
CYOA - Celestia

Apr 11th, 2014
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  1. >It's quite unlike anything you've ever seen, the castle
  2. >Every day you find new rooms and hallways
  3. >You're certain there's more to this place than meets the eye
  4. >After your few days here, you're finally starting to settle
  5. >The ponies around you seem less frightened
  6. >Except for the rookie guard near the kitchen
  7. >You hope he doesn't get too much shit by his superiors
  8. >As you're walking around, admiring the castle, a pony approaches you
  9. >A young mare wearing some sort of dress
  10. >You believe she's on the royal council or something to that effect
  11. >"Excuse me, Mr. Anon. Princess Celestia has requested your presence in the throne room."
  12. >She doesn't sound particularly interested or excited
  13. >Almost as if she's trying to be really professional
  14. >It is a little odd seeing a small creature trying to do that
  15. >You are quite a bit taller than her, so her lifted head doesn't have the effect she probably thinks it does
  16. >She doesn't leave, though
  17. >Just stands there waiting
  19. >You know the princess is powerful, and important
  20. >Don't want to keep her waiting
  21. >After nodding at the mare, you turn tail
  22. >Looking around, you lay out the pieces of a map you have of the castle in your head
  23. >You're certain you know the way and start running
  24. >There is quite a ways to the throne room, and time is of the essence
  25. >At least that's what you tell yourself
  26. >As you take off, you hear a surprised squeak from the mare behind you
  27. >It was actually kind of adorable
  28. >Rather than focus on her, though, you keep running
  29. >Around the corners, down the halls
  30. >You're putting everything you've got into this
  31. >Though it's exhausting, you keep on
  32. >With your speed, it isn't long before you see the doors
  33. >A thought enters your mind, and you decide to roll with it
  34. >Rather than stop, you keep running
  35. >With dextrous skill, you lift up a leg and plant a firm kick on the door
  36. >Although large, it flies open from the force, and you enter
  37. >Every pony in there jumps, startled from the noise
  38. >Celestia is sitting on the throne, and there are guards on either side of the room
  39. >Every single one of these rush towards you
  40. >"Stand back, human!" a sergeant yells
  41. >They point their spears towards you
  42. >"Lay down your weapons and surrender! You will not harm the princess!"
  44. >You stare at the guard glaring at you
  45. >He's like half your height
  46. >Aside from the spear, not very intimidating
  47. "Shut the fuck up, you dumb fuck. I was invited by her highness, just observe a true alpha at work!"
  48. >The jaws of all the guards drop instantly
  49. >Some of them even twist their necks and furrow their brows
  50. >"You... Uh, st-stand down!"
  51. >You can't help give the sergeant a cheeky smile
  52. >Watching the 'scary' guard fumble over his words is hilarious
  53. >He's constantly re-gripping his spear, too
  54. >From way away, you hear quiet laughter
  55. >It's a very warm, cozy laughter
  56. >Looking up, you see Celestia herself smiling broadly
  57. >She looks right back at you, still laughing at your display
  58. >"I must say I've never seen something like that before."
  59. >She gets up from her throne and starts walking towards you
  60. >"Though quite amusing, I would advice you not to infuriate the guards in the future."
  61. >With just one look, she makes all of the guards back off and return to their positions
  62. >Some of them are reluctant, but do as apparently ordered
  63. >"It's for your own sake, of course. Some of them are a bit... rash. Now, Anon, walk with me, please."
  64. >She points a hoof towards the exit with a smile on her face
  66. >You smile back and nod at her
  67. "You got it, sweet chee- uh, I mean, Princess."
  68. >You mentally slap yourself for nearly letting that through
  69. >Granted she is extremely beautiful
  70. >But she is also the most powerful being here
  71. >Better play it a bit more safe
  72. >Instead, you turn around and lay your arm at the end of her neck
  73. >You really wanted to put it around her neck, but it would be awkward with the walk
  74. >Celestia looks at you with raised eyebrows and a curious smile
  75. >She doesn't flinch, but rather looks at you with great interest
  76. "Shall we?"
  77. >Even though your back is turned to the door, she simply nods and starts walking
  78. >Perfectly in sync with her hooves, you start moonwalking
  79. >You try your best not to smile too arrogantly, but it's difficult
  80. >Especially with all these guards glaring at you
  81. >You knew training to do this would pay off down the road
  82. >The two of you are getting closer to the garden, and Celestia chuckles
  83. >"This was not exactly what I had in mind when I said 'walk', Anon."
  84. >You turn your head and look at her
  85. >She's still smiling broadly, quite clearly amused
  86. >"Is this how humans usually do their walking, or are you trying to impress me?"
  89. >You lift your brows slightly and look at the princess
  90. >With a warm, genuine smile on your lips, you chuckle
  91. "I didn't know a princess of such stature, power, and knowledge, could still be impressed by a mere human, even as superior as I am."
  92. >The smile on your lips lingers
  93. >It is quickly mirrored on Celestia's face
  94. >The two of you look at each other for a quiet while
  95. >It is a comfortable silence, one you welcome
  96. >Staring at such beauty is a rare occurrence, especially this close
  97. >Finally Celestia breaks the silence, at first with a quiet chuckle
  98. >"There's a lot more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?"
  99. >She speaks quietly, barely more than a whisper
  100. >You nod; words are not needed
  101. >"It's not every day you stumble upon an unknown race. There is much I wish to know about you."
  102. >Celestia looks away, instead focusing on the rich and beautiful flowers sitting in the garden
  103. >"You do not remind me of any pony I have ever met. In fact..."
  104. >She looks back at you, another curious smile on her face
  105. >"I've never seen anyone act this brash around me. It is quite refreshing. Thank you."
