
Rise of the Runelords, Session 8: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [16:12] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 8: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [16:14] <@Aqu|GM> All is well as the Heroes of Sandpoint rest for the upcoming battle. Late into the night, Pwent marks that it is time to depart, knocking on each door twice. Once he's sure he's knocked loud enough, he returns to his room to prepare his spells.
  3. [16:17] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys groans at the loud knocking and sits up. Looking out her window and seeing that it is time to leave, she begins to pack her things and dress.
  4. [16:18] <Harvey> Palurin didn't sleep particularly well, so he's up and prepared pretty quickly, sitting down to work on his spells. Mahd groans loudly, rolling out of bed and pulling her clothes on groggily. Once she has Orick re-summoned, she heads downstairs.
  5. [16:20] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys heads downstairs soon after Mahd, greeting her with a nod and a yawn.
  6. [16:20] <Harvey> Mahd grunts, nodding.
  7. [16:22] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys leans against a nearby wall, stretching as she waits for the remaining two.
  8. [16:25] <@Aqu|GM> About an hour later, Pwent heads down, spells ready. "Once Palurin's done with his spells, we be off."
  9. [16:30] <Harvey> Pretty soon, Palurin appears as well, hood pulled on tight, shadowing his upper face. All that can be discerned is a scowl.
  10. [16:31] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs and stands, heading for the door. She waves her hand, gesturing for the others to follow.
  11. [16:32] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods and hurries over, following her to the glassworks.
  12. [16:32] <Harvey> Palurin does as well, Mahd stretching and bringing up the rear with Orick.
  13. [16:34] <@Aqu|GM> As they approach, they take note of the pair of guards outside the glassworks, nodding to them as they pass. Going further in, there is another pair guarding the unexplored tunnel where Tsuto was captured.
  14. [16:37] <@Aqu|GM> The two guards step to the side, nodding to the group. "We haven't moved further, just kept guard while you've been gone," one notes. The guard frowns. "And as it seems, Tsuto killed himself. He had a poison pill on his person."
  15. [16:38] <Harvey> Palurin's scowl deepens, though he says nothing.
  16. [16:39] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "Aye. Thank ye." He shakes his head and moves forward.
  17. [16:40] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, following. She has little interest in the defeated. He was pretty much dead to her anyway.
  18. [16:41] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys waits for Palurin to move, then takes to following in back, blending in with the shadows of the cave.
  19. [16:42] <Harvey> As Palurin moves through the passage, he slowly draws his sword, beginning to move as if expecting combat. Mahd simply walks normally while Orick draws his sword.
  20. [16:43] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys draws her kukri, and Pwent keeps his mace at the ready.
  21. [16:44] <@Aqu|GM> The cave spirals deeper into the earth before leveling out and continuing in a straight line. Along that line, there is a dark, unlit alcove heading to the east. The cave continues further past the alcove, but it is too dark to see that far for Palurin and Victanys. Mahd and Pwent, on the other hand see two more cavern passages, each heading to the east, further down.
  22. [16:44] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent, noticing as it gets darker, casts a spell of light on his mace, allowing Victanys and Palurin to see much the same.
  23. [16:46] <Harvey> Mahd groans, stopping. "Well, which one?"
  24. [16:47] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "I'm in no mood fer guessin', I saw we take 'em in order; alcove then the other two passages."
  25. [16:48] <Harvey> Palurin nods, advancing towards the stone nook in the wall warily.
  26. [16:53] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows as Victanys keeps to the shadows. The alcove, as revealed by Pwent's torch, is nothing of note-- a large stone room with no other doors or paths-- except for the creature within.
  27. [16:53] <@Aqu|GM> This hairless humanoid lurches on back-bent, dog-like legs, its hideous mouth flanked by tiny arms with three-fingered hands.
  28. [17:00] <Harvey> Mahd's eyes widen somewhat as she steps quickly inside. "Can you talk?" she asks quickly, saying it twice; once in Abyssal and then again in Infernal.
