
Chivalry Pt. 8 (Finale)

Jun 15th, 2013
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  1. >Rain pelts the empty cobblestone streets of the night-drenched P0nyville.
  2. >The moon glows an eerie light, illuminating the area around you, and the p0ny who stands opposite.
  3. >It reflects off of his seething eyes.
  4. >A white noise from the rain is all that seems to surround you.
  5. >You tighten your grip around the hilt of your blade and control your breathing, the familiar warm radiation in your chest no longer resonating with you.
  6. >Your eyes stay locked on each other for moments more...
  7. >...
  8. >Shining Armor lifts his head, the levitating blade following suit, and swings his sword hard toward your left.
  9. >You react quickly, raising your blade and blocking the attack.
  10. >The colliding steel bellows a piercing "ting," cutting through the sounds of the falling rain.
  11. >He retracts his weapon, and again seems to stare you down.
  12. >You hold your blade at the ready.
  13. >...
  14. >Again, he swings hard to the right.
  15. >You block it quickly, then raise your weapon upward to block an overhead strike.
  16. >The clings and clangs echo throughout the town.
  17. >He stops once more.
  18. >You return to your base battle stance, breathing a little heavier.
  19. >He simply bores his eyes into yours.
  20. ...Sir--
  21. >He furls his brow.
  22. >You take notice, and grip your weapon tightly.
  23. >His sword comes crashing downward towards you again, the force of rage channeled within it.
  24. >You raise your blade and block.
  25. >Instantly he retracts and swipes from the side.
  26. >But you get there in time to defend, clanging the steels together again.
  27. >He brings his weapon back for just a moment, then thrusts the point.
  28. >You sidestep quickly, and swat the blade further from you with your own.
  29. >The entire time, your eyes have not left his head.
  30. >Ironically enough, it was he who taught this to you.
  31. >Keep your eyes on the unicorn's head, and you'll foresee every attack.
  32. >With your sword always close, you'll have a strong defense.
  33. >His head lurches to the right, and you block another attack.
  34. >The colliding and grinding metal begins to rhythmically fill the streets of P0nyville, with sounds slithering around buildings and through alleyways.
  35. >P0nies are beginning to peek our doors, or exit their houses into the rain to see what the commotion is all about.
  36. >Through the white noise, the piercing sound of clashing blades, and your own concentration, you do not notice the attention that begins to fall upon you and your opponent.
  37. >The levitating sword again floats back to its master, and you resume your stance.
  38. >Shining Armor glares at you from a few meters away.
  39. >...
  40. >He steps with a hoof to the right, a soft clop and a softer splash accompanying the movement.
  41. >He lifts his other legs, and begins to strafe slowly.
  42. >You match these movements, opting to keep your distance, and step to the left.
  43. >You two begin to slowly circle around, eyes completely focused.
  44. >You grip the hilt of your sword.
  45. >On the outside, you look determined, calm, and concentrated.
  46. >But on the inside, you shiver with fright for the outcome of this battle, and sorrow for the mistake of your captain.
  47. >Maybe you could try once more...
  48. Sir Shining Armor...
  49. >You say calmly.
  50. >He doesn't react; he simply continues to strafe.
  51. Please think rationally about this...
  52. >He exhales an angry, horse-like breath from his nostrils.
  53. >"I've done all the thinking I need to. And have seen all that needs to be seen."
  54. >You grit your teeth.
  55. If you could simply hear the night's events from my perspective--
  56. >The aura around his sword brightens.
  57. >The weapon lifts to the air and begins a strong vertical swipe, like a hammer crashing down. You quickly put your sword up horizontally to defend.
  58. >"I don't need to hear--"
  59. >The blades once again crash together loudly.
  60. >"--ANYTHING from you, you swine!"
  61. >He presses his sword strongly down into yours.
  62. >You brace your arms and hold your stance, fighting against the pressure.
  63. >The instruments of war rattle and shake against each other.
  64. >You're trying to keep your distance, but it's proving to be your strongest adversary at this point.
  65. >Your sword is an extension of your arm, not your magic like it is for your opponent.
  66. >...You wish not to harm Shining Armor, but perhaps something can be done once this gap is closed.
  67. >You push with your legs, and move slowly toward Shining Armor, moving his blade with you.
  68. >After a few steps and an increased proximity, he catches on to your ploy.
  69. >You feel the pressure of his sword lighten slightly, and you take your chance.
  70. >You push upward as hard as you can, flinging the opposing blade into the air.
  71. >Still within Shining Armor's magic aura, you quickly swipe down and to the left, knocking it out from his magical grip.
  72. >The blade clangs against the wet cobblestone, sliding mere meters away.
  73. >You lift your sword to Shining Armor--
  74. >...But hesitate.
  75. >...What are you to do?
  76. >You can't kill him...
  77. >But with lightning fast reflexes, Shining Armor gives you a quick, swift headbutt to the gut, right above his horn.
  78. >So quickly he would probably have landed it even without your hesitation.
  79. >You stumble back and attempt to regain the wind knocked from you, but he follows up with a quick upward buck to your chest.
  80. >You're lifted up slightly from the force and pushed back a few feet, collapsing onto the ground on your back.
  81. >Nearly instantly, your ears catch the familiar buzz of charging magic.
  82. >Your eyes lock to the pointed blade quickly stabbing toward you.
  83. >You roll, dodging the attack, the tip of the blade clanging against the ground.
  84. >After a full roll and repositioning on your back, you're able to see his follow up attack, and lift your blade in time to block his swipe.
  85. >The metal again makes piercing, colliding noises, and continues to as you deflect another few slashes.
  86. >You grit your teeth, nervous sweat mixing with rainwater on your forehead.
  87. >Any swipe can end you.
  88. >You give one hard counter slash to his, knocking his blade a decent distance away, offering you enough time to cautiously scramble to your feet.
  89. >You hold your blade in front of you defensively once more.
  90. >The blue-maned stallion eyes you from a few meters away.
  91. >You furl your brow.
  92. >Warm sweat slithers down the side of your face.
  93. >Your sword almost shakes in your hands.
  94. >You try to control your breathing...
  95. >...
  96. >It's now you're starting to notice you've accumulated a bit of an audience.
  97. >Lights are on in houses, and p0nies look onward from it.
  98. >Front doors are left ajar, observers peeking from afar.
  99. >Some even watch in the rain, keeping their distance.
  100. >Others softly mumble, not audible through the rain, but visible from their mouths.
  101. >Word will spread...
  102. >...No, this isn't good.
  103. >Others need not see this quarrel.
  104. >It need not exist at all.
  105. >They need to--
  106. >You quickly raise your blade to the left and block the sideswipe that comes barreling toward you.
  107. >Shining Armor follows with a thrust, which you sidestep, then block the followed-through upward swing.
  108. >You exhale a frustrated breath from your nose.
  109. >If this keeps up, you'll never be able to--
  110. >"Anonymous!" You hear called.
  111. >Your ears perk to attention.
  113. >You are now Rainbow Dash.
  114. >You soar down from the rain-soaked clouds to the front of the library.
  115. >A bit of commotion started up once you finished the night's weather quota... but...
  116. >You never imagined it would be from Twilight's student.
  117. >Fighting her brother...
  118. >What is going on?
  119. Anonymous!
  120. >You call once more, landing in the vicinity.
  121. >Neither he nor Shining Armor seem to budge.
  122. >Their eyes remained locked.
  123. >...This is strange.
  124. >Something has definitely happened here.
  125. >Neither Anonymous nor Shining Armor would ever instigate a fight...
  126. >You shake your mane free of water.
  127. What are you two--
  128. >"Leave, Miss Rainbow Dash, please," Anonymous says, interrupting you.
  129. >His eyes never leave his opponent.
  130. >"This is not safe."
  131. >...Are they for real?
  132. >You gauge their faces.
  133. >Anonymous... focused and concentrated.
  134. >Shining Armor...
  135. >...
  136. >...Angry... Infuriated...
  137. >What is going on?
  138. If you could tell me--
  139. >"Miss Dash, please!"
  140. >You furl your own brow.
  141. What are you even doing!? Are you two just going to kill each other!?
  142. >Anonymous doesn't move.
  143. >But Shining Armor, in his first noticeable action since you arrived, snorts.
  144. >"There's no 'each other' about it."
  145. >Your frustration leaves you for a moment.
  146. >Your eyes widen slightly.
  147. >"I'm cutting him down for what he did. For what this MONSTER has done!"
  148. >He steps forward on the emphasized "monster," raising his blade and swinging it toward Anonymous.
  149. >He grits his teeth and holds up his sword to block.
  150. >Shining Armor keeps his assault going, swiping time after time, trying to break through Anonymous's defense.
  151. >Your mouth gapes.
  152. >What the hell is happening here...?
  153. What are you guys doing!?
  154. >You yell, trying to grab their attention.
  155. Stop this!!
  156. >You take a step forward.
  157. >But Shining Armor turns to you...
  158. >Expression filled to the brim with rage.
  159. >"Leave us, Rainbow Dash! This does NOT concern you!"
  160. >He channels his energy back toward Anonymous, and swings a powerful blow, yelling in anger.
  161. >Anonymous barely manages to block it.
  162. >...He's struggling.
  163. >You bite your lip.
  164. >What has gotten into Shining Armor?
  165. >He's acting insane!
  166. >This needs to be sorted out fast.
  167. >...Where the hell is Twilight during all of this!?
  168. >You dart your head to the tree library in front of you, and quickly take off, soaring up and over the fight in front of you.
  169. >Quickly, you make your way into the structure.
  170. Just hold on, Anonymous...
  171. >You mutter, glancing back quickly.
  172. >You shut the door behind you, and observe the area.
  173. >Sweet Celestia...
  174. >The entire place is trashed...
  175. >Scorches and marks appear all over the floor and walls.
  176. >Furniture is destroyed or overturned.
  177. >What the hell happened...?
  178. >...Is this what Shining Armor was talking about?
  179. >Did Anonymous do this?
  180. >...You shake the thought from your head.
  181. >He couldn't have.
  182. Twilight!
  183. >You call, nimbly fluttering through the air.
  184. >You can still hear the clanging of steel over the pouring rain.
  185. >It unsettles you, adding pressure to your search.
  186. Twilight!
  187. >You do a quick sweep of the first floor...
  188. >But nothing.
  189. >You bite your tongue.
  190. >Darting your head left and right, you locate the stairs up to the second floor.
  191. >Quickly, you zip up the stairs and empty out into the next room.
  192. >Almost immediately, a purple figure on the ground catches your eye.
  193. Twilight!
  194. >You fly down and land, placing your hooves firmly on the--
  195. >...Oh my... what is this?
  196. >You lift your hoof and take a look...
  197. >Some kind of wet, slimy...
  198. >...
  199. >Ugh!!
  200. >You slap your hoof down onto the wooden floor and drag it across.
  201. >You dart your head over to Twilight.
  202. >...As you thought, the substance is leaking out from behind her...
  203. >You scrunch your face in disgust.
  204. >The egghead must've been pretty excited...
  205. >...Anyway.
  206. Twilight!
  207. >You call again.
  208. >But she doesn't respond.
  209. >You lower your ear down to her muzzle...
  210. >...
  211. >Her hot breath softly blows onto you.
  212. >...Thank Celestia.
  213. >You jab her several times with your hoof.
  214. Twilight, wake up! This is an emergency!
  215. >But her unconscious body again fails to recognize you.
  216. >You groan in frustration, the thought of the events occurring running through your mind.
  217. >Time is ticking.
  218. >Your eyes scan the area...
  219. >...Now what around here can you use to--
  220. >Aha!
  221. >You take to the air and bolt into the nearby bathroom.
  222. >Grabbing a small wooden bucket, you fill it to the brim with ice-cold water.
  223. >You carefully keep it level as you enter the main area once again, the bucket balancing in your forehooves.
  224. >Positioned over Twilight, you tip the water over and let it fall.
  225. Wakey wakey!
  226. >It splashes hard onto her face.
  227. >You can practically feel the chilly arctic water second hand.
  228. >Almost instantly, Twilight's eyes bolt open, her pupils the size of pinpricks.
  229. >She screams, and launches into the air in shock and surprise.