  107. >You inch closer as you heart pounds
  108. >There's something about her you that draws you in
  109. >Despite all reason, you place one hand on her ethereal mane and the other on her cutie mark
  110. "I didn't know you had such a wild side."
  111. >You slowly and gently pet her mane
  112. >It feels quite unlike actual hair, and more like an aura or essence
  113. >It's almost as if it isn't even real
  114. >Her fur most certainly is, however, and the smoothness is amazing on your fingertips
  115. >You circle around the sun on her flank, caressing it gently
  116. >All the while you keep your eyes locked with hers
  117. >Staring into those beautiful purple eyes
  118. >You could so easily get lost in time, simply staring at her
  119. >She is magnificent, glorious
  120. >And she inches her face closer to yours
  121. >When there are but a few inches between the two of you, she opens her mouth
  122. >You prepare yourself for the kiss of a lifetime
  123. >"Anon, I appreciate the gesture, but could you stop now?"
  124. >She chuckles as she speaks, and smiles at you with her eyes
  126. >You stop moving your hands
  127. >The silence grows
  128. >It's not anywhere close to comfortable
  129. >Here you stand, your mind completely blank
  130. >This turned out quite differently than you imagined
  131. >You try to speak, but the words don't come
  132. >Your throat is so immensely dry
  133. >A glass of water would be much appreciated
  134. >Still she stares right at you, and you wish she wouldn't
  135. "Will you urinate on my face?"
  136. >The world seems to stop around you
  137. >You can hear the echo of your own words
  138. >For a second you wish to wake up from this dream
  139. >It's a nightmare and you want out, right now
  140. >Yet you are stuck there, with your question still hanging in the air
  141. >Strangely, Celestia doesn't so much as batter an eyelid
  142. >The smile on her lips, however, grows wider
  143. >"I respectfully decline your offer."
  144. >She exaggerates her royal tone immensely
  145. >You pull your hands away as she starts walking further into the garden
  146. >You can hear her chuckling to herself as she looks at the flowers all around her
  148. >You quickly regain your composure and scoot up next to her
  149. "Joking aside. You called me here for some kind of reason. I need to know what that is."
  150. >Celestia is back to her normal self, at least you see it as normal
  151. >Calm, collected, and smiling warmly
  152. >"Two reasons, actually. Both my personal interest in you and your species."
  153. >For once she doesn't look at you while speaking
  154. >It feels a little odd, but you let her continue
  155. >"I want to know more about you. I have never seen anything like yourself, and the prospect of learning something entirely new entices me."
  156. >She turns her gaze towards you
  157. >"Secondly, I would like to hear your knowledge on the power of friendship."
  158. >You raise an eyebrow at that
  159. >The way she speaks makes it sound like it's really important somehow
  160. >You just don't understand why
  161. >"It is one of the more powerful forces here in Equestria, able to activate the Elements of Harmony themselves... Yet I do not fully understand why."
  162. >She stops and turns to fully face you, a more serious look in her eyes
  163. >"With your ability to enter this world, you must know something. I have never seen magic of your kind before. If you could assist with this, I would greatly appreciate it."
  165. >You lower your head and think
  166. >Maybe she's going to do experiments on you
  167. >Surely she wouldn't
  168. >You would probably just have to answer questions
  169. >Maybe they'll study you with their magic or something
  170. >Still, this is an opportunity
  171. >Opportunities shouldn't be wasted
  172. >After contemplating the situation, you look back up
  173. >Celestia hasn't changed her expression one bit
  174. "Let's make a deal."
  175. >She raises an eyebrow, awaiting your next move
  176. "I'll tell you anything you want to know about my world, that's the least I can do."
  177. >A gentle smile appears on her lips
  178. "As for my species... I could let you explore my body... Intimately... So long as I could return the favor."
  179. >You wink at the princess and await her response
  180. >Now it is her turn to lower her head
  181. >She looks solemn, almost like a statue
  182. >When she looks up, there is not a smile to be seen
  183. >"Anon, do you fully understand what you are proposing? I am worried you may be in over your head."
  184. >In the corner of her mouth you see movement, the tiniest of movement
  185. >The air is still between you, and silence falls
  186. >She stands there, tall and regal, like a true monarch
  187. >And she doesn't say a word more, but simply waits
  189. "As long as you don't kill or horribly mutilate me, go for it. My race gets sexual pleasure from pain, well, some of us. I can handle anything you throw at me."
  190. >For the first time you see a cheeky smile on Celestia's lips
  191. >She doesn't bother to keep it at bay any longer
  192. >She doesn't seem at all like the same mare
  193. >There's a certain aura of intrigue about her now
  194. >"I most certainly am not going to hurt you, dear Anon. It lies not in my nature to do that. I do not believe you know what you're in for, not by a long stretch. If you had known me better, you would have never made this deal."
  195. >She moves closer, until she is nearly rubbing against you
  196. >She looks you dead in the eye and her smile widens
  197. >"You know nothing, Anon. But consider your offer accepted. We have a deal."
  198. >A bright glow emanates from her horn, flashing sharply for a second before fading away
  199. >It almost blinds you, but your vision re-adjusts quickly
  200. >Nothing seems to have happened
  201. >Celestia even backs off to her original position
  202. >She still looks at you, still with the cheeky grin on her face
  204. >Something must have happened
  205. >You're sure of it
  206. >This is how they do magic, after all
  207. >A thought enters you mind, and you quickly look down
  208. >Your clothes are still there
  209. >You're half relieved, half disappointed
  210. >But if that wasn't it, then what?
  211. >Your eyes dart around the garden, trying to see
  212. >Absolutely nothing looks different
  213. >Celestia chuckles as you check your limbs for irregularities
  214. >You're getting a little angry, just a tad
  215. "What did you do? I know you did magic."
