_GREY'
  1586. | 'LIGHT_GREY'
  1587. | 'DARK_NAVY'
  1588. | 'RANDOM')
  1589. | [number, number, number]
  1590. | number
  1591. | string;
  1593. type DeconstructedSnowflake = {
  1594. timestamp: number;
  1595. date: Date;
  1596. workerID: number;
  1597. processID: number;
  1598. increment: number;
  1599. binary: string;
  1600. };
  1602. type EmojiEditData = {
  1603. name?: string;
  1604. roles?: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[] | Snowflake[];
  1605. };
  1607. type EmojiIdentifierResolvable = string | Emoji | ReactionEmoji;
  1609. type FileOptions = {
  1610. attachment: BufferResolvable;
  1611. name?: string;
  1612. };
  1614. type GroupDMRecipientOptions = {
  1615. user?: UserResolvable | Snowflake;
  1616. accessToken?: string;
  1617. nick?: string;
  1618. };
  1620. type GuildAuditLogsAction = keyof GuildAuditLogsActions;
  1622. type GuildAuditLogsActions = {
  1623. ALL?: null,
  1624. GUILD_UPDATE?: number,
  1625. CHANNEL_CREATE?: number,
  1626. CHANNEL_UPDATE?: number,
  1627. CHANNEL_DELETE?: number,
  1631. MEMBER_KICK?: number,
  1632. MEMBER_PRUNE?: number,
  1633. MEMBER_BAN_ADD?: number,
  1634. MEMBER_BAN_REMOVE?: number,
  1635. MEMBER_UPDATE?: number,
  1636. MEMBER_ROLE_UPDATE?: number,
  1637. ROLE_CREATE?: number,
  1638. ROLE_UPDATE?: number,
  1639. ROLE_DELETE?: number,
  1640. INVITE_CREATE?: number,
  1641. INVITE_UPDATE?: number,
  1642. INVITE_DELETE?: number,
  1643. WEBHOOK_CREATE?: number,
  1644. WEBHOOK_UPDATE?: number,
  1645. WEBHOOK_DELETE?: number,
  1646. EMOJI_CREATE?: number,
  1647. EMOJI_UPDATE?: number,
  1648. EMOJI_DELETE?: number,
  1649. MESSAGE_DELETE?: number,
  1650. };
  1652. type GuildAuditLogsActionType = 'CREATE'
  1653. | 'DELETE'
  1654. | 'UPDATE'
  1655. | 'ALL';
  1657. type GuildAuditLogsFetchOptions = {
  1658. before?: Snowflake | GuildAuditLogsEntry;
  1659. after?: Snowflake | GuildAuditLogsEntry;
  1660. limit?: number;
  1661. user?: UserResolvable;
  1662. type?: string | number;
  1663. };
  1665. type GuildAuditLogsTarget = keyof GuildAuditLogsTargets;
  1667. type GuildAuditLogsTargets = {
  1668. ALL?: string;
  1669. GUILD?: string;
  1670. CHANNEL?: string;
  1671. USER?: string;
  1672. ROLE?: string;
  1673. INVITE?: string;
  1674. WEBHOOK?: string;
  1675. EMOJI?: string;
  1676. MESSAGE?: string;
  1677. };
  1679. type GuildChannelMessageNotifications = MessageNotifications
  1680. & 'INHERIT';
  1682. type GuildEditData = {
  1683. name?: string;
  1684. region?: string;
  1685. verificationLevel?: number;
  1686. explicitContentFilter?: number;
  1687. afkChannel?: ChannelResolvable;
  1688. systemChannel?: ChannelResolvable;
  1689. afkTimeout?: number;
  1690. icon?: Base64Resolvable;
  1691. owner?: GuildMemberResolvable;
  1692. splash?: Base64Resolvable;
  1693. };
  1695. type GuildMemberEditData = {
  1696. nick?: string;
  1697. roles?: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | Role[] | Snowflake[];
  1698. mute?: boolean;
  1699. deaf?: boolean;
  1700. channel?: ChannelResolvable;
  1701. };
  1703. type GuildMemberResolvable = GuildMember | User;
  1705. type GuildResolvable = Guild | Snowflake;
  1707. type HTTPOptions = {
  1708. version?: number;
  1709. host?: string;
  1710. cdn?: string;
  1711. };
  1713. type InviteOptions = {
  1714. temporary?: boolean;
  1715. maxAge?: number;
  1716. maxUses?: number;
  1717. unique?: boolean;
  1718. };
  1720. type InviteResolvable = string;
  1722. type MessageCollectorOptions = CollectorOptions & {
  1723. max?: number;
  1724. maxMatches?: number;
  1725. };
  1727. type MessageEditOptions = {
  1728. embed?: RichEmbedOptions;
  1729. code?: string | boolean;