  230. >You snag her on the way down, holding her in the air.
  231. Twilight!
  232. >Her head bobs left and right drowsily in acknowledgement.
  233. >"Ohh..." she mumbles groggily, hoof to her head.
  234. Snap to it! Come on!
  235. >She opens her half lidded eyes, and they lock to yours.
  236. >"...Rainbow?"
  237. >You place her back down onto the ground.
  238. Twilight! What happened here?
  239. >She lies down on the ground slowly.
  240. Twilight, no!
  241. >You dart back down and lift her up to her hooves.
  242. >She weakly attempts to maintain balance, her legs wobbling under her weight.
  243. >Your expression contorts to that of concern.
  244. What happened to you, Twilight?
  245. >She shakes her head and tries to take a step, but stumbles, falling back to the ground.
  246. >You nimbly drop down and pick her up, taking back to the air once again.
  247. >She holds her head and shakes it.
  248. >"I... I don't know... I was having tea with Fluttershy... and after that..."
  249. >She pauses for a moment.
  250. >...
  251. >Suddenly, her eyes widen.
  252. >Her face turns a light shade of pink.
  253. >"Oh no... no, I couldn't have..."
  254. >She closes her eyes tightly.
  255. >"Sweet Celestia..."
  256. >She stays silent for a moment...
  257. >Small tears form in the corner of her eyes.
  258. >You sigh a little.
  259. Twilight, tell me what happened, quickly. If we don't hurry and do something, your brother might end up killing your student!
  260. >Her eyes shoot open again.
  261. >"What!?"
  263. >You raise your blade quickly upward, blocking the strike from your opponent.
  264. >Panting heavily, you hold against the pressure he adds.
  265. >You try to push him off, but your arms are so exhausted.
  266. >Your triceps give in, and his blade and yours press down into your chest.
  267. >It drags and slices across your leather armor before you manage to jump back out of the way.
  268. >Exhausted, you raise your sword once again.
  269. >He brings his down hard from above, and you barely have enough time to counter.
  270. >It slams into your own, knocking you slightly off balance, and leaving your sword exposed in one hand.
  271. >He furls his brow and capitalizes, swinging his blade once again hard into your own.
  272. >The hilt jerks suddenly from your wet hand as it slips from your grip...
  273. >...It's like time slows down.
  274. >Your sword flips and turns in the air, falling further and further from you.
  275. >It clanks into the wet cobblestone, echoing off the buildings around you as it slides through the water.
  276. No...
  277. >You reach your hand out in vain, as if to grab it...
  278. >...But you know it's no use.
  279. >Shining Armor's sword levitates swiftly to your neck before you can even think of what you're doing.
  280. >You freeze as the steel lightly presses against your flesh.
  281. >He stands utterly still, eyes boring into you.
  282. >Both of you pause, silent, the rain coming down around you...
  283. >...
  284. >You've been bested.
  285. >You drop to your knees with a light splash, the blade following you on your way down.
  286. >The p0nies around begin to whisper and gasp again.
  287. >You look to Shining Armor once more.
  288. >He's as still as a statue.
  289. >...
  290. >You bring your hand over your chest...
  291. >...And close your eyes, dropping your head.
  292. >You try to steady your breathing.
  293. >How could this happen...?
  294. >Is there nothing you can do...?
  295. >...No...
  296. >You've lost.
  297. >You hear Shining Armor take a deep breath...
  298. >...And feel the blade lift from your neck.
  299. >...You can foresee what's going to occur.
  300. >You tighten your eyes and brace yourself...
  301. >...
  302. >Suddenly, a loud sound invades your hearing, like a door being kicked open.
  303. >"Shining Armor!!"
  304. >...That voice!
  305. >Your eyes shoot open, and you bolt your head to the door.
  306. >A weak Twilight supported by Rainbow Dash stands at the threshold of the library.
  307. >You stumble back, falling down onto the wet ground.
  308. >Oh no...
  309. >She's awake...
  310. >By the gods, she--
  311. >"Twilight, what are you doing!?" Shining Armor booms.
  312. >"What am I doing? What are YOU doing!?"
  313. >She slowly makes her way towards her brother.
  314. >You instinctively try to move out of the way...
  315. >But a point presses into your chest.
  316. >"Stay where you are."
  317. >You freeze.
  318. >"Shining Armor, stop that!"
  319. >She tries her best to command a sort of authority.
  320. >But it's easy to tell she's exhausted beyond even her own comprehension.
  321. >"You shouldn't be out here! You shouldn't be walking around after what happened to you!"
  322. >He darts his eyes to the other mare.
  323. >"Rainbow Dash! Why in the world would you--"
  324. >"And what exactly happened to me, Shining Armor?" Twilight scolds.
  325. >He narrows his eyes.
  326. >And sighs.
  327. >"Don't... Don't make me say it..."
  328. >He grunts.
  329. >"It's enough that I had to see the evidence for myself..."
  330. >"Shining Armor, do you even--"
  331. >"And THIS worm--!" he shouts, slamming his blade into the cobblestone beside you.
  332. >It clangs loudly directly into your ear.
  333. >"--needs to pay for his crimes!"
  334. Shining Armor--
  335. >"Shut it!!"
  336. >His blade rises once more, trotting over to you and bending his head close to yours.
  337. >His eyes...
  338. >"He should be cut to pieces for what he did to you! Flayed alive! Decapitated with the force of-- OOF!"
  339. >Rainbow Dash delivers a hard buck to his side, completely throwing him off balance.
  340. >She glares in his direction for a bit, before placing her hind hooves back onto the ground.
  341. >She walks over to you, and offers a hoof.
  342. >You look to her, and her offer...
  343. >...And sigh in relief.
  344. >You clasp it with your hand, and she helps you up to your feet.
  345. >"You alright there, big guy?"
  346. >You try to wipe the water from your clothing.
  347. I've... been better, Miss Rainbow Dash.
  348. >Shining Armor recovers from the buck and storms over to you two, blade still drawn.
  349. >"Why are you helping this scoundrel? Rainbow, do you even know what he--"
  350. >"WHAT--" Twilight interrupts, "--exactly do you believe happened, Shining?"
  351. >He turns his head to his sister.
  352. >"He r... I mean... he took..."
  353. >He lowers his head and clenches his eyes.
  354. >"He... he..."
  355. >"...Raped me?"
  356. >His eyes shoot open.
  357. >"Is that what you think he did?"
  358. >He sighs.
  359. >"It's what I know he did."
  360. >Twilight sighs at her brother.
  361. >"No, brother. Anonymous did not try to rape me..."
  362. >She shamefully and regretfully looks your way.
  363. >"...I tried to rape him."
  364. >It's like some kind of mental bar pierces Shining Armor's mind.
  365. >"You... You did what!?" he exclaims.
  366. >He gapes toward her.
  367. >"But... you were on the ground... with your... and it was..."
  368. >"It was Estrus," she interrupts again.
  369. >It shuts Shining Armor right up.
  370. >You shift in place a little bit.
  371. >"Somehow my cycle was triggered... and... well, Anonymous was the only male near me, and I..."
  372. >She lowers her head.
  373. >"I... I tried to satisfy my needs..."
  374. >You remain silent.
  375. >In fact, everybody does.
  376. >You absorb the atmosphere for a little bit.
  377. >The rain pitter-pattering against the pavement, the p0nies still watching from afar.
  378. >You silently wonder if they're hearing any of this.
  379. >Twilight sighs once again.
  380. >"Why would you think that of Anonymous? Why would you assume he'd do something like that?"
  381. >Shining Armor hesitates.
  382. >"It was--"
  383. >"Your assumption almost cost him his life!"
  384. >It was NO assumption!" He retorts instantly.
  385. >He breathes, as if his statement cost him stamina.
  386. >...Fighting with his sister must not happen very often.
  387. >"There was an eye witness. I was told she saw... everything."
  388. >He finally lowers his blade after all this time.
  389. >"That she saw Anonymous for the animal he was..."
  390. >His sword drops to the ground with a clank.
  391. >"By Celestia, was I putting faith and stock in the wrong p0ny...?"
  392. >For the first time since you've seen him... rage leaves his face.
  393. >But the emotion replacing it wasn't any better.
  394. >The shame, the regret, the embarrassment...
  395. >"She's an Element, a friend to the Princess and a savior of the Kingdom... why would she lie to me about something like this...?"
  396. >Twilight tries to take a step forward, but stumbles.
  397. >Luckily, Rainbow Dash is there to catch her.
  398. >"Who?" She manages to ask.
  399. >This whole experience has been so taxing on her.
  400. >Shining Armor looks to her, then you.
  401. >Your expression is stoic and stern.
  402. >You already know the answer to this.
  403. >"...Fluttershy."
  404. >...
  405. >Twilight only exhales slowly.
  406. >"...As I thought. She's the one who served me my tea..."
  407. >You say nothing.
  408. >She turns to you.
  409. >"Anonymous... I'm so sorry. I... I should have believed, you, I--"
  410. >"And I, Anonymous," Shining Armor interrupts. "I almost... I let my rage get the best of me, and I trusted the wrong p0ny, I... I should have believed you..."
  411. >He clenches his eyes once more.
  412. >"By Celestia," he says, on the brink of tears, "I almost killed my best friend..."
  413. >"Anon, I'm so sorry... about everything..."
  414. >...
  415. >You look to these two p0nies.
  416. >Both who have wronged you so drastically.
  417. >Passed off fact as mere fibs.
  418. >Tried to abuse and take advantage of you...
  419. >And even tried to kill you...
  420. >Now, they hang their heads in shame, begging for mercy.
  421. >Tears in their eyes.
  422. >...
  423. >You look over to your blade, sitting on the wet ground.
  424. >It glistens in the moonlight.
  425. >...
  426. ...Come now.
  427. >You say, as you take the first step toward your sword.
  428. Dry your tears; I'll have no regret from either of you.
  429. >You hear them practically gasp as you bend over and pick up your sword.
  430. >You sheathe it with a satisfying, metal-dragging sound.
  431. >"But Anon--"
  432. You were merely pawns. Soldiers lied to and manipulated by a foe. The fault is not yours.
  433. >They both look to you in such disbelief.
  434. >You walk back over to them
  435. No apologies tonight.
  436. >Twilight gazes up to you, tears welling in her eyes.
  437. >"...Oh, Anon..."
  438. >She practically falls forward, her face burying into your stomach as she begins sobbing.
  439. >It catches you a little off guard, freezing you up a bit, until you begin awkwardly patting the back of her head.
  440. >Shining Armor says nothing.
  441. >He looks to you with an expression almost unreadable.
  442. >His eyes angry. Not at you, but at himself.
  443. >The shame burrows deep within him.
  444. >"...No." He states.
  445. >He turns his back to you.
  446. >"I don't deserve your forgiveness, Anonymous."
  447. >You try to smile reassuringly, but the strength doesn't come to you.
  448. Sir, you were only protecting your sister, if you--
  449. >"I won't accept it. I'm sorry. I can't."
  450. >The rain soaks into his white coat and blue mane.
  451. >He stands so close to you all, yet isolated in his own way.
  452. >"But Anonymous... why?" Rainbow chimes in, "Why would Fluttershy do this?"
  453. >Your eyebrows furl.
  454. She has some sort of... infatuation with me. I imagine this whole ploy was orchestrated by her to weaken me for herself.
  455. >A stomp catches your attention.
  456. >You and Rainbow look over to the third p0ny, gritting his teeth angrily at the ground.
  457. >"That mare... she used me... used my sister... tried to get us to hurt you..."
  458. >He looks up, his eyes meeting yours.
  459. >"She'll face the consequences of her actions."
  460. >You return his look, and nod.
  461. Be wary, friend.
  462. >You say.
  463. >Twilight finally lifts her face from you.
  464. I do not feel she's alone with this endeavor.
  465. >You look up to the sky, still giving the earth a hearty drink of water.
  466. I have been... feeling something for some time now. Some sort of force...
  467. >You think back to your encounter with her at the hospital.
  468. ...I worry Fluttershy may not even be herself anymore.
  469. >A familiar sheathing noise snags your attention back to the p0nies around you.
  470. >"Well," Shining Armor begins, sword placed in its scabbard, "if we want answers, we better ask at the source."