  29. [17:02] <@Aqu|GM> The creature lets out a gurgling, phlegm-filled sound. It's clear that it's not a language Mahd is familiar with.
  30. [17:03] <Harvey> Mahd deflates slightly, sighing. "Damn. I was hoping we wouldn't have to fight," she mutters, still speaking in Abyssal.
  31. [17:04] <Harvey> Palurin perks up, giving Mahd a funny look when she begins to speak in Infernal. He knows the language, though he's never had cause to use it.
  32. [17:06] <Harvey> Mahd sighs again, waving at the demon-thing dismissively. {Kill it, Orick.} she commands as he steps into the room, advancing and swinging his blade down on the beast.
  33. [17:10] <@Aqu|GM> Orick's massive blade easily cuts through the creature. It doesn't even have a chance to raise alarm as it's cut down into a bloody heap.
  34. [17:10] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "That was... easy." She shrugs. "Nice job."
  35. [17:11] <Harvey> Mahd steps forward in boredom, poking the fleshsack with a booted foot. Orick simply resumes his normal stance impassively.
  36. [17:13] <Harvey> Palurin steps into the room as well, still looking at Mahd curiously. He's pretty sure Infernal isn't a language that one would come by naturally...
  37. [17:17] <@Aqu|GM> Nothing remains on the creature barring tattered, diseased clothes.
  38. [17:17] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, turning. "Next one then?"
  39. [17:17] <Harvey> "Sure!" Mahd says cheerfully, turning on her heel to head back into the passage.
  40. [17:18] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys follows!
  41. [17:18] <@Aqu|GM> Two more cavernous passages remain; one about 50 feet down the passage, and the other about 100 feet away.
  42. [17:19] <Harvey> "Clearly we take the closer one," Palurin says quietly, stepping out of the room as well.
  43. [17:20] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, leading the group towards the passage, light guiding the way.
  44. [17:23] <@Aqu|GM> The original purpose of this passage is unclear, but large mounds of rubble lie strewn on its floor. The passage continues and eventually the rocks stop; a small, tiled room interrupting the layout of the passage. Like the passage, rubble is scattered all around. On the north side of the room, there is a single wooden door.
  45. [17:27] <Harvey> Mahd pauses, raising her hand to slowly open the door with her magic.
  46. [17:28] <@Aqu|GM> As the door opens, Mahd and the others see a tiled hallway that ducks off to the east before continuing north.
  47. [17:29] <Harvey> "Weird. I wonder where it goes..." Mahd mumbles, approaching the passage.
  48. [17:33] <@Aqu|GM> The hall shoots off in two directions. The most immediate is another hallway that runs to the right, while further north the group sees a large, red marble statue, blocking what else may lie within the further-away room.
  49. [17:36] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow, looking to the statue.
  50. [17:36] <@Aqu|GM> A red marble statue of a strikingly beautiful but, at the same time, monstrously enraged human woman stands in the middle of this room, her stony expression twisted in fury. The woman wears flowing robes, and her long hair is held back from her face by an intricate headdress of hooks and blades.
  51. [17:36] <@Aqu|GM> In her left hand she carries a large book, the face of which is inscribed with a seven-pointed star. Her right hand holds a glittering metal-and-ivory ranseur
  52. [17:39] <Harvey> Intrigued, Mahd approaches it slowly, drawing her dagger as she does so.
  53. [17:41] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent and Victanys follow.
  54. [17:41] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "Any idea who this is?"
  55. [17:41] <@Aqu|GM> Approaching from the south, with the statue in the center, the room has three more pathways. To the immediate left, the tile of the room is cut off by cave floor, and to the right, there is another wooden door. Ahead and on the other side of the statue is another door.
  56. [17:42] <Harvey> Palurin shrugs as he approaches the red thing, looking over it curiously.
  57. [17:44] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin takes note that the glittering metal-and-ivory ranseur is for both decoration and combat.
