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Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. From iris.base_logic.lib Require Export invariants.
  2. From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
  3. From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation lang.
  4. From iris.program_logic Require Export weakestpre atomic.
  6. Section getAndSetProof.
  8. Context `{heapG} (N: namespace).
  10. Definition getAndSet : val :=
  11. λ: "l" "v",
  12. let: "p" := NewProph in
  13. let: "g" := ref #() in
  14. (rec: "getAndSet" "l" "v" "o" := let: "r" := Resolve (CmpXchg "l" "o" "v") "p" "g" in
  15. if: Snd "r"
  16. then "o"
  17. else "getAndSet" "l" "v" (Fst "r"))
  18. "l" "v" #0.
  20. Theorem getAndSet_spec : forall (ℓ: loc) v, val_is_unboxed v ->
  21. inv N (∃ v, ℓ ↦{1/2} v ∧ ⌜val_is_unboxed v⌝) -∗
  22. <<< ∀ k, ℓ ↦{1/2} k >>>
  23. getAndSet #ℓ v @ ⊤ ∖ ↑N
  24. <<< ℓ ↦{1/2} v, RET k >>>.
  25. Proof.
  26. iIntros (ℓ v v_unboxed) "#HInv".
  27. iIntros (Φ) "AU".
  28. wp_lam.
  29. wp_let.
  30. wp_bind NewProph.
  31. wp_apply wp_new_proph; auto.
  32. iIntros (pvs p) "HProph".
  33. remember #0 as o.
  34. assert (val_is_unboxed o) as o_unboxed by (subst; done).
  35. clear Heqo.
  36. wp_let.
  37. wp_bind (ref _)%E.
  38. wp_alloc lg_ghost as "Hghost".
  39. wp_let.
  40. iLöb as "IH" forall (o pvs o_unboxed).
  41. wp_pures.
  42. wp_bind (Resolve _ _ _)%E.
  43. iInv N as "Hℓ" "HClose".
  44. iDestruct "Hℓ" as (trueVal) ">[Hℓ %]".
  45. destruct pvs.
  46. - iMod "AU" as (k) "[HAU [_ HCloseAU]]".
  47. iDestruct (mapsto_combine with "HAU Hℓ") as "[Hℓ <-]".
  48. replace (1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp with 1%Qp by (rewrite Qp_half_half; done).
  49. destruct (decide (o = k)); subst.
  50. * wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_suc with "[HProph Hℓ]"); auto.
  51. + left; done.
  52. + iFrame.
  53. + iIntros "Hpvs'".
  54. iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% _]".
  55. discriminate.
  56. * wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_fail with "[HProph Hℓ]"); eauto with iFrame.
  57. + right; done.
  58. + iIntros "Hpvs'". iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% _]".
  59. discriminate.
  60. - destruct (decide (p0 = ((o, #true)%V, #lg_ghost))).
  61. * subst.
  62. iMod "AU" as (k) "[HAU [_ HCloseAU]]".
  63. iDestruct (mapsto_combine with "HAU Hℓ") as "[Hℓ <-]".
  64. replace (1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp with 1%Qp by (rewrite Qp_half_half; done).
  65. destruct (decide (o = k)); subst.
  66. 2: {
  67. wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_fail with "[HProph Hℓ]"); eauto with iFrame.
  68. + right; done.
  69. + iIntros "Hpvs'". iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% _]".
  70. discriminate.
  71. }
  72. wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_suc with "[HProph Hℓ]"); eauto with iFrame.
  73. { right; done. }
  74. iIntros "Hpvs'". iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% [HProph Hℓ]]".
  75. replace (ℓ ↦ v)%I with (ℓ ↦{1/2 + 1/2} v)%I by (rewrite Qp_half_half; done).
  76. inversion H1; subst. clear H1.
  77. iDestruct "Hℓ" as "[Hℓ1 Hℓ2]".
  78. iMod ("HCloseAU" with "Hℓ1") as "HΦ".
  79. iModIntro.
  80. iMod ("HClose" with "[Hℓ2]") as "_"; first by (eauto with iFrame).
  81. iModIntro.
  82. wp_pures.
  83. auto.
  84. * destruct (decide (o = trueVal)).
  85. {
  86. iMod "AU" as (k) "[HAU [_ HCloseAU]]".
  87. iDestruct (mapsto_combine with "HAU Hℓ") as "[Hℓ <-]".
  88. replace (1 / 2 + 1 / 2)%Qp with 1%Qp by (rewrite Qp_half_half; done).
  89. wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_suc with "[HProph Hℓ]"); eauto with iFrame.
  90. { right; done. }
  91. { subst; iFrame. }
  92. iIntros "Hpvs'". iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% [HProph Hℓ]]".
  93. inversion H1.
  94. subst.
  95. contradiction.
  96. }
  97. wp_apply (wp_resolve_cmpxchg_fail with "[HProph Hℓ]"); eauto with iFrame.
  98. { right; done. }
  99. iIntros "Hpvs'". iDestruct "Hpvs'" as (pvs') "[% [HProph Hℓ]]".
  100. iMod ("HClose" with "[Hℓ]") as "_"; first by auto.
  101. iModIntro.
  102. wp_let.
  103. wp_proj.
  104. wp_if.
  105. wp_proj.
  106. iSpecialize ("IH" $! trueVal pvs' H0).
  107. clear.
  108. iSpecialize ("IH" with "AU HProph Hghost").
  109. (* ???? *)
  110. Abort.
  112. End getAndSetProof.
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