  471. >He faces the rest of P0nyville.
  472. >"...Get some rest, Anonymous. I'll figure out what's going on."
  473. >He puts a hoof forward.
  474. Sir Shining Armor, wait--!
  475. >Before you can say anything, he gallops off.
  476. >Toward Fluttershy's cottage.
  477. >...You groan.
  478. >"What is it, Anonymous?" Rainbow Dash asks.
  479. >You turn around to face her.
  480. Fluttershy hasn't been at her cottage in days, Sir Shining Armor isn't going to get anywhere.
  481. >Rainbow takes to the sky.
  482. >"Well come on, let's go find him and tell him then!"
  483. No.
  484. >You say, changing her expression and grounding her again.
  485. Please, stay with Twilight, she needs you to look after her.
  486. >You sigh.
  487. I will go.
  488. >Twilight interjects.
  489. >"But Anon, your fight with Shining Armor... are you well enough?"
  490. >You nod.
  491. I'll be fine, Twilight.
  492. >...In truth, you're rather tired.
  493. >But this can't wait.
  494. >You'll find the strength.
  495. Worry not, I'll be back soon.
  496. >Rainbow and Twilight nod.
  497. >You turn around and take a step forward.
  498. >"Anon, wait!" Twilight beckons.
  499. >You turn back around, just in time to see a spell collide into your chest.
  500. >It holds no force though, and it settles into you, relieving and opening inside you.
  501. >...You feel alive again.
  502. >A warmth begins to radiate
  503. >You feel your chest lighten and open inside
  504. >...Your magic...
  505. >The casting almost makes Twilight collapse.
  506. >Rainbow picks her up and nods in your direction, then flutters off further into the town.
  507. >Yes... perhaps the library isn't the best place for her now.
  508. >You place your hand softly over your chest once again.
  509. >...Ah.
  510. >With newfound strength, you sprint as quickly as you can after Shining Armor.
  512. >Many p0nies try to jump into your way and ask what's going on.
  513. >You hate to be rude, but you have no time for these idle inquiries.
  514. >You weave around them without a second thought, and quicker than you realize, you're out of P0nyville, heading down the path to the cottage.
  515. >You sigh a little.
  516. >How many times have you done this already?
  517. >If only he had listened...
  518. >You should have strategized your next move together at the library.
  519. >...But this is no time for could-have-beens.
  520. >Your familiar walk across the brook reveals an already-open door.
  521. >Not surprised, you step inside the run-down area, the not-so-distant sound of hoofsteps bouncing off the walls around you.
  522. >You clear your throat.
  523. Sir Shining Armor...
  524. >A curious sound escapes his mouth from around the corner, before he quickly trots out.
  525. >"Anonymous," he bumbles, "what are you doing here?"
  526. >You walk further into the house, hand on your sword's hilt.
  527. >"I thought you'd be resting..."
  528. >You shake your head.
  529. >Well... better just cut to the chase.
  530. Sir, I've examined this area many times... Fluttershy hasn't been here in quite some time.
  531. >He looks to the ground, then casually kicks a fallen lamp with a hoof.
  532. >"I've... come to that conclusion too."
  533. >You sigh.
  534. >"But if she hasn't been here... then where HAS she been?"
  535. >You walk across the room, dragging your fingers across the worn fabric of her abandoned couch.
  536. A mystery for sure.
  537. >You reply.
  538. >It's clearly been a while.
  539. >All her animals have gone...
  540. >How could she have--
  541. >A thumping sound grasps both your and Shining Armor's attention.
  542. >Your heads quickly snap to the staircase, the collisions trailing down each step.
  543. >Soon, a small white rabbit hops into the main area, making it about halfway across before he notices the two of you.
  544. >You look curiously to Shining Armor.
  545. >Instantly, the rabbit rushes over to you, tugging on your leggings and making all sorts of gestures with a distressed face.
  546. >The blue maned stallion returns your confused look.
  547. What's the matter, small creature?
  548. >You ask, crouching down to suit its level more.
  549. >He thumps his foot on the ground and points in a direction with both hands.
  550. >You rub your chin a little bit, and look over to where he is pointing.
  551. >At the other end of the house.
  552. >There's a window there.
  553. ...That is the backyard, correct?
  554. >Shining Armor walks to the nearby window.
  555. >"It seems so. She's got a lot of space to-- Sweet Celestia!"
  556. >You spring to your feet.
  557. What is it?
  558. >Shining Armor doesn't respond, he simply breaks out into a full gallop toward and out the front door.
  559. >You hold out your arm as if to stop him, then instantly break out into a run following.
  560. >You see him lap around the corner of the cottage, and you quickly follow suit.
  561. >As you begin running into the large back area, you spot Shining Armor, standing at a distance, watching a figure.
  562. >You step up next to him, his face concentrated, and look in his direction too.
  563. >Near the brink of the forest...
  564. >...A yellow pegasus.
  565. >She holds a pair of ducks, both of which do not seem to be enjoying her company.
  566. >They quack in panic and flap their wings, but Fluttershy holds them tightly.
  567. >"I'm sorry, but this needs to be done," you barely hear from this distance, "your sacrifice won't be in vain."
  568. >Shining Armor exhales quickly, tightening his eyes.
  569. >He charges his horn and draws his blade.
  570. >"Fluttershy!" he calls, beginning a swift run toward her.
  571. >You can practically see her heart jump from her chest.
  572. >She drops the ducks in shock, and freezes in place, flustered and unsure of what to do.
  573. >The poor animals scatter and cry, flapping their wings desperately, trying to escape.
  574. >This is definitely not the same Fluttershy from before...
  575. >You quickly break out into a run after him, approaching the pegasus yourself.
  576. >Fluttershy takes notice of this, and grits her teeth at your presence.
  577. >"You're under arrest, by order of the Royal Guard of Canterlot!"
  578. >She wastes no time, and turns around galloping into the Everfree Forest.
  579. >You draw your own sword and follow closely behind Shining Armor.
  580. >It's been about six or seven seconds since she entered the wilderness by the time you two arrive.
  581. >For the first time in a while, you are shielded from the rain, but the trees also serve to make your environment even darker.
  582. >Little moonlight makes it through the leaves, and you and your superior both come to a halt on the path.
  583. >"Damn!" Shining Armor curses. "Which way did she go!?"
  584. >You zip your head around in all directions, trying to gather some sort of clue.
  585. >She was on foot... or hoof...
  586. >And it's been raining...
  587. >So there should be...
  588. ...There!
  589. >You point down to the path.
  590. >Shining Armor follows your signal, and too, takes notice.
  591. >Muddy hoofprints sunken into the dirt path.
  592. >Leading gradually into the thicker part of the woods.
  593. >"Come on, no time to waste!" Shining Armor bellows, galloping after the trail so generously left behind.
  594. >You again follow, at first down the simple dirt path, before heading through thicker areas, such as ferns and dark trees, and lastly a plethora of shallow bushes that slowly rise uphill.
  595. >It's hard to see through these obstructions, and soon, Shining Armor seems to lose the exact path, leaving you on the side of some hill.
  596. >He darts his lead left and right, then angrily slams his hoof into the ground.
  597. >"Blast it all!" he shouts through his gritted teeth.
  598. >You look around for a moment.
  599. Perhaps if we were to retrace our steps, we could--
  600. >You're violently interrupted.
  601. >"You did WHAT!?" A voice booms.
  602. >It cuts you off and silences you immediately.
  603. >Shining Armor raises his head, ears perked, towards the direction.
  604. >You both stand in silence for a moment.
  605. >What a powerful voice...
  606. >Such a deep, raspy presence to it.
  607. >It's like nothing you've ever heard.
  608. What was that...?
  609. >You manage to say.
  610. >"I... I don't know."
  611. >...A chill runs up your spine.
  612. >"...It came from uphill," Shining Armor states, calmer.
  613. >You nod, and grip the hilt of your blade tighter.
  614. >"...Any idea who that was?"
  615. >You silently shake your head.
  616. >Shining Armor nods slowly at your response.
  617. >"Well..." he musters, "maybe someone we know does."
  618. >You don't say anything.
  619. >You've got an odd feeling about this.
  620. >"Come on, let's go."
  621. ...Right.
  622. >You both make your way up the hill, ears perked and ready for cues.
  623. >Nothing as loud as the outburst from before graces either of you, but after a little bit of slight climbing, mumbles can be heard.
  624. >You wrap your way around the hill, eventually coming to the top, where a cave seems to rest.
  625. >Voices come from inside...
  626. >You both crouch down low, and approach as slowly as possible.
  627. >It's impossible to see who's talking from the thick darkness of the cave.
  628. >You begin to make out a few things.
  629. >"...foolish! How utterly incompetent of you!"
  630. >It's the same deep, disturbing voice from before.
  631. >It makes your insides churn.
  632. >A small whimper trails after it.
  633. >"You'll lead them right to us! The boy and his master are a persistent pair, and I am not at my peak strength yet!"
  634. >Shining Armor looks to you.
  635. >His eyes telling so many emotions.
  636. >How does this guy know of us?
  637. >You give him the same look in return.
  638. >Who is this...?
  639. >You approach the mouth of the cave, blades at the ready.
  640. >You keep low, and try to eavesdrop for a little more for info.
  641. >"If you had used the wits I so doubt you have, perhaps you could have led them..."
  642. >...He trails off.
  643. >You and Shining Armor keep absolutely still.
  644. >A terrible feeling washes over you.
  645. >Glancing to your companion, you can tell he's feeling the same thing.
  646. >"...Fluttershy, my dear. I do believe we have... guests."
  647. >You suppress a guttural sound of shock as every drop of blood in your veins turns icy cold.
  648. >From the depths of the cave, a green light begins forming.
  649. >It casts the silhouette of a row of teeth, the light dancing and swimming around each individual tooth.
  650. >Shining Armor's eyes widen in shock and surprise.
  651. >"Anonymous, look out!"
  652. >He dives into you, tackling you across the cave opening's threshold.
  653. >A wave of green fire rockets out from the depths of the darkness, scorching the area you once occupied mere seconds ago.
  654. >You hit the rocky surface and gasp, Shining Armor leaping off of you as quickly as possible.
  655. >The jet of fire stops, and whatever caused it begins to bellow a deep, disturbing laugh.
  656. >An absolute feeling of dread envelops your heart.
  657. >"Anonymous, rise." Shining Armor commands.
  658. >You stutter a moment, then nod, quickly regaining your footing.
  659. >You tighten the grip you hold on your weapon.
  660. >Shining Armor furls his brow, then charges his horn.
  661. >It coats in an orange color for a moment, before the aura shoots out into the darkness, toward the top of the cave.
  662. >You keep your eye on it.
  663. >As the light travels, it finds the highest point, and bursts.
  664. >Like a flare, it illuminates nearly the entire cave with a dim orange glow.
  665. >All manner of things become visible.
  666. >The large and small rocks scattered about.
  667. >The age-old ruin and cracks that litter the area.
  668. >...The many, many different variety of animal bones and corpses...
  669. >...And the inhabitants of it...
  670. >Shining Armor's focused demeanor completely drops.
  671. >You nearly lose grip of your weapon.
  672. >Your foot almost takes a step back on its own.
  673. >Fluttershy resides in the cave, huddled up close to the supposed origin of the flames and voice.
  674. >It towers, almost fifteen feet in height, and forty in length.
  675. >Its scales are a smoky black.
  676. >A maw of razor sharp teeth graces its demonic smile.
  677. >Wings as black as night branch from its back.
  678. >And its eyes glow an eerie, disturbing red.
  679. >You're left speechless.
  680. >No. Breathless.
  681. >Never before has the thought of seeing one ever crossed your mind.
  682. >Not a full-grown one, anyhow.
  683. >Nor one so sinister and demonic looking.
  684. >It observes your dumbfounded expression, and laughs once more.
  685. >"Ah, so sorry, gentlemen. I was under the impression you two were knights."
  686. >Fluttershy notices your fear-stricken bodies as well, and a smug smile crosses her face.
  687. >"Do knights not have sufficient experience dealing with my kind?"
  688. >A bead of sweat slides down the side of your face.
  689. >"Dealing with..."