  1730. };
  1732. type MessageNotifications = 'EVERYTHING'
  1733. | 'MENTIONS'
  1734. | 'NOTHING';
  1736. type MessageOptions = {
  1737. tts?: boolean;
  1738. nonce?: string;
  1739. embed?: RichEmbed | RichEmbedOptions,
  1740. disableEveryone?: boolean;
  1741. file?: FileOptions | string;
  1742. files?: FileOptions[] | string[];
  1743. code?: string | boolean;
  1744. split?: boolean | SplitOptions;
  1745. reply?: UserResolvable;
  1746. };
  1748. type MessageSearchOptions = {
  1749. content?: string;
  1750. maxID?: Snowflake;
  1751. minID?: Snowflake;
  1752. has?: 'link'
  1753. | 'embed'
  1754. | 'file'
  1755. | 'video'
  1756. | 'image'
  1757. | 'sound'
  1758. | '-link'
  1759. | '-embed'
  1760. | '-file'
  1761. | '-video'
  1762. | '-image'
  1763. | '-sound';
  1764. channel?: ChannelResolvable;
  1765. author?: UserResolvable;
  1766. authorType?: 'user'
  1767. | 'bot'
  1768. | 'webhook'
  1769. | '-user'
  1770. | '-bot'
  1771. | '-webhook';
  1772. sortBy?: 'relevant' | 'recent';
  1773. sortOrder?: 'asc' | 'desc';
  1774. contextSize?: number;
  1775. limit?: number;
  1776. offset?: number;
  1777. mentions?: UserResolvable;
  1778. mentionsEveryone?: boolean;
  1779. linkHostname?: string;
  1780. embedProvider?: string;
  1781. embedType?: 'image' | 'video' | 'url' | 'rich';
  1782. attachmentFilename?: string;
  1783. attachmentExtension?: string;
  1784. before?: Date;
  1785. after?: Date;
  1786. during?: Date;
  1787. nsfw?: boolean;
  1788. };
  1790. type MessageSearchResult = {
  1791. totalResults: number;
  1792. messages: Message[][];
  1793. }
  1795. type PermissionFlags = {
  1796. ADMINISTRATOR?: number;
  1797. CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE?: number;
  1798. KICK_MEMBERS?: number;
  1799. BAN_MEMBERS?: number;
  1800. MANAGE_CHANNELS?: number;
  1801. MANAGE_GUILD?: number;
  1802. ADD_REACTIONS?: number;
  1803. VIEW_AUDIT_LOG?: number;
  1804. VIEW_CHANNEL?: number;
  1805. READ_MESSAGES?: number;
  1806. SEND_MESSAGES?: number;
  1807. SEND_TTS_MESSAGES?: number;
  1808. MANAGE_MESSAGES?: number;
  1809. EMBED_LINKS?: number;
  1810. ATTACH_FILES?: number;
  1811. READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY?: number;
  1812. MENTION_EVERYONE?: number;
  1813. USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS?: number;
  1814. EXTERNAL_EMOJIS?: number;
  1815. CONNECT?: number;
  1816. SPEAK?: number;
  1817. MUTE_MEMBERS?: number;
  1818. DEAFEN_MEMBERS?: number;
  1819. MOVE_MEMBERS?: number;
  1820. USE_VAD?: number;
  1821. CHANGE_NICKNAME?: number;
  1822. MANAGE_NICKNAMES?: number;
  1823. MANAGE_ROLES?: number;
  1825. MANAGE_WEBHOOKS?: number;
  1826. MANAGE_EMOJIS?: number;
  1827. };
  1829. type PermissionObject = {
  1830. ADMINISTRATOR?: boolean;
  1831. CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE?: boolean;
  1832. KICK_MEMBERS?: boolean;
  1833. BAN_MEMBERS?: boolean;
  1834. MANAGE_CHANNELS?: boolean;
  1835. MANAGE_GUILD?: boolean;
  1836. ADD_REACTIONS?: boolean;
  1837. VIEW_AUDIT_LOG?: boolean;
  1838. VIEW_CHANNEL?: number;
  1839. READ_MESSAGES?: boolean;
  1840. SEND_MESSAGES?: boolean;
  1841. SEND_TTS_MESSAGES?: boolean;
  1842. MANAGE_MESSAGES?: boolean;
  1843. EMBED_LINKS?: boolean;
  1844. ATTACH_FILES?: boolean;
  1845. READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY?: boolean;
  1846. MENTION_EVERYONE?: boolean;
  1847. USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS?: boolean;
  1848. EXTERNAL_EMOJIS?: boolean;
  1849. CONNECT?: boolean;
  1850. SPEAK?: boolean;
  1851. MUTE_MEMBERS?: boolean;
  1852. DEAFEN_MEMBERS?: boolean;
  1853. MOVE_MEMBERS?: boolean;
