

Sep 29th, 2015
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  1. [url=""][b]Goldust, Owen, and Jericho[/b][/url] faced [url=""][b]Fatu, Samu, and Funk[/b][/url]. Goldust and Funk started out in the ring, Okada still yelling at Goldust in angry Japanese. This allowed Funk to capitalize on a distracted Goldust. After a thorough beatdown, Funk put Goldust in a Sleeper, but Jericho was able to break the hold and knock Funk out of the ring with a springboard dropkick. Capitalizing on his momentary reprieve, Goldust crawled towards Owen, and, despite Funk's best efforts, managed to tag out. Owen and Funk then went at it for a bit, with Owen utilizing his superior speed to take out the winded Funk. Funk dodged a kick, and tagged out to Fatu, who started laying into Owen, whipping him into the corner for the double team. Fatu and Samu kept putting pressure on Owen, and after a series of flying splashes left Owen sitting in the corner, Fatu ran the corners and knocked him senseless with a Stinkface. Fatu tried to press his advantage with a Samoan Splash, but Owen flopped to the mat, sending Fatu right into and over the turnbuckles. Owen got the hot tag to Jericho as Fatu got back in the ring and tagged in Samu. Jericho went into his signatures, hitting an Enzuigiri/Springboard Huricanrana/Lionsault combo before turning Samu over for the Walls. Okada got up on the apron to try to distract the ref, but Goldust casually tripped him up, sending him ass-first to the floor. Okada started yelling at Goldust, who was still feigning ignorance, in Japanese, but the ref had turned his attention back to the match, where Jericho had finally gotten the submission victory.
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