  216. >"Don't worry, I did not alter anything."
  217. "Then what?"
  218. >"I simply sealed our deal. A magical deal, you could call it."
  219. >You stare at her for a bit
  220. >That doesn't make sense at all
  221. >Yet she doesn't elaborate
  222. "All right, what's a 'magical deal'?"
  223. >"Insurance, Anon. In case you break your end of the bargain, by not returning the favor in full, for instance."
  224. >Her smile broadens and she chuckles
  225. >"Shall we continue the walk?"
  227. "Wow, wow, wow. First you tell me what happens if I break that deal."
  228. >Celestia continues smirking
  229. "Then you tell me exactly what you plan on doing to me. Then we have a nice walk. Maybe get lunch."
  230. >"I do not plan to do anything you would be uncomfortable with, Anon. I am not a monster."
  231. >Her words seem genuine enough, but you can't shake the feeling that something isn't right
  232. >"I believe the deal was to let me gain my knowledge of your species through intimacy, and that you would then return the favor, true?"
  233. >You nod slowly and let her continue
  234. >"If you break that deal, let's just say I will be exploring both genders of your species. Extensive research and studying is quite the good thing."
  235. >Your jaw drops just a little
  236. >Surely she couldn't do that
  237. >Even if she has magic, that's just not possible
  238. >Although she is quite powerful, it can't be
  239. >"But I do not expect you to break a deal you made yourself, Anon. Surely you weren't intending to? Now, let us continue."
  241. >You nod, currently at a loss for words
  242. >The idea of breaking the deal is stuck in your mind
  243. >She could be bluffing for all you know
  244. >It's probably safest to assume she isn't, however
  245. >After giving yourself a moment to fully think things over, you motion for her to continue
  246. >Rather than walk, you turn around once more
  247. >Moonwalking clearly wasn't enough to fully impress her
  248. >More drastic measures have to be taken
  249. >While the princess walks next to you, you start backflipping
  250. >The world spins and spins as you move through the garden
  251. >You can hear Celestia chuckling non-stop, as if amused by an amusing tale
  252. >You almost forgot how fun it is to flip around, even if it is an inconvenient way of moving
  253. >Even though flipping, you notice Celestia stop very suddenly
  254. >"Anon, you should -"
  255. >Her warning comes too late, and you hit something behind you
  256. >The impact doesn't hurt particularly much, but leaves you drained of oxygen
  257. >As you sit on the ground, you see the wall stretched out behind you
  258. >Grumbling to yourself, you gently hit it
  259. >"Are you okay?"
  260. >Celestia walks over, looking you over with concern
  262. "Yeah, I'm fine."
  263. >You brush her off and turn around
  264. >Planting both your feet on the wall, you start walking
  265. >Up and up you go, until you get to the very top
  266. >Once up there, you can see far away into the land of Equestria
  267. >It's actually quite beautiful
  268. >Instead of admiring the view too long, however, you sit down on the wall, facing Celestia
  269. >You look at her, waiting
  270. >There's nothing in this corner of the garden, aside from the wall
  271. >Yet she brought you here
  272. >"How did you do that?"
  273. >She actually sounds astonished
  274. >You shrug at her
  275. "It happens sometimes."
  276. >Truth be told you have no idea how you did it
  277. >It seems to work sometimes
  278. >Usually when you're being kind of a dick
  279. >It's the only connection you've made, but it seems to be true
  280. >"Extraordinary..."
  281. >She seems to be talking to herself
  282. >"Anyway, we're here."
  283. >You look around once more
  284. >It's just a corner with some grass near a wall
  285. "Here? Why did you bring me here?"
  286. >Celestia chuckles and nods upwards
  287. >Looking up, you see an enormously tall tower with a balcony at the very top
  288. >"My living quarters", she says matter-of-factly
  290. >You look from her to the balcony
  291. >Then back to Celestia
  292. "Wait, are we going to fuck right now?"
  293. >A second of silence passes
  294. "... Should I take my pants off, or are you going to do that for me?"
  295. >Celestia takes a step towards the wall, still looking up at you
  296. >"You really can be quite crude, you know?"
  297. >She seems to mean no ill will, as she's smiling the entire time
  298. >"But, yes, if that is how you want to put it. As for your pants, that is all up to you. The 'action' will have to delay a short while, I am afraid. I was not intending to perform this research of your species here in the garden, but rather up there."
  299. >You look up at the balcony
  300. >It is really high up
  301. >You aren't sure if you can manage that walk on your own
  302. "So, how are we getting up there?"
  303. >Celestia chuckles and spreads her wings
  304. >They are quite a bit larger than you thought them to be
  305. >With elegance and care, she flies up in the air and towards you
  306. >Once near you, she hovers there, smiling at you
  307. >"One of two ways, Anon. Either we teleport, or we fly. I thought it nice to let you choose."
  309. >With a wide smile appearing on your lips, you wiggle your eyebrows at her
  310. "Well, sooner or later I'm going to ride you. We can always start with the easy version first."
  311. >Celestia's smile widens, and she flies closer
  312. >"You certainly are smooth."
  313. >Turning around mid-air, she positions herself for you to get on
  314. >It's a little awkward because there's nothing to really grip
  315. >You manage however and slide onto the princess' back
  316. >"Be gentle, please."
  317. >Celestia's voice is thick with irony
  318. >"I didn't know you were so big."
  319. >She chuckles heartily as she adjusts her flying to accommodate the extra weight
  320. >As you hold on to her neck, you notice just how nice she is to touch
  321. >It's hard not to run your fingers through her fur
  322. >You don't stop yourself
  323. >You could swear you heard her purr, but just for a brief second
  324. >"Hold on tight."