  690. >You grip the hilt of your sword even tighter.
  691. >"...Dragons?"
  692. >Fluttershy lets out a small chuckle, and takes to the air.
  693. >She flies up over the creature's back, and rests herself just between its wings.
  694. >Shining Armor struggles to find words.
  695. >"I've... I've seen a dragon or two while serving, but never... never one like..."
  696. >"...Myself?"
  697. >Shining Armor snaps himself to it.
  698. >The dragon laughs once more.
  699. >"I can assure you, I'm... one of a kind."
  700. >Smoke slithers from its nostrils.
  701. >"Anonymous..." Shining Armor mutters, "this doesn't look good..."
  702. >You don't respond, you only focus on the target in front of you.
  703. >All kinds of emotions and feelings are swimming inside of you.
  704. >Fear, anger, determination, worry...
  705. >...Dread.
  706. >It's all so... overwhelming.
  707. >"Anonymous..." a feminine voice calls from within the cave.
  708. >You try to control your breathing.
  709. >"I'm... different now. With his help, I've become the kind of mare who can... who can get what she wants."
  710. >"Don't listen to her," Shining Armor snorts.
  711. >"Please, don't make this harder than it needs to be. Just give in, come to me... maybe my Lord will be merciful to you."
  712. >The dragon lets loose a low, subtle, rumbly laugh.
  713. >"Anonymous..." your companion reassures.
  714. >...
  715. Fluttershy... look at what you have become.
  716. >Her face becomes stoic.
  717. You have become so desperate... sacrificed your own animal friends... made a companion with this... this creature.
  718. >The dragon grins.
  719. Set friend on friend as if foe... and why? For me? For my heart and affection?
  720. >Fluttershy doesn't respond.
  721. Did you believe this would win my heart? Such a petty, insignificant desire has driven you to give power to this beast... have you not thought of the consequences?
  722. >...
  723. Have you not?!
  724. >...
  725. >"I... I just want you to love me, Anonymous."
  726. >...Your face grows cross.
  727. >"And I'll do anything I can to have that realized."
  728. >She looks down to the black dragon under her.
  729. >"Anything..."
  730. >The creature laughs once more.
  731. >It lifts up a clawed foot, and crashes it down into the cave ground.
  732. >Dust and chips of rocks flitter and shower from the ceiling.
  733. >Both you and Shining Armor ready your blades.
  734. >"My dear boy... do you not see? You are breaking my poor caretaker's heart."
  735. >"What do you know about love, you monster?" Shining Armor snaps.
  736. >"You poor things... so ignorant to your own effects on this mare's feelings..."
  737. >His claw digs into the ground.
  738. >"I ought to swat you both like flies for your stupidity!"
  739. >It lets out a small roar, and reels back on both hind legs, readying its front claws.
  740. >"Anonymous, get ready!" Shining Armor beckons.
  741. >You both hold your blades in a fighter's stance.
  742. >Its claws slam hard in front of you both, fissuring the rock beneath you.
  743. >You stumble a little, but grab your balance, enough to jump away from the slowly growing cracked rock.
  744. >The dragon paws at the ground once more, staring you down.
  745. >You try to keep your focus.
  746. >"M-My Lord..." Fluttershy stammers, "please... if... if he could survive your wrath alive..."
  747. >You observe the dragon's subtle movements, trying to get a read of his manner of mobility.
  748. >"Don't worry, my dear, I'll be sure the boy is kept alive and ready for your affection."
  749. >You and Shining Armor glance to each other quickly, your eyes briefly meeting.
  750. >You clench your fist, tapping into the recently reborn power within you.
  751. >"Well... alive enough..."
  752. >You quickly shoot your hand in front of you, fingertips pointed toward your foe.
  753. Bronte!
  754. >Familiar electrical bolts jet from each finger.
  755. >They jab and scrape into the dragon, bellowing a roar of surprise.
  756. >You keep hold.
  757. >Good.
  758. >This creature can be harmed by your magic.
  759. >Shining Armor takes this opportunity, swiftly galloping to its side, lurching his sword toward it.
  760. >But the beast swings out its arm, colliding into the blade and sending it off course.
  761. >You grit your teeth, but let up soon after.
  762. >This defense seems to have harmed its arm.
  763. >A small glimmer of hope rises within you.
  764. >But it's quickly put back to rest when the dragon uses its arm to swipe out at Shining Armor once more.
  765. >He barely dodges this strike, and hops back a good couple of yards when it tries it a third time.
  766. >Finally, the dragon turns its attention back to you.
  767. >With your electricity still coursing through it, the dragon lifts its legs, slowly repositioning itself to face you.
  768. >Each step rumbles the cave around you.
  769. >You try to strengthen your spell, but it's clear this foe can power through your assault.
  770. >When its black head finally shows your way, it reels its neck back, smoke bellowing out from its nostrils.
  771. >Your eyes widen at the realization.
  772. >"Anonymous!!" Your captain calls from across the cave.
  773. >But you already know.
  774. >You cease the electrical spell at once, drawing your fist back to your side, drop your sword, and swipe both hands across your body as quickly as possible.
  775. >The dragon lets loose, extending its head in your direction and gaping its maw.
  776. >Searing hot green flames soar toward you.
  777. Contego Maximus!!
  778. >Without a second to spare, the purple shield appears in front of you.
  779. >The flames slam into the psychic energy, pouring around you like a stream of water avoiding a boulder in its wake.
  780. >You can feel the heat surround you; sweat begins to bead on your forehead and trail down your face.
  781. >Finally, the barrage of fire comes to an end, the last of the flames dancing around your shield before disappearing into the air.
  782. >You drop the magic barrier and take possession of your blade, holding it out in the direction of your foe.
  783. >It lifts its front claw and steps toward you, leering its head in a bit.
  784. >"You are proving far more bothersome than I had anticipated."
  785. >You don't say a word, and continue to hold your stance.
  786. >Shining Armor takes notice of where the dragon's attention lays, and swiftly charges a spell.
  787. >He fires a low level Ignis spell, the fireball hitting into its side, searing its scales a bit, and drawing its attention to your p0ny captain.
  788. >With the dragon distracted for this moment, you brace your legs into the cracking stone ground and charge.
  789. >Before it can even lash out at Shining Armor, or pick up on your advancement, your blade pierces into its arm.
  790. >It reels back in pain as you dig it in, then rip it out, carving its arm nicely.
  791. >Black smoke seeps from its wound.
  792. >It groans once more, then, with speed you thought not possible, whips its clawed arm toward you, backhanding you.
  793. >You soar backward, colliding into the decaying cave wall.
  794. >A moan of pain escapes you as you slink to the ground.
  795. >"Anonymous!" Shining Armor calls.
  796. >You struggle to open your eyes once more, and struggle back to your feet, using your sword as a brace.
  797. >On top of the dragon, Fluttershy looks to you with some odd mixture of lust and concern.
  798. >Shining Armor exhales angrily, and levitates his blade, whipping it toward the dragon.
  799. >It lifts its arm to block, and the sword connects, again slicing shallowly into its arm.
  800. >The dragon's eyes narrow.
  801. >It bares its teeth, and slowly, the cave begins to rumble.
  802. >It growls lowly.
  803. >When you finally get your bearings once again, the growl transforms to a roar, and it lashes out, throwing the sword from its arm with the sheer force of its movement.
  804. >"ENOUGH!" It bellows as your captain's weapon clangs off the wall and floor.
  805. >It stretches out its wings, the forceful push crashing into the cave ceiling.
  806. >It begins to crumble, boulders and debris raining down from above.
  807. >"I no longer have the time nor patience to toy with such insignificant insects such as yourselves!"
  808. >The moonlight begins to shine through the openings above.
  809. >"Fluttershy, you may claim your reward another time. Early as it may be, it's time for me to take my place among these pitiful p0nies."
  810. >It bends its legs, getting ready, then launches itself upward, crashing through the remainder of the cave, completely obliterating the ceiling.
  811. >You turn away and shield your face, narrowly avoiding the remaining debris.
  812. >Shining Armor recollects his sword and quickly gallops toward you.
  813. >You look up into the sky.
  814. >The moonlight shines down, casting the silhouette of a massive flying creature soaring through the sky.
  815. >It turns in the air, beginning to fly back toward the remnants of the cave.
  816. >You take a step back.
  817. >"Uh oh..."
  818. >You spot the soft green glow from its mouth.
  819. >"Anonymous, behind me!" Shining Armor commands.
  820. >You snap yourself from your stare, and duck down as quickly as you can.
  821. >The white-hot green flames once again bellow from its mouth; a final divebombing attack.
  822. >Shining Armor gets a Contego Maximus spell up just in time, shielding you both from the heated assault.
  823. >A booming, swooping noise rattles your ears as the large mass soars over you, rattling the rocks around you, and turns in the air, flying over the Everfree Forest.
  824. >When the flames finally die down, Shining Armor drops the shield, and gallops to the edge of the hill.
  825. >He watches the mass fly.
  826. >You catch your breath after that heart-pounding assault.
  827. >You look to the sword in your hand, and grip it tightly.
  828. >What evil is this...?
  829. >This creature...
  830. >...Is it here because of you?
  831. >If Fluttershy hadn't made this deal...
  832. >Perhaps...
  833. >...
  834. >"Anonymous..."
  835. >You move your head up, holding the sword to your side, and approach your superior.
  836. Sir Shining Armor, this...
  837. >You sigh.
  838. This is my doing...
  839. >Shining Armor stares off into the distance.
  840. >"This is no time to be assigning blame."
  841. Fluttershy... she did these deeds because of me. If I hadn't come here, hadn't have met her, perhaps I... perhaps this beast--
  842. >"--Would have found a way to come into this world anyway."
  843. >You open your eyes in slight surprise.
  844. >"This isn't your fault, Anonymous," he says, turning to you.
  845. >His blue eyes pierce into yours.
  846. >His blue mane blows softly in the wind.
  847. >And for the first time since his last visit...
  848. >...He smiles.
  849. >"The only thing Fluttershy ensured is that you're here to fight it."
  850. >He pauses, and just looks at you warmly.
  851. >The rain begins to let up.
  852. >You sit in shock for a moment...
  853. >...But laugh softly, and smile.
  854. >Shining Armor continues to do the same.
  855. >But you both are torn from your happy retreat as you hear the creature bellow a screeching roar from afar.
  856. >You dart your eyes to where it could be.
  857. >"Oh no..." Shining Armor mumbles.
  858. >You look off into the distance.
  859. >...Oh my...
  860. >You think you've made the same discovery.
  861. Sir...
  862. >Shining Armor turns to you.
  863. >"Anonymous, that town won't last with a beast like that attacking it!"
  864. >All kinds of emotions whirl around inside of you.
  865. >Your friends!
  866. >Your fellow villagers!
  867. >They're all in danger!
  868. >You push off the ground and begin dashing down the hill.
  869. >"Hey, wait!!" Shining Armor calls after you.
  870. >You screech to a halt, and bolt around.
  871. Sir, we have no time for waiting! We must hurry!
  872. >"I know, you oaf!" He says, galloping next to you. "Do you think we'll make it there in time on hoof?"
  873. >You look off into the distance.
  874. >"Quickly, grab onto me, we'll teleport!"
  875. >You lift your hand in slight hesitation.
  876. >You've never tried this before...
  877. >...But now's not the time for uncertainty and fright!
  878. >You take a breath and place your hand down onto his back.
  879. >Shining Armor nods, and instantly begins charging his horn.
  880. >With a flash, you both disappear from the lonely, ruinous cavern of the Everfree Forest.
  882. >In an instant, you and Shining Armor both appear into existence within P0nyville Square.
  883. >You stumble a little as you exit, but quickly get your bearings.
  884. >Immediately, your ears pick up on the chaos around you.
  885. >P0nies shriek and scream, and scanning the town with your eyes, all manner of them run and gallop for safety.
  886. >You can hear the hard, booming beating of powerful wings.
  887. >You raise your head up high, spotting the towering dragon nearly eclipsing Luna's moon.
  888. >Fluttershy sits atop its back still, smiling a sort of devilish, delightful grin.
  889. >"HEAR MY WORD, P0NIES!" it booms.