  58. [17:45] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys looks up at the statue and smiles lightly. "That ranseur could be sold for a decent bit of coin... probably around four-hundred gold."
  59. [17:46] <Harvey> Palurin nods apprehensively, not quite sure he wants to even try getting it down. Mahd, however, perks up at the sound of that much money.
  60. [17:48] <Harvey> {Orick, grab that pike from that statue.} With a quick nod, Orick moves forward, reaching up and gripping the end of it and pulling.
  61. [17:48] <@Aqu|GM> The ranseur comes loose rather easily.
  62. [17:50] <Harvey> Orick pulls it down, smashing the butt of it against the ground dramatically.
  63. [17:51] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "Try not to scratch it. It's worth more as a decoration."
  64. [17:51] <Harvey> Mahd giggles. "I wanted him to do that," she confesses. Palurin is still looking at the statue nervously.
  65. [17:52] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, looking between the two doors. "Which one?"
  66. [17:54] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs, pointing at the one on the left and opening it.
  67. [18:01] <@Aqu|GM> Opening the door, Mahd sees a large chamber. This large chamber was obviously once a prison, as testified by the twenty cells that line the room’s perimeter, all filled with skeletons. A rickety wooden platform overlooks the room, with two flights of stairs descending to the prison floor ten feet below.
  68. [18:01] <@Aqu|GM> A five-foot-wide wooden walkway runs from the northern edge of the platform to a passageway to the east. Below the platform, the same, guttural, phlegm-filled language is heard. Two different sets of voices, both sounding rather annoyed and directed at one another. Looking for the two speaking, they are seen bickering near one of the prison cells below.
  69. [15:45] <Aqu|GM> [18:01] <@Aqu|GM> A five-foot-wide wooden walkway runs from the northern edge of the platform to a passageway to the east. Below the platform, the same, guttural, phlegm-filled language is heard. Two different sets of voices, both sounding rather annoyed and directed at one another. Looking for the two speaking, they are seen bickering near one of the prison cells below.
  70. [15:46] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, speaking in a hushed tone, "I could sneak down there and gut one of 'em... then the rest of you can go for the second?"
  71. [15:47] <@Harvey> Mahd nods with a little grin. "Go for it!" she says enthusiastically, though Palurin looks a little more apprehensive.
  72. [15:48] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Aye," He places his hand on her side and it begins to glow. "N' that should help ye'."
  73. [15:49] <Aqu|GM> Victanys smirks. "Thanks." She draws her kukri, ready to go. "Just wait until I hit one, then follow down." With a nod, Victanys melds into the shadows, moving for the two sinspawn.
  74. [15:54] <Aqu|GM> Victanys approaches one of the sinspawn and neither notice, as the group sees. After raising her kukri up high, she brings it down, plunging it for the sinspawn's neck. Her second kukri crosses in a slash, aimed for its back.
  75. [15:56] <Aqu|GM> Victanys makes the creature howl in pain, but it does not fall. It's blood is sprayed against the floor as the knives hit their mark, and the creature turns.
  76. [16:00] <Aqu|GM> Both Sinspawn turn on Victanys, growling at the human that shed their blood. Claws and razor-like teeth ready, the aberrations lunge forward at the rogue.
  77. [16:02] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is quick, and makes it very difficult for the pair to land anything on her. Unfortunately, in the flurry of claws and bites, one set of claws strike true, digging into the woman's shoulder and causing her to scream in pain.Β Β 
  78. [16:07] <@Harvey> Mahd surveys the little battle with something akin to boredom. Placing her hand on Orick, she gives his body a soft glow before drawing her own dagger.
  79. [16:09] <@Harvey> Palurin curses, charging at the wounded beast and lunging forward savagely.
  80. [16:10] <Aqu|GM> The sinspawn sidesteps Palurin's blade.
  81. [16:11] <@Harvey> Orick isn't far behind him, glowing blade swinging horizontally at the demon Palurin just missed.
