
Jian - Short Goodbyes

Dec 12th, 2013
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  1. [21:50] <~Deedles> Lifen was waiting outside her and Jian's home as he was coming home, pacing back and forth in front of her sword which was shoved into the ground.
  2. [21:52] <Jian> Jian approaches swiftly, not entirely able to suppress his excitement as he approaches. "Mother! I have news."
  3. [21:58] <~Deedles> His mother looked at him "Oh?" she studied him intently as she came to a stop
  4. [22:01] <Jian> He stops a little way from her, belatedly remembering to bow. "There was a disturbance, during the test. An attack. I was one of the four who fought a corrupt reflection... And the Elders and Mentors have given us a mission." He takes a deep breath, before saying the words which, somewhere in his heart, he has known have been coming for a long, long time. "I am to go down into the world
  5. [22:01] <Jian> below."
  6. [22:04] <~Deedles> Lifen's eyes widen as she stares at him for a moment "Going down? What mission?" she inquires as her eyes narrow.
  7. [22:05] <Jian> "To seek the Imperial Heir... To fight the Corruption." Jian's eyes shine as he speaks...
  8. [22:08] <~Deedles> She fell silent, emitting only a quiet hum of thought as she looked at him carefully "I see..." she said, glancing up at the sky before she nodded slowly. "It was only a matter of time."
  9. [22:10] <Jian> Jian's expression changes, excitement fading as he watches his mothers reaction. The next few words are harder for him to speak. "I... I wish to ask you a question, mother. Many questions. Things I have wondered about... All my life. I did not need to ask before... But now I am to descend back down to the world where you... Where we both came from. What awaits me there, mother?"
  10. [22:17] <~Deedles> Lifen folded her arms as she pondered on his questions "Your past and your future." she answered him, a bit vaguely. "The corruption is dangerous, but you're trained well so I have no doubt you can deal with the challenges ahead of you. What waits for you in the world below is better for you to find out on your own."
  11. [22:18] <Jian> Jian nods slowly. "I thought I was prepared... But I wished for your blessing, mother."
  12. [22:19] <~Deedles> "You have it, Jian." She answered him softly, closing the gap between them before she laid a hand on his shoulder.
  13. [22:20] <Jian> Jian looks up at her, smiling softly. "I will make you proud, mother. I will find my destiny... I have always known that it lay down below."
  14. [22:37] <~Deedles> "I am proud. Always have been and always will be." Lifen told him, shifting her hand from his shoulder to his cheek as she smiled faintly.
  15. [22:38] <Jian> Jian closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his mothers touch... He speaks, very softly. "...I saw The Gentle Blade draw her sword."
  16. [22:52] <~Deedles> The look of surprise on her face was obvious "... She did?" she looked intently at him, a hint of inquisitiveness to her eyes.
  17. [22:53] <Jian> "When the corrupt attacked, the mentors defended the other students... When she drew her sword, they all fell back. The corrupt were cut down in an instant. It was..." He pauses, and then continues. "...It was the most beautiful sword I had ever seen."
  18. [22:57] <~Deedles> Lifen looked thoughtful "Sad to of missed it." she admitted as she moved away slowly.
  19. [22:59] <Jian> Jian looks, but does not follow her. "...Do you miss it? Where you came from?"
  20. [23:00] <~Deedles> "Yes and no. I miss what it was, but not what it turned into." His mother answered calmly, her eyes hardening as she spoke.
  21. [23:00] <Jian> "The Corruption... It took the place we called home?"
  22. [23:01] <~Deedles> "Yes, it did." She nodded
  23. [23:02] <Jian> "...I swear to you, mother. I will become a perfect sword, and I will cut the corruption from this world. I will free it, so we can go home." He reaches a hand out to her, his smile fierce... And intensely naive.
  24. [23:04] <~Deedles> Lifen took his hand in hers as she smiled at him, sadly "Just focus on the task you have been given, and follow the path that is being laid out before you."
  25. [23:05] <Jian> "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" Jian speaks those words strangely, and looks a little confused after he has spoken them, as if he isn't sure where they came from.
  26. [23:06] <~Deedles> "You choose your own path, but you mentioned that there are three others coming with you." She reminded him "This path is not yours alone."
  27. [23:07] <Jian> "We all have our own path. Their strength is not my strength... No less strong, but different all the same. I do not think we will all take the same steps at the same time. But it is likely we have the same destination."
  28. [23:10] <~Deedles> "Your paths may not be exactly the same, but it is a road that you have to share together. Whatever happens out there the four of you have a mission to fulfil, even if you will all bring unique abilities, angles and options with you you are still all doing it together."
  29. [23:12] <Jian> Jian nods. "...I am not sure of my allies, I must admit. Shen is strong, and of good lineage, but he is... unfocused. I do not understand Ryo, even if I admire his power... And Yoshi is a drunk. A surprisingly capable drunk... But a drunk." He frowns a bit. "...My blade is the only pure edge among them. Not unfocused, dulled or obscured."