  890. >The townsfolk around you all screech and cower at his words.
  892. >Shining Armor grits his teeth.
  893. >"This dragon's mad!" he exclaims angrily.
  895. >It booms a demonic laugh before opening its maw and breathing a sea of green flames.
  896. >Shaking its head left and right, the flames pour out and settle onto the cobblestone ground and a few houses.
  897. >P0nies bolt from the danger in sheer terror.
  898. >It finishes its searing spit, then scans the landscape.
  899. >Its eyes lock with yours.
  900. >Your entire body seems to freeze up for a moment.
  901. >Its glowing red eyes narrow.
  902. >"P0nies!" it announces, "it seems your saviors have arrived! Knights straight from the Canterlot Guard!"
  903. >You wince at these words, as if some kind of expectation is being thrown to you.
  904. >The screams die down slightly.
  905. >P0nies that once ran now stop and observe you.
  906. >You turn your head left and right, noticing more and more eyes set upon you.
  907. >Familiar soft murmurs rise from the landscape.
  908. >"But I urge you not to get your poor hopes up!" it continues, "The entire Canterlot Army can march in here if it likes, it's powerless to stop me!"
  909. >It stares you down for a moment.
  910. >You grip your blade.
  911. >"Allow me to make examples of them for you!"
  912. >"Get ready!" Shining Armor announces.
  913. >The dragon stops its wings for a moment, beginning a hard drop from the sky.
  914. >It freefalls, then catches itself in the air, using the momentum to charge down.
  915. >It barrels right at you.
  916. >Shoot!
  917. >Both you and Shining Armor dive out of the way.
  918. >The dragon swoops down, digging its claws into the ground where you once stood.
  919. >The cobblestone tears up and flies off in every direction.
  920. >The screams from the civilian p0nies begin once more, the terror in their small hearts renewed.
  921. >The fiend laughs heartily as it destroys the ground foundation, then takes back to the air, spitting fire for show as it rises into the sky.
  922. >You pick yourself back up, down on one knee, and eye its flight path.
  923. >What can you do?
  924. >A fire spell? Shoot it from afar?
  925. >No, that won't work.
  926. >It'll never hit in time; it's flying too fast.
  927. >The dragon begins to turn in the air.
  928. >Blast it all!
  929. >It has the entire sky to retreat to!
  930. >How can you combat such a versatile foe?
  931. >You glance over to Shining Armor.
  932. >He seems to be doing much the same as you are.
  933. >Looking back up to the sky, you can see the dragon divebombing you once more.
  934. >It opens its glowing mouth.
  935. >You snap to attention and prepare your hands.
  936. Contego Maximus!!
  937. >The purple shield materializes in front of you again, shielding you from the magical flames.
  938. >They shower you for a moment, but continue along the dragon's flight path.
  939. >He soars over you, rattling everything around you, and takes again to the sky.
  940. >You pick yourself up and run over to your companion.
  941. Sir!
  942. >You bellow as you close in, crouching to stay low.
  943. So long as our foe is in the air, I doubt we stand a chance!
  944. >Shining Armor furls his brow, keeping an eye on the flying target.
  945. >"I've thought much the same thing..." he says, "if we want any hope of silencing this thing for good, we need to ground it."
  946. >You glance up again, the dragon now flying circles around the town.
  947. >"I think I might have a plan..."
  948. >Your attention snaps to the speaker.
  949. A plan?
  950. >He nods.
  951. >"But it may take a while... if I can cast Bronte Maximus and land a hit, the beast should keep from the air for a good while."
  952. >You think it over quickly.
  953. >Powerful lightning...
  954. >Hitting an airborne dragon, with vulnerable wings...
  955. >...It's the best shot you have.
  956. >"But the spell requires a good amount of time to charge, which means you'd have to keep it distracted while I cast it," he looks you in the eyes, "do you think you can do that?"
  957. >The dragon begins to turn back towards the town.
  958. >You look back to him.
  959. Yes, Sir. I think I can manage that.
  960. >He cracks a smile.
  961. >"Good. I'll run off to hide, cast it from the shadows. You keep it busy."
  962. >He sheathes his blade and begins to gallop off.
  963. >"Good luck!"
  964. Godspeed!
  965. >You watch your companion approach a few houses, deciding which to take shelter behind or between, then run off out of sight.
  966. >You sigh, then look back up to the sky.
  967. >The dragon closes in.
  968. >You think things over for a moment...
  969. >...
  970. >Alright.
  971. >Swiftly, you sheathe your blade, and sprint as quickly as you can toward a house.
  972. >Using an abandoned cart as a launcher, you jump up from the ground and latch yourself onto the side of one of P0nyville's many structured houses, and begin to climb up to the top.
  973. >You can feel the ground start to vibrate around you.
  974. >Straining your arms to pull you up, reach after reach, you climb the side of the building, eventually reaching the thatched roof.
  975. >You balance yourself as you quickly walk on top of the structure, reaching the edge.
  976. >You gaze off into the sky, and spot the dragon's silhouette approaching the town for another round.
  977. >You grip the hilt of your sword from inside its scabbard and pull, releasing the blade into the air.
  978. Foul beast!
  979. >You call as loudly as you can.
  980. Your night of terror shall end as quickly as it began! By my hand, your soul shall leave this realm permanently!
  981. >You can see its red eyes lock to you.
  982. >It heard.
  983. Surrender is not an option! Prepare to be felled!
  984. >The dragon begins to fly towards you, keeping a decent height.
  985. >Opposing a direct attack for the time being, it seems.
  986. >You extend your hand toward it, and channel the magic within you.
  987. Ignis!
  988. >The familiar fireball careens from your hand, soaring up into the air toward your target.
  989. >...But not fast enough, as it ends up way off course by the time it reaches the dragon.
  990. >You clench your fist and groan internally.
  991. >The dragon laughs, and it repositions itself to fly further into town.
  992. >"...Hey, you'll never hit that thing from this far away!" a familiar voice beckons.
  993. >You unfurl your brow and look around, darting your head from left to right.
  994. >From above you, a rainbow trail forms up and around before landing on the roof with you.
  995. Miss Rainbow Dash!
  996. >You call out
  997. >"Come on, you'll need to get closer up to do any damage!"
  998. >You almost don't even hear her.
  999. Is Twilight alright? Is she unharmed?
  1000. >Rainbow narrows her eyes.
  1001. >"She's fine, Anonymous, but don't we have more pressing matters at the moment?"
  1002. >You look up once more to see Fluttershy and the dragon spit fire further down into town.
  1003. >After a quick flaming divebomb, it reels up and heads back in your direction.
  1004. >"Come on, I'll get a head start, grab me when I come by!"
  1005. >She beats her wings and begins hovering.
  1006. Wait, what do you--
  1007. >"Just hold up your hand, you'll know what to do!"
  1008. >And with that, she zips off, rainbow trail following her.
  1009. >She goes forward, then shoots straight upward, looping around back.
  1010. >...Well alright...
  1011. >You hold up your hand and wait.
  1012. >...
  1013. >You hear her approaching quickly.
  1014. >You brace your shoulder socket.
  1015. >Here she comes!
  1016. >You feel a hoof slap into your hand, and you grip.
  1017. >Instantly, you're torn from the rooftop, pulled and trailed away into the sky by the cyan p0ny.
  1018. >"Alright! Now we're cooking!" she cheers as she carries you across town. "Hold on!"
  1019. >The wind whips past your face and nearly deafens your ears.
  1020. >You begin to rise up vertically into the sky, flying higher and higher up and above P0nyville.
  1021. >You spot the flying fiend across from you, tilting its head from left to right, presumably looking for you.
  1022. >"I'm going to take you by! Are you ready!?"
  1023. >You look up to your pilot, then across to the dragon once more.
  1024. ...Yes, I'm ready!
  1025. >"Alright!"
  1026. >Rainbow Dash gets a little more height, then zooms at high speeds toward your enemy.
  1027. >You grip her hoof fiercely in one hand and your sword in the other, the dragon quickly appearing closer and closer.
  1028. >The loud whipping wind grows louder as you close in more rapidly.
  1029. >Suddenly--!
  1030. >"Go!"
  1031. >You lift up your sword and swing as hard as you can.
  1032. >Rainbow Dash takes you right by its side, and your blade slams and carves into it.
  1033. >The high speeds help you get a long, deep cut into it before you pass it completely and take again higher into the sky.
  1034. >Its painful roar is deafening.
  1035. >You zip higher and higher vertically, until you're a good distance above it.
  1036. >You can see the dragon flying slightly lopsided, black smoke seeping from its side.
  1037. >Rainbow Dash reaches a peak, then begins to drop down toward it once more.
  1038. >It comes rapidly closer into view with each passing moment.
  1039. >"Are you ready!?"
  1040. >You look up to her.
  1041. >Somehow, you know exactly what she means.
  1042. Yes!
  1043. >Rainbow Dash nods, then curves back to a straight flight about 20 feet above the dragon.
  1044. >And with that, she drops you.
  1045. >You make sure to hold your blade tightly as you base jump toward your flying black target.
  1046. >Your entire body is lifted and caressed by the strong, whipping wind surrounding every part of you.
  1047. >Your cape flaps in all directions, making low smacking noises as it dances in the air.
  1048. >You can see the pink and yellow creature grow bigger and bigger before--
  1049. >You slam down on top of the airborne foe, catching it completely by surprise.
  1050. >Your hard landing almost knocks the air out of you, and makes the dragon stumble in its flight a bit.
  1051. >You wrap your arm around its neck, for support, and raise your sword up into the air, point down.
  1052. >If you can get a good shot, maybe you can end it all right now!
  1053. >You quickly line up the point and--
  1054. >Two yellow hooves wrap around your neck from behind and pull you back.
  1055. >You're thrown completely off balance, nearly losing grip of your weapon, and fall backwards onto the dragon.
  1056. >Its wings beat loudly around you as you try to wrestle Fluttershy from you.
  1057. >She's gained a considerable amount of strength.
  1058. >"Anonymous, just give in!" she demands.
  1059. >You grip her hooves and try to shake her.
  1060. >"I love you so much, don't hurt yourself more than you already have!"
  1061. >You manage to pry one hoof from you, and you forcibly sit up.
  1062. >"Just let. Me. Love. YOU!"
  1063. >You throw her tight grip from you entirely, and grab onto the base of the dragon's wing, staring down your attempted rapist.
  1064. >She dives toward you and tackles you once more.
  1065. >She tries to hold you down with her weight, but you quickly buck her off with your own legs.
  1066. >You can feel the dragon begin to twist and turn.
  1067. Whoa--
  1068. >You try to find your bearings once more and go in for another shot, but before you can properly balance yourself, the dragon prepares a barrel roll.
  1069. >This isn't good!
  1070. >It twists in the air, dropping you off its side and sending you plummeting toward the ground below.
  1071. >You bellow a frightened cry as you drop, the dragon growing smaller and smaller in the distance.
  1072. >The wind whips in your ears once more while you fall helplessly in the air.
  1073. >You can see the lights of the town in waves as they come in and out of view from your flipping, closer and closer.
  1074. >All manner of thoughts and emotions enter and leave your head as you plummet toward the earth.
  1075. >But just as you're about to paint the floor with a custom human red, a trail of rainbow intersects your fall, swooping down and grabbing you from mid-air.
  1076. >You barely have enough time to process what happened before you're flown up and around, then dropped back off on the streets of P0nyville.
  1077. >You drop to your knees and pant, the cyan p0ny landing in front of you.
  1078. >She looks to you with concern.
  1079. Thank... Thank you, Rainbow Dash...
  1080. >You manage to get out in between breaths.
  1081. >"Don't thank me yet..." she says solemnly.
  1082. >You tilt your head forward and up, observing the sight.
  1083. >The enraged dragon begins to fly directly at you two.
  1084. >You brace yourself on your sword and climb back to your feet.
  1085. >The dragon continues its charge from afar.
  1086. >"Anonymous..."
  1087. >You hold your blade in front of you and assume a battle stance.
  1088. >You can see the glimmer of its claws from here.
  1089. >You narrow your eyes.
  1090. >Its own red eyes lock to you, and its speed increases.
  1091. >You hold your ground.
  1092. >It's coming.