  325. >Without further warning, Celestia sets off
  326. >She soars through the air faster than you imagined
  327. >You grab a tight hold of her and hang on
  328. >Though the flight is short, it is an amazing experience
  329. >The wind almost tears your face off, and by the time you're at the top, there's tears in your eyes
  330. >Your hair is completely ruffled, yet Celestia looks just as graceful
  331. >As she lands on the balcony, you keep sitting on her
  332. >She turns her head and smiles at you
  333. >"Welcome to my home."
  335. >You're panting, and your body shivers
  336. "Damn, that flight was... Powerful, like your magic... Beautiful, like yourself..."
  337. >She smiles warmly at that part
  338. "And firm, like your ass..."
  339. >The smile is quickly replaced with laughter
  340. >With you still on her back, she playfully shakes her rump
  341. >"So you appreciate my hindquarters, do you? Good to know for what's coming."
  342. >Her horn glows gently, and the doors to the balcony swing open
  343. >Celestia walks inside, bringing you along
  344. >The room you enter is circular, and quite large
  345. >Bookshelves crafted specifically for such a room are all around you
  346. >There must be hundreds of books and scrolls in here
  347. >What catches your attention, however, is the bed
  348. >Not only is it incredibly large and round, but it's right in the middle of the room
  349. >You stare at it for a little while
  350. >It seems odd to put a bed there
  351. >As you look at it, it suddenly becomes bigger
  352. >It grows larger by the second, until you hit it face first
  353. >You shuffle around and face Celestia just in time to see the glow disappear from her horn
  354. >She's looking down at you in a way that can only mean one thing
  355. >She's done playing around
  356. >"So, here we are, Anon. Are you ready for me to learn about you? Everything about you?"
  358. "Yes."
  359. >You weren't sure what more to say
  360. >It seems to be enough for the princess, however
  361. >She slowly advanced towards you
  362. >Almost like a predator stalking its prey
  363. >There's a certain sway to her figure with each step
  364. >One that certainly wasn't there before
  365. >Here in this bedroom, alone with you, she seems far more feminine
  366. >Once she is at the edge of the bed, she leans down
  367. >Her lips brush against yours, but she does not kiss you
  368. >Instead, she lets out her breath, her incredibly warm breath on your mouth
  369. >She looks you right in the eye and smiles
  370. >"I hope you can handle this, Anon. I have had centuries of practice, after all. And there are so many things I wish to know."
  372. >Inspired by the feeling of her lips so close to your own, you get an idea
  373. "How about we play a game?"
  374. >"Oh?"
  375. >Every time she speaks, her lips press slightly more into yours
  376. >Shivers run down your spine, and you wish you had more
  377. >But good things come to those who wait
  378. "For each question you ask of me, the price rises. The first bid is a kiss."
  379. >Celestia chuckles, letting out more of her breath onto your lips
  380. >Her eyes are half closed, and she smiles widely
  381. >"Anon, I don't think you understand."
  382. >You are surprised by her words, and she seems to notice
  383. >"I wasn't planning on asking any questions. This is a bedroom, after all. This is going to be a more... practical approach."
  384. >Before you can respond, Celestia presses her lips against yours
  385. >Burning hot warmth shoots through your entire body, as were you kissing the sun itself
  386. >Although her face is far from human, the kiss is much the same
  387. >Her lips are far smoother than anything you have ever experienced
  388. >They glisten with saliva, spreading to your own as she pushes herself onto you
  389. >Within seconds, she is on the bed, laying on top of you
  390. >Though simple, the kiss is long and deep, one that makes your heart flutter
  391. >The curtains have been lifted, and the play is on
  393. >Almost instinctively, you break the kiss
  394. >Snapping your fingers, you whisper into Celestia's ear
  395. >Old, archaic words that you don't remember knowing
  396. >Yet they flow with ease, rolling off your tongue and into her ear
  397. >For a brief second, confusion strikes Celestia's face
  398. >Then, the confusion is replaced by surprise and pleasure
  399. >She gasps loudly and her body trembles
  400. >Her face falls to the bed next to your own
  401. >Already she comes, falling victim to the ancient magic
  402. >Next to your ear, she gasps and pants
  403. >Reduced to nothing more than a trembling mess
  404. >And she will be this way for eight minutes in total
  405. >You enjoy the sight
  406. >The princess herself, laying on top of you, squirting and gasping
  407. >Clearly not as powerful as she made herself out to be
  408. >"A-ANON! MMH! H-HOW?!? OH, MY WORD!"
  409. >You don't reply, but rather watch
  410. >Watch her bite her lip
  411. >Watch her hoof go straight between her legs
  412. >Listen to her screams of delight with glee
  413. >Although you are still, she has succumbed to the power
  414. >And the ordeal lasts the entire eight minutes, just as you knew
  415. >Even when it is over and she is released from her orgasm, she pants
  416. >Her body still shakes, as had she been ravaged by an earthquake
  417. >Peeking out as far as you can, you see a puddle of her juices underneath her rump
  418. >You chuckle quietly, which catches her attention
  419. >"H-How...? You... should not have such powers... Oh, Anon..."