  30. [23:20] <~Deedles> "Me and the Gentle Blade do not see eye to eye on many things, we are two types of a blade, very different, but both very capable." Lifen reminded him calmly as she peered at him.
  31. [23:22] <Jian> He nods slowly. "...But you are both blades with a pure, shining edge. I do not understand their strength, in the same way I understand yours or hers..."
  32. [23:25] <~Deedles> "I find her to be too meek and gentle, a soft blade, while she finds me too harsh and brutish. We are different, if we weren't wise enough to see different we would call each other unfocused, dull or weak, but with experience comes understanding. You will not underestimate something or someone simply because it is different. You see and you learn, and then you understand."
  33. [23:27] <Jian> Jian nods. "Yes, mother."
  34. [23:27] <~Deedles> She smiled, faintly. "Good. Now you should get packing if you are to be prepared."
  35. [23:28] <Jian> He nods. "I will travel light. I need little to get by."
  36. [23:29] <~Deedles> "A wise choice, just make sure you have the necessaties." Lifen told him as she began heading towards their home.
  37. [23:31] <Jian> "I need little more than food, water and clothes." He smiles. "My Sword is my Soul." He walks close beside her.
  38. [23:32] <~Deedles> "Make sure to bring some money too, it will probably be useful to have on your journey." She reminded him softly.
  39. [23:33] <Jian> He chuckles at that. "Yes, of course... Coin is a form of metal I have had little need for in my life."
  40. [23:37] <~Deedles> "I imagine it will be more useful to you in the world below." She commented as they headed inside
  41. [23:37] <Jian> "How much coin do we have?"
  42. [23:41] <~Deedles> "Enough to help you for a bit." Lifen answered "About 25 silver should do."
  43. [23:42] <Jian> He nods. "...How much is that worth?"
  44. [23:45] <~Deedles> "Should feed you for at least a week."
  45. [23:46] <Jian> "I will try to make it last." He pauses. "...I am glad Yoshi is a cook."
  46. [23:47] <~Deedles> "A cook will be quite useful on your journeys." Lifen agreed with a nod and a faint smile.
  47. [23:50] <Jian> "...I have been thinking about that. That... I never learnt anything other than the way of a sword and the spirit."
  48. [23:54] <~Deedles> "Do you wish to learn something else?" Lifen wondered, studying him curiously
  49. [23:56] <Jian> "I do not know what I would learn. But..." He looks for the word. "...If there is, I think I will find it in the world below."
  50. [23:56] <~Deedles> "I'm certain you'll find plenty of new and interesting things in the world below."
  51. [23:59] <Jian> "Good and ill..." Jian nods.
  52. [23:59] <~Deedles> "Yin and yang." she echoed
  53. [00:00] <Jian> Jian smiles. "...What was the place we lived called, mother? So I might know it, if I pass it by."
  54. [00:02] <~Deedles> Lifen pondered on if to answer that, but finally replued "Jinlong, the Capitol city."
  55. [00:04] <Jian> Jian nods. "...It seems like a place our paths will take us, sooner or later." He pauses, turning to look to his mother. "...Have you ever wished to go back?"
  56. [00:05] <~Deedles> "Sometimes, but rather back in time than back to the place." She confessed
  57. [00:05] <Jian> "Before the Corruption?"
  58. [00:05] <~Deedles> "Yes." She replied simply
  59. [00:06] <Jian> "I hope... In time, I will become strong enough to change things for the better."
  60. [00:07] <~Deedles> "I'm sure you will. Just be patient." Lifen told him softly
  61. [00:08] <Jian> "Patience... Stillness. It is at the heart of Kung Fu." He nods. "...I had never realised it was so hard to maintain, until now. Never before has my heart raced so..."
  62. [00:09] <~Deedles> "Excitement. You are young, it is natural." She assured him "Just don't let it make you lose focus."
  63. [00:12] <Jian> "I will not, mother."
  64. [00:13] <~Deedles> "That is all I can ask of you." She smiled faintly
  65. [00:14] <Jian> Jian nods. "...Do you want to do anything this evening, mother? I need to go see Meilin... But I leave tomorrow morning."
  66. [00:15] <~Deedles> "It would be nice to have dinner together." Lifen said softly, glancing at him "Long good-byes aren't good."
  67. [00:16] <Jian> He nods. "I'll be back for dinner. Do you want me to pick anything up in the village, on my way back?"
  68. [00:18] <~Deedles> "Hmm, yes, why don't you pick up something sweet for dessert?" She suggests, just that shows that his mother is a bit sentimental about the fact that he's leaving.
  69. [00:19] <Jian> "It is a special occasion... I'll be quick with Meilin, mother. See you soon." He leaves quickly, actually jogging along the path to the metal temple.
  70. ------------------------
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