  1093. >Brace yourself!
  1094. >!!
  1095. >Suddenly, a deafening crack nearly shatters your eardrum.
  1096. >You wince, and shift your eyes to above.
  1097. >The clouds above quickly part, and a yellow glow radiates from behind them.
  1098. >The dragon takes its eyes off of you.
  1099. >It attempts to get a look, but has no time to do so.
  1100. >A breathtaking, massive bolt of lightning splits the sky down the middle, like a giant crack through solid rock.
  1101. >It dances at speeds unheard of through the sky and toward your flying foe.
  1102. >Fluttershy jumps ship just before it arrives.
  1103. >With immense power, it collides with the dragon, the force of which could be felt and heard from a distance by every p0ny cowering in the town.
  1104. >It rocks and rattles its target for just a moment, and, as quickly as it began, disappears.
  1105. >The dragon continues its momentum down toward you, but clearly has no control over what its doing.
  1106. >The entire earth shakes as the dragon slams down hard into P0nyville Square.
  1107. >Its body tears up more cobblestone, and the momentum carries it hundreds of feet across town, colliding into and utterly destroying the fountain before finally coming to a stop.
  1108. >You stand in awe as the dust begins to settle.
  1109. >Rainbow Dash is speechless.
  1110. >The entire town enters a state of astonished silence.
  1111. >...Shining Armor comes galloping from beyond a few houses.
  1112. >He's panting, and sweat covers almost every square inch of his face, but he bears a smile.
  1113. >"It worked!" He cheers, slowing as he approaches you two, "A direct hit!"
  1114. >The p0ny's approach sobers you a bit, and you shake the fathom from your mind.
  1115. Fantastic cast, Sir!
  1116. >You say with a cheer.
  1117. >Rainbow Dash smiles and nods as well.
  1118. >Shining Armor returns the warm emotions, but his face slowly grows stern.
  1119. >"Yes, well, remember: it isn't over yet."
  1120. >Your own happy mood suddenly falls as well.
  1121. >Yes...
  1122. >It was only to ground the dragon...
  1123. >You all look over across town, to the immobilized mass and the yellow p0ny fluttering around it.
  1124. >"My Lord, please! Get up! You must!"
  1125. >The dragon begins to stir.
  1126. >"He can't be mine without your help!"
  1127. >Its legs rise and find a place on the ground, each struggling to push up, until his body is lifted.
  1128. >You three observe stoically from the distance.
  1129. >Fluttershy grins, and hops back up onto its back.
  1130. >The dragon attempts to move its wings, but even from a distance, you can tell it's futile.
  1131. >The wings refuse to move. Shocked and paralyzed by that tremendous force.
  1132. >You can see it quiver in anger.
  1133. >"Rainbow Dash..." Shining Armor begins.
  1134. >The dragon begins to turn itself around.
  1135. >"Thank you for your help, but we can take it from here."
  1136. >Each stomp it takes channels its rage.
  1137. >"But... But that thing, it'll--!"
  1138. Miss Rainbow, please...
  1139. >You add.
  1140. >She pauses.
  1141. This is incredibly dangerous, please don't risk your life.
  1142. >The dragon spots you from afar.
  1143. >Rainbow isn't sure what to say.
  1144. Just... make sure Twilight is safe.
  1145. >It rattles the earth with a fierce stomp.
  1146. >"O...Okay, Anonymous."
  1147. >The dragon bellows an earsplitting roar, and begins running straight toward you.
  1148. >The world shakes.
  1149. >"Go, please!" Shining booms.
  1150. >She stutters for a second, but nods, taking off into the air.
  1151. >The dragon doesn't notice her, and begins to spit flames as it runs.
  1152. >The green fire bathes the architecture and houses around it.
  1153. >"Get ready!"
  1154. >It closes in quickly.
  1155. >"Go!"
  1156. >Shining Armor charges his horn and shoots a concentrated beam of magic.
  1157. >It collides into the dragon, slowing it down and making it wince.
  1158. >You quickly join into the fray.
  1159. Ventus!
  1160. >Wind gusts from your hand and engulfs the beast.
  1161. >It struggles against the force of your attacks, groaning in frustration, but eventually comes to a dead, skirmishing halt.
  1162. >Shining Armor drops the spell and draws his sword, galloping toward the foe.
  1163. >You hold your cast to assist him, but without your captain's assault, it's much harder to hold it in place.
  1164. >It lifts up a claw and lashes out toward Shining.
  1165. >But the white p0ny levitates his sword up quickly to counter, swatting the hand away and harming it in the process.
  1166. >It reels back a bit, then backs up, as if trying to distance itself from its assaulter.
  1167. >Shining Armor paces forward with it though, brandishing his blade.
  1168. >You keep your wind assault going with one hand, but begin preparing your other as you focus.
  1169. >The dragon stares down Shining, and its mouth begins to glow green once more.
  1170. >Your eyes widen.
  1171. Sir, be careful!
  1172. >"I got it, Anonymous!"
  1173. >He keeps a close eye on his foe.
  1174. >The dragon lifts up its head, then snaps it back down, releasing something from its mouth.
  1175. >--What in the name of Celestia!?
  1176. >It launches out a beach ball sized fireball, careening toward Shining Armor coated in an enchanted green flame.
  1177. >His expression changes for the worst, clearly caught off guard, as he tries his best to dive out of the way.
  1178. >The fireball connects with the ground, causing a small explosion.
  1179. >It tears up the cobblestone and pushes Shining Armor off course in the air.
  1180. >He tumbles down on the ground, rolling a few times, his sword clanking down next to him.
  1181. >You grit your teeth.
  1182. >It's time!
  1183. >You drop the wind spell and swing your hand up and across your body.
  1184. Glacies!
  1185. >The ground around the dragon coats in ice rapidly.
  1186. >Just as the dragon takes notice, a stalagmite of ice juts from the ground, stabbing it in the side.
  1187. >Its piercing, shriek-like roar of pain rattles through the ears of every resident in P0nyville.
  1188. >Perfect!
  1189. >Direct hit!
  1190. >You ready your blade while it's distracted.
  1191. >Time to end this!
  1192. >You bend your legs and push off of the ground, dashing quickly toward the enemy.
  1193. >You raise your sword high in the air, focused on its neck.
  1194. >As you close in, you--
  1195. >The dragon readies its mouth and coughs a green fireball your way.
  1196. >Blast!
  1197. >You dive to the left, a complete 90-degree move, and dodge the hurling projectile.
  1198. >The blast goes off, and street and debris fly in every direction.
  1199. >You roll as you land and use the momentum to hop right back up to your feet.
  1200. >As you rise, you can see two more white-hot fireballs heading your way.
  1201. >Think quickly!
  1202. Ventus!
  1203. >You jet a blast of wind from your hand, sending one ball off course.
  1204. >It crashes off to the side.
  1205. >Before you can prepare the spell again, the second ball is already upon you.
  1206. >You try your best to dodge, jumping a few feet away, but you can't escape the nearby explosion.
  1207. >The blast renders you near deaf, and the force sends you up and flying across town.
  1208. >Everything becomes a whirl, and your mind a scramble, as your vision shows P0nyville flipping violently around, yourself soaring through the air.
  1209. >After an undetermined amount of airtime, you feel yourself hit the ground hard, rolling several yards.
  1210. >Your sword pings off the ground not too far from you.
  1211. >You continue to roll, only stopping when you slam into a house, still lit up by the green flames of your enemy.
  1212. >You're barely conscious.
  1213. >Your vision before you begins to blur, and your ears only offer a high-pitched ringing to your senses.
  1214. >Your feel your eyes flutter closed.
  1215. >Things begin to fade to black...
  1216. >...
  1217. >"...Please...!"
  1218. >...
  1219. >"...need to... gotta... wake!"
  1220. >Your eyes slowly open once more.
  1221. >The ringing still continues in your ears, but other sounds are beginning to find a way in.
  1222. >As your vision returns, you see two p0nies flustering in front of you.
  1223. >One mint-green with a white mane, constantly bumbling and pleading, the other a beige color, with blue and pink hair.
  1224. >She carries your sword in her mouth.
  1225. >Their expressions are desperate.
  1226. >"Sir Knight, please, wake up!"
  1227. >You blink a few times.
  1228. >By the gods...
  1229. >You slowly try to rise.
  1230. >"Oh thank Celestia!"
  1231. >You manage to sit up.
  1232. For how long was I out...?
  1233. >The beige p0ny drops your weapon down in front of you.
  1234. >"Only about thirty seconds. Please, hurry, I don't think the Captain can handle that thing alone!"
  1235. >The ringing finally begins to let up, and you can hear all manner of crashes, spellcasting, and steel from not too far away.
  1236. >You look to the p0nies in front of you.
  1237. >So full of fear.
  1238. >Their eyes plead for you to assist them.
  1239. >To save their town, their home.
  1240. >...Your home.
  1241. >...
  1242. >These p0nies need you.
  1243. >You must help them in their desperate hour, as any warrior of the Canterlot Army would do.
  1244. >You try your best to snap to it, grabbing your sword in front of you.
  1245. Thank you, ladies...
  1246. >You say, a little weakly, finally making it to your feet.
  1247. Please, keep your distance.
  1248. >The two p0nies look to you, and nod.
  1249. >They scurry off further into the town as you spot the dragon from afar.
  1250. >With as much strength as you can muster, you sprint back toward the heated battle.
  1251. >As you get closer, you can see the action more clearly.
  1252. >Shining Armor is battling up close, firing spells and brandishing his sword, while his gargantuan foe dodges and swings his claws.
  1253. >Time for you to enter the fray!
  1254. >You throw your hand out in front of you.
  1255. Ignis!
  1256. >The fireball shoots from your hand, colliding into its side and scorching it.
  1257. >Fluttershy almost jumps from her skin from the surprise impact.
  1258. >With your presence made clear, you grip your blade and leap at the reptilian creature.
  1259. >You hold the point toward it and slam into its side, burrowing your sword in.
  1260. >The dragon again screeches its cry of pain.
  1261. >You try to wedge the blade in further, but a pair of yellow hooves bash hard into your shoulders.
  1262. >"Leave him be!" she bellows, bucking again. "Just stop all of this and let him help you!"
  1263. >The dragon begins to flail as you grip to the blade.
  1264. Help me? You're mad, Fluttershy! How is my affection a fair trade for the sanctity and safety of the land!?
  1265. >She bucks your shoulders again, face cross with frustration and anger.
  1266. >"Because I love you, and I'll do anything to be with you!"
  1267. >The blade begins to loosen.
  1268. Then stop this madness! Do it for me!
  1269. >"It's too late for that!"
  1270. >With a flail from the mass you're pushed into, and another kick from Fluttershy, your blade wedges loose.
  1271. >You stumble off from the side of the dragon, and it spins towards you once it realizes this.
  1272. >Before you can properly react, it winds its tail up for a strike.
  1273. >Your mind panics for a split second.
  1274. >Practically by instinct, you cast a spell.
  1275. Contego!
  1276. >The purple shield appears before you just in time, taking the force of the hit.
  1277. >But the momentum carries through, and you're sent flying back onto the ground.
  1278. >"Anonymous!" Shining Armor calls.
  1279. >You're dragged across on the torn up cobblestone for a moment, again put down by this beast.
  1280. >But you aren't staying down for long this time.
  1281. >You sit yourself up as swiftly as possible.
  1282. >Shining Armor attempts to cross the dragon to aid you.
  1283. >But...
  1284. >...This creature doesn't allow this to happen.
  1285. >You see its neck reel back, your comrade oblivious to this.
  1286. >Your eyes widen as it bares its teeth.
  1287. >You throw your hand forward and try to call out.
  1289. >"No, Twilight, you need to stay inside and hide!"
  1290. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  1291. >And there's no way in all of Tartarus you're letting your brother and friend fight that monster alone out here.
  1292. >You trot as quickly as your body allows you, far from the safety of Sugarcube Corner.
  1293. >That is, of course, implying that Sugarcube Corner was safe at all during this invasion.
  1294. >"Anonymous told me to keep you safe, and I'm damn well going to keep my word!"
  1295. >Your head throbs a bit, still suffering aftereffects from the sudden Estrus.