  421. >This was not the time for questions
  422. >She said so herself
  423. >You abide by those words and simply turn your head
  424. >The look in her eye is a mix of confusion, exhaustion, and joy
  425. >You lean forward and kiss her gently
  426. >She moans directly into your lips and returns the gesture
  427. >This time, however, you go the extra mile
  428. >As you open your mouth, she follows suit
  429. >Your tongue immediately darts into her mouth
  430. >Despite her exhaustion, Celestia fends off the assault with her own
  431. >The two of you engage in a dance of flesh, your tongues circling each other, slipping from mouth to mouth
  432. >Her tongue is quite a bit larger than yours, but you are able to match her moves
  433. >While you explore her mouth fully, you slide a hand down her body
  434. >Through her fur, past her cutie mark, and below her rump
  435. >Celestia gasps and moans as your fingers explore her cunt
  436. >You move slowly, running just the tips over her swollen lips
  437. >As you pleasure her with your hand, you feel her tongue lose strength
  438. >She pushes her rump against your hand, clearly wanting more
  439. >You oblige immediately, slipping two fingers into her snatch
  440. >She is incredibly tight, and extraordinarily warm
  441. >Still, you have no problem slipping in and out, with the help of her own juices
  442. >With each push, you put in a bit of extra force, eliciting lusty moans from Celestia's throat
  443. >She has completely given up on the battle of tongues, letting you do as you please
  445. >Before letting her free from the overpowering kiss, you lure her tongue into your mouth
  446. >Grabbing it gently with your teeth, you suck on the wet flesh
  447. >Celestia wiggles it around ever so slightly, but you remain in control
  448. >You give her a gentle bite before letting her go, breaking the kiss
  449. "Now I shall taste the magic."
  450. >The whisper in her ear makes her shiver
  451. >You remove your hand from her snatch, leaving the princess looking slightly disappointed
  452. >It doesn't last long, however, as you plant your tongue on her neck
  453. >She coos blissfully as you start licking
  454. >The fur doesn't prove to be an issue
  455. >After her eight minute orgasm, however, there's a hint of sweat on her body
  456. >You move downwards in circles, licking every nook and cranny of her body
  457. >First her neck, then her chest
  458. >Celestia moans the entire way
  459. >She even puts a hoof on your head, gently forcing you lower
  460. >Once you reach her stomach, you hover there for a while
  461. >Though Celestia tries to get you even lower, you stay focused on her belly, licking away gently
  462. >"Please..."
  463. >It's all you wanted to hear
  464. >You finally scoot down, inching closer to her cunt
  465. >Once you are just above it, you tease her once again by stopping
  466. >This time, she isn't having any of it
  467. >She pushes your head down, causing your tongue to brush against her clit
  468. >Her body spasms, and her breath immediately turns ragged
  469. >You do not give her a moment's rest, however
  471. >With dextrous skill, your tongue dances around her dripping pussy
  472. >The taste is quite unlike anything you have ever had
  473. >There's an indescribable quality to it, thankfully pleasant
  474. >At first you stay on the outside, licking up and down her lips
  475. >She seems to want more, as evident by her pushing on your head
  476. >You aren't quite done with her, however, and you stay focused on the lips for a moment longer
  477. >"A-Anon, please! I need this!"
  478. >Her voice, her words makes you grin
  479. >She is yours completely
  480. >Knowing this, you spread apart her lips and thrust in your tongue
  481. >Celestia roars with pleasure, mumbling away about her ecstasy
  482. >With your tongue firmly inside of her, you wiggle it around
  483. >The heat is incredible, on the verge of being uncomfortable
  484. >Though she loves it, you want something else
  485. >And you haven't the self-control to stay idle
  486. >You leave her snatch behind, and you prepare for the begging
  487. >She doesn't have time to start, however, as you reach her second hole
  488. >The puffy exterior is inviting, and you waste no time
  489. >You use just the tip, licking the ring of her anus and the entrance itself
  490. >Celestia's moans turn even louder, like music to your ears
  491. >Spreading her cheeks apart with your hands, your force your tongue inside
  492. >It's difficult, but you get in
  493. >There's barely any room to move, but you do as much as you can
  494. >You thrust like a piston, wiggling your tongue and kissing the ring
  495. >"You're driving me c-crazy! Y-You tease! Mmh!"
  497. >If that is how she feels
  498. >You retract your tongue and stand
  499. >Celestia can barely focus her sight
  500. >Even her ethereal mane is messy
  501. >You take a moment to admire her form
  502. >Especially in this state of pleasure and ecstasy
  503. >But admiration is not what you need
  504. >It's time for you to get in on this as well
  505. >In a matter of seconds, you whip out your hardened cock
  506. >Celestia barely reacts, but it's already too late for her
  507. >You thrust all the way into her cunt in one go
  509. >Celestia's only response is a moan louder than any previous one
  510. >You waste no time in settling, but rather start thrusting right away
  511. >The heat alongside the tightness is incredible
  512. >Her walls clamp down on your dick, making each thrust more difficult, but a thousand times more pleasurable
  513. >Using her muscles, she massages your dick as you plow her royal cunt with great vigor
  514. >It's barely been more than thirty seconds, and it's already becoming too much
  515. >Her control is leaving you unable to pace yourself
  516. >But you're not going down, not yet
  517. >In one smooth move, you slip out of her pussy and directly into her anus
  518. >With your dick covered in her cum, entering becomes easy
  519. >Her ass a far tighter than her cunt, as had it never been taken like this
  520. >Celestia is speechless, she doesn't even breathe
  521. >Her eyes are wide, and her whole body shakes as you slam into her rump
  522. >You go as fast and hard as you possibly can, enjoying all the sensations her anus brings
  524. >"Harder! Harder! Take me! Make me yours!"
  525. >There's nothing royal about her voice
  526. >She is but a woman succumbing to your pleasure
  527. >And in turn, you are succumbing to hers
  528. >Even switching to her ass is not enough
  529. >You are getting so dangerously close
  530. >This time, you don't try to delay
  531. >There's no need to hold back
  532. >The only thought in your mind is to fill the princess of this world with your seed
  533. >"Thrust like you mean it! MMH! TAKE ME!"
