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Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. - State: as much as you need and as little as you can get away with
  2. - Prefer stateless components
  3. - Keep logic out of your components
  4. - Lazy-load and chunk components when aggressively
  5. - Assume Asynchrony (See above; also—don’t unleash Zalgo)
  6. - Use UI components
  7. - Prefer renderProps to large components
  8. - Start with a story in the storybook
  9. - Use the adapter pattern for managing state
  10. - If the data layer promise resolves—assume everything worked out. Do not try to read responses in your components.
  11. - Location in your application should be reflected in the URL and passed in front React Router. If you find yourself keeping track of the current model (e.g. campaign, template, etc.) in your store, you’re probably doing it wrong.
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