  1296. Then stay by me and protect me, because I'm not going back.
  1297. >The entire town is lit up in a green fire, with p0nies evacuating as quickly as they can.
  1298. Pinkie Pie is offering shelter for those staying, and Applejack and Rarity are helping with the evacuation. Am I to just sit around and not do anything?
  1299. >You're the only two p0nies heading toward the commotion.
  1300. >As you get closer, all manner of noises come within earshot:
  1301. >Spells being cast, yells, clanging steel.
  1302. >...Explosions.
  1303. >It fills you with worry.
  1304. >You try to trot faster, determined to get there quickly even if your body doesn't allow it.
  1305. >Rainbow Dash hovers next to you with concern.
  1306. >"At least promise me you won't interfere. These two can handle it."
  1307. I'll promise nothing.
  1308. >Rainbow groans.
  1309. >"Twiliiight!"
  1310. >Around the corner of a house, you see the large black mass grounded.
  1311. >A yellow pegasus sits on its back.
  1312. There it is!
  1313. >You make your way to the front of the structure, the large dragon now in full view.
  1314. >You can see your brother squaring off with it.
  1315. >Oh no...
  1316. >He's so close!
  1317. >He needs to be careful!
  1318. >Why not combat it from a distance!?
  1319. Shining Armor!
  1320. >You call.
  1321. >It's far, far weaker than you intended.
  1322. >Rainbow drops down and throws a hoof to her mouth.
  1323. >"Shh!" she scolds, "Do you want that thing finding us?"
  1324. >You catch your tongue.
  1325. >...She's right.
  1326. >At your state, you wouldn't stand a chance.
  1327. >...Still.
  1328. >Seeing your brother so close to danger tears you up.
  1329. >If only he--
  1330. >"Ignis!"
  1331. >Your eyes snap open, and trail to where the call was made.
  1332. >Anon!?
  1333. >You spot the bipedal figure running.
  1334. >It is!
  1335. >Where was he?
  1336. >His tattered cape blows and dances behind him as he runs, blade glowing in the moonlight.
  1337. >He leaps up and stabs the creature in the side.
  1338. >Yes!
  1339. >You break out into a smile.
  1340. >A direct hit!
  1341. >He stays stuck to its side, trying to plunge it in further, but Fluttershy herself jumps down and begins to pry him off.
  1342. >You furl your brow.
  1343. >If only you could help!
  1344. >She bucks, and bucks, and eventually, Anon is knocked free.
  1345. >The dragon follows through with a whip from his tail, and despite the shield Anon gets up in time, he's knocked hard to the ground.
  1346. >Your blood freezes.
  1347. >No!
  1348. >Get up!
  1349. >You bite your lip.
  1350. >You desperately want to run out to his aid.
  1351. >Shining Armor apparently feels the same as you do, running toward the knocked Anon.
  1352. >But the dragon--
  1353. >...Sweet Celestia, the dragon!
  1354. >It cocks its head back, flashing its teeth.
  1355. >It's so quick...
  1356. >Like a cobra pouncing on its prey.
  1357. >The dragon darts its head forward, wrapping its mouth around your brother.
  1358. >His eyes display the genuine shock and surprise given from this move, and continue to do so as he's swiftly picked up.
  1359. >You feel your very soul rattle.
  1360. >It's hard to see from here...
  1361. >...But you can practically feel its sharp teeth sinking in.
  1362. >Shining Armor cries out in pain for a moment, then tries to conceal his gasps.
  1363. >You can see Anon, on the ground, in as much shock as you are.
  1364. >The dragon whips him back and forth in the air for a bit, its vice grip still strong.
  1365. >Then finally, it lets go, flinging him off to the side with force.
  1366. >You watch in absolute horror as he flies through the air, bits of blood trailing from his wounds, emphasized by his white coat, and thumps down hard onto the ground.
  1367. >...
  1368. >He lies there motionless.
  1369. >...Did this really...?
  1370. >...
  1371. >You can feel tears well up in your eyes.
  1372. >Rainbow Dash just gazes.
  1373. >"No... no way, it can't..."
  1374. Shining Armor...
  1375. >A tear rolls down your cheek.
  1376. Shining Armor... please, no... please, no!
  1377. >You gallop as fast as you can across to your brother.
  1378. >"Twilight, no!"
  1379. >Water streams from your eyes as you run.
  1380. >You're only focused on him.
  1382. >You sit, in absolute shock and horror, as your mentor and captain's body lies motionless.
  1383. >Nothing has sunk in yet.
  1384. >It's all happened so fast...
  1385. >...
  1386. >"...Heh heh heh."
  1387. >The dragon rumbles a low chuckle.
  1388. >"How simple it was... it makes me wonder how he had given me so much trouble before."
  1389. >You barely hear him.
  1390. >You look to his body.
  1391. Sir...
  1392. >You bumble.
  1393. >The dragon laughs again.
  1394. >"How easy you creatures fall. P0nies are so timid and vulnerable."
  1395. >Could he really be...?
  1396. >"You humans are no different."
  1397. >Your mind becomes a mess of emotions.
  1398. >"...My boy... do you care to join him?"
  1399. >They mix and mingle with each other in your head.
  1400. >But one sticks out from the others, and multiplies tenfold within you.
  1401. >...Rage.
  1402. >Your eyebrows furl.
  1403. >Your teeth grit.
  1404. >Shining Armor...
  1405. >Your captain... your friend...
  1406. >This monster...
  1407. >What has he done to him!?
  1408. >You stand to your feet, eyes bloodshot with anger, nose exhaling breaths of pure hatred.
  1409. >You say nothing.
  1410. >Your eyes burrow into his, your hand wrapped firmly around your weapon.
  1411. >You can practically feel yourself fume.
  1412. >The dragon, running off of some kind of smug high, laughs at you.
  1413. >"If you wish the same fate upon yourself, I'm afraid I cannot give it."
  1414. >Your casting hand tightens into a fist.
  1415. >"I owe you to my dear friend here... but I can surely give you something close!"
  1416. >He lifts his claw with speed yet seen, and throws it down toward you.
  1417. >Your hand practically moves on its own, swiping across your body and toward the incoming attack.
  1418. CONTEGO!
  1419. >You manifest the purple shield toward his lunge, keeping with your arm's momentum.
  1420. >It absolutely smashes into its claw, shattering the shield over it, and parrying its attack and itself completely backward.
  1421. >The dragon yells out in surprise.
  1422. >You take a step forward, and ready your blade.
  1423. >You almost glare into its very soul.
  1424. >To recover, the dragon whips its head toward you, teeth at the ready.
  1425. >With great speed, you lower your blade hand and whip it back up to counter.
  1426. >Your sword collides with the side of its face, gashing into it and stumbling the foe backward once more.
  1427. >It reverts back to his high-pitched roar, and tries again to grab you.
  1428. >You swing another time, but it evades your defense, closing into your torso and clamping down.
  1429. >You cry out and grit your teeth as you feel its fangs burrow into you.
  1430. >Your leather armor takes the bulk of this assault, but one tooth digs into your shoulder.
  1431. >You feel gravity leave you as it picks you up and attempts to do the same to you as it did your captain.
  1432. >No!
  1433. >You can't suffer the same fate!
  1434. >With your free hand, you slap your palm down on top of his red eye.
  1435. IGNIS!
  1436. >You feel the heat travel from your body and sear into your assaulter.
  1437. >Its roar of pain is muffled by your own body.
  1438. >Instantly you're dropped back onto the ground with a thud.
  1439. >Your shoulder trickles blood.
  1440. >The dragon flails and cries in pain, a sickening smoke trailing from its blinded eye.
  1441. >You spring to your feet and observe your opponent.
  1442. >Injured.
  1443. >Blinded.
  1444. >Distracted.
  1445. >...It's time!
  1446. >One more try!
  1447. >You close your eyes to focus, drop your casting hand, and prepare the spell.
  1448. >For a split second, everything around you calms.
  1449. >A soft, cool breeze blows against your face.
  1450. >All sounds cancel from your mind.
  1451. >In your mind, you are euphoric.
  1452. >All is well...
  1453. >...
  1454. >Your eyes shoot open, the sounds and sights of the world quickly returning, and you fling your hand upward, flicking your wrist.
  1455. GLACIES!
  1456. >Again, the ground rapidly coats in ice, invisible when completely covered by the flailing dragon.
  1457. GO!
  1458. >With immense speed, a giant icicle pierces upward, straight from under.
  1459. >It blows through its entire body, erupting from its back like a skewer.
  1460. >It knocks Fluttershy right from its back.
  1461. >The force throws her to the ground, and her head slams down, knocking her unconscious.
  1462. >Immediately, the dragon halts all movement, save the occasional twitch or tremble.
  1463. >Everything is silent.
  1464. >Its eyes become a milky white.
  1465. >You stand, hand high in the air, post-cast.
  1466. >Panting...
  1467. >...
  1468. >You lower your arm slowly down to your side, then begin walking toward this mighty dragon.
  1469. >Your legs cry out with each step from soreness.
  1470. >Its head lowers to the ground.
  1471. >You hold your sword at your side.
  1472. >Your footsteps seem to thud so much louder, and your sheathe clanks softly against your belt.
  1473. >You approach the head of the beast.
  1474. >A weak, soft breath escapes its nostrils.
  1475. >You crouch down, blade in your hand.
  1476. >...
  1477. >It weakly takes notice of your appearance.
  1478. >Its mouth opens slowly.
  1479. >"...But..." it softly starts, "but my world... my... my kingdom..."
  1480. >You exhale.
  1481. >And shake your head.
  1482. Your world ends here.
  1483. >You jam the blade upward, stabbing it right through its neck, behind its chin.
  1484. >It creaks an odd groan... then falls completely silent.
  1485. And no throne shall await you in the depths of hell.
  1486. >You draw your blade from the beast, then sheathe it at your hip.
  1487. >A soft wind blows over the destroyed town of P0nyville.
  1488. >The atmosphere seems to have paused completely with the death of this foe.
  1489. >You take a breath.
  1490. >It's...
  1491. >It's all over...
  1492. >...
  1493. >...Oh no.
  1494. >The thought comes immediately to your mind.
  1495. >The rage that fueled you begins to dissipate as you leave the massive corpse, eyeing around the town.
  1496. >...There!
  1497. >You spot three figures.
  1498. >A cyan and purple p0ny crouched over a white body on the ground.
  1499. >Twilight? Rainbow?
  1500. >You dash as quickly as you are able to your downed comrade.
  1501. >As you get closer, you can see the thick, deep red wounds that cover him.
  1502. >A deep blanket of dread drapes your heart.
  1503. No, by the gods, please no...
  1504. >You approach the trio of p0nies and quickly crouch down.
  1505. >Twilight and Rainbow turn their head to you in surprise.
  1506. >Twilight's eyes are damp and swollen.
  1507. >You gaze deeply into them...
  1508. >Even the tough Rainbow Dash has some water trailing down her face.
  1509. >Your spirits fall so far...
  1510. >You gape your mouth a bit as you look to the motionless white p0ny.
  1511. >You're speechless...
  1512. >...
  1513. >You place your hand on his body...
  1514. >Instantly to your touch, he inhales sharply, moving his entire body with his lungs.
  1515. >Your heart jumps in surprise.
  1516. Sir Shining Armor!
  1517. >You cry.
  1518. >Twilight covers her mouth with her hooves.
  1519. >Her tears begin to trail once more.
  1520. >"Brother..."
  1521. >He inhales sharply through his teeth, eyes clenched closed.
  1522. >"Hey Anonymous..." he says softly.
  1523. >You give him your complete attention.
  1524. >He manages to get a chuckle or two out.
  1525. >"Did... did you get 'em...?"
  1526. >You can feel your own eyes begin to water.
  1527. >You exhale slowly.
  1528. ...Yes, sir. Yes, I... I got him.
  1529. >A tear rolls down the side of your face.
  1530. >"Good..." he mumbles. His breathing quickly becomes sporadic, before mellowing back out. "I wish I... could have been a little more helpful there..."
  1531. >You shake your head.
  1532. I couldn't have done it without you.
  1533. >A smile graces his face.
  1534. >It contradicts the pain his clenched eyes are showing.