  534. >Celestia's words fuels the fire
  535. >Pulling all reserve strength from your body, you thrust into her eager ass
  536. >A roar builds in your throat, and you let it out in full as you thrust one final time
  537. >You cover your dick balls deep inside her anus, and let it all out
  538. >An explosion of semen goes off, spraying even further into her
  539. >Load after load is emptied, causing her walls to become sticky and wet
  540. >Celestia is pushed over the edge by this, and the sound of her scream pierces the air around you
  541. >Her horn lights up so intensely it blinds the two of you, covering the room in a blanket of white light
  542. >Both the light and your orgasm lasts about half a minute, and once you collapse onto the princess' body, the light fades
  543. >As you lay there, snug into her fur, you notice the room is much brighter
  544. >Yet the light doesn't come from Celestia
  545. >As you look out a window, you see the sun high in the sky, right next to the moon
  546. >Last you checked, it was about four in the morning
  547. >"A-Anon... That was... Oh, damn it..."
  549. >Looking up at the ruler, something enters your mind
  550. >Something you had entirely forgot about
  551. "So... Ya still gonna make me a girl, or do you like me as I am?"
  552. >Celestia shifts her focus from the window to you
  553. >She smiles wearily and chuckles quietly
  554. >"You more than held up the end of the bargain. I will not."
  555. >The weary smile is quickly exchanged with a coy one
  556. >"Unless you wish to... experiment further."
  557. >Celestia kisses the air and wiggles her eyebrows slightly
  558. >"I think... you would make a lovely female."
  559. >Grabbing a hold of you, she drags you closer
  560. >You slide up her body, through her fur
  561. >She only stops once your face is next to hers
  562. >"I think you may even take a pounding better than me."
  563. >The sound of her whispering voice makes your body tremble
  564. >She gives you a quick peck on the lips and chuckles
  565. >With her eyes meeting yours, she unfolds a wing and wraps it around you, almost as if hugging you
  566. >It's incredibly soft, and leaves you feeling snug and warm
  567. >Truly this is bliss
  568. >"It's your choice."
  570. >You make your voice as feminine as possible
  571. "O-Oh my goodness..."
  572. >Celestia perks up at this
  573. >There's a certain interest, almost a hunger, in her eyes
  574. "Are you gonna take me to dinner first?"
  575. >The predatory look on her face is back in full effect
  576. >Almost as if something has awoken inside her
  577. >"Oh, no, my sweet Anon. You know there is only one thing I would want."
  578. >She scoots closer to you, bumping into your stomach
  579. >Looking down, you don't see her own
  580. >Rather, what's poking you is a rock-hard, glistening cock
  581. >You gulp and look back at Celestia
  582. >"Don't tease me, Anon", she says in a sing-song voice
  583. >"You can back out if you want, but do not tease me."
  584. >She inches closer, until her mouth is right next to your ear
  585. >Sticking out her tongue, she gently, slowly licks it and bites your earlobe
  586. >"You know exactly what is going to happen if you continue."
  588. >You bite your lip and look down
  589. >It's much bigger than anything you've seen before
  590. >Twitching ever so slightly there between your bodies
  591. >Looking back up, you're the one to move to her ear
  592. "I want you... to come inside me... Experiment on the genetic compatibility between humans and alicorns..."
  593. >That's all it takes
  594. >Celestia immediately gets up, a fire in her eyes
  595. >You're startled by the movement and do not move with her
  596. >Looking up, you see Celestia standing above you, dick hanging below at full length
  597. >"Prepare yourself."
  598. >Once more her horn glows, and the light extends to you
  599. >It envelops your body like a cocoon
  600. >It's very comfortable, like being in a hot bath
  601. >Then an explosion of light fills the room, lasting only a split second
  602. >When it's over, Celestia's mouth hangs open
  603. >She's staring at you, her eyes moving up and down your body
  604. >You're excited, but also slightly nervous
  605. >Looking down, the first thing you see are your breasts
  606. >Not the biggest of them all, but certainly sizable
  607. >More importantly, they're perky
  608. >You take a moment to play with them, exploring them with your hands
  609. >It is odd to be on this end of the pleasure, but still satisfying
  610. >You let out a quiet moan, and immediately notice your change of voice
  611. >It's simply strange to hear it come from yourself, there's nothing wrong with it in the slightest
  612. "Holy shit..."
  613. >"Perfect. This experiment will be just... perfect."
  615. >There's a fire burning in your body
  616. >You can feel it in every fiber of your being
  617. >It's almost like an itch which needs scratching
  618. >Your right hand instinctively moves lower
  619. >All the way down
  620. >It's odd not to find a throbbing cock
  621. >The empty space just feels strange
  622. >But the moment you lay your finger on your brand new slit, you all but forget about the lack of a dick
  623. "H-Holy fuck..."
  624. >You move your fingers slowly
  625. >Circle around the outside
  626. >From your throat erupts the cutest moans and gasps
  627. >And from the look on Celestia's face, you can tell she likes it
  628. >Unfortunately, the itch is getting worse
  629. >Your rubbing is doing the exact opposite of what you wanted
  630. >You need something... more
  631. "I want to have your kids."
  632. >There's no thought put into your words
  633. >All you do is let out what you know is true
  634. >With your hand still rubbing your brand new pussy, you move closer to Celestia
  635. >In one smooth swoop, you lift your legs and lock them behind the princess' lower back
  636. "Breed me."
  637. >The beast is unleashed, and Celestia immediately positions her dick in front of your cunt
  638. >When it hits your lips, your eyes flicker and the fire inside you burns brighter
  639. "Fuck me. Fill me. I want you. I need you!"