  82. [16:13] <Aqu|GM> Orick manages to end the aberration, dropping him to the ground.
  83. [16:14] <Aqu|GM> Victanys groans, frowning at the remaining sinspawn. With a quick tumble, she manages to get behind it without being harmed and attempts to jab it in the back with her kukri.
  84. [16:15] <Aqu|GM> Victanys' kukri manages to pierce the creature's back, and it howls in pain.
  85. [16:17] <Aqu|GM> Pwent steps over to the side of the platform and outstretches his hand towards the group. With a quick word to Desna, his hand glows in holy light; that same light bursting in a small radius around Orick, Palurin, Victanys, and the Sinspawn.
  86. [16:18] <Aqu|GM> Those within the light feel rejuvenated as it courses into their bodies. The sinspawn looks unaffected.
  87. [16:19] <Aqu|GM> With a growl, the sinspawn turns, once again attempting to claw and bite at Victanys.
  88. [16:19] <Aqu|GM> Victanys proves too quick.
  89. [16:21] <@Harvey> Mahd runs forward, laying her hand on Orick and giving him another soft glow.
  90. [16:22] <@Harvey> Palurin, meanwhile, lunges the Sinspawn once more.
  91. [16:27] <Aqu|GM> Palurin's lunge, once again, does not hit.
  92. [16:28] <@Harvey> Orick, raising his glowing blade above his head, advances on the best, swinging downward angrily.
  93. [16:30] <Aqu|GM> The aberration falls, Orick's heavy blade bringing it down.
  94. [16:30] <Aqu|GM> Victanys groans, kicking the corpse. "Right. More annoying than I thought."
  95. [16:34] <@Harvey> Palurin sighs, sheathing his blade and looking over the beasts. "What are they?" he mumbles...
  96. [16:35] <Aqu|GM> Both Victanys and Pwent shrug, unsure.
  97. [16:36] <@Harvey> Mahd walks up, glancing around.
  98. [16:36] <@Harvey> "Who cares? They're boring. Let's move on."
  99. [16:38] <Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles, heading back up the platform. "Continue this way?"
  100. [16:40] <@Harvey> Mahd shrugs, following. "Sure."
  101. [16:41] <@Harvey> Palurin looks at Victanys, concerned. "Are you okay?" he asks somewhat awkwardly.
  102. [16:41] <Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles slightly and nods. "Yeah. Just... scratched."
  103. [16:42] <@Harvey> Palurin nods, smiling slightly as well. "Good."
  104. [16:43] <Aqu|GM> Victanys follows, heading up the platform to the eastern passage.
  105. [16:44] <@Harvey> Palurin follows as well.
  106. [16:46] <Aqu|GM> The platform's rickety wooden steps end and lead through another stone-tiled hall. Moving through the hall, the group finds themselves in a small room with two more paths; a door straight ahead, continuing to the east, and one to their right, heading south.
  107. [16:46] <Aqu|GM> This room contains several ancient relics of what appear to be torture implements, although their function and style seem strange and archaic. In one corner sits a spherical cage with spikes protruding inward from its iron bars. In another stands what appears to be a star-shaped wooden frame, its surface studded with hooks.
  108. [16:46] <Aqu|GM> And in the center of the room is a long table covered with leather straps and a number of cranks that seem designed to rotate and swivel.
  109. [16:47] <@Harvey> If Mahd didn't have her mask on, her black eyes would probably be pulsating. She rushes into the room, looking over the implements with extreme curiosity.
  110. [16:48] <Aqu|GM> There are all sorts of whips and chains-- virtually anything the prospective torturer, or kinky mistress, would like.
  111. [16:49] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, following Mahd into the room. "Finding something for you and your friend?"
  112. [16:49] <Aqu|GM> Pwent snickers, following in.
  113. [16:51] <@Harvey> Mahd turns to regard Victanys, grinning. "Maybe something for you," she says seductively.
  114. [16:52] <Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "Uhm." She looks around at the devices, shaking her head. "I think I'll pass..."