  1535. >"It was... it was all you..."
  1536. >He laughs again, but the pain cuts him short.
  1537. >"This could have all been avoided... had I... had I listened to you from the beginning..."
  1538. Sir, please, you needn't bring--
  1539. >"I do and will..." he catches a few breathes, "I feel so... so god damned ashamed... turned against my own friend... off the word of some psychopath..."
  1540. >You shake your head again.
  1541. Sir, you were only protecting your sister... anyone would have done the same...
  1542. >He laughs once more.
  1543. >"Anyone would have put some damn thought into it... instead of letting their emotions get the better of them..."
  1544. I've already forgiven you... why are you wasting breath on such meaningless matters?
  1545. >He struggles a little with his breathing.
  1546. >"I don't deserve your forgiveness. Heh... if it was anyp0ny else... I don't think I'd even... well, at least I'll leave here knowing... that everything turned out alright in the end..."
  1547. >"But Shining," Twilight starts, voice almost completely unstable, "you're not going to die... you're going to make it... you can't just leave us... what of your family? What of your duty? Your wife?
  1548. >"Cadence..."
  1549. >His voice grows breathy.
  1550. >His heaving chest begins to slow down.
  1551. >His wounds are bleeding severely.
  1552. >"Can you... can you do me one more favor, Anonymous...?"
  1553. >You lean in closer.
  1554. >"Cadence... keep her... keep her safe for me."
  1555. >He groans a little.
  1556. >"And... and Twilight, too..."
  1557. >You only nod slowly as your eyes mimic the clouds themselves.
  1558. >"It's your duty as... as a soldier of Equestria..."
  1559. >Twilight shuts her eyes and covers her face.
  1560. I... I will, Sir. I promise.
  1561. >A smile again creeps onto his face.
  1562. >"And Twilight..." he says again, one last time, "make sure the lug... practices his sword technique..."
  1563. >He inhales deeply, then exhales one final, long, happy breath.
  1564. >...And his body moves no more.
  1565. >...
  1566. >"...Brother?" Twilight squeaks.
  1567. >...But Shining Armor is no more.
  1568. >"Brother...? BBBFF...?"
  1569. >She places a hoof onto his body.
  1570. >You rest your hand on her back.
  1571. >...She tries to hold it in, but each sob draws more tears from her eyes.
  1572. >"But we were supposed to be best friends... forever..."
  1573. >...And she loses control.
  1574. >She throws her head down onto his body, and begins sobbing deeply.
  1575. >You look to her, your mentor in magic, crying over her felled brother's body.
  1576. >...And your own friend.
  1577. >A sob sneaks its way from you, pulling tears from your eyes.
  1578. >Rainbow Dash tries to hold it back, but she soon too begins to outwardly cry.
  1579. >You all mourn your fallen family, friend, and captain.
  1580. >Tears flow down each side of your face, seemingly endlessly.
  1581. >This is all your fault...
  1582. >He fought for nothing else but you.
  1583. >Something you started.
  1584. >It was you Fluttershy wanted.
  1585. >You she was trying to claim.
  1586. >Why did Shining Armor have to die for your cause?
  1587. >...You open your bloodshot eyes and turn your head.
  1588. >...Fluttershy.
  1589. >She lies on the ground next to the massive corpse of the dark dragon.
  1590. >...Her body begins to stir.
  1591. >You feel your face scrunch together in anger.
  1592. >This is all because of her.
  1593. >You stand to your feet slowly, and begin to walk toward her.
  1594. >She moves a bit more as you approach, finally regaining consciousness.
  1595. >Her eyes open just as you arrive.
  1596. >From the ground, she looks up to you.
  1597. >Towering over her.
  1598. >Eyes swollen with sorrow.
  1599. >Heart heavy with guilt.
  1600. >She opens her mouth.
  1601. >"...Anonymous?"
  1602. >You look to her.
  1603. >You crouch down and flip her over, much to her surprise.
  1604. >You place her hooves behind her back.
  1605. Fluttershy...
  1606. >You start, taking a thin piece of rope from your side.
  1607. >Your voice is shaky and uneven.
  1608. By order of the Royal Guard of Canterlot, I am placing you under arrest.
  1609. >She gapes her mouth as you tie her wings and hooves tightly together.
  1610. For conspiring with a malevolent force, endangering the lives of Canterlot citizens, and for--
  1611. >You choke a bit.
  1612. --And for aiding in the murder of the Captain of the Royal Guard.
  1613. >Fluttershy doesn't respond at first.
  1614. >You see her emotions almost fuse in a way.
  1615. >A sort of sadness and regret... but at the same time, a deep anger and spitefulness.
  1616. >"I did it all for you..."
  1617. >The p0nies of the town finally begin to reemerge.
  1618. >They observe the body of the dragon from a distance...
  1619. >...And their gossip begins once again.
  1620. >Voices exchange from every corner of the village.
  1621. >Looking to you, your culprit, and your kill.
  1622. >You look to Fluttershy...
  1623. >...And shake your head.
  1625. >The trumpets begin to play their sad, melancholic, yet militaristic tune on this sunny Canterlot morning.
  1626. >This is the indication.
  1627. >You try to hold back your tears, as you've been practicing for so long...
  1628. >But a few manage to slip from your eyes as the soldiers levitate your brother's coffin in toward the plot.
  1629. >Master Spellweave stands beside you, currently silent.
  1630. >Cadence accompanies you as well, her tears flowing more freely than yours.
  1631. >The coffin is brought down between two lines of soldiers.
  1632. >Anon himself is lined with them.
  1633. >He stares ahead, face completely stoic.
  1634. >Absolutely focused on his duty.
  1635. >You wonder how he does it...
  1636. >Wondering if inside, he's torn up just as much as you are.
  1637. >The coffin reaches the first two soldiers on each side of the line, and as it does, each p0ny, including Anon, draws their sword.
  1638. >The simultaneous unsheathing is almost musical.
  1639. >They hold their weapons upward, in an arc, as if to make some sort of makeshift hallway for the coffin.
  1640. >A final goodbye to their captain.
  1641. >Celestia's sun glimmers off of their steel as your brother is brought down the path of his comrades.
  1642. >He makes his way to his grave plot.
  1643. >As they cross the final two soldiers, each one brings down their blade and sheathes it once more.
  1644. >And they stand in perfect silence and unison once more.
  1645. >Despite being so radically different from these other p0ny soldiers, Anon seems to fit in with them so well.
  1646. >He truly knows his duty.
  1647. >The trumpets go silent as the coffin begins to be lowered.
  1648. >"...A beautiful ceremony..." your company says.
  1649. >His voice is wise and raspy.
  1650. >You turn to the powerful wizard.
  1651. Oh, y-yes. It's... lovely.
  1652. >Cadence says nothing.
  1653. >"It's a shame to see such p0nies part with us, especially when they leave so much behind..." Spellweave continues, "But at least he fell protecting what he cared for most."
  1654. >He hums in thought.
  1655. >"You all."
  1656. >You stay silent as the coffin sets into place.
  1657. ...Master Spellweave...
  1658. >You begin.
  1659. ...What was that thing, anyway? What my brother died fighting, and what Anon defeated?
  1660. >He closes his eyes in thought.
  1661. >"...An ancient, terrible power."
  1662. >Ancient?
  1663. >"A dark dragon from ages past... banished from this realm by powerful mages under Celestia's order, before the time of Starswirl."
  1664. >You're filled with awe.
  1665. >"Its power was great and terrifying. An age of shadow would follow in its wake had it not been sealed away."
  1666. What was it called?
  1667. >He strokes his beard.
  1668. >"I've read somewhere that a mighty and terrible dragon by the name of Fraxxius ruled these lands millennia ago... though I'm unsure whether or not this is that same dragon."
  1669. >You take the name in.
  1670. ...I'm sure Fluttershy knows.
  1671. >He nods in agreement.
  1672. So this mighty and powerful dragon... if he was so strong, were my brother and Anon... were they--
  1673. >"Nowhere near as powerful as these ancient mages," he says with a smile.
  1674. >Oh...
  1675. >"I imagine this shadow dragon and its terrible magic were nowhere near their full strength..."
  1676. >He hums again in thought.
  1677. >"Perhaps this is why it needed Fluttershy."
  1678. >You lower your head.
  1679. And Fluttershy needed it...
  1680. >Your eyes rise to Anon.
  1681. >"I know not of Fluttershy's motivations beyond the surface level... she still refuses to talk. This dragon has corrupted her something fierce, and it will take some time to undo its dark magic."
  1682. >You nod slowly in agreement.
  1683. >The plot begins to fill, and the ceremony comes to a close.
  1685. >The p0nies and soldiers begin to mingle once things have all wrapped up.
  1686. >You walk with Spellweave across the grounds to see Anon.
  1687. >He talks with a few other soldiers.
  1688. >Most of them congratulate him for his heroics, admiring the medal awarded to him by Princess Celestia personally that hangs around his neck.
  1689. >Anon nods and shakes their hooves.
  1690. >His smile seems somewhat forced.
  1691. >"Anonymous, my boy..." Spellweave calls out.
  1692. >Anon turns in acknowledgement, meeting his eyes.
  1693. >The other soldiers see this, and leave him be.
  1694. >"Master Spellweave," he greets, "and Twilight. Well met."
  1695. >He rests his hand on his blade.
  1696. >His injuries have healed up completely in the time since the battle.
  1697. >"Good to see you up and kicking," Spellweave comments.
  1698. >Anon scratches the back of his head.
  1699. >"Yes, well... I do have my duties to attend to."
  1700. >He forces an odd laugh.
  1701. That was a beautiful ceremony, Anon. You looked very professional.
  1702. >He looks to you, and smiles a bit.
  1703. >This one looks genuine.
  1704. >"Thank you, Twilight."
  1705. >You three stand in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company.
  1706. >"Twilight, I'm... I'm so very sorry about what happened."
  1707. >You shake your head.
  1708. It's not your fault, Anon. You know this. Please don't blame yourself.
  1709. >He sighs.
  1710. >"I can't seem to help it."
  1711. >You look to him, and smile a little.
  1712. You always want to take responsibility...
  1713. >You let out a single, breathy laugh.
  1714. I'm going to miss that about you around the library... I'm going to miss you in general around there.
  1715. >Anon nods slowly.
  1716. >"I as well, Twilight."
  1717. >You sigh softly.
  1718. >...Master Spellweave clears his throat.
  1719. >You both look to him.
  1720. >...He slowly takes notice.
  1721. >"Oh, my apologies. You both make it sound like Anonymous's arrangement is no longer valid."
  1722. >Your eyes widen.
  1723. >His does as well.
  1724. What?
  1725. >"But Master..."
  1726. >"What? You think this incident means you still don't need your training?"
  1727. >He laughs an old man's laugh, and flicks Anon's medal. "A big hero needn't practice?"
  1728. >Anon grabs the swinging object on his chest, looking for something to say.
  1729. >"You still have much to learn, my boy, and Twilight here is still the one to teach you."
  1730. But Master Spellweave... isn't Anon needed here at the castle? With Shining Armor gone, I thought--
  1731. >"With Shining Armor gone, we need to cultivate our talent now more than ever."
  1732. >Master Spellweave strokes his long beard, and turns to Anon.
  1733. >"No dragon slain changes that. So, boy, are you up for more lessons with Miss Twilight?"
  1734. >Anon seems genuinely shocked.
  1735. >More so than you.
  1736. >He looks at you, words on the brink of speech, but failing to come out.
  1737. >Like he's looking for approval.
  1738. >...You smile.
  1739. Anon, I would love to continue teaching you.
  1740. >He smiles as well.
  1741. >He looks to Spellweave.
  1742. >"Then yes, Master. I will continue my training. Harder than ever before."
  1743. >Spellweave nods.
  1744. >"Good, boy. I'm glad."
  1745. >"I shall make Shining Armor proud. For Canterlot, and for all of Equestria."
  1746. >He laughs just a little, and looks to you.
  1747. >"And for you, Twilight."
  1748. >Your mouth curls up again in a smile.
  1749. >Your eyes begin to water.
  1750. >But for the first time in a long, long while...
  1751. >It's not from sorrow.
  1753. End of Part 8
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