  641. >Eager as you are, you buck your hips upwards, ready to take her in
  642. >Unfortunately, Celestia chose that very same instance to thrust
  643. >Instead of slipping into your pussy, the combined movement causes Celestia's cock to slip into your anus instead
  644. >Your eyes widen and your breath stops
  645. >A twinge of pain shoots through your body, but Celestia doesn't seem to notice
  646. >She keeps pushing, shoving more of her large horsecock into your anus
  647. >You're not even sure how you're taking all of it, especially with this little pain
  648. >And then you feel her balls
  649. >She has somehow managed to bury her full length in your ass
  650. >Celestia is already panting, clearly not used to tightness of this caliber
  651. >Just as you gave her no time to settle, she does the same
  652. >The thrusting commences, causing Celestia's balls to slap against your bare ass
  653. >The pain quickly fades, leaving only pleasure in its wake
  654. >Yet this will not do, there's something missing
  655. "C-Celestia!"
  656. >"Yes! Take it all! You dirty slut!"
  657. "N-No! It's my a-ass! I want you to b-breed me!"
  658. >Celestia opens her eyes and immediately stops thrusting
  659. >Looking down, she notices the mistake and retracts her cock
  660. >She mumbles something about being sorry, but the lust is clearly taking over
  661. >It's mere seconds before she has properly re-aligned herself
  662. >This time you leave the thrusting to her, simply waiting
  663. >Still eager from the prior thrusts, Celestia goes overboard, slamming her full length into you in one go
  665. "Oh, YES!"
  666. >You have no idea how it is this good
  667. >But the feeling of being filled to the very brim hits every nerve in just the right way
  668. >You tighten the grip of your legs around her back even further
  669. >The itch lingers as Celestia stays still
  670. >"Wow... I had forgotten..."
  671. >You lean up and give her a quick kiss
  672. "Shut up and rut me. And you better be rough."
  673. >Something changes in Celestia's eyes
  674. >As if someone turned on a switch
  675. >Whatever it is, she complies immediately
  676. >With your lower body clinging to her, she commences the thrusting
  677. >Every time she slides out, you want more
  678. >But every time she thrusts back in, it's twice as good as prior
  679. >The fire in your body rages
  680. >Your moans is all one can hear in the room
  681. >One after the other, like a symphony in the night turned day
  682. >You're not sure if you should be doing something specific, but Celestia seems to enjoy what is going on
  683. >All you know, is that you love every second of being pounded by her throbbing dick
  684. >You gasp sharply as Celestia's mouth suddenly hits your right breast
  685. >She sucks vigorously, gently biting your nipple and teasing you with her tongue
  686. >She moves from breast to breast, tackling them with pure skill
  687. >Focusing your vision, you see her horn right in front of you
  688. >You aren't even sure, but you lean your head forward
  689. >Sticking out your tongue, you lick all the way from the base to the tip
  690. >For a second, Celestia's thrusts become erratic, and she roars with pleasure
  692. >Just the reaction you wanted
  693. >Without another thought, you open your mouth and start sucking
  694. >It's surprisingly smooth, and very firm
  695. >There's no flavor to be found, but the reaction it's causing in Celestia is more than enough to keep you going
  696. >Due to your inexperience, you can't take too much of it, but it doesn't seem to bother her
  697. >There's a lack of rhythm to Celestia's thrusts, and her mouth work has gotten sloppy as well
  698. >Part of you actually prefers this wild and uncontrolled fucking
  699. >It truly feels like being taken by a beast
  700. >A beast with only one thing in mind
  701. >You're going to make sure she remembers, however
  702. >Leaving her horn behind with a final lick, you grab her muzzle and make her look at you
  703. >You push your lips against hers, locking her in a deep and unmoving kiss
  704. >There's no use of the tongues, only the shared panting of the two of you
  705. >When you feel her cock throbbing deep within you, something stirs in your own body
  706. >You have never felt anything like it before
  707. >But you know it is about to happen
  708. >You break the kiss and stare right into Celestia's eyes
  709. "Do it... Fill me... Give me your kids... Yeah, that's right... Just like that... Don't you dare spill a drop... Mmh! Give it to me! Celestia... Celestia! OH YES!"
  710. >From one moment to the other, it feels as if someone set off a bomb inside of you
  711. >Your entire body shakes violently, and your vision turns blurry
  712. >Celestia, on the other hand, roars loudly as she buries herself inside of you
  714. >Her dick seems to expand in girth, and that's when you feel it
  715. >Load upon load of semen is shot directly into your cervix
  716. >Somehow, it actually sends jolts of pleasure through your body
  717. >It is incredibly satisfying to feel her seed stick inside of you
  718. >Your own orgasm takes the focus, however
  719. >The fire in your body seems to flare up, intensifying thousandfold
  720. >For a few moments it roasts in your body, but with no pain following
  721. >Your pussy twitches and contracts around Celestia's cock, milking it for all it's worth
  722. >You feel your juices flow freely, just as Celestia's had
  723. >The release happens just as the burning flames dies down in your body, leaving you only with complete exhaustion
  724. >You collapse onto the bed, breathing slowly and quietly
  725. >The world spins around you
  726. >But everything feels right and good
  727. >Celestia's roar dies down, as does the spurting of seed
  728. >She pulls out slowly, leaving a trail of semen dripping from your cunt
  729. >"Try not to... pee next time..."
  730. >She throws herself onto the bed, right next to you, a smile on her face
  731. >You cover your mouth with a hand, blushing greatly
  732. "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't-!"
  733. >"Shh... It's okay... My little broodmare..."
  734. >Celestia gently removes your hand and kisses you
  735. >She once again wraps her wing around you, hugging you tightly
  736. "So... Do you think I'm...?"
  737. >Celestia's horn glows for a brief second
  738. >With a smile on her face, she nods twice
  739. >"Though this means I cannot turn you back. Not without..."
  741. "Wait, what the fuck? Do you have super sperm? You imp the dimp? Normally it takes a few hours before sperm meets egg."
  742. >Celestia raises an eyebrow in confusion
  743. "Whatever. Keep it like this. I- I'm kind of excited to have your kid."