  115. [16:56] <Aqu|GM> Mahd finds a set of handcuffs, chains, and a gag among the cluster of items.
  116. [16:58] <@Harvey> She happily snatches them up, hanging the cuffs and gag from the same belt loop as the whip. She hands the chain to Orick, who takes it and loops it over his shoulders.
  117. [17:00] <Aqu|GM> Victanys rolls her eyes. "Shall we continue?"
  118. [17:02] <@Harvey> Mahd smiles, straightening. "Sure," she replies happily.
  119. [17:03] <Aqu|GM> Pwent looks between the two doors, east and south. "Which one? South?"
  120. [17:04] <@Harvey> Not quite comfortable in this room, Palurin nods, heading South.
  121. [17:05] <Aqu|GM> The crumbling remnants of several chairs and a long table clutter the floor of this room. To the south stand three stone doors, each right next to each other and bearing a strange symbol that resembles a seven-pointed star.
  122. [17:06] <Aqu|GM> The room is small, and can only fit three of those within the party at a time.
  123. [17:08] <Aqu|GM> Victanys heads in after Palurin, glancing around. "There's that symbol again."
  124. [17:09] <@Harvey> Palurin nods, frowning. Mahd peeks in, but doesn't enter, standing outside with Orick.
  125. [17:09] <Aqu|GM> Pwent remains outside as well.
  126. [17:09] <Aqu|GM> Victanys moves to the left-most door, opening it and looking within.
  127. [17:10] <Aqu|GM> Within the room is a humanoid skeleton, although it has three misshapen arms of different lengths...
  128. [17:12] <@Harvey> Palurin frowns even more, staring at the weird thing.
  129. [17:13] <Aqu|GM> Victanys moves to the next door, having a sneaking suspicion, and opens it. The next small room has another skeleton; this one with an enormous, misshapen skull.
  130. [17:14] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "Torture room next to this. Yeah. Let's move on."
  131. [17:15] <@Harvey> Mahd frowns from outside, curious. "Open the last door," she says a little impatiently.
  132. [17:17] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs and opens the last, expecting what is inside. Once again, there is a skeleton. This on has a ribcage that goes all the way down to its pelvis.
  133. [17:18] <Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns and shakes his head. "Aye. Let's move on."
  134. [17:18] <@Harvey> "Weird..." Mahd mumbles, staring at the deformed skeletons. "I wonder what happened to them. They look human."
  135. [17:18] <@Harvey> Palurin pushes past her, somewhat disgusted with this whole enterprise.
  136. [17:19] <Aqu|GM> Victanys follows, pointing to the door heading east.
  137. [17:20] <@Harvey> Palurin reaches it quickly, pulling it open.
  138. [17:21] <Aqu|GM> The door opens to a stairwell, heading down and continuing east.
  139. [17:23] <@Harvey> Palurin scowls, starting to head down.
  140. [17:25] <Aqu|GM> Victanys follows immediately after, with Pwent behind her.
  141. [17:26] <@Harvey> Mahd looks longingly at all the instruments of pain (and potentially pleasure) before sighing and heading down with Orick in tow.
  142. [17:31] <Aqu|GM> The stairs lead down into a very large room with a single door on its south end. The ceiling of this strangely cold chamber arches to a vaulted height of twenty feet. The floor contains eleven wooden lids strewn haphazardly over eleven five-foot-wide pits in the ground.
  143. [17:31] <Aqu|GM> From the darkness within these pits echo up strange shuffling sounds and, every so often, a low moan. Within the middle of the room, grinning as the group leaves the stairs, is a goblin. This goblin's head looks deformed, asymmetrical with a mouth seeping blood. He wields a flaming blade and a dagger, and in his third arm, sprouting from his back, an axe.
  144. [17:33] <@Harvey> Palurin pales, drawing his sword. With a soft curse, he places his hand on the blade, giving it a very soft glow.