  1854. USE_VAD?: boolean;
  1855. CHANGE_NICKNAME?: boolean;
  1856. MANAGE_NICKNAMES?: boolean;
  1857. MANAGE_ROLES?: boolean;
  1859. MANAGE_WEBHOOKS?: boolean;
  1860. MANAGE_EMOJIS?: boolean;
  1861. };
  1863. type PermissionString = 'ADMINISTRATOR'
  1865. | 'KICK_MEMBERS'
  1866. | 'BAN_MEMBERS'
  1868. | 'MANAGE_GUILD'
  1869. | 'ADD_REACTIONS'
  1870. | 'VIEW_CHANNEL'
  1871. | 'READ_MESSAGES'
  1872. | 'SEND_MESSAGES'
  1875. | 'EMBED_LINKS'
  1876. | 'ATTACH_FILES'
  1881. | 'CONNECT'
  1882. | 'SPEAK'
  1883. | 'MUTE_MEMBERS'
  1884. | 'DEAFEN_MEMBERS'
  1885. | 'MOVE_MEMBERS'
  1886. | 'USE_VAD'
  1889. | 'MANAGE_ROLES'
  1892. | 'MANAGE_EMOJIS';
  1894. type PermissionOverwriteOptions = PermissionObject;
  1896. type PermissionResolvable = PermissionString | number;
  1898. type PresenceData = {
  1899. status?: PresenceStatus;
  1900. afk?: boolean;
  1901. game?: {
  1902. name?: string;
  1903. url?: string;
  1904. }
  1905. }
  1907. type PresenceStatus = 'online' | 'idle' | 'invisible' | 'dnd';
  1909. type ReactionCollectorOptions = CollectorOptions & {
  1910. max?: number;
  1911. maxEmojis?: number;
  1912. maxUsers?: number;
  1913. };
  1915. type RichEmbedOptions = {
  1916. title?: string;
  1917. description?: string;
  1918. url?: string;
  1919. timestamp?: Date;
  1920. color?: number | string;
  1921. fields?: { name: string; value: string; inline?: boolean; }[];
  1922. file?: Attachment| string | FileOptions;
  1923. author?: { name: string; url?: string; icon_url?: string; };
  1924. thumbnail?: { url: string; height?: number; width?: number; };
  1925. image?: { url: string; proxy_url?: string; height?: number; width?: number; };
  1926. video?: { url: string; height: number; width: number; };
  1927. footer?: { text?: string; icon_url?: string; };
  1928. };
  1930. type RoleData = {
  1931. name?: string;
  1932. color?: ColorResolvable;
  1933. hoist?: boolean;
  1934. position?: number;
  1935. permissions?: PermissionString[];
  1936. mentionable?: boolean;
  1937. };
  1939. type RoleResolvable = Role | string;
  1941. type Snowflake = string;
  1943. type SplitOptions = {
  1944. maxLength?: number;
  1945. char?: string;
  1946. prepend?: string;
  1947. append?: string;
  1948. };
  1950. type Status = number;
  1952. type StreamOptions = {
  1953. seek?: number;
  1954. volume?: number;
  1955. passes?: number;
  1956. bitrate?: number | 'auto';
  1957. };
  1959. type StringResolvable = string | string[] | any;
  1961. type UserResolvable = User | Snowflake | Message | Guild | GuildMember;
  1963. type VoiceStatus = number;
  1965. type WebhookMessageOptions = {
  1966. username?: string;
  1967. avatarURL?: string;
  1968. tts?: boolean;
  1969. nonce?: string;
  1970. embeds?: (RichEmbed | object)[];
  1971. disableEveryone?: boolean;
  1972. file?: FileOptions | BufferResolvable | Attachment;
  1973. files?: (FileOptions | BufferResolvable | Attachment)[];
  1974. code?: string | boolean;
  1975. split?: boolean | SplitOptions;
  1976. };
  1978. type WebSocketOptions = {
  1979. large_threshold?: number;
  1980. compress?: boolean;
  1981. };
  1983. type WSEventType = 'READY'
  1984. | 'RESUMED'
  1985. | 'GUILD_SYNC'
  1986. | 'GUILD_CREATE'
  1987. | 'GUILD_DELETE'
  1988. | 'GUILD_UPDATE'
  1989. | 'GUILD_MEMBER_ADD'
  1996. | 'GUILD_BAN_ADD'
  1997. | 'GUILD_BAN_REMOVE'
  1998. | 'CHANNEL_CREATE'
  1999. | 'CHANNEL_DELETE'
  2000. | 'CHANNEL_UPDATE'
  2002. | 'MESSAGE_CREATE'
  2003. | 'MESSAGE_DELETE'
  2004. | 'MESSAGE_UPDATE'
  2009. | 'USER_UPDATE'
  2010. | 'USER_NOTE_UPDATE'
  2015. | 'TYPING_START'
  2020. //#endregion
  2021. }
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