  744. >Once more you feel your self blush
  745. >Not only is the entire situation odd, but it so much stranger to hear yourself say that
  746. >But you know it's right, it's what you want
  747. >As you lay there, you realize there's more you want
  748. >Something you only got a taste of
  749. >"Anon, I know this is -"
  750. >You silence her by unwrapping her wing and pinning it to the bed
  751. >Celestia looks on in surprise as you move to sit on her stomach, a hand on each wing
  752. >"Anon, what are you -"
  753. "I'm not done with you just yet."
  754. >A wide smile spreads across your lips, and you scoot backwards
  755. >Once you feel her cum-stained cock, Celestia understands
  756. >You quickly align yourself, using a hand to guide her dick
  757. >This time, however, you're guiding it straight to your ass
  758. >Pushing backwards, you manage to slowly get the flared tip inside
  759. >Already you feel ready for round two
  760. >Once your ass has a firm grip on her stallionhood, you pin the second wing down
  761. "Giddy up. We're going for a ride."
  762. >You bite your lip and stare her right in the eye as you take in her full length
  763. >It's a difficult task on your own, but you finally manage
  764. >Without further ado, you slowly start riding her magnificent cock
  765. >You sway your hips from side to side, causing her to hit all the right spots
  767. >"Anon, I'm, ooh, it's, mmh! Oh, heavens!"
  768. >Celestia can barely focus
  769. >The sense of empowerment is more than enough on its own to keep you going
  770. >The physical pleasure, however, is far more enticing
  771. >Feeling her split you apart with each inch is addicting
  772. >Every time you take her in, it has to be faster, harder
  773. >Just a bit more rough with each thrust
  774. >More, more, more
  775. >You can't help it, it's that good
  776. >Finally you let her wings go
  777. >Instead you grab your own tits, pinching your nipples and caressing the flesh
  778. "Fuck that's good. So fucking good!"
  779. >You close your eyes and focus entirely on the pleasure
  780. >With each thrust, you learn how to work the dick better
  781. >Moving your hips and angling the thrusts increases the sensations tenfold
  782. >The remainder of sperm has been spread out evenly on her cock as well as inside of you
  783. >The noises this causes are incredibly vulgar, and you love it entirely
  784. >You lose yourself to perversion, not taking into account anything but your own pleasure
  785. >It's a complete surprise when you suddenly hear Celestia groan and the first load being shot within you
  786. >This doesn't keep you from riding, however
  787. >In fact, you find that continuing makes Celestia's orgasm that much more potent
  788. >You open your eyes and stare at the mare underneath you
  789. >She squirms and trembles, a slave to your ass
  790. >With one last thrust of your hips, you plant yourself on her groin and let yourself climax
  791. >Although less potent that prior, the satisfaction remains
  793. >Your breathing is ragged, as had you just run a marathon
  794. >Your muscles ache, but it feels fantastic
  795. >Placing your hands on Celestia's chest, you lean forward
  796. >With a smile on your lips, you look her in the eye
  797. "I hope your sister will give me the next one..."
  798. >Celestia's face is plastered with surprise
  799. >You can't help but shoot her a cheeky smile
  800. >The door slams open, starling both of you immensely
  801. >"Sister! Why is the sun still..."
  802. >With wide eyes you look right at the princess of the night
  803. >She's staring back at you, with Celestia's dick inside of you
  804. >"I'll lower the sun, Luna. Just let me explain."
  805. "H-Hi."
  806. >"Is- Is that the human?"
  807. >"Yeah. That's the one."
  808. >Luna takes a cautious step into the room, her eyes never leaving you
  809. >"But he looked so different..."
  810. >Something clicks in Luna's eyes, and she finally looks to her sister
  811. >"Sister, did you-"
  812. >"Yes, I did, Luna. We all have our... urges."
  813. >You feel as if you should leave, but sitting on a cock makes the task fairly complicated without attracting too much attention
  814. >"Why do you never let me have any of the fun? You always do this, and it is not fair!"
  815. >Luna is frowning heavily, awaiting a reply
  816. >"You want...?"
  817. >Celestia's face slowly turns into a broad smile, while she turns to face you
  818. >Luna, seeing this, also turns her gaze towards you
  819. >You suddenly feel very exposed, and smile awkwardly at the two princesses
  820. >"Well, I believe Anon did in fact mention you, dear sister."
  821. "Heh, yeah..."
  823. >The sun feels fantastic on your skin
  824. >Especially on your exposed belly
  825. >You rub a hand over it, smiling to yourself
  826. >The garden is more beautiful than ever
  827. >Everything is more beautiful now, it seems
  828. >Living in the castle has gotten much better
  829. >The guards are nicer, and the rookie isn't afraid anymore
  830. >Now, well, his eyes go to other places of your body
  831. >It's quite adorable
  832. >Life is good here in Equestria
  833. >You admit the first few weeks were a little strange
  834. >But as it turns out, being the consort of two princesses is better than you expected
  835. >Luna can have a few tantrums once in a while, but such are younger sisters often
  836. >They treat you with care and respect
  837. >And with magic as powerful as theirs, well, sex is something new and exciting every time
  838. >Now there's only one thing on your mind, however
  839. >And it's coming in just a few more months
  840. >You wonder what it'll look like
  841. >Perhaps either species, perhaps a mix of the two
  842. >You're not sure, but it doesn't really matter
  843. >It'll be yours, and it'll be fantastic
  844. >You can't help but wonder, though
  845. >If Luna's going to give you another or not
  846. >You really hope so, you really do
  847. >Equestria is a bright place with two princesses that you love
  848. >As rulers, and as lovers
  849. >The sun feels so nice on your skin
  851. The end.
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