  145. [17:37] <@Harvey> Mahd looks at the creature curiously, stepping forward. "What the hell happened to you?" she barks, speaking Goblin.
  146. [17:39] <Aqu|GM> The goblin giggles and some blood falls from his mouth. When the blood reaches the ground, specks of smoke rise; the blood burning away at the tile. "What happened to me? What will happen to you!"
  147. [17:40] <@Harvey> "We'll kill you, you stupid creature! Now answer me!" Mahd bellows at it, having had good luck with screaming at goblins in the past.
  148. [17:40] <Aqu|GM> The goblin simply giggles in response.
  149. [17:41] <@Harvey> Mahd sighs, drawing her dagger again placing her hand on Orick's back to give him a soft glow.
  150. [17:43] <Aqu|GM> Victanys approaches, but remains out of range as she throws her starknife towards the goblin.
  151. [17:43] <Aqu|GM> The knife glances off of the goblin, but it doesn't seem to do much harm.
  152. [17:45] <Aqu|GM> Pwent also places his hand on Orick's blade, closing his eyes and giving the blade a light blue glow.
  153. [17:46] <@Harvey> Orick quickly approaches the goblin, raising his now extremely bright blade to bring it down on the goblin.
  154. [17:47] <Aqu|GM> The goblin snickers as Orick misses.
  155. [17:48] <@Harvey> Palurin points a hand at the mutant, muttering as a white ball of energy shoots towards it.
  156. [17:50] <@Harvey> As soon as the spell is off, Palurin steps forward as well, advancing on the goblin.
  157. [17:52] <Aqu|GM> The goblin grins, looking up to Orick. Opening his mouth wide, he spews a line of foul-smelling, acidic blood onto the suit of armor.
  158. [17:55] <@Harvey> Mahd scowls at the acid, starting to head towards Orick.
  159. [17:59] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns at the disgusting little goblin and charges, moving behind it. As soon as she positions herself, she stabs at its back arm.
  160. [18:00] <Aqu|GM> The goblin shrieks; the blows now taking a toll on him.
  161. [18:01] <Aqu|GM> Pwent charges, moving to Orick's side.
  162. [18:01] <@Harvey> Orick raises his sword again, swinging it downward with Pwent's glow still active.
  163. [18:03] <Aqu|GM> The goblin howls as Orick nearly kills it on the spot. "You will pay!" he screeches in goblin. "You will all pay!"
  164. [18:07] <@Harvey> "I warned you, stupid creature. Now stop fighting or we'll kill you!" Mahd bellows again.
  165. [18:08] <Aqu|GM> The goblin giggles. "Or I'll kill you!"
  166. [18:09] <@Harvey> Before Mahd can respond to him, Palurin lunges forward in an attempt to put his sword right through the goblin's open mouth.
  167. [18:11] <Aqu|GM> Palurin's blade manages to land, spearing the goblin's head through.
  168. [18:15] <Aqu|GM> Pwent sighs. "Ugly beastie."
  169. [18:17] <@Harvey> Palurin pulls his blade clear, quickly wiping it down to keep the blood from eroding the steel.
  170. [18:17] <@Harvey> Mahd pokes it with her boot. "All kinds of weird things here. Shame none of them wanna talk."
  171. [18:18] <Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, moving down to inspect the weapons. Using a bit of magic to confirm, he nods. "The blade's magic. Little more hit in'it. The other two are just well-made."
  172. [18:20] <@Harvey> Mahd snatches up her third dagger, looking it over with a grin. Palurin takes the sword and inspecting before tying it to his belt next to his normal blade.
  173. [18:21] <Aqu|GM> Pwent takes the handaxe, stashing it in his backpack. He then looks towards the southern door, not bothering to check the shambling, moaning sounds coming from the pits about the room. "Let's git to it then."
  174. [18:23] <@Harvey> Palurin nods, ignoring the pits as well and following Pwent. Curious, Mahd approaches one, poking it with her boot to see if she can move the lid.
