
Run Away

Jan 9th, 2020
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  1. ╰ ꒰ i don't shitthis job and its employees "
  3. full name ཿ Choi Jinwoo
  4. ➭ n/a
  5. nickname(s) ཿ Jin || Playboy || Man-whore
  6. age ཿ 24
  7. position at work ཿ Bag packer
  8. ethnicity ཿ Korean
  9. slot name ཿ BLUEBERRYTEA
  12. ╰ ꒰ only if i could run you the fuckover "
  14. background ཿ
  15. ➭ Jinwoo grew up in Jeonju, South Korea with his mum and dad. He was an only child. His dad left him and his mum when he was 8 years old for another woman. His mum was heartbroken but a year later got back on her feet. When he was 10 years old, his mum remarried a man who was a much better father figure than his original dad ever was.
  17. In school, he was known around school for his constant disruptive behaviour and he also often got into fights with other kids in his year. He was quite popular in school and he had a very broad circle of friends. He had a lot of primary school relationships. You know those ones where you would sit together on the carpet and play with the playdough or sand together. You could say he had been a player from young.
  19. In secondary school, he was just as popular, in fact maybe even more popular. As he got older and older, his girlfriend count got higher and higher. He often hosted large parties which he would just use as an excuse to flirt and hook up with the girl he wanted. He had a major wondering eye and in one night, he could hook up with 2 to 3 girls.
  21. After finishing secondary school, he went on to work in a high-end restaurant and this was just to earn so extra money. The job was going well until he decided to let his lust cloud his judgement. He ended up sleeping with one of the managers on countless occasions, even though she was married and when the employees found out, they told their boss and he was forced to leave, as well as the manger too. He then moved on to work at Walmart and that is where he has been working ever since.
  24. personality ཿ
  25. ➭ Domineering; he can be quite arrogant in the way he acts around people. He has a lot of influence on how people around him think and he knows this. So he uses his influence to do and get what he wants.
  27. ➭ Protective; he is protective over his family, friends and anyone else he cares about and if people do anything thing to hurt them, he will make it his personal mission to "teach them a lesson". He doesn't like seeing the important people in his life upset or angry.
  29. ➭ Cocky; he oozes confidence to the point where it could be seen as over confident. He is bold and slightly cheeky and that one of the reasons why he appeals to so many girls. He has a very over-inflated sense of his own importance. He views himself as above most people and looks down on people that he sees as inferior.
  31. ➭ Bastard; he can be a very unpleasant person to be around because he says and does things that generally shouldn't be done. He says things that can hurt people on purpose if he feels that they have done him wrong. As well as this, whenever he sleeps with girls, the next day he will immediately kick them out and move on to a new girl.
  33. ➭ Sleazy; he is known to be a very sleazy boy and can't go a day or two without sleeping with a girl. He always feels the need to flirt with a new girl everyday just to draw them into his bed. He is lead by his uncontrollable lust to pick up these girls. He doesn't know how to not flirt, wherever he is, he just feels the need to flirt with random girls. He knows the right things to do and say to get a girl. He knows the places to touch a girl to get them to "fall under his spell". He basically just screams sex appeal to be very honest.
  35. ➭ Charming; He is one of those guys that your mum loves. Mothers would swoon over how handsome or how tall he is and they'd just want to pamper him. When you interact with him, you would just want to be around him more becausing of his comfortable and pleasing manner. He has a very attractive smile which people can't help but be drawn to. He has very witty and extremely dirty humour. He can easily make people laugh and giggle with the crude remarks and innuendos.
  37. ➭ Rude; he is known to be a real dickhead. He sometimes doesn't know when to close his mouth and always has to state his opinions of people, whether they are positive or negative. He knows what to say to really hurt people.
  39. ➭ Impulsive; he doesn't think before he acts often making rash decisions with no proper thought behind them. He says or does things that may hurt people just because of a rush of anger. Sometimes it can be good though, it allows him to seize opportunities before they pass where as other people would carefully think it through and potentially miss the opportunity. Being spontaneous can also be really great in friendships and relationships because instead of hesitating to tell the person how they feel, running the risk of losing them to someone else, he will tell them straight up.
  41. ➭ Candid; He is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. However, he does know how to say things so it doesn't hurt your feelings.
