

Oct 21st, 2014
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  1. >It's been a week since Rarity's passing
  2. >something from the Everfree mauled her
  3. >after a huge, extravagant memorial, fitting for her
  4. >she was at rest now.
  5. >there had been a lot of crying
  6. >but, every pony was going to have to move on...
  7. >she had passed.
  8. >Sweetie took it the worst
  9. >you've never seen a pony cry that much
  10. >you still went to the boutique every night
  11. >mainly to reminisce, partly to make sure nobody broke in
  12. >but when you got there, something was wrong
  13. >the door was slightly open
  14. >you quickly run in, expecting someone taking advantage of the abandoned property
  15. >hunting for valuables or something
  16. >you weren't ready for what you saw
  17. >you freeze in your spot when you see it
  18. >your mind had to be playing tricks on you...
  19. >it was Rarity
  20. >missing parts of her skin and her bones exposed
  21. >hard at work on her dresses
  22. "Oh, hello dear!"
  23. >she sounded pretty cheery, almost like normal...
  24. >"ra-ra-ra-rarity?"
  25. "The one and only, Darling!"
  26. >"but, you... you are..."
  27. "I am late, is what I am!"
  28. >she was...
  29. >"You're not supposed..."
  30. "I was supposed to have this order done a week ago!"
  31. >you blinked a few times, hoping the sight before you would disappear
  32. >is this just your grief-addled mind?
  33. "Arrrgggh!"
  34. >she let out a long, annoyed growl
  35. >"What's wrong?"
  36. >her ichor kept dripping onto the dress she was working on
  37. "I just cannot keep this dress clean!"
  39. >you took a step forward, to get a better look
  40. >her bone hooves were hard at work on the dress
  41. >that she was currently making a mess of
  42. "I'm sorry, Darling, but I can't do anything else until i fill this order."
  43. >she looked up to you with those big, blue eyes
  44. >besides slightly dulled, it looked like her eyes
  45. >her cute little snout was nothing but bone and teeth now
  46. >there was a chip in the poor mare's horn
  47. >her coat was dingy and covered in dirt
  48. >but her mane was still neatly-styled
  49. "And this mess isn't helping..."
  50. >her mess
  51. >her insides were now outsides
  52. >unknown pony inside parts were hanging
  53. >and dripping
  54. >and just looked nasty
  55. "Aha!"
  56. >you jumped at her outburst
  57. "I can incorporate this into the design!"
  58. >she floated more materials over to herself magically
  59. >"Rarity..."
  60. "Yes darling?"
  61. >you were drawing a blank due to fear
  62. >just ask her anything...
  63. >"How do you feel?"
  64. "Fine, Darling. Why do you ask?"
  65. >well, she has certainly looked better
  66. >but you weren't going to risk telling her that
  68. "Darling, could I ask a favor of you?"
  69. >you were afraid of what she was going to ask
  70. >after a moment of hesitation, you spoke up
  71. >"Sure, what do you need?"
  72. >as she looked up, you worried what she was going to say
  73. >those dry, dull eyes were staring into your soul
  74. "Could you help me with this dress? I've got a case of the butterhooves today."
  75. >that's not the worst thing that was wrong with her
  76. >"s-sure, Rarity."
  77. >you could have sworn that she was smiling
  78. >which was impressive, for a pony without lips
  79. >or mouth muscles
  80. "Why thank you, Darling. You're so sweet!"
  81. >you took a seat near her and sat silently
  82. >she hadn't seemed violent
  83. >...yet
  84. >you watched her boney hooves rattle as she worked
  85. >she was struggling to hold onto the now-stained cloth
  86. >you silently inched a hand near her
  87. >she wasn't lunging for your soft, delicious skin, which was good
  88. >you held the cloth flat as she tried to sew it
  89. "Thanks, darling."
  90. >"No problem"
  91. >oh, there was a lot of problem here
  93. >Rarity sat there humming one of her little songs to help her focus
  94. >all you could focus on is... her current state
  95. >you swear you could see the bottom of her lungs in her ribcage
  96. >rising and falling as she breathe
  97. >her slick hoof bumps into your hand
  98. >her bones were smooth
  99. >yet you instinctively pull it away very quickly
  100. "Sorry, Darling."
  101. >you almost tipped your chair over
  102. "My, what has you so jumpy today?"
  103. >her teeth clattered as she asked you
  104. >"n-noth...nothing."
  105. >those eyes continued to stare at you
  106. "Okay, then."
  107. >she went back to her dress
  108. >even in this state, she kept up her pace
  109. >after a few minutes, she took a deep breath
  110. "Ta-Dah~!"
  111. >she said in a loud, sing-song way
  112. "Isn't it beautiful?"
  113. >she said as she lifted her dress up with magic
  114. >"It..."
  115. >it really was beautiful
  116. >she did know how to make the best of a bad situation
  117. >"It's one of your best, Rarity."
  118. "awwwww!"
  119. >you stepped back as she lunged for you
  121. >before you knew it, her hooves were around you
  122. >you expected pain...
  123. >but she was just squeezing you
  124. >in a big hug
  125. "Thank you so much, Darling!"
  126. >she was nuzzling your chest
  127. "I really love how it seems to flow with the, um..."
  128. >you returned her hug
  129. >she stopped moving after your arms wrapped around her
  130. "how it flows with... the stains..."
  131. >she started shaking in your arms
  132. >you heard her take in a deep breath
  133. >then she started to softly cry into your chest
  134. "the stains... I put in it..."
  135. >you stood there hugging
  136. >as she cried
  137. >the longer she cried, the more you felt like crying with her
  138. >she was cool to the touch
  139. >you could feel her organs touching you
  140. >her heartbeat pressed against you
  141. >it didn't even matter that your clothing was ruined now
  142. >you consoled her for a while
  143. >even though eventually you had to sit down
  144. >but you still held her
  145. >and even though she cried for a long time
  146. >you weren't sure if she shed a single tear
  147. "Darling..."
  148. >"yes Rarity?"
  149. >she sighed as she broke the hug with you
  150. "If it's okay with you, I would like to be alone as I finish this order."
  151. >"Are you sure?"
  152. "I... yes."
  153. >you wiped a tear as you stood up
  154. >"I'll stay if you want me to."
  155. "No Darling, it's fine."
  156. >"Well, if it's what you want..."
  157. >you ruffled her dirty mane lightly
  158. >she looked up to you with what you thought was a pouty look
  159. >the best she could do, missing half her face
  160. >you smiled to her as you tried your best to fix her mane back to how she liked it
  161. >you could feel a lump in your throat as you spoke to her
  162. >"I'll see ya later then, Rarity..."
  163. "Goodbye, Darling."
  164. >tears welled in your eyes as you walked to the door
  165. "Oh, Darling!"
  166. >"Yeah?"
  167. "Could you lock the door for me, please? I don't want any visitors for a bit."
  168. >"Yes, Rarity."
  169. >you locked the door and closed it behind you as you left
  170. >you stood at the door and wiped tears for a minute
  171. >as you headed back into town
  172. >you could hear her voice
  173. >faintly singing in her boutique
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