  175. [18:24] <Aqu|GM> Mahd easily moves the lid. Within is a shambling, half-decayed zombie.
  176. [18:24] <Aqu|GM> It reaches up, as if to grab Mahd, but the deep pit keeps him at bay.
  177. [18:25] <@Harvey> Mahd takes a quick step backward. "Lovely," she mumbles, pushing the lid back on and following the rest of the group with Orick.
  178. [18:27] <Aqu|GM> Victanys takes the rear, slipping into the shadows.
  179. [18:28] <Aqu|GM> The door opens to a long hallway leading south. Half way down, there is a set of stairs leading down, and at the very end is another door.
  180. [18:29] <@Harvey> "This place is too big..." Mahd complains, glancing at the new offshoots.
  181. [18:31] <Aqu|GM> Fortunately for Mahd, the stairs appear to be blocked; massive blocks of stone and rubble completely closing off the path.
  182. [18:33] <@Harvey> Mahd grumbles, continuing to move forward.
  183. [18:35] <Aqu|GM> Opening the southern door, Mahd comes in to a circular room...
  184. [18:35] <Aqu|GM> This strange room is a fifteen-foot-diameter sphere. Several objects float in the room, spinning lazily in spaceβ€”a ragged book, a scroll, a bottle of wine, a dead raven surrounded by a halo of floating and writhing maggots, and a twisted iron wand with a forked tip. Yet perhaps the most unnerving aspect of the room is the walls, for they are plated in sheets of strange red metal that ripple every once in a while with silent black electricity that seems to coalesce i
  185. [18:36] <Aqu|GM> --that seems to coalesce into strange runes or even words far too often for the effect to be chance.
  186. [18:37] <Aqu|GM> Pwent raises an eyebrow. "...Interesting room." He shrugs. "At the very least, we should grab the things ta' sell later."
  187. [18:39] <@Harvey> Palurin regards it evenly, stepping forward to grab the various items.
  188. [18:40] <Aqu|GM> As soon as Palurin enters the room, he begins floating as well. Weightless, he floats up level with the items.
  189. [18:42] <@Harvey> Anticipating this, he begins to manourver himself towards the various things and pushing them back towards the door.
  190. [18:42] <Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks. "Huh." She steps in, wanting to test it out, and floats up as Palurin. Victanys grins, floating around a bit.
  191. [18:43] <Aqu|GM> Palurin has little trouble directing himself and the objects to the exit.
  192. [18:47] <@Harvey> After a moment, Palurin feels his hood float backward. He instinctively reaches back to pull it back, but seeing Victanys jump in as well stops him. Grunting he forces himself to leave it be.
  193. [18:47] <@Harvey> Mahd quickly follows the pair, laughing as she begins to spin around.
  194. [18:48] <Aqu|GM> Pwent rolls his eyes, grumbling. "I prefer me feet on the ground, thank ye."
  195. [18:48] <Aqu|GM> Victanys smirks, purposefully bumping into Palurin's side as she floats.
  196. [18:50] <@Harvey> He grunts, blushing slightly as he watches her. Mahd ignores them both, flipping around in the anti-gravity while she giggles.
  197. [18:52] <Aqu|GM> Victanys soon lowers herself, exiting the room. She sighs. "Maybe we'll have time for this later, but... we should probably get moving."
  198. [18:53] <@Harvey> Palurin nods, exiting as well, though not before fixing his hood. Mahd lingers for a bit, but sighs and hops out after a not so gentle mental prod from Orick.
  199. [18:54] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "So, there was the hallway before the statue room, and another door in the statue room we haven't gone through. Which first?"
  200. [18:56] <@Harvey> "We might as well go through that statue room," Mahd says happily, tweaking her mask since it got dislodged slightly in the gravity room.
  201. [18:57] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, heading back towards the room with Pwent following behind.
  202. [18:58] <@Harvey> Palurin, Mahd, and Orick follow, Palurin in the rear.
  203. [18:58] ---End Session---
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