  43. ➭ Misunderstood; although he does sometimes live up to the judgements peolpe have on him, he does like when people who dig deeper and get to know him. People definitely have a certain perception of him and he hates how he can't escape it even when he wants to. They only take him at face value and don't want to go near him. This is why he finds it easier just to live up to their view of him.
  46. trivia ཿ
  47. ➭ He is lactose intolerant.
  48. ➭ He hates the colours orange and yellow.
  49. ➭ He loves boxing because it is a good way to let of some steam.
  50. ➭ His celebrity crushes are Rihanna and Hyuna because he loves their stage presence and the energy they have on stage.
  51. ➭ His favourite footballer is Son Heungmin.
  52. ➭ His favourite movies are Scarface and The Shawshank Redemption.
  53. ➭ He is actually a really good artist and two full artbooks of his works. He also has a wall in his room that he spray paints.
  54. ➭ He has a fear of cotton wool known as sidonglobophobia.
  55. ➭ He often flirts with some of the girls especially BUTTERPECON, RASPBERRIES.
  56. ➭ He is very comfortable with skinship and is usually the one to initiate it.
  57. ➭ He knows a wide variety of combat styles including Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Sanda, Hapkido, Krav maga and more.
  58. ➭ He knows a lot of people meaning he has a lot of connections and this means he can easily find out dirt or information on people.
  60. faceclaim ཿ @cog.j_92
  61. ➭ backup faceclaim ཿ Hongseok ( Pentagon ) [I think he is a better choice since he has a more muscular build however, you can choose either one]
  63. ╰ ꒰ i don't like you.. im just tolerating you "
  65. thoughts on each employee ཿ
  66. ➭ lemon twizzlers = He finds LEMON TWIZZLERS very wise and often goes to him when he needs advice. They don't hang out together often though unless he is with CANDYCRUSH, SWEET BUBBLETEA or BLACKOUT.
  67. ➭ butter pecan = He often flirts with her as well. He finds her sort of annoying and you could consider them more frenemies because although they do get along, they often clash with each other due to disagreements.
  68. ➭ blackout = She is pretty quiet and so he doesn't really have much of an opinion of her. He is waiting for them to have more proper interactions before he judges whether he likes her or not.
  69. ➭ blueberry tea = //
  70. ➭ raspberries = They just seem to not get along. It is not that he hates her or anything but she is just one of those people that he loves to irritate and that is why he is always flirting with her because he knows that she finds it annoying.
  71. ➭ sweet bubble tea = He finds him hilarious and loves how free-spirited and carefree he is. They both love the drama and are often seen gossiping together.
  72. ➭ cherrybomb = He finds her overly happy and overly talkative personality slightly unnerving and very annoying and he doesn't try and sugarcoat his opinions on her. He is confused about why she is seemingly always happy.
  73. ➭ candycrush = He is a very chill and easy-going guy. He finds is laidback personality a good break from the erratic personalities of the other employees. He also likes how CANDYCRUSH doesn't actually care about his promiscuous lifestyle.
  75. closet employee(s) ཿ
  78. least favorite employee(s) ཿ
  81. secret(s) ཿ
  82. ➭ He cheated on his second girlfriend and when she broke up with him, he leaked her nudes as revenge.
  83. ➭ He lost his virginity when he was 16 which is considered underage in Korea.
  84. ➭ When he was 21, he had a fling with one of his friends mothers because she was very attractive. His friend never found out.
  86. requested scenes ཿ
  87. ➭ After finding out that her boyfriend slept with one of the girls, BLACKOUT tries to seduce him and sleep with him and they are about to until on of them (could be LEMON TWIZZLERS) catches them in the act and drags her away.
  88. ➭ Jinwoo flirts with RASPBERRIES and she gets annoyed and stomps on his foot. He groans in pain but then he is back to annoying her. He continues annoying her by grabbing her waist and putting his arm over her shoulder or using dirty pickup lines on her and she finally loses her temper and shouts at him in front of all the customers which makes Jinwoo smirk in victory.
  89. ➭ They play a game of Truth or Dare which is where they start revealing secrets and then they soon forget about the game and get each other to reveal their biggest secrets. This is how they start revealing the stuff that they had been hiding from each other.
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